US Dept Veterans Affairs under Trump MUCH BETTER!


Gold Member
Jun 2, 2007
Veterans Affairs so much better it's not even close. Better then both Bush Presidents, Clinton, and Obama put together. NIGHT AND DAY! I served 79-85 promised me the benefit of VA Health when I joined. Then in 2003 Congress made it income dependent so when I needed the VA for hearing loss sustained while serving they told me I made too much money. Needless to say I was hot because that wasn't the deal ( they changed the deal) but they never told us. Had I applied prior to 2003 I would have been grandfathered in. Now I get hearing aids they cost $7000 insurance does NOT pay a penny. I reached out Senator Rubios office and under the streamlined appeals process that TRUMP signed into law. Rubios office got me tested at VA in Hollywood and approved for all future hearing aid needs. I do not yet qualify for 10% disability because the combined hearing loss of both ears must be 50% and 1 of my ears not quite as bad as the other so combined I'm 55% hearing loss.
Now today I get a call from Veterans Affairs for a tele-town hall able to ask any questions we Veterans might have on covid, benefits, appeals, etc.

NIGHT AND DAY! Never had any contact with VA in 35 years until Trump
Veterans Affairs so much better it's not even close. Better then both Bush Presidents, Clinton, and Obama put together. NIGHT AND DAY! I served 79-85 promised me the benefit of VA Health when I joined. Then in 2003 Congress made it income dependent so when I needed the VA for hearing loss sustained while serving they told me I made too much money. Needless to say I was hot because that wasn't the deal ( they changed the deal) but they never told us. Had I applied prior to 2003 I would have been grandfathered in. Now I get hearing aids they cost $7000 insurance does NOT pay a penny. I reached out Senator Rubios office and under the streamlined appeals process that TRUMP signed into law. Rubios office got me tested at VA in Hollywood and approved for all future hearing aid needs. I do not yet qualify for 10% disability because the combined hearing loss of both ears must be 50% and 1 of my ears not quite as bad as the other so combined I'm 55% hearing loss.
Now today I get a call from Veterans Affairs for a tele-town hall able to ask any questions we Veterans might have on covid, benefits, appeals, etc.

NIGHT AND DAY! Never had any contact with VA in 35 years until Trump

The improvements are a direct result of a law that Obama passed in 2015 following the VA wait time scandals of 2014.

- Say it with me now - "Thanks Obama".
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The improvements are a direct result of a law that Obama passed in 2015 following the VA wait time scandals of 2014.

- Say it with me now - "Thanks Obama".
Lets see Obama was President 8 years and I heard from the VA exactly ZERO times in those 8 years so uhhhhh no. Not by e-mail, snail mail, phone call, text. Nothing, Nada, Zip........................move on Lib.
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The law was so good that 308,000 Veterans died under his watch waiting for care.
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Don't care I live it do you? Are you a Veteran? Are you in the system?

Yes and No.

I actually tried using the VA a couple of years ago, but the wait times were still too long. The new Trump provision to Obama's law which allows vets to use local private clinics, doesn't really change the fact that it takes weeks to get a basic appointment through the VA.
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Yes and No.

I actually tried using the VA a couple of years ago, but the wait times were still too long. The new Trump provision to Obama's law which allows vets to use local private clinics, doesn't really change the fact that it takes weeks to get a basic appointment through the VA.
So you are a Veteran? What branch? When you serve? Once you are in the system then you are in. There are ways to work around the income limits. If you served in war etc.....then doesn't apply. Also if you have private insurance they do partially bill your insurance company but not fully.
So you are a Veteran? What branch? When you serve? Once you are in the system then you are in. There are ways to work around the income limits. If you served in war etc.....then doesn't apply. Also if you have private insurance they do partially bill your insurance company but not fully.

Yes, I'm an Air Force vet.

