Told ya can wrap yourselves in the flag if you want and scream your rights but....

Some of you guys are truly idiots. Mask don’t prevent you from getting the disease, unless they are n95 mask, they only prevent you from spreading the disease. If we assume everyone has the disease it keeps people who are asymptomatic or don’t realize they have symptoms from spreading it.... that’s why everyone should wear a mask!

And if it’s your right to do what you want, when you get sick don’t walk up into a hospital where you can get healthcare workers and their families potentially sick. It was your right to go out and “live your life” so you should stay home when you get sick and suffer for your actions.
You sound triggered that someone questioned the hypocrisy in releasing prisoners with such a premise.
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You sound triggered that someone questioned the hypocrisy in releasing prisoners with such a premise.

no. I addressed how wrong that picture was, how wrong the facts were. And clearly how the people who posted this, liked it, and believe it are truly wrong. I never once mentioned anything about prisoners. I simply corrected the facts.

lol you guys love using the words: triggered, selective outrage, and all your other coded words. I find it funny that you relish in your own idiocy. Were you the kids in high school who celebrated being dumb? Or made fun of people with better grades? Made fun of people for being intelligent. All of this is laughable to me....
no. I addressed how wrong that picture was, how wrong the facts were. And clearly how the people who posted this, liked it, and believe it are truly wrong. I never once mentioned anything about prisoners. I simply corrected the facts.

lol you guys love using the words: triggered, selective outrage, and all your other coded words. I find it funny that you relish in your own idiocy. Were you the kids in high school who celebrated being dumb? Or made fun of people with better grades? Made fun of people for being intelligent. All of this is laughable to me....
Love your personal attacks. It means you have lost the argument. You see, you were triggered over the simple image and the man’s simple statement because you are not using logic well beyond the simple statement due to being irrational. The comment in the image was all about prisoners being released to minimize the spread. You made it into something else. Focus on the statement from the guy. You mad, bro?
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Love your personal attacks. It means you have lost the argument. You see, you were triggered over the simple image and the man’s simple statement because you are not using logic well beyond the simple statement due to being irrational. The comment in the image was all about prisoners being released to minimize the spread. You made it into something else. Focus on the statement from the guy. You mad, bro?

im not mad at all. I’m sorry you feel it’s a personal attack if I said people with those thoughts and beliefs were idiots. An idiot is a person of low intelligence. If you still after 3 plus months believe that mask prevent you from getting the disease either you’ve been misinformed or your an person of low intelligence aka an idiot. Whether the statement is simple or not it’s still wrong and stupid. And such thoughts are exacerbating the situation we are currently in. Simple yet wrong. Simple yet deadly....

Non violent prisoners should be released from jail. You commit a crime, you do your time, you get out and are welcomed back to society. That’s the social contract we signed as Americans. You don’t deserve to die in jail bc you did something short of murder. Those are not the rules we have set upon in this country. If the law has been changed please let me know. But to my knowledge it hasn’t. We don’t allow people to die because they were found guilty of having too much pot on them...
im not mad at all. I’m sorry you feel it’s a personal attack if I said people with those thoughts and beliefs were idiots. An idiot is a person of low intelligence. If you still after 3 plus months believe that mask prevent you from getting the disease either you’ve been misinformed or your an person of low intelligence aka an idiot. Whether the statement is simple or not it’s still wrong and stupid. And such thoughts are exacerbating the situation we are currently in. Simple yet wrong. Simple yet deadly....

Non violent prisoners should be released from jail. You commit a crime, you do your time, you get out and are welcomed back to society. That’s the social contract we signed as Americans. You don’t deserve to die in jail bc you did something short of murder. Those are not the rules we have set upon in this country. If the law has been changed please let me know. But to my knowledge it hasn’t. We don’t allow people to die because they were found guilty of having too much pot on them...
You just contradicted your previous statements...

You can go back and reread your last few posts to see what they are as it relates to masks and what they are good for.
You just contradicted your previous statements...

You can go back and reread your last few posts to see what they are as it relates to masks and what they are good for.

no, I didn’t contradict myself on anything. Maybe you just don’t seem to understand.
If you have questions feel free to ask. I’m here to educate the public. I’m tired of misinformation and lack of knowledge being the dominant culture in our country.
no, I didn’t contradict myself on anything. Maybe you just don’t seem to understand.
If you have questions feel free to ask. I’m here to educate the public. I’m tired of misinformation and lack of knowledge being the dominant culture in our country.
Hard to take you seriously when you just contradict yourself. I’ll do your work for you since you think you’re always right, but are not...

Here is your second sentence after calling others idiots for questioning the release of prisoners vs. wearing masks...

“Mask ... only prevent you from spreading the disease.“

Then you call the guy an idiot saying it’s not factual, when you actually agreed with his point that if prisoners wore masks, “they can’t spread it...” meaning, if prisoners are infected and wore masks, they can’t spread it to other prisoners and workers...

From a guy that feels he is so bright, getting triggered made you irrational and contradictory. You read like another poster on here that thinks he is smart, but really is not.
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Hard to take you seriously when you just contradict yourself. I’ll do your work for you since you think you’re always right, but are not...

Here is your second sentence after calling others idiots for questioning the release of prisoners vs. wearing masks...

“Mask ... only prevent you from spreading the disease.“

Then you call the guy an idiot saying it’s not factual, when you actually agreed with his point that if prisoners wore masks, “they can’t spread it...” meaning, if prisoners are infected and wore masks, they can’t spread it to other prisoners and workers...

