Trump’s pardons tomorrow: who you got?


Gold Member
Sep 14, 2004
Tomorrow is DJT’s final period to issue pardons and commutations of sentences. Who and how many do you predict? Jump In here.


* family: Don Jr. Eric, Ivanka and Jared?
* friends: Paul Manafort, Steve Bannon, Rudy, Sidney Powell
* himself?
* anybody else?


Whats your over/under?

Dont be shy. make your prediction.
Tomorrow is DJT’s final period to issue pardons and commutations of sentences. Who and how many do you predict? Jump In here.


* family: Don Jr. Eric, Ivanka and Jared?
* friends: Paul Manafort, Steve Bannon, Rudy, Sidney Powell
* himself?
* anybody else?


Whats your over/under?

Dont be shy. make your prediction.

100 or so in total.

Family members will probably be left out (although no guarantees).

Most pardons will be for white collar criminals and random people (like rappers).
All we know is Trump sought attention and he got it and day after tomorrow at noon the White House reality show officially ends..
I am already enjoying not having to watch people get fired in real time on social media or our world policy handled on twitter. It's just fkn ridiculous. I think it is so great we just don't have to hear about his infantile tweets....when he gets butt hurt.
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Tomorrow is DJT’s final period to issue pardons and commutations of sentences. Who and how many do you predict? Jump In here.


* family: Don Jr. Eric, Ivanka and Jared?
* friends: Paul Manafort, Steve Bannon, Rudy, Sidney Powell
* himself?
* anybody else?


Whats your over/under?

Dont be shy. make your prediction.

Asuange (sp?) of wikileaks and Snowden
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Tomorrow is DJT’s final period to issue pardons and commutations of sentences. Who and how many do you predict? Jump In here.


* family: Don Jr. Eric, Ivanka and Jared?
* friends: Paul Manafort, Steve Bannon, Rudy, Sidney Powell
* himself?
* anybody else?


Whats your over/under?

Dont be shy. make your prediction.

Also do see him pardoning a number of minorities with non violent drug convictions, as he should. I can see well over 100 for these.
Tomorrow is DJT’s final period to issue pardons and commutations of sentences. Who and how many do you predict? Jump In here.


* family: Don Jr. Eric, Ivanka and Jared?
* friends: Paul Manafort, Steve Bannon, Rudy, Sidney Powell
* himself?
* anybody else?


Whats your over/under?

Dont be shy. make your prediction.

Thank you for asking an intelligent, timely and pertinent question. I find it interesting that there is a lack of responses. Presidential pardon's are an interesting subject that has a valued place in American political history. It has been used properly and abused over the years. Sad that this subject interest has been relatively light. Yet let someone create a thread of Death Penalty to Trump. Joe and Hunter Biden should share a cell with Kamala Harris and the responces would be over the top.

That is why I am likely to be done with this board. There is virtually no intelligent discourse. Honest debate makes us all smarter and better. But the vitrial on this board prevents that. VERY FEW posters actually wish to have honest and intelligent debates with an openess to learning.

I recently have strangely began receiving threatening personal calls from burner numbers, ever since a I respectfully asked a regular radical left poster on this board to just "go your own way". He continues to troll my posts without an original thought, rather just Soros Media Matters talking points. He bragged on this forum about having connections with various San Francisco Telecomm/internet/social media companies. The kind of companies that might have personal information about posters based upon the information we all provide to Rivals. But when I have received a strange "ID unknown" calls referencing my daughter, since being trolled by another poster, I have to say, is this board which has become a food fight board, worth it? Also was disturbed by a regular poster repeatedly calling for the "killing" of Trump supporters, last week. Cane Sport took down several of his threads. but he is still posting nasty stuff. Sorry, but I just don't have anything in common or any desire to communicate with such an unhinged whackjob.

