Very disappointed in Manny Diaz

Your feeding off emotion and not facts. Millions of black people are eating ice cream in there home right now with no issues. White people get killed and roughed up by police too when they are resisting arrest or trying to harm police or others. If you peacefully surrender then you are arrested and brought to jail.
I'm not feeding of emotion, I'm making a common sense point or trying to at least. From what I saw the police officer had that man by the shirt and the suspect was unarmed at that point. He was close enough to grab his ass and body slam him to the ground if necessary. I seen plenty of video footage of police oofficers engaged with white suspects and surviving. One dude fought with two officers, took the male officers baton, beat him with his own baton and drove off in their squad car.
I'm not feeding of emotion, I'm making a common sense point or trying to at least. From what I saw the police officer had that man by the shirt and the suspect was unarmed at that point. He was close enough to grab his ass and body slam him to the ground if necessary. I seen plenty of video footage of police oofficers engaged with white suspects and surviving. One dude fought with two officers, took the male officers baton, beat him with his own baton and drove off in their squad car.
He was not unarmed which is misinformation. See the above picture for proof. He told the cops he was getting his gun which is why he went into the vehicle. Appears there wasn’t really a gun but the cop didn’t know that.
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He had a karambit blade which is why they gave him distance and tried using a taser. I wondered why the distance at first also but then saw the still frame of the knife. I’ll try to post it.

and in all fairness I’d shot the sh-to it if him too no matter what color he was. They actually put themselves in harms way by allowing it to continue as long as they did due to bystanders being so close to the initial confrontation.

I'll admit when I first saw the video with him trying to get to his car with the cop behind him, I wasn't convinced that the police officer acted improperly because it looked like he was bending down to reach for something rather than getting in to drive but saw how close he was and it looked like they could have bodyslammed his ass before he got to his car.
Reports that Russians tried to run off a couple of our soldiers and the bounties. They have someone in their back pocket.
Don't waste your time responding to that klansman UM Ryan. He sniffs the jocks of these black athletes but can't stand black folk which is evidenced by his overtly racist tropes towards black people and issues surrounding the black community.
So in summary of your lies, false information, and hurt feelings, you’re basically pissed that I owned you in a debate not long ago and want to portray me as a racist. Got it, Norm!
I'll admit when I first saw the video with him trying to get to his car with the cop behind him, I wasn't convinced that the police officer acted improperly because it looked like he was bending down to reach for something rather than getting in to drive but saw how close he was and it looked like they could have bodyslammed his ass before he got to his car.
I’ve done use of force reviews for years so I’m usually hypercritical of the little things and how we train people. That’s why when I noticed the distance I was trying to figure out why. That picture says everything. The guy was trying to get the officers to kill him in my opinion. It’s sad there are now three actual dead because of the rioting and mostly due to misinformation.
I’ve done use of force reviews for years so I’m usually hypercritical of the little things and how we train people. That’s why when I noticed the distance I was trying to figure out why. That picture says everything. The guy was trying to get the officers to kill him in my opinion. It’s sad there are now three actual dead because of the rioting and mostly due to misinformation.
That notion that he was trying to get the officers to kill him in front of his three children doesn't make alot of sense to me.
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Ryan this was totally unnecessary and off topic. I was enjoying the Civil discourse from both sides. As a former Police Officer I totally understand and agree with Cash’s frustration. As an African American, I understand the frustration of the other side. I personally understand why MD tweeted what he did, and I’m not that bothered by it. It was vague and surface talk with the appearance of being “Woke” for his players. MD didn’t draw any conclusions imo. But let’s not interrupt civil discourse with personal attacks. Everyone is talking what they feel, and it’s from different perspectives!
I agree with most of what you say, however in the context of his post about MLK’s quote from jail, I simply asked why MLK was in jail. Because the FBI has well documented what I asked in my post. It wasn’t a personal attack on the poster by any means. Not that I need to explain myself, however you seem like you’re reasonable and have common sense. Something the far left and their cancel culture doesn’t have at all.
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So in summary of your lies, false information, and hurt feelings, you’re basically pissed that I owned you in a debate not long ago and want to portray me as a racist. Got it, Norm!
You've never owned me in a debate, you don't have the intellect or the skill. I read your posts which are typically laced with racially charged innuendo, jokes, stereotypes etc. which is different than @honeyiv who does alot trolling and have come to the conclusion that you are in fact a racist individual.
You've never owned me in a debate, you don't have the intellect or the skill. I read your posts which are typically laced with racially charged innuendo, jokes, stereotypes etc. which is different than @honeyiv who does alot trolling and have come to the conclusion that you are in fact a racist individual.
Yeah, you were owned. Speaking of intellect and skill, that last sentence is one long run-on sentence. Glad you read my posts so much, though. Post your address and I’ll mail you an autographed Trump/Pence 2020 bumper sticker.
It goes both ways. PLENTY of blacks resist arrest and live to tell about too. I would say that the percentage of unjustified killings by police compared to the volume of interactions is rather low. The white people who are shot like this dont get plastered by the media everywhere...why is that?
I think that we should be equally outraged when this happens to a white person and it does. Two cases that come to mind is the police execution of the white kid at a hotel in Mesa, AZ who had an air rifle in his room that he used as a pest control specialist. They made him crawl on his knees towards them and he was murdered trying to pull his pants up. Then there is the guy who was murdered by the police when he answered his door with his gun in his hands after trying to put it down.
Ryan is definitely a racist. Kids are expressino there disgust He jumps in just like a racists would.
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Take all rational thought out when dealing with mental illness. A rational personal doesn’t pull a knife and threaten to get a gun when confronted by law enforcement either.
Here's the rub or actually a question. How is that Jacob Blake can be shot 7 times in the back because Kenosha police officers feared for their safety but a 17 year old kid can shoot 3 people, killing two of them be allowed to walk right past police officers from the same police department with an AR15 slung around his body? This was after witnesses identified him as the shooter.
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I don’t know what happened in that video that was violent. Yes more whites get shot by police by the #s but it’s disproportionate to the population breakdown. Based on population blacks are 2-3x more likely to get shot.