From a guy that feels he is so bright, getting triggered made you irrational and contradictory. You read like another poster on here that thinks he is smart, but really is not.

we can’t socially distance prisoners especially when they sleep on top of each other. We know that one of the way the disease spreads the fastest is breathing recirculated air in an enclosed space. once the disease is spreading in a tightly confined space it’s too late to wear masks. And if a prisoner has a preexisting condition the only way to keep him or her separated is by 23.5hr solitary confinement which for extended periods of time is cruel and unusual punishment.

We on the other hand can isolate and if we have to go out with should wear a mask to prevent the spread.

Im sorry you forgot to include all other factors, (remember our critical thinking talk).
we can’t socially distance prisoners especially when they sleep on top of each other. We know that one of the way the disease spreads the fastest is breathing recirculated air in an enclosed space. once the disease is spreading in a tightly confined space it’s too late to wear masks. And if a prisoner has a preexisting condition the only way to keep him or her separated is by 23.5hr solitary confinement which for extended periods of time is cruel and unusual punishment.

We on the other hand can isolate and if we have to go out with should wear a mask to prevent the spread.

Im sorry you forgot to include all other factors, (remember our critical thinking talk).
Nice to move from “wearing a mask prevents the spread” to “social distancing.” Glad I could help you disambiguate them. Way to deflect from your own idiocy. You’ve lost this one, move on...
Nice to move from “wearing a mask prevents the spread” to “social distancing.” Glad I could help you disambiguate them. Way to deflect from your own idiocy. You’ve lost this one, move on...

mask help to prevent the spread. They aren’t 100%. It’s not deflecting. I addressed mask wearing why we should and how idiotic that post was. Then you said I ignored your comment about prisoners. So I gave you facts on why non violent prisoners should be released. You’re hung up on winning and losing as oppose to trying to understand facts. That sir makes you a person of low intelligence aka an idiot. And you keep spewing it all over this board, that type of behavior is dangerous to the public welfare.
mask help to prevent the spread. They aren’t 100%. It’s not deflecting. I addressed mask wearing why we should and how idiotic that post was. Then you said I ignored your comment about prisoners. So I gave you facts on why non violent prisoners should be released. You’re hung up on winning and losing as oppose to trying to understand facts. That sir makes you a person of low intelligence aka an idiot. And you keep spewing it all over this board, that type of behavior is dangerous to the public welfare.

Almost nothing is 100%? No shit! Gotta love your own words and facts coming back to you. First you call the guy an idiot, then you agree with the guy that masks are preventive, basically making yourself the idiot, then when the guy says if they are preventative, why release prisoners based on this premise, then you say they aren’t 100% preventative, then you talk social distancing, etc... .... Your circular illogic automatically excludes you from educating others on here. Sorry.
@MutinousCane where did you go to college? And how did you write papers without using proper sources which contain factual information?
You are creating an argument that doesn’t exist. What facts have I disputed or even used other than your own contradictory words? Strawman, anyone? You’re flustered today based on your own circular logic and contradictions, effectively arguing with yourself and a meme, so please try again tomorrow.
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You are creating an argument that doesn’t exist. What facts have I disputed or even used other than your own contradictory words? Strawman, anyone? You’re flustered today based on your own circular logic and contradictions, effectively arguing with yourself and a meme, so please try again tomorrow.

not flustered at all. If all this wasn’t so serious your interactions would be funny.

Where in the guidelines the president you voted for allowed to be posted does it say that masks are the sole thing we need to do to reduce the amount of cases? Let me help you, It doesn’t say that anywhere. We need a multipronged approach. Clearly I gotta break everything down for you like one would with a child. And many of them have more knowledge on this topic than you do.
You are creating an argument that doesn’t exist. What facts have I disputed or even used other than your own contradictory words? Strawman, anyone? You’re flustered today based on your own circular logic and contradictions, effectively arguing with yourself and a meme, so please try again tomorrow.

I asked You an honest question. Where did you go to college and how did you write papers?
not flustered at all. If all this wasn’t so serious your interactions would be funny.

Where in the guidelines the president you voted for allowed to be posted does it say that masks are the sole thing we need to do to reduce the amount of cases? Let me help you, It doesn’t say that anywhere. We need a multipronged approach. Clearly I gotta break everything down for you like one would with a child. And many of them have more knowledge on this topic than you do.
Where did I argue the Presidents postings? You keep making things up!
Hard to take you seriously when you just contradict yourself. I’ll do your work for you since you think you’re always right, but are not...

Here is your second sentence after calling others idiots for questioning the release of prisoners vs. wearing masks...

“Mask ... only prevent you from spreading the disease.“

Then you call the guy an idiot saying it’s not factual, when you actually agreed with his point that if prisoners wore masks, “they can’t spread it...” meaning, if prisoners are infected and wore masks, they can’t spread it to other prisoners and workers...

From a guy that feels he is so bright, getting triggered made you irrational and contradictory. You read like another poster on here that thinks he is smart, but really is not.

Ouch. Exposed like the Nostradamus of Economics!
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Where did I argue the Presidents postings? You keep making things up!

When you tried to make the point that I was adding factors to the discussion about social distancing also needed to be observed as well in regards to prisons. You and that guy in the picture are basically saying give them masks and they will be fine which is not the case. They need masks and to be socially distant to prevent the spread. I am using the facts that the government scientist provided.
When you tried to make the point that I was adding factors to the discussion about social distancing also needed to be observed as well in regards to prisons. You and that guy in the picture are basically saying give them masks and they will be fine which is not the case. They need masks and to be socially distant to prevent the spread. I am using the facts that the government scientist provided.
You make too many assumptions, your own words is what I used, remember that.

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