I am asking Gary and Rivals to break this board (Forum) into two. Board 1 will be the domain of the 10,000 a week posters, trolls and China/Sorus bots. It will probably be the majority board. But it would be nice to have a board 2 for respectful and intelligent debate and disagreent. I might even suggest opening it up to intelligent debate among other teams supporters about various sports teams. For example, an open discssion between UM and Bama fans regarding next years opener. But leaving out the Bama cheats, UM sucks or UM fans saying Manny sucks

I would find far more interesting a discussion of how UM's expereienced, but have not been so good WR's match up against Bama's new DB's. Who's DL room is better - UM of UF.? But use of nasty terms like criminal and dumpster fire would result in a permanent poster ban. I could handle such rules for the goal of intelligent discourse. Cortez, I assume you could as well. Would also recommend a hard limit on monthly posts. For example limiting to 50 posts a months for this board. There are some posters that seem to want to respond in an argumentative fashion to everything posted. You know the one specific culprit I mean. That fact that a single poster has no life should not interfere with intelligent conversations from the rest of us.

Cortez, While we come from different political positions, I would like to think you and I can have intelligent debate. From a football standpoint, we agree on much, but not on everything. But again, it woule be nice to have an intelligent board without the nastiness combine sports and politics with a very short "you're done" control. Gary, you brave enough to silence your most regular posters on the new board the first time they go over the line - some probably will break the 100 post limit day one. E.G if either of us belives Manny sucks, we can post it on one board, but then only and INTELLIGENTLY and WITH DETAILS, have a discussion on the "big boy" not "food fight" board.

Cortez, Gary and Matt, your opinions?. Would also like to hear from Honey, Cashville and yes even Raoul2 (shows promise of being intelligent but then goes off politically - but is good in football discussion). Others are welcome too, There are a few libbies that we understand are the most requent offenders, of decency and originality that will chime in. And of course Mr. Frequency and Mr Soros/Media Matters color coded bullet points will probably write 100 posts condeming this thread. Gary and Matt,all they certainly deserve their input, but IMO they are the leading cause of a lack of having a true intellectual board.
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Thank you for asking an intelligent, timely and pertinent question. I find it interesting that there is a lack of responses. Presidential pardon's is an interesting subject that has a valued place in American political history. It has been used properly and abused over the years. Sad that this subject interest has been relatively light. Yet let spmeone create a thread of Death Penalty to Trump. Joe and Hunter Biden should share a cell with Kamala Harris and the responces would be over the top.

That is why I am likely to be done with this board. There is virtually no intelligent discourse. Honest debate makes us all smarter and better. But the vitrial on this board prevents that. VERY FEW posters actually wish to have honest and intelligent debates with an openess to learning.

I recently have strangely began receiving threatening personal calls from burner numbers, ever since a I respectfully asked a regular radical left poster on this board to just "go your own way". He continues to troll my posts without an original thought, rather just Soros Media Matters talking points. He bragged on this forum about having connections with various San Francisco Teecomm/internet/social media companies. The kind of companies that might have personal information about posters based upon the information we all provide to Rivals. But when I have received a strange "ID unknown" calls referencing my daughter, since being trolled by another poster, I have to say, is this board which has become a food fight board, worth it? Also was disturbed by a regular poster repeatedly calling for the "killing" of Trump supporters, last week. Cane Sport took down several of his threads. but he is still posting nasty stuff. Sorry, but I just don't have anything in common or anysuch an unhinged whackjob.

I am asking Gary and Rivals to break this board (Forum) into two. Board 1 will be the domain of the 10,000 a week posters, trollsand China/Sorus bots. It will probably be the majority board. But it would be nice to have a board 2 for respectful and intelligent debate and disagreent. I might even suggest opening it up to intelligent debate among other teams supporters about various sports teams. For example, an open discssion between UM and Bama fans regarding next years opener. But leaving out the Bama cheats, UM sucks or UM fans saying Manny sucks

I would find far more interesting a discussion of how UM's expereienced, but have not been so good WR's match up against Bama's new DB's. Who's DL room is better - UM of UF.? But use of nasty terms like criminal and dumpster fire would result in a permanent poster ban. I could handle such rules for the goal of intelligent discourse. Cortez, I assume you could as well. Would also recommend a hard limit on monthly posts. For example limiting to 50 posts a months for this board. There are some posters that seem to want to respond in an argumentative fashion to everything posted. You know the one specific culprit I mean. That fact that a single poster has no life should not interfere with intelligent conversations from the rest of us.

