Tulsa Police shooting GRAPHIC! This is the real job police are faced with

I cant watch it. I turn the channel everytime i see the LA shooting. It makes me think like a racist so I dont watch it.
There is definitely a crescendo effect going on right now and I think things will get uglier than most anticipate.
People forget WHY police not only have guns but HAVE to have guns. You think they like strapping before they go to work every day when they leave their wives and kids at home? The audacity of the cdwrites of the world to think that they do it for fun or to get off with the intention of going out and hunting down black kids (a lot of the cops black them selves) is asinine stupidity but hey at least they have lebron on their side sticking up for the debos of the black community. Hey blm supporters, stop ACTING like you give a shit about black people and start giving a shit about black people and start going after the debos of the black community instead of celebrating them. You clearly have a say so ****ing say something! Maybe then you’ll stop seeing so many rogue cops shooting unarmed rogue black people, the george floydes and the rest of the debos that Terrorize the black community.

Not a one of you blm supporters would have the balls to wear the badge and support the black community from the george floyds of the country, so instead you worship him and turn the blind eye to the violence he and so many others have instilled on the black community his/their whole life/lives. You literally have football players with the name of a known rapist on their jersey and people burning buildings over a guy that came at the cops and regular citizens (most of which black) with a ****ing knife going after cops. You wanna be “woke” so wake the **** up morons.

There’s no way the blm supporters are this dumb. It’s impossible. There’s clearly an agenda here to burn down the system and go after anyone with differing opinions. This is classic fasicm.

You say you’re terrified of the cops being a black person but you don’t say shit about the feelings of black kids sleeping in bath tubs on fri nights due to their neighbor being a gangster with a lot of rivals and the fear of a drive by. Nobody ever says a word when that kid gets shot when he thought he was safe enough to sleep in his bed or take a walk out side at night. This shit is real. If you care about black people, wake up and stop being “woke”.
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