Trumps Executive Order....


Aug 14, 2007
If this doesn't prove this guy is a Moron I don't know what does.

After spending years of criticizing Obama for executive orders we get this? The president doesn't have the legal authority for this...but I am sure his hyena fan base believes he does.

Some big time people with power in the republican party have come out against this too. They are starting to turn against this moron and I never thought I would see that. Because they are cuck made for power. This is the last straw though.

What is a real possibility is both parties get together and agree on something to make it veto proof to put the genie back in the bottle.

This has gotten completely out of hand. What a dumpster fire!!!
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If this doesn't prove this guy is a Moron I don't know what does.

After spending years of criticizing Obama for executive orders we get this? The president doesn't have the legal authority for this...but I am sure his hyena fan base believes he does.

Some big time people with power in the republican party have come out against this too. They are starting to turn against this moron and I never thought I would see that. Because they are cuck made for power. This is the last straw though.

What is a real possibility is both parties get together and agree on something to make it veto proof to put the genie back in the bottle.

This is gotten completely out of hand. What a dumpster fire!!!
Lol you mad cause your party has no out.
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Not a big fan of executive orders. Often they have more bark than bite. If the orders are legal than I'm fine with it. I would prefer Congress do their job.
Guess what.....IT'S NOT LEGAL! Trump can not appropriate money that hasn't been appropriated already. That's congress! Executives orders that try to appropriate money would be just as meaningful as if you did them. These people are getting thrown out on their ass.....and no Trump Executive order means a damn thing.
Guess what.....IT'S NOT LEGAL! Trump can not appropriate money that hasn't been appropriated already. That's congress! Executives orders that try to appropriate money would be just as meaningful as if you did them. These people are getting thrown out on their ass.....and no Trump Executive order means a damn thing.
No sh-t Sherlock! Everyone knows that but when the “do nothing Democrat’s” refuse to compromise on a bill, the President has no other choice. People are hurting at the expense of your dumb ass liberal democrats!
I was reading tonight that since SCOTUS allowed Obama to write immigration law & they were ok with DACA (2-3 weeks ago ruling) which is illegal obviously, they set a precedent that gives the president tremendous power. Just shooting straight with everyone as I am not the typical political guy & 1st lounge post. But if 1 president can approve illegal citizens to be in the country, the precedent set by Scotus should allow a president to give $ back to the people which is what he did. So the court actually approving Daca gave Trump extreme new powers to the office.
If this doesn't prove this guy is a Moron I don't know what does.

After spending years of criticizing Obama for executive orders we get this? The president doesn't have the legal authority for this...but I am sure his hyena fan base believes he does.

Some big time people with power in the republican party have come out against this too. They are starting to turn against this moron and I never thought I would see that. Because they are cuck made for power. This is the last straw though.

What is a real possibility is both parties get together and agree on something to make it veto proof to put the genie back in the bottle.

This has gotten completely out of hand. What a dumpster fire!!!

I guess you weren’t paying attention when he said that since John Roberts essentially declared EO constitutional with Daca, that he will do what is needed. At this point, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Guess what.....IT'S NOT LEGAL! Trump can not appropriate money that hasn't been appropriated already. That's congress! Executives orders that try to appropriate money would be just as meaningful as if you did them. These people are getting thrown out on their ass.....and no Trump Executive order means a damn thing.
He is allowed to redirect money already appropriated for other emergencies. Don’t forget, we are still Under a Declaration of Emergency. CD, do you ever research things before you spout of or is it just tangential thinking On paper?
I was reading tonight that since SCOTUS allowed Obama to write immigration law & they were ok with DACA (2-3 weeks ago ruling) which is illegal obviously, they set a precedent that gives the president tremendous power. Just shooting straight with everyone as I am not the typical political guy & 1st lounge post. But if 1 president can approve illegal citizens to be in the country, the precedent set by Scotus should allow a president to give $ back to the people which is what he did. So the court actually approving Daca gave Trump extreme new powers to the office.
Yep. This ruling helped set this precedent. What’s good for the goose...
He is allowed to redirect money already appropriated for other emergencies. Don’t forget, we are still Under a Declaration of Emergency. CD, do you ever research things before you spout of or is it just tangential thinking On paper?
This too...
I was reading tonight that since SCOTUS allowed Obama to write immigration law & they were ok with DACA (2-3 weeks ago ruling) which is illegal obviously, they set a precedent that gives the president tremendous power. Just shooting straight with everyone as I am not the typical political guy & 1st lounge post. But if 1 president can approve illegal citizens to be in the country, the precedent set by Scotus should allow a president to give $ back to the people which is what he did. So the court actually approving Daca gave Trump extreme new powers to the office.
Yep this is so true.
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If this doesn't prove this guy is a Moron I don't know what does.

