Very disappointed in Manny Diaz

That’s fair. I took it as dragging MLK thru the mud. I’m well aware of the Hoover FBI file on King. Imo shots at King or Trump wasn’t warranted in the discussion. But like you said, he did bring MLK into it,

i brought MLK in it bc someone brought malcom X in it. Misusing one of his quotes. I only respond in kind. I don’t attack.
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idk. That was my thought yesterday. “What’s the age for open carry in the state of Illinois or Wisc???” Kid’s life is ruined regardless of what ends up happening.
What about the life he ended and the other people he shot? F**k him he should HANG.
What about the life he ended and the other people he shot? F**k him he should HANG.
Did you watch what happened in the video? He was defending himself against them. He still had no reason to be there and was illegally in possession of a firearm but they’re going to have a real hard time with criminal intent.

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Good for Manny. Silence is compliance. Stand up for injustice, Coach!!!

How do you know that it's an injustice? There is an ongoing investigation and the FBI is involved. At least let the investigation play out before you render any judgment.

But I can tell you this when you are dealing with the police, no matter what race you are: DON'T RESIST ARREST!!!! Only bad things happen when you do that.
the officer was at no point in danger if he had maintained his distance. The cops are the ones that followed him to his car. And grabbed him. I don’t know what happened before that. But there were plenty of witnesses I’m sure a clearer picture will emerge as more detail comes out. I wish the DA or the police commissioner would be more transparent as to what even occurred or what is in the police report.
So you’re defending a man whose has already been taised, ignoring GUN DRAWN police officers, yelling at him to stop, and then walk over to the drivers side and reach in?????
LMAO @ anybody that tries to defend that asinine behavior.
Why not ask yourself WHY didnt he just listen to the cops?????
I have a history with police yet I ALWAYS do what they ask, WITHOUT guns drawn.
WHY do black men ignore police when guns drawn?????????
I’ll wait til “hell freezes over” for your answer you douchebag!!!
Agreed. Manny is not only correct in what he said, he's also on the right side of history.

How do you know Manny is on the right side of history? There is an ongoing investigation in the Blake incident which includes the FBI. I wouldn't reach any conclusion until that investigation is complete.
And before you tell me that cops shoot black men disproportionately, well they don't. According to FBI stats, in 2019, police shot and killed 19 unarmed white men. Do you know how many unarmed black men they shot and killed? 9. Nine.
But the corrupt and dishonest media don't cover those stories because it doesn't fit their narrative.
How do you know Manny is on the right side of history? There is an ongoing investigation in the Blake incident which includes the FBI. I wouldn't reach any conclusion until that investigation is complete.
And before you tell me that cops shoot black men disproportionately, well they don't. According to FBI stats, in 2019, police shot and killed 19 unarmed white men. Do you know how many unarmed black men they shot and killed? 9. Nine.
But the corrupt and dishonest media don't cover those stories because it doesn't fit their narrative.

This sounds like the same nonsense Charlie Kirk has been posting in right wing feeds - which has been skillfully debunked by USAToday.

What the data shows
The Post’s database documents fatal police shootings that have happened since Jan. 1, 2015. The Post said its team relies “primarily on news accounts, social media postings and police reports” in addition to its own reporting.

This data does not include “deaths of people in police custody, fatal shootings by off-duty officers or non-shooting deaths.”

The Post’s data shows police fatally shot 13 unarmed Black men in 2019, five more people than Kirk claimed. Also, police fatally shot an unarmed Black woman, Atatiana Jefferson, 28, on Oct. 12 in Fort Worth Texas. But the Post's database covers only shootings. It does not include deaths caused by beating, tasering or vehicles. George Floyd’s died in police custody after a police officer knelt on his neck for several minutes, which would not have been included in the Post’s data set.
This sounds like the same nonsense Charlie Kirk has been posting in right wing feeds - which has been skillfully debunked by USAToday.