Cortez, While we come from different political positions, I would like to think you and I can have intelligent debate. From a football standpoint, we agree on much, but not on everything. But again, it woule be nice to have an intelligent board without the nastiness combine sports and politics with a very short "you're done" control. Gary, you brave enough to silence your most regular poster on the new board the first time he goes over the line - probably will break the 100 post limit day one. E.G if either of us belives Manny sucks, we can post it on one board, but then only and INTELLIGENTLY and WITH DETAILS, right a discussion on the "big boy" not "food fight" board.

Cortez, Gary and Matt, your opinions?. Would also like to hear from Honey, Cashville and yes even Raoul2 (shows promise of being intelligent but then goes off politically - but is good in football discussion). Others are welcome too, There are a few libbies that will understand are th most requent offenders, of decency and originality that will chime in. And of course Mr. Frequency and Mr Soros/Media Matters color coded bullet points will probably write 100 posts condeming this thread. Gary and Matt,all they certainly deserve their input, but IMO they are the leading cause of a lack of having a true intellectual board.

Thanks, 17. I like the spirited and even occasionally contentious give and take in the Lounge. But, I agree that personal attacks and unlimited posts of the same stuff over and over and over can bring the Lounge down to the gutter really, really quickly.

Gary/Matt: does it make sense to split the lounge into two parts: limited number of posts by the same posters w/ respectful content vs ”bare knuckles” for the knuckle dragging posters?

Thanks for your thoughts.
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Thanks, 17. I like the spirited and even occasionally contentious give and take in the Lounge. But, I agree that personal attacks and unlimited posts of the same stuff over and over and over can bring the Lounge down to the gutter really, really quickly.

Gary/Matt: does it make sense to split the lounge into two parts: limited number of posts by the same posters w/ respectful content vs ”bare knuckles” for the knuckle dragging posters?

Thanks for your thoughts.
Cortez you know how much I enjoy a detailed, fact-supported objective discussion. Too few happen, most folks refuse to do research and provide information from reputable sources.

100% agree with the personal attacks, so much ad hominem is floated on the site, racism, homophobia, general bigotry, support of bigotry, its offputting and unpoliced.

Anyone that takes stuff from this website off the website goes beyond annoyance to criminal in my opinion. I can't fathom that someone would go beyond a message board. It is reprehensible and if it happened to me I'd deal with it through the courts or in person.

The Lounge has been gutter for a long time. I've chastised left and right for not keeping the dialogue elevated. We should all try to inject some levity from time to time and remember we are all Americans. Too often though the left and the right just spew their respective points. My distaste for a man who literally proved his autocratic tendencies when he instigated an actual attack on our Capitol have some calling me liberal; as if 1. that's an insult 2. finding a despot disagreeable is the sole qualifier for liberalism (advanced notes, many conservatives (I am not a conservative) also find him completely unacceptable).

Either way, the racism here should be cleaned up but I don't think I need a safe space created. If folks take this shit offline tho...that's a problem and should be dealt with in the most real of terms. No one should be harassed offline, doxed, threatened, or otherwise harangued because of a difference of opinions.
did you see the Limo? He literally has a limo ready to pick him up.

I'm thinking Lil Wayne and Rudy pre-emptively.

Yep. LOL.

Should be fun if he gets out and starts going after Carol Baskin again.
The amount of hate for a man who did literally nothing to any of you is hilarious and sad all at the same time. His policies actually helped you & put money in your pocket.

The media has told you what to feel and you did exactly what they wanted. Congrats!
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The amount of hate for a man who did literally nothing to any of you is hilarious and sad all at the same time. His policies actually helped you & put money in your pocket.

The media has told you what to feel and you did exactly what they wanted. Congrats!
This could be said by supporters of a number of folks, as for me, Trump literally did harm.

He rolled back the Civil Right's investigation unit in the Justice Department, this was a tangible impact on the AA community and the civil unrest/riots this summer were a direct result of the lack of accountability.

