Trump Golfs While Thousands Die

Please don't try explaining things to someone who have not been subjected to institutionalized racism. Funny he came in '61 and probably could vote right away. Yet he talks about working hard for pay:confused:
Funny thing is the immigrant plight is all the same. just some people came on their own while other were forced to. Not as human beings but as animals. Carry on EL Cubano!!!!

Now its institutional racism.. What will u dems think of next...
And by the way when we got here in 61 we didn't receive any Gov checks..
We didn't cry and felt sorry just went to work..

so please enough with the same same excuses... pathetic..
Yeah I’m sure & thats why all the software showed Biden getting miraculous votes in the middle of the night after losing several states. There’s actual forensic evidence of this and a witness who will be testifying to the fraud.
When can we expect this "witness" and "forensic evidence" to be presented to a court?
What's racist about Trump golfing while thousands die?
Thousand die while Biden is setting crackhead child molester Hunter up with China and cems52 is happy as long as he is getting a free phone and bottle of ripple 😂😂😂😂😂
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You hate the fact he did more than that POS globalist Obama..

Haha Trump wiped out his legacy , good for Trump now he’ll just come back and wipe out Bidens in 2024...
Not that this suffering fool will get anything done...

ok... let’s just say it was good toget rid of all those things.... what has he added back to this country? It’s easy to reck things but what have you given the people? How have you helped the people grow? Or improve the country?
Yeah, this is privileges personified because I have never seen such an example of ineptitude. It is the very worst leadership I have ever seen from the executive branch and this is not hyperbole. You could never be black or brown and do any of this. It's terrible and the free pass he gets is very telling. We have a serious race problem.

The COVID 19 handing is just stupefying as an example of just not knowing how to lead. Hundreds of thousands of people sick, food insecure, dying and/or losing their homes. He is the very weakest president we have had in recent memory. He has single handedly turned the greatest country in the history of the earth into a shit hole country.

The worst part of it all is I was saying the same things about George Bush as he was leaving office. Trump won and said hold my beer. I never thought the republican party would get this low where they would accept a president that fires our officials by tweet, has an attorney with leaking hair dye, isolates us from the rest of the free world and fights democracy.
Yeah, this is privileges personified because I have never seen such an example of ineptitude. It is the very worst leadership I have ever seen from the executive branch and this is not hyperbole. You could never be black or brown and do any of this. It's terrible and the free pass he gets is very telling. We have a serious race problem.

The COVID 19 handing is just stupefying as an example of just not knowing how to lead. Hundreds of thousands of people sick, food insecure, dying and/or losing their homes. He is the very weakest president we have had in recent memory. He has single handedly turned the greatest country in the history of the earth into a shit hole country.

The worst part of it all is I was saying the same things about George Bush as he was leaving office. Trump won and said hold my beer. I never thought the republican party would get this low where they would accept a president that fires our officials by tweet, has an attorney with leaking hair dye, isolates us from the rest of the free world and fights democracy.
Another brilliant post from the biggest racist on this site.
Thousand die while Biden is setting crackhead child molester Hunter up with China and cems52 is happy as long as he is getting a free phone and bottle of ripple 😂😂😂😂😂
I like you man but stop being the board idiot. You can do better....I think.
Yeah, this is privileges personified because I have never seen such an example of ineptitude. It is the very worst leadership I have ever seen from the executive branch and this is not hyperbole. You could never be black or brown and do any of this. It's terrible and the free pass he gets is very telling. We have a serious race problem.

The COVID 19 handing is just stupefying as an example of just not knowing how to lead. Hundreds of thousands of people sick, food insecure, dying and/or losing their homes. He is the very weakest president we have had in recent memory. He has single handedly turned the greatest country in the history of the earth into a shit hole country.

The worst part of it all is I was saying the same things about George Bush as he was leaving office. Trump won and said hold my beer. I never thought the republican party would get this low where they would accept a president that fires our officials by tweet, has an attorney with leaking hair dye, isolates us from the rest of the free world and fights democracy.

100% idiotic post... By Clown # 1...
ok... let’s just say it was good toget rid of all those things.... what has he added back to this country? It’s easy to reck things but what have you given the people? How have you helped the people grow? Or improve the country?

How about the new Trade deals..
How about the being energy independent
How about ridding of ISIS
How about building up out Military
How about lowest unemployment ever in the history of the country..
How about Prison reform
How about the avg American fsmiliy earning 6,000 more year
How about Stock Market record earning where million of American have 401K

Should I keep going... Now tell me what did Obama & Biden do.. And don't give Obama Care that was a disaster , everyones Health Insurance went up 60-80 % if not more..
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How about the new Trade deals..
How about the being energy independent
How about ridding of ISIS
How about building up out Military
How about lowest unemployment ever in the history of the country..
How about Prison reform
How about the avg American fsmiliy earning 6,000 more year
How about Stock Market record earning where million of American have 401K

Should I keep going... Now tell me what did Obama & Biden do.. And don't give Obama Care that was a disaster , everyones Health Insurance went up 60-80 % if not more..

