1 new trade deal largely crafted by democrats
The U.S., Canada and Mexico are expected to sign the revised trade agreement on Tuesday.
we’ve been energy independent since 2014. We’ve been the worlds 3rd largest oil producer since then but its kinda of a myth bc 100% of our oil production gets sold on the world market. It doesn’t stay here. We still buy foreign oil.
isis defeated ehhhhhhh.....
ISIS did not simply disappear and now with instability in the Middle East from the coronavirus, the Islamic State is poised for a threatening rise.
building up our military, ok, but it was actually brought down bc of republicans and them not wanting to agree on a budget with Obama that caused austerity law to kick in
Trashing Obama and arguing that he has failed to spend enough on defense has become a staple for Republican presidential hopefuls. What's lost in the din: Money spent on weapons modernization is on par with the George W. Bush administration.
I’ll give you prison reform
on the jobs thing. He didn’t even create more jobs than Obama. The trend lines were already started under Obama
President Trump continues to gaslight that this is the “Best economy ever”. When you compare the three years he has been in office to Obama’s last three, Trump’s yearly job growth didn’t exceed any of Obama's. Over that timeframe, Trump has created 1.5 million fewer jobs than Obama.
Should I keep going???
move torn down every single point you made except 1