US Dept Veterans Affairs under Trump MUCH BETTER!

The improvements are a direct result of a law that Obama passed in 2015 following the VA wait time scandals of 2014.

- Say it with me now - "Thanks Obama".
LMAO at another FAKE news ignorant statement from Raoul.
51 more months
Sorry to hear Majus. There are pills for this you know.
All Dems // Libs do is complain.
Every day its something new,
Dem congress hasnt done jack shit, except FAIL in impeachment.
This country is far from perfect, if you dont like it, leave it.
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All Dems // Libs do is complain.
Every day its something new,
Dem congress hasnt done jack shit, except FAIL in impeachment.
This country is far from perfect, if you dont like it, leave it.

On the contrary. I'm going to work to improve it. If you don't like it then too bad. There are more of us than there are of you, so take a seat while the responsible ones take action.
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On the contrary. I'm going to work to improve it. If you don't like it then too bad. There are more of us than there are of you, so take a seat while the responsible ones take action.
Please tell us how YOUspecifically are going to work to improve it (USA).
The thread is waiting for your response
$7,200?! What the hell? Why are these things so expensive? You could literally by a motor cycle for that much. Do these things have diamonds in them?
Very tricky little computers. People have no idea what goes into proper hearing devices. I tried a $6300 brand but they sucked.
The facts are undeniable. Republicans have been consistently chipping away at the ACA to weaken it, then when premiums went up, they blamed the ACA as being inadequate, when in fact it was their own actions that led to its weakening. Nice trick, until the public find out that the people behind this plot are the same people who have no healthcare plan of their own to offer up and are only interested in getting rid of the ACA to assuage their wealthy, corporate benefactors.
Raoul you are being a fool. Obama spent billions on software that didn't work right from the start. Premiums began to rise right from the start and Insurance companies baled out of states. It was a good effort poorly executed.
A proper healthcare system that is cheaper and covers everyone, where people can't go bankrupt because they can't afford all their treatment or medications; and one that doesn't privilege corporate profits over human health.
I had a business in Toronto. You want "free" healthcare the taxes are thru the roof, wait times suck.
Raoul you are being a fool. Obama spent billions on software that didn't work right from the start. Premiums began to rise right from the start and Insurance companies baled out of states. It was a good effort poorly executed.

Remember HealthCare. gov -yeah the site that kept crashing supposedly cost taxpayers up to 840 million dollars -that was for starters . The Affordable Care Act was a failure from the start
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Remember HealthCare. gov -yeah the site that kept crashing supposedly cost taxpayers up to 840 million dollars -that was for starters . The Affordable Care Act was a failure from the start

It was a bad roll out, but they quickly fixed it iirc.
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I had a business in Toronto. You want "free" healthcare the taxes are thru the roof, wait times suck.

Nope. I have a friend in Toronto and went with him to a doctor's appointment. In and out in 20 minutes and no money exchanged at point of care. Very smooth. They do have to pay for dental insurance though.
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A proper healthcare system that is cheaper and covers everyone, where people can't go bankrupt because they can't afford all their treatment or medications; and one that doesn't privilege corporate profits over human health.
Why can’t you say it? And you served in the Air Force? Jesus
Why can’t you say it? And you served in the Air Force? Jesus

The system I described is by far better than what we have right now or the even worse predatory system we had pre-Obamacare. Once more and more people get wind of how simple and effective it is, it will be implemented and we will never look back.

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