a white kid killed 2 people shot another and walked by 3 police cars with his hands up and an AR around his neck with people screaming he just shooting people and nothing happened to him. He’s allowed to walk away...
It’s proportionate to those that commit the most violent crimes in America. Maybe you could mention that as well in your assessment?More than 50%of all violent crime in the US is committed by young African American males. Just a fact. Maybe that’s why they are shot by the police? Btw most police shootings are totally justified and legit. You all and the media magnify over and over the very few instances of bad policing and want to demonize all police. That is part of the problem.
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Here's the rub or actually a question. How is that Jacob Blake can be shot 7 times in the back because Kenosha police officers feared for their safety but a 17 year old kid can shoot 3 people, killing two of them be allowed to walk right past police officers from the same police department with an AR15 slung around his body? This was after witnesses identified him as the shooter.
It’s the approach of the armored vehicle. I won’t get into details because of the system in the rear but they have cover to deploy from. He was charged with murder and I’d be interested to know if it was because he was underage in possession of the firearm or if I just flat out missed something.
I was asking for more transparency from the police in regards to this matter but again they use “IF”

IF he wasn’t resisting
IF he had complied
IF he wasn’t walking away

Now IF the protestors hadn’t been out past curfew they wouldn’t of gotten shot...

don’t forget the police were called there because of him! they used a taser and he kept going toward the car. I want everyone to ask themselves what they would do if they were the cop.
I mean, does everyone now have the "right" to NOT Stop when the Police stay "Stop, hands on the Car"?
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It’s the approach of the armored vehicle. I won’t get into details because of the system in the rear but they have cover to deploy from. He was charged with murder and I’d be interested to know if it was because he was underage in possession of the firearm or if I just flat out missed something.
Oh, I just read something that the narrative about him being accused of being a child rapist has been flagged as false. He does have a third degree sexual assault charge related to an alleged incident of domestic abuse. Sex with a minor is not included in those charges.
Why is everyone trying to pretend we still live in the Jim crow south or worse? Just look at the stats and facts. Black people are not being targeted by cops. If a white gets killed by cops, which happens more often, we say play stupid stupid prizes. If a black gets killed by the cops we cry racism. Most of these cases have nothing to do with race. If you try to resist violently, harm or kill cops you get shot. It's not that hard. Doesnt matter what color you are.

Floyd was an exception, not the rule.
Floyd was not killed by the police, his lungs were 4x larger than normal, due to the drugs in his system......
Oh, I just read something that the narrative about him being accused of being a child rapist has been flagged as false. He does have a third degree sexual assault charge related to an alleged incident of domestic abuse. Sex with a minor is not included in those charges.
The actual charge is rape.
no one says it’s ok to have warrants or anything. But if you want to bring the man to justice bring him to justice properly. No one said any of these men should get away with what they did or do but bring them to justice. They should be held accountable if they did something wrong. Just like the police officer. I don’t know what part of the police protocol that was. If Dylan roof who killed 9 church members in cold blood can be brought to justice, stop by Burger King to get lunch before being brought to jail, we can arrest a man who’s walking back to his car Who’s done nothing violent up until that point that we know of. Rules of discharging your weapon as a police officer state you should fire your weapon once then reassess the threat. Not 6 more times in his back. That shooting was not justifiable.

We just want fair policing. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for.
Why did he walk around the car after being gazes with guns drawer and went to drivers side and reached in??????
Why is it black men specifically, DONT know to listen to a police officer. ESPECIALLY when guns are drawn at you???????
Tell us deuce???
Why did he walk around the car after being gazes with guns drawer and went to drivers side and reached in??????
Why is it black men specifically, DONT know to listen to a police officer. ESPECIALLY when guns are drawn at you???????
Tell us deuce???

why are guns even being drawn? He’s walking away from you. He’s committed no crime that we’ve heard of during that interaction. They aren’t arresting him for anything. Why are your guns drawn??

