Trump ransacking the Postal Service serves as another distraction; a way to divert attention away from his failures in handling COVID-19.
Privatizing the Postal service has been an ambition of conservatives; going back to 2006. In early 2006, A relatively innoccous legislation came out of Congress to reform the Postal Service. Back then the USPS was showing a profit. There was talk of converting 1/2 of the fleet to electric vehicles. AT the time the Postal Service was the largest single owner of a fleet of vehicles. It would give a huge jump start to the electric vehicle industry: it would've been a huge slap in the face of the fossil fuel industry, the Koch brothers and all their buddies.
This piece of legislation that came out of Congress to help the USPS move into the 21st century. When reached the Senate, something interesting happened. For some reason, a Republican senator decided " lets require the USPS to pay, in advance, over a 10 yr period all the Healthcare retirement costs for all of its workers 75 yrs from now. " That includes people who havent been born yet. Lets require them to pre pay healthcare costs." It turned out to be a mind boggling amount of $10B /yr over a 10 yr period.
Today, repubs feel its a golden oppurtunity to strike down the largest unionized entity in this country. That isnt all:
over 40% of its workers are minorities.
Would come as no surprise to me Repubs have made a trade off with #45. They let him do & say what he wants in exchange for undoing entities that are pillars of our democracy. There are reports of speed sorting machines being taken out of service, stacks of mail stored in unauthorized areas and there plans to remove the Blue drop off boxes on various city streets. Numerous delays in mail deliveries. How about the folks who rely on the postal service delivering their medications??? Folks waiting for checks coming from their financial institutions which they so desparately need during this current pandemic.
All this is pure recklessness by #45.