The liberal bitch whore mainstream media, in its never-ending delusional state of self-righteousness, continues to shamelessly cast Trump as the Devil dancing under a cloud of immoralness.
The latest example is women and children at the border- pictures of some of them being put in cages, separated from other family members, or even dead at the border.
I believe that there should be no sympathy for those who UNLAWFULLY attempt to come into this country. When someone decides to roll the dice with their life and UNLAWFULLY attempt to come into this country, than THAT PERSON bears the responsibility receiving the consequences of THAT PERSON's actions. Those who attack the sovereignty of the United States by unlawfully attempting to come into this country are ANIMALS, and if they are treated as animals for doing so, THEN SO BE IT. They're lucky being locked in cages is ALL that happens to them...
And where was the liberal bitch whore mainstream media when OBAMA was putting these people in cages...? Nowhere. Why? Because the liberal bitch whore mainstream media is the enemy of the people, the peddler of liberal propaganda, and an extension of the Democratic Party. Cuck boy Don Lemon, Shemale Rachael Maddow, and Puss boy Joe Scarborough are the ring leaders front and center of it all.
It is law enforcement's job to ....... wait for it ....... ENFORCE THE LAW.
Save your sympathy you liberal bitch whore mainstream media and blind libtard cucks for those who TRULY deserve it, such as the LAWFUL IMMIGRANTS who actually, LAWFULLY come here. Those who PROPERLY request asylum, those who LAWFULLY come to the border requesting entry, and those who play by the rules deserve this country's resources, assistance, and sympathy.
The latest example is women and children at the border- pictures of some of them being put in cages, separated from other family members, or even dead at the border.
I believe that there should be no sympathy for those who UNLAWFULLY attempt to come into this country. When someone decides to roll the dice with their life and UNLAWFULLY attempt to come into this country, than THAT PERSON bears the responsibility receiving the consequences of THAT PERSON's actions. Those who attack the sovereignty of the United States by unlawfully attempting to come into this country are ANIMALS, and if they are treated as animals for doing so, THEN SO BE IT. They're lucky being locked in cages is ALL that happens to them...
And where was the liberal bitch whore mainstream media when OBAMA was putting these people in cages...? Nowhere. Why? Because the liberal bitch whore mainstream media is the enemy of the people, the peddler of liberal propaganda, and an extension of the Democratic Party. Cuck boy Don Lemon, Shemale Rachael Maddow, and Puss boy Joe Scarborough are the ring leaders front and center of it all.
It is law enforcement's job to ....... wait for it ....... ENFORCE THE LAW.
Save your sympathy you liberal bitch whore mainstream media and blind libtard cucks for those who TRULY deserve it, such as the LAWFUL IMMIGRANTS who actually, LAWFULLY come here. Those who PROPERLY request asylum, those who LAWFULLY come to the border requesting entry, and those who play by the rules deserve this country's resources, assistance, and sympathy.
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