After spending years of criticizing Obama for executive orders we get this? The president doesn't have the legal authority for this...but I am sure his hyena fan base believes he does.

Some big time people with power in the republican party have come out against this too. They are starting to turn against this moron and I never thought I would see that. Because they are cuck made for power. This is the last straw though.

What is a real possibility is both parties get together and agree on something to make it veto proof to put the genie back in the bottle.

This has gotten completely out of hand. What a dumpster fire!!!
CD you are such a good negotiator it is mind blowing! If both parties now get together and agree on a deal, then Trump will have 110% succeeded. First of all he never loses his veto ability but he's not looking to veto a good bi-partisan bill and 2nd maybe his executive order was meant to get some sense of urgency to the democrats to work with republicans to get a targeted modest helpful deal for the people.
Guess what.....IT'S NOT LEGAL! Trump can not appropriate money that hasn't been appropriated already. That's congress! Executives orders that try to appropriate money would be just as meaningful as if you did them. These people are getting thrown out on their ass.....and no Trump Executive order means a damn thing.
There is over 500 biillion already appropriated but not spent.
He is allowed to redirect money already appropriated for other emergencies. Don’t forget, we are still Under a Declaration of Emergency. CD, do you ever research things before you spout of or is it just tangential thinking On paper?
Bingo ! Winner! Nailed it.
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I was reading tonight that since SCOTUS allowed Obama to write immigration law & they were ok with DACA (2-3 weeks ago ruling) which is illegal obviously, they set a precedent that gives the president tremendous power. Just shooting straight with everyone as I am not the typical political guy & 1st lounge post. But if 1 president can approve illegal citizens to be in the country, the precedent set by Scotus should allow a president to give $ back to the people which is what he did. So the court actually approving Daca gave Trump extreme new powers to the office.
That’s a very valid point, although I disagree with the executive order process, you very well may be right.
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This guy is such a fraud - as are the cabal of cultish bootlickers who would gladly follow him off a cliff.

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If this doesn't prove this guy is a Moron I don't know what does.

After spending years of criticizing Obama for executive orders we get this? The president doesn't have the legal authority for this...but I am sure his hyena fan base believes he does.

Some big time people with power in the republican party have come out against this too. They are starting to turn against this moron and I never thought I would see that. Because they are cuck made for power. This is the last straw though.

What is a real possibility is both parties get together and agree on something to make it veto proof to put the genie back in the bottle.

This has gotten completely out of hand. What a dumpster fire!!!
LOL. RETARD ALERT. Trump pulled a fast one on you biatches. There is not one Republican I could name that would do this because they are mostly pussy politicians too.
If this doesn't prove this guy is a Moron I don't know what does.

After spending years of criticizing Obama for executive orders we get this? The president doesn't have the legal authority for this...but I am sure his hyena fan base believes he does.

Some big time people with power in the republican party have come out against this too. They are starting to turn against this moron and I never thought I would see that. Because they are cuck made for power. This is the last straw though.

What is a real possibility is both parties get together and agree on something to make it veto proof to put the genie back in the bottle.

This has gotten completely out of hand. What a dumpster fire!!!
It is very rare that we agree politically but what is good for the goose is good for the gender. Budget and spending matters by executive order is a violation of checks and balances and I am 100% against it. If Congress can't agree on measures for the economy than simply put nothing should be done.
You do realize that OBAMA LAMA is about 10 fold increase on executive orders over Trump. In case you didnt know. Dont remember you bitching then.