I don't have a need to be in the VA system since I get adequate coverage through my employer. I can't imagine having to wait 4-6 weeks for a basic appointment. The healthcare system in this country is generally broken and in need of fixing.
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These are the two biggest changes enacted by the Trump administration. Obama’s Choice act was severely flawed. There’s a reason trumphas a 91% approval in the VA. That’s the truth. The Haters live in an alternate reality. It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome.
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The improvements are a direct result of a law that Obama passed in 2015 following the VA wait time scandals of 2014.

- Say it with me now - "Thanks Obama".
Lmao seriously a law obama passed? And it took 4 years to implement it? You guys are such brainwashed douches. You’ll literally believe anything cnn says.
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Yes, I'm an Air Force vet.

I don't have a need to be in the VA system since I get adequate coverage through my employer. I can't imagine having to wait 4-6 weeks for a basic appointment. The healthcare system in this country is generally broken and in need of fixing.
By fixing he means govt mandated healthcare for all.
By fixing he means govt mandated healthcare for all.

Anyone who calls themselves a fiscal conservative should be supporting Medicare for All, since it costs 50% less than the current system and covers everyone. No premiums, no deductibles, you choose your physician, no payment at point of care.
Yes, I'm an Air Force vet.

I don't have a need to be in the VA system since I get adequate coverage through my employer. I can't imagine having to wait 4-6 weeks for a basic appointment. The healthcare system in this country is generally broken and in need of fixing.
Yes it is and has been for far too long. While Obama took a stab at it his plan ACA caused premiums to sky rocket, deductibles to increase, co=pays to increase and in many states a lack of choices. The system stinks.
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@HJCane your absolutely right. After seeing many friends and family struggle with the VA for years I too have witnessed the big time changes the past few years. Thank you Mr President
I get e-mails, calls, snail mail and got approved for hearing loss. The VA is the largest purchaser of hearing aids in the world. My Starkey hearing aids cost me $7200 before I was approved. That is out of my pocket.
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Anyone who calls themselves a fiscal conservative should be supporting Medicare for All, since it costs 50% less than the current system and covers everyone. No premiums, no deductibles, you choose your physician, no payment at point of care.
Anyone who is a fiscal conservative knows that if the Federal Gov't is running it then it can't be as good as the private sector.
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Anyone who is a fiscal conservative knows that if the Federal Gov't is running it then it can't be as good as the private sector.

That’s clearly not true since we don’t outsource the most important things to the private sector- the military, disaster response, elections etc. Healthcare is no different in this regard. The only thing that changes is it becomes a lot cheaper because we are no longer spending money to enrich insurance companies. Cutting out the middleman makes a lot of sense. We know this because every other advanced country in the world has already done it, and the people love it so much that politicians who campaign for privatization immediately get voted out.
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Yes it is and has been for far too long. While Obama took a stab at it his plan ACA caused premiums to sky rocket, deductibles to increase, co=pays to increase and in many states a lack of choices. The system stinks.

The reasons premiums went up under the ACA is because Republicans have been steadily chipping away at it. The more people you have in the pools, the cheaper coverage becomes, which is why it should be expanded (as Biden has campaigned on).
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That’s clearly not true since we don’t outsource the most important things to the private sector- the military, disaster response, elections etc. Healthcare is no different in this regard. The only thing that changes is it becomes a lot cheaper because we are no longer spending money to enrich insurance companies. Cutting out the middleman makes a lot of sense. We know this because every other advanced country in the world has already done it, and the people love it so much that politicians who campaign for privatization immediately get voted out.
We outsource nearly everything in the military including all equipment, weapons, food, supplies. FEMA is in partnership with private sector and has contracts with private sector. Elections are State run. Getcha head right Raoul.
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The reasons premiums went up under the ACA is because Republicans have been steadily chipping away at it. The more people you have in the pools, the cheaper coverage becomes, which is why it should be expanded (as Biden has campaigned on).
Premiums went up AFTER over 20 million people went on ACA. They went up because the ACA did not deregulate the different State regulations to allow for better competition. The addition of pre-existing was supposed to be offset by the number of new insured. It did not work.
Premiums went up AFTER over 20 million people went on ACA. They went up because the ACA did not deregulate the different State regulations to allow for better competition. The addition of pre-existing was supposed to be offset by the number of new insured. It did not work.