Liar trump jumped on and took credit for Obama’s work bigly. Trends will show yiu this. Like unemployment, jobs and income.
How about the new Trade deals..
How about the being energy independent
How about ridding of ISIS
How about building up out Military
How about lowest unemployment ever in the history of the country..
How about Prison reform
How about the avg American fsmiliy earning 6,000 more year
How about Stock Market record earning where million of American have 401K

Should I keep going... Now tell me what did Obama & Biden do.. And don't give Obama Care that was a disaster , everyones Health Insurance went up 60-80 % if not more..

1 new trade deal largely crafted by democrats

we’ve been energy independent since 2014. We’ve been the worlds 3rd largest oil producer since then but its kinda of a myth bc 100% of our oil production gets sold on the world market. It doesn’t stay here. We still buy foreign oil.

isis defeated ehhhhhhh.....

building up our military, ok, but it was actually brought down bc of republicans and them not wanting to agree on a budget with Obama that caused austerity law to kick in

I’ll give you prison reform

on the jobs thing. He didn’t even create more jobs than Obama. The trend lines were already started under Obama

Should I keep going???

move torn down every single point you made except 1
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1 new trade deal largely crafted by democrats

we’ve been energy independent since 2014. We’ve been the worlds 3rd largest oil producer since then but its kinda of a myth bc 100% of our oil production gets sold on the world market. It doesn’t stay here. We still buy foreign oil.

isis defeated ehhhhhhh.....

building up our military, ok, but it was actually brought down bc of republicans and them not wanting to agree on a budget with Obama that caused austerity law to kick in

I’ll give you prison reform

on the jobs thing. He didn’t even create more jobs than Obama. The trend lines were already started under Obama

Should I keep going???

move torn down every single point you made except 1

Yea all Fake news from left leaning publications..
Nice try though... Forbes USA Todsy.. hahaha

All this publications pushed the Russia Hoax.. ... LOL
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Only thing Obama did was go around the world apologizing...
Oyea his great Obama Care , Keep ur Doctor keep ur plan it will cost

That stupid ass ... Big Ears Obama...
Yea all Fake news from left leaning publications..
Nice try though... Forbes USA Todsy.. hahaha

All this publications pushed the Russia Hoax.. ... LOL

When did Forbes and usatoday become left leaning. I have had enough, THIS IS NOT ****ING FAKE NEWS!!! Trump only said that about news he didn’t like. You can research this stuff. Stop being a ****ing idiot and read. Do some research. Look up stuff on your own. Through credible sites. These are facts. Many outlets report it government data shows it. Stop living with your head in the sand. Why do you guys love this man so much. He’s a con artist. And you believing him makes you the idiot. When are you guys going to snap out of it?? He is a terrible person and was an awful president who continues to hurt this country even on his way out.

STOP BEING STUPID! This is not being a Republican.
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Only thing Obama did was go around the world apologizing...
Oyea his great Obama Care , Keep ur Doctor keep ur plan it will cost

That stupid ass ... Big Ears Obama...

At least Obama tried to make a difference in healthcare. Trump and republicans didn’t do shit. They had all these years to come up with a plan and they brought nothing. Their only plan was to take away anything Obama did and replace it with nothing.
At least Obama tried to make a difference in healthcare. Trump and republicans didn’t do shit. They had all these years to come up with a plan and they brought nothing. Their only plan was to take away anything Obama did and replace it with nothing.

Nothing was broken .. Why even mess with it..
Obamas ego always thought he was the smartest in the room... Well now its a mess...
Nothing was broken .. Why even mess with it..
Obamas ego always thought he was the smartest in the room... Well now its a mess...

what are you talking about? Families were going bankrupt trying to keep their loved ones alive. You could get dropped by your insurance company soon as you got too expensive. Imagine a child born with a heart defect, they used to run out of their lifetime benefits by the time they were 3!
Yeah I’m sure & thats why all the software showed Biden getting miraculous votes in the middle of the night after losing several states. There’s actual forensic evidence of this and a witness who will be testifying to the fraud.

Neither will never materialize. It will not because that is bullshit designed to snare the gullible sheep!
Keep ur doctor keep ur plan it will save u money..
Blanton lie from lying Obama ..!!! Can’t hide from that..

that’s not what he said but give me another Obama lie.
Didn’t trump say anyone who wants a test can get a test, and every month for the last 8 months claimed the pandemic would be going away. Didn’t he also say it won’t be back in the fall??

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