He denigrated racial sensitivity training and entered an EO adversely impacting the same.

He fought against the renaming of military bases, something the military thought was in the best interest of the military and something a bi-partisan majority overrode him on, it was a direct affront to my community.

He politicized masks, going against the advice of his own panel, his VP and his own experts including his own physician. This politicization had an impact measurable in the difference in infection rate in the US and other similarly situated Western countries that did not politicize masks (Canada, Western Europe for example).

Those are a couple of short examples, there are numerous ones but you can't say "literally did nothing to any of you". You can say that you believe the things he did that were good outweigh the things I perceive as bad, you can say that the things that matter to me shouldn't matter but to say "literally nothing" is literally wrong.
This could be said by supporters of a number of folks, as for me, Trump literally did harm.

He rolled back the Civil Right's investigation unit in the Justice Department, this was a tangible impact on the AA community and the civil unrest/riots this summer were a direct result of the lack of accountability.

He denigrated racial sensitivity training and entered an EO adversely impacting the same.

He fought against the renaming of military bases, something the military thought was in the best interest of the military and something a bi-partisan majority overrode him on, it was a direct affront to my community.

He politicized masks, going against the advice of his own panel, his VP and his own experts including his own physician. This politicization had an impact measurable in the difference in infection rate in the US and other similarly situated Western countries that did not politicize masks (Canada, Western Europe for example).

Those are a couple of short examples, there are numerous ones but you can't say "literally did nothing to any of you". You can say that you believe the things he did that were good outweigh the things I perceive as bad, you can say that the things that matter to me shouldn't matter but to say "literally nothing" is literally wrong.
So you’re claiming Trumps downsizing of a particular portion of division directly affected at a much lower level what happened in neighborhoods and local law enforcement (and in some cases was a justified incident, see Blake) was somehow Trumps fault? Hey Stretch Armstrong that was a good one. Any excuse to blame someone else.
The amount of hate for a man who did literally nothing to any of you is hilarious and sad all at the same time. His policies actually helped you & put money in your pocket.

The media has told you what to feel and you did exactly what they wanted. Congrats!
Hey bro, you said today wasn’t gonna happen...🧐 Remember that?
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I did and it did... it’s a sad day to watch a person who knowingly sold his country out to the Chinese swear an oath and implement policies that’ll actually hurt all of us.
I told you awhile back that I’m an independent..I see bullshyt on both sides but if the clown wasn’t such an azzhole, he’d still be president! I don’t personally agree with a lot of shyt that Pence is about but best believe that if he had run and won in 2016, the divisive energy in this country wouldn’t have been what it was the last four & he would’ve won again! DT is a silver spooned b*tchazz who has been on some bullshyt FOR YEARZZZ! If he ran a Dem, I would’ve QUICKLY voted for Gop
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I told you awhile back that I’m an independent..I see bullshyt on both sides but if the clown wasn’t such an azzhole, he’d still be president! I don’t personally agree with a lot of shyt that Pence is about but best believe that if he had run and won in 2016, the divisive energy in this country wouldn’t have been what it was the last four & he would’ve won again! DT is a silver spooned b*tchazz who has been on some bullshyt FOR YEARZZZ! If he ran a Dem, I would’ve QUICKLY voted for Gop
Here is where you and I disagree. The vast majority of divisiveness was fueled and propagated by the media and the left in an attempt to unseat Trump. Let’s look no further than Pelosi’s actions in the house. Let’s look no further than Hollywood’s rhetoric from day 1 of the Trump admin. Trump’s policies were an attempt to unify us all for equality under an America first banner. Obviously that’s a huge problem for those who chose to sell themselves and positions of power to other countries.
Here is where you and I disagree. The vast majority of divisiveness was fueled and propagated by the media and the left in an attempt to unseat Trump. Let’s look no further than Pelosi’s actions in the house. Let’s look no further than Hollywood’s rhetoric from day 1 of the Trump admin. Trump’s policies were an attempt to unify us all for equality under an America first banner. Obviously that’s a huge problem for those who chose to sell themselves and positions of power to other countries.
Yep, we disagree big time...the clown MAJORLY helped spark the divisive energy before he even got in office with his bullshyt!!
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Yep, we disagree big time...the clown MAJORLY helped spark the divisive energy before he even got in office with his bullshyt!!
How do? Also why do you identify as an independent? What policies do you support that would put you into that party? Are you pro-life? Do you support socialist programs? Are you a nationalist? I’m very curious because nothing you have ever posted would make me think you’re an independent.
How do? Also why do you identify as an independent? What policies do you support that would put you into that party? Are you pro-life? Do you support socialist programs? Are you a nationalist? I’m very curious because nothing you have ever posted would make me think you’re an independent.
I don’t think either side has truly been for black ppl..a lot of talk!! That’s why I’m an independent-because i always have to vote for the lesser of 2 evils...& the clown has shown that he’s an overt racist even when he was a Dem-so I could never rock with his bullshyt
I don’t think either side has truly been for black ppl..a lot of talk!! That’s why I’m an independent-because i always have to vote for the lesser of 2 evils...& the clown has shown that he’s an overt racist even when he was a Dem-so I could never rock with his bullshyt
The only way to get rid of racism (on both sides) is to create policy that doesn’t benefit one side or the other. That’s where we are! When you divide based on race then you yourself are part of the problem. It’s we, not them or you.
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The only way to get rid of racism (on both sides) is to create policy that doesn’t benefit one side or the other. That’s where we are! When you divide based on race then you yourself are part of the problem. It’s we, not them or you.