The topic of this thread is Trump's executive order. As illustrated in the video I posted, he is a fraud, as are the lobotomized sheep who enable his orgy of lies.
The Democrat states are just mad that the state has to cover 25 percent of the unemployment check. They just want handouts. They don't want to actually have to pay for it. That would go against everything they believe.
If this doesn't prove this guy is a Moron I don't know what does.

After spending years of criticizing Obama for executive orders we get this? The president doesn't have the legal authority for this...but I am sure his hyena fan base believes he does.

Some big time people with power in the republican party have come out against this too. They are starting to turn against this moron and I never thought I would see that. Because they are cuck made for power. This is the last straw though.

What is a real possibility is both parties get together and agree on something to make it veto proof to put the genie back in the bottle.

This has gotten completely out of hand. What a dumpster fire!!!
Interesting Cryin Chuck & Crazy Nancy are now wanting to negotiate?? Hmmm. Maybe Trump is a genius. BTW when Obama did the same thing I guess that was ok??
LOL. RETARD ALERT. Trump pulled a fast one on you biatches. There is not one Republican I could name that would do this because they are mostly pussy politicians too.
We need leadership. Not fast one gimmicks. We need a real president.
That’s a very valid point, although I disagree with the executive order process, you very well may be right.
Agreed Cash. Chief justice was the deciding vote & I believe it was in JUly. So if they allow 1 president to give benefits to illegal citizens in our country, and right now ppl need it, how can they not allow the potus to give $ to people in need. Many industries are closed down and an extra $400 a week on top of Each state is helpful.

FYI, FL is still at 275 a week even if U make 6 figures at your job & some states (Colorado is 618 a week), so they were getting 600 on top of that. So Trump lowered it to 400. But I think thats him negotiating to get congress to approve the extensions w/o adding in all that extra garbage. If this was really about a virus, then just extend the $$$ I was never into politics before but being locked inside all this time especially in the beginning, I've done 7-8 hours a day of researching this & other stuff & its opened my eyes
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Yep this is so true.
Agreed, if 1 potus can write law to help illegal citizens, Scotus ruling allows this potus to write $$ to ppl. But what everyone is forgetting (Most acts I never heard before ) we are under a NAtional emergency act giving him more power, some act called stafford act, act to make businesses build coronavirus supplies n not normal products. But Trump did that knowing congress might run to the table & make it law now as they don't want to look bad. I would imagine a "DEAL" now will be announced soon for $ to the people through law & not EO but he has that as backup
Agreed Cash. Chief justice was the deciding vote & I believe it was in JUly. So if they allow 1 president to give benefits to illegal citizens in our country, and right now ppl need it, how can they not allow the potus to give $ to people in need. Many industries are closed down and an extra $400 a week on top of Each state is helpful.

FYI, FL is still at 275 a week even if U make 6 figures at your job & some states (Colorado is 618 a week), so they were getting 600 on top of that. So Trump lowered it to 400. But I think thats him negotiating to get congress to approve the extensions w/o adding in all that extra garbage. If this was really about a virus, then just extend the $$$ I was never into politics before but being locked inside all this time especially in the beginning, I've done 7-8 hours a day of researching this & other stuff & its opened my eyes
Yep totally agree after reviewing it. I’m not big on executive orders but I think you’re right. I would’ve loved to see that bill for first responders passed but dont think it’ll ever happen.
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The topic of this thread is Trump's executive order. As illustrated in the video I posted, he is a fraud, as are the lobotomized sheep who enable his orgy of lies.
baaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. Better get use to it cause you gonna have 4.5 more years of greatness.
Yep totally agree after reviewing it. I’m not big on executive orders but I think you’re right. I would’ve loved to see that bill for first responders passed but dont think it’ll ever happen.
Trump might have done that knowing they'll come to the table now. Plus he's got them, If they sue him like they did on ALL his EO's, they block $ to the american people & that will piss off struggling dems needing $ So by writing those he has all the cards. Kind of like a game of chess. We might end up getting more $ now, that's why he lowballed unemp at 400 a week plus state $, knowing they will try and 1 up him.
Biggest bunch of complete BULLSHIT I have ever read in a single thread.