The Washington Post increased the # of unarmed black men shot by police from 8 to 13 after the death of George Floyd. How convenient.
However in the story you posted there is no mention of how many unarmed white men were shot by police. The Washington Post posted earlier that it was 19.
The truth is that cops kill by whatever means more unarmed white men than they do unarmed black men. Even though black men commit disproportionately more violent crimes than white men do. That's a fact.
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OK he had a knife on him so let me shoot him seven times in the back. GTFOH
Watch the video.
According to DOJ the knife was recovered from the floorboard of his car and there were no additional weapons recovered from the vehicle.
I’m more of a Manny fan now than ever! Go Canes!!!!
Please explain how someone can stab you while facing the other direction. Physics wasn’t my best subject in school but I’m pretty sure it’s not possible. He was not a threat at the moment he was shot. He didn’t have a gun. Thinking maybe he might have had a gun is BS. You can’t assume someone has a gun or you’re basically saying that a cops have a free pass to shoot anyone at any time by simply saying I thought they might have a gun. You can’t have law and order when the justice system isn’t allowed to play out.
He literally told the cops he had a gun in his car. What don’t you get about that? I get being upset someone of color was shot by a white cop but chose and pick your battles because this ain’t a winner. When you scream murder at every death that occurs it just makes you look like an idiot who doesn’t really care about what actually happened. Believe it or not some people deserve to get shot and this was one of them.
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He literally told the cops he had a gun in his car. What don’t you get about that? I get being upset someone of color was shot by a white cop but chose and pick your battles because this ain’t a winner. When you scream murder at every death that occurs it just makes you look like an idiot who doesn’t really care about what actually happened. Believe it or not some people deserve to get shot and this was one of them.
They’re known as libtards for a reason...
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He literally told the cops he had a gun in his car. What don’t you get about that? I get being upset someone of color was shot by a white cop but chose and pick your battles because this ain’t a winner. When you scream murder at every death that occurs it just makes you look like an idiot who doesn’t really care about what actually happened. Believe it or not some people deserve to get shot and this was one of them.
Again, besides the word of the cop how do you know this? Do you not understand why they would have a reason to lie? When there is evidence produced for this I'll be happy to reconsider my position but for now you're essentially say an officer's word is god and they can say whatever they want without proof.

He didn't have a gun in the car so the claim doesn't even make sense. Is it possible that he said that despite not having a gun? sure. You know what is more likely? A cop shot someone in the back that didnt have a gun and doesn't want to go to jail for murder. Who has more reason to lie? A guy with a gun pointed at him that is likely to get shot for said lie or the person trying to stay out of jail?
It’s sad that we even have a coach pandering now. Since when did ignoring the facts of a case become ok as long as you could make yourself more politically affluent.

facts of case:

subjects was wanted in warrants for sexual abuse of a child.

subject was armed with a karambit knife and then told cops he was going to get his gun from the car.

subject opens car door and reaches toward the seat.

subject is shot multiple times and somehow survives.

I’ll never understand the mindset.

Glad I didnt renew but impressed with the covid recruiting help we got. COVID RECRUITING
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Now when a coach does stuff like that, he separates the team. Why do something stupid like that. Coach K & Laranaga also tweeted about voting also. U have a criminal wanted for warrants & resisting arrest n on his record it had him fighting with police in the past & reaching for a weapon, 7 shots was excessive but for Coach to do this? Maybe he knows there might not be a season now. But for the people on the team that support Trump, and not going by Facts ,makes people wonder what the heck he is talking about. WHY BRING POLITICS and 1 SHOOTING into the team??