Here is the other issue, you could be doing everything right and still get shot. Philando castille, had his concealed weapons permit, in his car, told the officer he had a gun and a license for it, when to grab his wallet to pull out his ID and permit and still was killed.

John crawford was walking around in a Walmart where he got a pellet gun he was intending on buying. He’s on the phone walking back and forth in an empty isle, the police officer comes in the Walmart and without even addressing him he kills him.

It doesn’t matter what we do. Right or wrong. Any move you make is viewed as threatening In the officers perception is met with deadly force. So what if was resisting arrest (arrest for what we still don’t know) but whatever he was getting arrested for did not deserve the death penalty. Thank goodness he survived but now he’s gonna be paralyzed. And his 3 kids witnessed all of it.

You act like blacks people are the only people who resist arrest. I spend plenty of time at stadiums and tailgates where drunk people misbehave to police officers and that doesn’t end in death
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That's complete and total BS. Not one single person says if you didn't have a toy gun, if you weren't wearing a hoodie, if you didnt talk back, if you weren't sleeping in your bed. That's is the finest example of race baiting and bullshit I have seen in a long time.

But YES, IF you didnt attack the police, if didnt try to take their gun, if you didnt violently resist, if you didnt put others in harm's way then might not of been shot. That goes for everyone.

its not race baiting. It’s what i hear every time. It’s been written on this thread!!! Just look!!! Those cops who killed that kid with a toy gun or that woman in her bed had zero consequences for their actions. All we want is when a cop makes a mistake he is held accountable for it. And not just issue a my bad apology and move on with his or her life.
I agree the drugs in his system killed him just as much as the cop. The way the cop stayed on him with no concern if he was breathing or not was not how you would want police to act. They are responsible for his life when he is in there custody. They needed to do more than stay on him like that.
It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out.
Why did he walk around the car after being gazes with guns drawer and went to drivers side and reached in??????
Why is it black men specifically, DONT know to listen to a police officer. ESPECIALLY when guns are drawn at you???????
Tell us deuce???
I heard on CNN & MSDNC that he was just getting his license and registration.
We agree completely there. If a cop unjustifiably uses force they need to be held accountable every time.

common ground. See we can agree on things. I think many more. But I think the overall messages has been murkied. But that’s all we want. I don’t want black people who make mistakes to go free either. So when you hear people want to uphold the legacy of someone regardless of whether they committed a crime or committed crimes they should be brought to justice through the system we have in this country. But that should be for everyone!
why are guns even being drawn? He’s walking away from you. He’s committed no crime that we’ve heard of during that interaction. They aren’t arresting him for anything. Why are your guns drawn??

Here is the other issue, you could be doing everything right and still get shot. Philando castille, had his concealed weapons permit, in his car, told the officer he had a gun and a license for it, when to grab his wallet to pull out his ID and permit and still was killed.

John crawford was walking around in a Walmart where he got a pellet gun he was intending on buying. He’s on the phone walking back and forth in an empty isle, the police officer comes in the Walmart and without even addressing him he kills him.

It doesn’t matter what we do. Right or wrong. Any move you make is viewed as threatening In the officers perception is met with deadly force. So what if was resisting arrest (arrest for what we still don’t know) but whatever he was getting arrested for did not deserve the death penalty. Thank goodness he survived but now he’s gonna be paralyzed. And his 3 kids witnessed all of it.

You act like blacks people are the only people who resist arrest. I spend plenty of time at stadiums and tailgates where drunk people misbehave to police officers and that doesn’t end in death

violently resisting police and disobeying there commands is a crime. Are they just supposed to let him get to his car and pull a gun and then shoot him??
It’s sad that we even have a coach pandering now. Since when did ignoring the facts of a case become ok as long as you could make yourself more politically affluent.

facts of case:

subjects was wanted in warrants for sexual abuse of a child.

subject was armed with a karambit knife and then told cops he was going to get his gun from the car.

subject opens car door and reaches toward the seat.

subject is shot multiple times and somehow survives.

I’ll never understand the mindset.

OK he had a knife on him so let me shoot him seven times in the back. GTFOH
Watch the video.
I agree with most of what you say, however in the context of his post about MLK’s quote from jail, I simply asked why MLK was in jail. Because the FBI has well documented what I asked in my post. It wasn’t a personal attack on the poster by any means. Not that I need to explain myself, however you seem like you’re reasonable and have common sense. Something the far left and their cancel culture doesn’t have at all.
That’s fair. I took it as dragging MLK thru the mud. I’m well aware of the Hoover FBI file on King. Imo shots at King or Trump wasn’t warranted in the discussion. But like you said, he did bring MLK into it,
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I’m very confused as to why a 17 year old had a rifle to begin with and also why was he out there? Where the f-ck were his parents?

idk. That was my thought yesterday. “What’s the age for open carry in the state of Illinois or Wisc???” Kid’s life is ruined regardless of what ends up happening.
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