This only works when all sides start off at the same starting point, which of course isn't the case in today's America.
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This only works when all sides start off at the same starting point, which of course isn't the case in today's America.
Oh really? What part isn’t the case? There are more minority based scholarships in this country than that for caucasians! This is a cultural battle where every excuse has been made for those who have chosen not to do anything with their lives. It’s super easy to blame everyone else for your problems.
So you’re claiming Trumps downsizing of a particular portion of division directly affected at a much lower level what happened in neighborhoods and local law enforcement (and in some cases was a justified incident, see Blake) was somehow Trumps fault? Hey Stretch Armstrong that was a good one. Any excuse to blame someone else.
Yes, that division was literally addressing police departments at a local level. Its not a stretch man, we can have a reasonable conversation, go google on your own. The idea was that he would work with local police departments for reform. I had dinner with the Chief of police New Orleans in 2018 and he explained how they revamped the entire program under the watch of the Justice Department. The consent decrees, the oversite, it was all at the lower level.

This wasn't a shot, no need for argument, was explaining what you asked me to. Its really not debatable as it happened years ago.

Now saying that removing this focus caused the problem is my belief. I don't think its leap here is why. The oversight was developed because a problem was recognized, during oversight that element improved. As oversite faded the area no longer being overseen manifested the pre-oversite problems. so while we can differ on the conclusion, its far from a stretch, its actually logical. Doesn't mean you have to agree with the policy but a stretch is intellectually dishonest.
Yes, that division was literally addressing police departments at a local level. Its not a stretch man, we can have a reasonable conversation, go google on your own. The idea was that he would work with local police departments for reform. I had dinner with the Chief of police New Orleans in 2018 and he explained how they revamped the entire program under the watch of the Justice Department. The consent decrees, the oversite, it was all at the lower level.

This wasn't a shot, no need for argument, was explaining what you asked me to. Its really not debatable as it happened years ago.

Now saying that removing this focus caused the problem is my belief. I don't think its leap here is why. The oversight was developed because a problem was recognized, during oversight that element improved. As oversite faded the area no longer being overseen manifested the pre-oversite problems. so while we can differ on the conclusion, its far from a stretch, its actually logical. Doesn't mean you have to agree with the policy but a stretch is intellectually dishonest.
The Justice Department plays literally no roll whatsoever in local agency guideline. Hell they don’t even play a roll in use of force policies and how they’re applied and or federal training opportunities. DoJ provides oversight and prosecutorial decision making at the federal level. They actually more notorious for f’ing things up at the federal level. See Janet Reno! Even the alphabet agencies gripe about them on the daily.