2. Its like Greg Popovich from the Spurs, have U seen how political he has become? Even believing the Russia/Trump lie for years before the info is finally out now. THIS IS WAY OUT OF HAND
Good for Manny. Silence is compliance. Stand up for injustice, Coach!!!
Shouldnt he stand up for all the cops that have been killed during riots? Isnt it 50-60 dead and 100s injured vs 3-4 shootings of people FLEEING the police with warrants for their arrest? And the guy in Wendy's who stole n shot at the cop with his taser? They are killing cops at the riots & injured 100s of federal agents & blinded 5-10 guys with lasers. Not 1 word on that. Why would college coach make a political tweet like that ? That's how you lose the team. 1/2 the canes players parents might support Trump, we have no idea. And they see stuff like that.
Shouldnt he stand up for all the cops that have been killed during riots? Isnt it 50-60 dead and 100s injured vs 3-4 shootings of people FLEEING the police with warrants for their arrest? And the guy in Wendy's who stole n shot at the cop with his taser? They are killing cops at the riots & injured 100s of federal agents & blinded 5-10 guys with lasers. Not 1 word on that. Why would college coach make a political tweet like that ? That's how you lose the team. 1/2 the canes players parents might support Trump, we have no idea. And they see stuff like that.
Majority of team is black. I’m pretty sure they’re on the side of the one murdered by the police. Just a thought. The entire team marched together after George Floyd was murdered. This is called building trust. Look at our recruiting.
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Majority of team is black. I’m pretty sure they’re on the side of the one murdered by the police. Just a thought. The entire team marched together after George Floyd was murdered. This is called building trust. Look at our recruiting.
I really wish you could understand how you sound from an outside perspective.
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I really wish you could understand how you sound from an outside perspective.
Likewise. I’ll ask one more time. Do you think an officer need not have evidence and their word should be gospel? Personally I don’t believe a cop should have carte Blanche to kill without evidence by simply claiming someone said they had a gun. It makes me wonder what your body count is...
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Likewise. I’ll ask one more time. Do you think an officer need not have evidence and their word should be gospel? Personally I don’t believe a cop should have carte Blanche to kill without evidence by simply claiming someone said they had a gun. It makes me wonder what your body count is...
I agree with you here. It needs reform which the democrats wont do because it will be another feather in Trumps presidency. Tim Scott had a pretty good bill for both sides to start with to increase training for police. Sad that politics is more important than peoples lives, but with democrats today it is. I wont deny that republicans have put politics before solving problems too in the past. Why Trump is the one who dont give a shit about politics. He has schooled these democrats for almost 4 years under fire from lies and hit jobs.
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I agree with you here. It needs reform which the democrats wont do because it will be another feather in Trumps presidency. Tim Scott had a pretty good bill for both sides to start with to increase training for police. Sad that politics is more important than peoples lives, but with democrats today it is. I wont deny that republicans have put politics before solving problems too in the past. Why Trump is the one who dont give a shit about politics. He has schooled these democrats for almost 4 years under fire from lies and hit jobs.
I don’t think either side wants to solve it if we’re being completely honest. I have more faith in Dems to do so than Republicans but neither side inspires much confidence. Not holding my breathe.
Likewise. I’ll ask one more time. Do you think an officer need not have evidence and their word should be gospel? Personally I don’t believe a cop should have carte Blanche to kill without evidence by simply claiming someone said they had a gun. It makes me wonder what your body count is...
Ummm well it’s right on the f’ing body cam. You know not all cops are bad right? I want to let you know 99% of cops are great people. Just like 99% of America are decent humans who do what’s right. Don’t paint the 99% to be the 1%.
I don’t think either side wants to solve it if we’re being completely honest. I have more faith in Dems to do so than Republicans but neither side inspires much confidence. Not holding my breathe.
Based off of what? The worst cities in America are dem ran. I told CD this one time & he couldn’t comprehend it. It’s all about policies. Right now in NYC shootings are up 180%. It’s so bad they pulled all the grand larceny detectives out of the precincts & assigned them to teams so they could work all the violent crimes. It takes on average 3 days to get a search warrant signed there because of all the red tape.