Obviously if one side keeps chipping away at key provisions of the plan, they can then proclaim to voters that it didn't work. Well of course, you can't spend your political lives knee capping the plan then not expect premiums to not be affected. Bring more people in the pools and premiums will drop to very low levels. This is not rocket science.
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We outsource nearly everything in the military including all equipment, weapons, food, supplies. FEMA is in partnership with private sector and has contracts with private sector. Elections are State run. Getcha head right Raoul.

I used to work for FEMA so I'd say my head is pretty right on this. These are federal government agencies tasked with managing the federal response to disasters, and helping states leverage what the federal government brings to the the table. The private component is very small.
I get e-mails, calls, snail mail and got approved for hearing loss. The VA is the largest purchaser of hearing aids in the world. My Starkey hearing aids cost me $7200 before I was approved. That is out of my pocket.
$7,200?! What the hell? Why are these things so expensive? You could literally by a motor cycle for that much. Do these things have diamonds in them?
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Anyone who calls themselves a fiscal conservative should be supporting Medicare for All, since it costs 50% less than the current system and covers everyone. No premiums, no deductibles, you choose your physician, no payment at point of care.
If your your keys are being pressed you’re lying. You need look no further than Obamacare and the rise of the premiums during that mandated insurance period. Do you think we can’t research this stuff ourselves?
Yeah blaming the Republican for your suckass President Obama is actual proof of anything other than your failure to accept he was a dip sh-t!

The facts are undeniable. Republicans have been consistently chipping away at the ACA to weaken it, then when premiums went up, they blamed the ACA as being inadequate, when in fact it was their own actions that led to its weakening. Nice trick, until the public find out that the people behind this plot are the same people who have no healthcare plan of their own to offer up and are only interested in getting rid of the ACA to assuage their wealthy, corporate benefactors.
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The facts are undeniable. Republicans have been consistently chipping away at the ACA to weaken it, then when premiums went up, they blamed the ACA as being inadequate, when in fact it was their own actions that led to its weakening. Nice trick, until the public find out that the people behind this plot are the same people who have no healthcare plan of their own to offer up and are only interested in getting rid of the ACA to assuage their wealthy, corporate benefactors.
The premiums have went up every year. There’s literally zero factual basis for that claim. Zero! Just your parties failing to take responsibility for a failed socialist program!
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The facts are undeniable. Republicans have been consistently chipping away at the ACA to weaken it, then when premiums went up, they blamed the ACA as being inadequate, when in fact it was their own actions that led to its weakening. Nice trick, until the public find out that the people behind this plot are the same people who have no healthcare plan of their own to offer up and are only interested in getting rid of the ACA to assuage their wealthy, corporate benefactors.
Why don’t you take your sorry ass to Venezuela or Cuba if you love socialism so much??
The premiums have went up every year. There’s literally zero factual basis for that claim. Zero! Just your parties failing to take responsibility for a failed socialist program!
Yep they really believe if socialism is just done right it will be great. Lol. Meanwhile tens of millions have been slaughtered because of it throughout history.
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Why don’t you take your sorry ass to Venezuela or Cuba if you love socialism so much??

Why don't you take your sorry ass to some racist enclave in rural Idaho if progress offends you so much.
Yep they really believe if socialism is just done right it will be great. Lol. Meanwhile tens of millions have been slaughtered because of it throughout history.

Except its not socialism. Its standard practice in most democratic nation states from Canada to Europe to Australia, New Zealand and beyond.
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Except its not socialism. Its standard practice in most democratic nation states from Canada to Europe to Australia, New Zealand and beyond.
Why wasn’t Obama just Honest about losing your Dr and Losing your Healthcare plan? Why didn’t they just say it was a TAX? You know why? It would have never passed. But it’s the only reason the Supreme Court didn’t strike it down because they deemed it a Tax even though Obama said 1000 times it’s not a Tax

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