As for their civil rights division, Obama made a huge push with them when he came into office to interfere in local law enforcement cases. It went over like a fart in church. They have no feel for what’s actually happening on the ground and their attorneys love to fire off those arrogant letters to agency heads without any background.

Your buddy in New Orleans may have had a justified and reasonable response due to their own issues down their with public corruption and NO is well known for its corruption. Every time we get an applicant from down there we cringe.they usually can’t pass a background or poly. It’s that bad.

You want to talk about another instance where DoJ tried to interfere and was quicker out was the Michael Brown case in St Louis. They were purposely trying to leak false info to the media in an attempt to change policy and create a narrative. True story! It took literally years to prove that narrative was false once the actual case file weleased along with witness statements.

You want to know why most cops hate Obama? That’s exactly why! The guy had his grimy ass fingers in all kinds of shit! He used federal agencies to go after local law enforcement so he could create new policy and create an anti law enforcement narrative through the press who was also complicit.

Then you had the whole Russian collusion narrative which was exactly the same game plan. Leak a bunch false info to the media. Use it to create a narrative and then sway public opinion to benefit.

If you look at it from the lens of an LEO it looks like he was trying to break down the very fabric of law & order. The question is why? People don’t hate Obama because he was black (although that seems to be the go-to excuse for those who can’t substantiate all of his retarded ideas), it was because he did so much that actually hurt our country from a policy standpoint.
The amount of hate for a man who did literally nothing to any of you is hilarious and sad all at the same time. His policies actually helped you & put money in your pocket.

The media has told you what to feel and you did exactly what they wanted. Congrats!

Wow, Cash. This is a new low. You first say that he did nothing to any of us. Then, you say that the media told us what to feel. Pretty condescending attitude on your part.

1. What he did, short list:

* took narcissism and lying to a new high... his everyday style. Character does matter in a leader and he has none. His ungracious exit today underlines his low class values.
* insulted racial minorities (Brown people in caravans at our border; banned Muslim-country travelers; told Black people thy have nothing to lose)
* denigrated women on an ongoing basis (pussy grabber). College educated women hate him with a passion.
* reversed environmental protection policies (Paris accords; lifted protections on federal wilderness). An anti-science climate change denier.
* supported dictators like Putin, Erdogan, Duterte while undermining our long term NATO partners.
* reduced American prestige and power internationally. America First = America alone.
* totally botched the COVID response. Rather than lead, he subcontracted responsibility to the states and local governments. Total chaos. Not a single other country adopted a decentralized response to the pandemic. Idiotic.
* Lied to the public about the seriousness of COVID, downplaying its seriousness. Fatal mistake.

2. media influence?

I believe what I believe about Trump (worst president of all time) because of who he is and what he’s done. To argue that the media misled me or duped me is absurd and insulting.
Wow, Cash. This is a new low. You first say that he did nothing to any of us. Then, you say that the media told us what to feel. Pretty condescending attitude on your part.

1. What he did, short list:

* took narcissism and lying to a new high... his everyday style. Character does matter in a leader and he has none. His ungracious exit today underlines his low class values.
* insulted racial minorities (Brown people in caravans at our border; banned Muslim-country travelers; told Black people thy have nothing to lose)
* denigrated women on an ongoing basis (pussy grabber). College educated women hate him with a passion.
* reversed environmental protection policies (Paris accords; lifted protections on federal wilderness). An anti-science climate change denier.
* supported dictators like Putin, Erdogan, Duterte while undermining our long term NATO partners.
* reduced American prestige and power internationally. America First = America alone.
* totally botched the COVID response. Rather than lead, he subcontracted responsibility to the states and local governments. Total chaos. Not a single other country adopted a decentralized response to the pandemic. Idiotic.
* Lied to the public about the seriousness of COVID, downplaying its seriousness. Fatal mistake.

2. media influence?