FACT 1 No real republican (not cucked) thinks this is even remotely an acceptable course of action. Stop being ridiculous. I doesn't matter why he did it. We are talking about trillions of dollars. The president can't execute it.

FACT 2 Nobody in their right mind and understands politics believes Congress should even be removed from this process. See you have people on both sides that know how government actually works right? Then you have your cuck that will just follow Trump and be against Democrats they are Democrats.

They don't understand The house is the people's say. We the people. Think about it. You are saying every red cent of our tax dollars? The people should have no say in where or how it is spent. Now that's stuck on stupid. You trust someone who has been bankrupt 6 times to make decisions with your money. Sorry... NOT!

FACT 3 We need a real leader. Not grandstanding. Art of the deal? What happened? This has been the worst deal making I have ever seen.
Agreed Cash. Chief justice was the deciding vote & I believe it was in JUly. So if they allow 1 president to give benefits to illegal citizens in our country, and right now ppl need it, how can they not allow the potus to give $ to people in need. Many industries are closed down and an extra $400 a week on top of Each state is helpful.

FYI, FL is still at 275 a week even if U make 6 figures at your job & some states (Colorado is 618 a week), so they were getting 600 on top of that. So Trump lowered it to 400. But I think thats him negotiating to get congress to approve the extensions w/o adding in all that extra garbage. If this was really about a virus, then just extend the $$$ I was never into politics before but being locked inside all this time especially in the beginning, I've done 7-8 hours a day of researching this & other stuff & its opened my eyes
And Florida is the lowest in the country
Biggest bunch of complete BULLSHIT I have ever read in a single thread.

FACT 1 No real republican (not cucked) thinks this is even remotely an acceptable course of action. Stop being ridiculous. I doesn't matter why he did it. We are talking about trillions of dollars. The president can't execute it.

FACT 2 Nobody in their right mind and understands politics believes Congress should even be removed from this process. See you have people on both sides that know how government actually works right? Then you have your cuck that will just follow Trump and be against Democrats they are Democrats.

They don't understand The house is the people's say. We the people. Think about it. You are saying every red cent of our tax dollars? The people should have no say in where or how it is spent. Now that's stuck on stupid. You trust someone who has been bankrupt 6 times to make decisions with your money. Sorry... NOT!

FACT 3 We need a real leader. Not grandstanding. Art of the deal? What happened? This has been the worst deal making I have ever seen.
Total utter nonsense. Republicans are cheering this. The people who vote that is............
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Total utter nonsense. Republicans are cheering this. The people who vote that is............
Actually no they aren't. Republicans spent 8 years complaining about executive orders and not wanting a king.
Biggest bunch of complete BULLSHIT I have ever read in a single thread.

FACT 1 No real republican (not cucked) thinks this is even remotely an acceptable course of action. Stop being ridiculous. I doesn't matter why he did it. We are talking about trillions of dollars. The president can't execute it.

FACT 2 Nobody in their right mind and understands politics believes Congress should even be removed from this process. See you have people on both sides that know how government actually works right? Then you have your cuck that will just follow Trump and be against Democrats they are Democrats.

They don't understand The house is the people's say. We the people. Think about it. You are saying every red cent of our tax dollars? The people should have no say in where or how it is spent. Now that's stuck on stupid. You trust someone who has been bankrupt 6 times to make decisions with your money. Sorry... NOT!

FACT 3 We need a real leader. Not grandstanding. Art of the deal? What happened? This has been the worst deal making I have ever seen.
So the Collusion Illusion House you speak about. Do you think that has been good for this country even though Trump has managed to STEAMROLL thru them. A House that not a single demorat would voice against the violence in your Demorat led cities. Watch Marc Levin interview with Bill Barr last night and he explains how your party are communists since your boy OBAMA LAMA ****ed up the country. Not to mention the coup attempt by your party.

I actually saw on CNBC today as I watched my SRNE Stock SKYROCKET that they think this move by Trump over the weekend gets him re-elected. They said that during the pandemic that Fox News is blowing away your Leftwing Communist Networks by huge margins than ever before. 4 MORE YEARS, 4 MORE YEARS.
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