Trump Supporters

Trump 2020 ...!!! Go get ur safe space ready with a puppy u can cuddle with...
How is it you only believe the people making a profit off of book sales.
I don’t believe everything... but damn it’s thousands of accusations. I believe majority of the shit is true. Where there’s smoke there’s fire right...At the end of the day Trump is just a shitty human being. It’s clear to see...
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Lol. So what you’re saying is Cohen held back the worst things Trump did from congress and Mueller under oath? So he risked further jail time. Ok. Don’t you realize that book deals are how they give the kickbacks? Ghostwriter writes it and they get their millions and the money is laundered. Try looking into who is on the board and owns the book companies. Even for the libs, ya some point the amount of coincidences have to make you question.
I was not a political guy until this pandemic had me researching 8 hours a day, basically every source & everything as the media is not trustworthy.

Have you noticed a pattern yet? FY STromy daniels lost in court n now owes trump 260k Dollars. U have a guy BROKE from paying his lawyers & losing his job making a quick buck. THere is 100 anti trumpers who got fired or Trump cut off who magically write books. Just sayin- FIction
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Lol. So what you’re saying is Cohen held back the worst things Trump did from congress and Mueller under oath? So he risked further jail time. Ok. Don’t you realize that book deals are how they give the kickbacks? Ghostwriter writes it and they get their millions and the money is laundered. Try looking into who is on the board and owns the book companies. Even for the libs, ya some point the amount of coincidences have to make you question.
All of the ppl who went to jaill/fired all have book deals. How odd is that, and all say the same crap about Trump. ITs a scam. What about the FBI Agent (HUGE) who altered the email saying carter page was as russian agent & NOT CIA (Page was CIA). That was their whole case to spy on Trump.

Expect the drip drip of a few arrests & then the big names go down for attempting to overthrow the govt
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Trump ransacking the Postal Service serves as another distraction; a way to divert attention away from his failures in handling COVID-19.
Privatizing the Postal service has been an ambition of conservatives; going back to 2006. In early 2006, A relatively innoccous legislation came out of Congress to reform the Postal Service. Back then the USPS was showing a profit. There was talk of converting 1/2 of the fleet to electric vehicles. AT the time the Postal Service was the largest single owner of a fleet of vehicles. It would give a huge jump start to the electric vehicle industry: it would've been a huge slap in the face of the fossil fuel industry, the Koch brothers and all their buddies.
This piece of legislation that came out of Congress to help the USPS move into the 21st century. When reached the Senate, something interesting happened. For some reason, a Republican senator decided " lets require the USPS to pay, in advance, over a 10 yr period all the Healthcare retirement costs for all of its workers 75 yrs from now. " That includes people who havent been born yet. Lets require them to pre pay healthcare costs." It turned out to be a mind boggling amount of $10B /yr over a 10 yr period.
Today, repubs feel its a golden oppurtunity to strike down the largest unionized entity in this country. That isnt all:
over 40% of its workers are minorities.
Would come as no surprise to me Repubs have made a trade off with #45. They let him do & say what he wants in exchange for undoing entities that are pillars of our democracy. There are reports of speed sorting machines being taken out of service, stacks of mail stored in unauthorized areas and there plans to remove the Blue drop off boxes on various city streets. Numerous delays in mail deliveries. How about the folks who rely on the postal service delivering their medications??? Folks waiting for checks coming from their financial institutions which they so desparately need during this current pandemic.
All this is pure recklessness by #45.
I don’t believe everything... but damn it’s thousands of accusations. I believe majority of the shit is true. Where there’s smoke there’s fire right...At the end of the day Trump is just a shitty human being. It’s clear to see...
Ya shitty person who has given millions to charity. He raised beautiful classy children. Took care of his x wives after divorce. Thousands who work for him say how generous and friendly and loyal he is. Especially the women who have worked for him. You just believe all the bullshit. Do you not know there’s an all out assault on him and his family and his administration to say anything including totally made up BS. They throw as much bullshit as they can out there just hoping some of it will stick. Russia Russia Russia for 3 years. Total BS. You probably still believe the Russia BS don’t you? I’m not saying he’s perfect but mostly what you see is twisted and skewed into a negative way by the media which Hates him. You have TDS big time. Totally out of touch with reality. And your about to big severely disappointed when Trump wins re-election
The left had TDS from day 1 - just couldn’t get over the fact that he won . Wouldn’t even go to his inauguration.
Said he was headed for divorce because his wife was still in NYC . Never mind Baron was still in school there . Even said Baron was autistic .
Then 4 months in said Trump was unhappy and brooding in his Oval Office - didn’t want to be POTUS anymore .
Just lies , lies and more lies . No wonder nobody believes anything from the left including their propaganda machine the press
The illiterate pipes in!
Ya know, I wouldn’t typically recommend drugs to anyone. I don’t even do drugs. I think in your case they could actually help with your TDS though. Do what you gotta do, just chill the f out and take a nap! Your seriously going to have a heart attack over this stuff, lol, you’re so easily triggered it’s hilarious and scary at the same time.
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