I believe what I believe about Trump (worst president of all time) because of who he is and what he’s done. To argue that the media misled me or duped me is absurd and insulting.
You proved my point! Half of your statements aren’t even accurate. They were narratives pushed by media outlets.

Case and point! The “Muslim ban”. It was a van from countries who couldn’t verify travel docs and identities of travelers because they didn’t have the infrastructure to do so. That policy protected you and I from bad actors. So yes you’re are wrong and inaccurate in your statement.

Climate Change has had how many different names now because you guys keep loving the goal post. First it was global cooling, then it was global warming, now it’s just climate change. Science has proven weather to be cyclical but there is billions to be made off your desire to follow the media narrative.

Insulting racial minorities??? You mean when he specified rapist and murders crossing the border illegally? Lmao did you even watch the speech? It’s 100% factual there have been murders and rapist who were deported and then returned numerous times to commit more crimes. Guess you’re more concerned about hurting illegal immigration rather to protecting American lives. Figures
You want to know why most cops hate Obama? That’s exactly why! The guy had his grimy ass fingers in all kinds of shit! He used federal agencies to go after local law enforcement so he could create new policy and create an anti law enforcement narrative through the press who was also complicit.

I have an in-law who is a Sherrif, a nephew who is a cop, two line brothers LEO (Fed and NC county) 8 frat brothers that are BSO, Fort Lauderdale, and FHP respectively, a childhood friend who is a very high ranking office in Hollwyood Police (hint he's from Carver Ranches too), an ex girlfriend who is in leadership in Miami PD, several Captains at various Miami departments, two other "agents" with the Fed (one of whom I also dated) and to a person, they all loved Obama, most of them I was on committees with campaigning for Obama.

Thats kinda my point, in your world most cops is accurate, its really not the reality that I know.

We can learn from the differences or just act like they don't exist.
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This only works when all sides start off at the same starting point, which of course isn't the case in today's America.

With that
This only works when all sides start off at the same starting point, which of course isn't the case in today's America.
Why do you hate people of the Jewish Faith? Why do you defend someone that calls for Genocide of Jew's?
You proved my point! Half of your statements aren’t even accurate. They were narratives pushed by media outlets.

Case and point! The “Muslim ban”. It was a van from countries who couldn’t verify travel docs and identities of travelers because they didn’t have the infrastructure to do so. That policy protected you and I from bad actors. So yes you’re are wrong and inaccurate in your statement.

Climate Change has had how many different names now because you guys keep loving the goal post. First it was global cooling, then it was global warming, now it’s just climate change. Science has proven weather to be cyclical but there is billions to be made off your desire to follow the media narrative.

Insulting racial minorities??? You mean when he specified rapist and murders crossing the border illegally? Lmao did you even watch the speech? It’s 100% factual there have been murders and rapist who were deported and then returned numerous times to commit more crimes. Guess you’re more concerned about hurting illegal immigration rather to protecting American lives. Figures

Sorry, Cash. I cannot engage with you any longer on non-football issues.

What will you think/believe when you learn that Trump’s rigged election diatribe was totally made up? State officials (many Republicans) rejected his attacks. When he and his filed 60+ lawsuits alleging electoral fraud, he lost. Many of the Republican judges, including those on the Supreme Court, rejected his attacks. Baseless.

Then, Trump tried political violence to overturn the legitimate election results. He failed.

Cash, you have been misled, lied to and duped by a false prophet. DJT is gone. Time to move on.
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Sorry, Cash. I cannot engage with you any longer on non-football issues.

What will you think/believe when you learn that Trump’s rigged election diatribe was totally made up? State officials (many Republicans) rejected his attacks. When he and his filed 60+ lawsuits alleging electoral fraud, he lost. Many of the Republican judges, including those on the Supreme Court, rejected his attacks. Baseless.

Then, Trump tried political violence to overturn the legitimate election results. He failed.

Cash, you have been misled, lied to and duped by a false prophet. DJT is gone. Time to move on.
Dude those are the actual facts. You just chose to not research it or even have an open mind. Not my fault you’re brainwashed. Yes I have researched it and you should to. I won’t wait for an apology.

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