I got search warrant yesterday for a cell. It took me 40 minutes including the time it took to write it. Dem ran cities are notorious for silly ass bullsh-t!
I agree with you here. It needs reform which the democrats wont do because it will be another feather in Trumps presidency. Tim Scott had a pretty good bill for both sides to start with to increase training for police. Sad that politics is more important than peoples lives, but with democrats today it is. I wont deny that republicans have put politics before solving problems too in the past. Why Trump is the one who dont give a shit about politics. He has schooled these democrats for almost 4 years under fire from lies and hit jobs.
Ask him what his definition of reform is... actually I’m interested in hearing your definition of reform. People have no clue what our policies are.
Manny using this as a recruiting tactic now. Will be useless after November 3rd. Plus he’s likely bitter that Trump destroyed the legacy of Obama, who his father endorsed in 2008. That’s why Manny is a pvssy and likely won’t succeed here.
Destroyed OBAMA’S LEGACY”Wait” I’m still laughing! Support Trump but DONT MAKE UP LIES! Comparing Trump to Obama is like saying, “Miami would go UNDEFEATED IN THE SEC, with LSU, UF, UGA, BAMA & Auburn on the schedule this year”! We Love Miami but it’s absolutely insane to say or believe something this stupid!
It’s sad that we even have a coach pandering now. Since when did ignoring the facts of a case become ok as long as you could make yourself more politically affluent.

facts of case:

subjects was wanted in warrants for sexual abuse of a child.

subject was armed with a karambit knife and then told cops he was going to get his gun from the car.

subject opens car door and reaches toward the seat.

subject is shot multiple times and somehow survives.

I’ll never understand the mindset.

For a cop you always seem to get it wrong. Why?
Ummm well it’s right on the f’ing body cam. You know not all cops are bad right? I want to let you know 99% of cops are great people. Just like 99% of America are decent humans who do what’s right. Don’t paint the 99% to be the 1%.
The cops weren’t wearing body cameras. No one in Kenosha does.......When did I say all cops are bad? I asked a question about this case, you made a baseless claim and I asked if you believe cops don’t need evidence. It really wasn’t a difficult question.
The cops weren’t wearing body cameras. No one in Kenosha does.......When did I say all cops are bad? I asked a question about this case, you made a baseless claim and I asked if you believe cops don’t need evidence. It really wasn’t a difficult question.
You have gone out of your way to enable the behavior of a convicted felon over a cop who went out of his way to not shoot the suspect, all under the guise of racial injustice. Tell me again how this is racial injustice. You didn’t even believe the guy had a knife until I had to show you a picture of the damn knife. Keep making excuses for the people who get themselves shot.
You have gone out of your way to enable the behavior of a convicted felon over a cop who went out of his way to not shoot the suspect, all under the guise of racial injustice. Tell me again how this is racial injustice. You didn’t even believe the guy had a knife until I had to show you a picture of the damn knife. Keep making excuses for the people who get themselves shot.
See that’s the difference between you and me. I don’t care about the cop or the guy who was shot in specific. I care about the idea of justice in America. I never once defended Jacob Blake. You have defended this cop up and down going so far to make completely baseless accusations and suggesting the officer can make those kind of claims with zero evidence. I get it, you’re biased because at best you’ve witnessed this behavior, at worst you’ve engaged in it. You’re really just highlighting the problem we have. You don’t get to be judge, jury, and executioner no matter how bad you want to be. That is not how are system is supposed to work.
See that’s the difference between you and me. I don’t care about the cop or the guy who was shot in specific. I care about the idea of justice in America. I never once defended Jacob Blake. You have defended this cop up and down going so far to make completely baseless accusations and suggesting the officer can make those kind of claims with zero evidence. I get it, you’re biased because at best you’ve witnessed this behavior, at worst you’ve engaged in it. You’re really just highlighting the problem we have. You don’t get to be judge, jury, and executioner no matter how bad you want to be. That is not how are system is supposed to work.
No what you don’t understand is I know the policies, I know the training and have been involved in critical response to shootings. Had one two weeks ago. You’re a civilian flying by the seat of his pants. You don’t know anything about case law, much less TN v. Garner or Graham vs. Connor. It’s like a 7-11 clerk launching the space shuttle.
How do you know that it's an injustice? There is an ongoing investigation and the FBI is involved. At least let the investigation play out before you render any judgment.

But I can tell you this when you are dealing with the police, no matter what race you are: DON'T RESIST ARREST!!!! Only bad things happen when you do that.

this is the difference....


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