
Aug 14, 2007
I have recently been too busy with work to really follow what's going on. I did my absentee ballot on Monday here in Georgia by dropping it off in the drop box since lines here were ridiculous by design. Typical voter suppression crap that goes on in Republican run states because these people are about as unamerican as it can get although they will jump up and down and tell you that liberals are so unamerican.

It's no coincidence places like Georgia and Texas are trying to have the fewest drop boxes as humanly possible because they want to mute the people. Since when the people speak, they don't like what the majority of people have to say about them and their brand of communist government. Where the poor are poor because they are lazy and the wealthy are wealthy because they work hard.

These are some of the very worst people walking the face of the planet. People who have not won a national election for the executive office legitimately since 1989. Think about it. Every other republican president since then had to contest the results in court OR had some type of interference / assistance from a foreign government. Which is what Trump is hanging his hopes on now. Getting the results regardless of how bad he losses in front of his own supreme court so he can have another 4 years as someone who the people didn't elect through popularity.

The polls show he is in serious trouble right now.......and is spending time in Republican stronghold states just to hold on to them.
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I have recently been too busy with work to really follow what's going on. I did my absentee ballot on Monday here in Georgia by dropping it off in the drop box since lines here were ridiculous by design. Typical voter suppression crap that goes on in Republican run states because these people are about as unamerican as it can get although they will jump up and down and tell you that liberals are so unamerican.

It's no coincidence places like Georgia and Texas are trying to have the fewest drop boxes as humanly possible because they want to mute the people. Since when the people speak, they don't like what the majority of people have to say about them and their brand of communist government. Where the poor are poor because they are lazy and the wealthy are wealthy because they work hard.

These are some of the very worst people walking the face of the planet. People who have not won a national election for the executive office legitimately since 1989. Think about it. Every other republican president since then had to contest the results in court OR had some type of interference / assistance from a foreign government. Which is what Trump is hanging his hopes on now. Getting the results regardless of how bad he losses in front of his own supreme court so he can have another 4 years as someone who the people didn't elect through popularity.

The polls show he is in serious trouble right now.......and is spending time in Republican stronghold states just to hold on to them.

If we wanted to hear bullshitt we would just listen to CNN...
Your bias opinion doesnt mean shitt...
EXACTLY why 70% of Trump voter VOTE FOR HIM, vs 30% of Bidens supporters voting FOR biden.
LMAO @ YOU dummies.
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Neither would be my favorite for president. The difference is one of them belong in jail....and know nothing. The other at least knows what government is supposed to look like. He will have qualified people in the right positions. Not people on trial.....and a vote elsewhere would be a vote for Trump and I wouldn't want Trump in that office again under any circumstances. He is a serial liar and over 400 Million dollars in debt. He can't even manage his own finances. I want him no where near mine.

I am just hoping he gives his hyenas some kind of order so they can all get mowed down. Stand down and stand back? This person is a complete moron to me.
Neither would be my favorite for president. The difference is one of them belong in jail....and know nothing. The other at least knows what government is supposed to look like. He will have qualified people in the right positions. Not people on trial.....and a vote elsewhere would be a vote for Trump and I wouldn't want Trump in that office again under any circumstances. He is a serial liar and over 400 Million dollars in debt. He can't even manage his own finances. I want him no where near mine.

I am just hoping he gives his hyenas some kind of order so they can all get mowed down. Stand down and stand back? This person is a complete moron to me.
You are a complete MORON to this site
200,000 net gain for republican new registered voters in both FL & PA. The libs are getting scared. The walls are closing in. The red Tsunami is on the way. Trump wins FL by 300k votes. Wins PA by 250K. Not even close. They will still try and cheat and cry afoul but the gap will be to large for them to demand recount. Can’t wait.
Neither would be my favorite for president. The difference is one of them belong in jail....and know nothing. The other at least knows what government is supposed to look like. He will have qualified people in the right positions. Not people on trial.....and a vote elsewhere would be a vote for Trump and I wouldn't want Trump in that office again under any circumstances. He is a serial liar and over 400 Million dollars in debt. He can't even manage his own finances. I want him no where near mine.

I am just hoping he gives his hyenas some kind of order so they can all get mowed down. Stand down and stand back? This person is a complete moron to me.
Your stupidity is breathtaking. When you have billions in assets, 400 mm in debt is NOTHING. Stick with your swampdonkey REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Neither would be my favorite for president. The difference is one of them belong in jail....and know nothing. The other at least knows what government is supposed to look like. He will have qualified people in the right positions. Not people on trial.....and a vote elsewhere would be a vote for Trump and I wouldn't want Trump in that office again under any circumstances. He is a serial liar and over 400 Million dollars in debt. He can't even manage his own finances. I want him no where near mine.

I am just hoping he gives his hyenas some kind of order so they can all get mowed down. Stand down and stand back? This person is a complete moron to me.
400 million in debt ALLEGEDLY against billions in Real Estate.
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400 million in debt ALLEGEDLY against billions in Real Estate.
So, because he has a billion dollars it is okay for him to not pay 400 Million dollars to his creditors that helped him get there? That's about the dumbest shit I have ever heard.
Your stupidity is breathtaking. When you have billions in assets, 400 mm in debt is NOTHING. Stick with your swampdonkey REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Tell that to his creditors!!!!! I think I already used this response but it doesn't get old with you people. This is the stupidest shit I have ever heard in my life. Not surprised though.
You talk about respect but you call anyone who isnt a liberal minion a hyena, unamerican, racist, etc, etc. You are divisive as they come.

Get over yourself. Your a walking lib talking point and no one takes you seriously. Not even the people you vote for.
Actually, no I don't. Pay attention.
Tell that to his creditors!!!!! I think I already used this response but it doesn't get old with you people. This is the stupidest shit I have ever heard in my life. Not surprised though.
Do you know what a real estate mortgage loan is?
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Do you know what a real estate mortgage loan is?
What difference does that make if you are a deadbeat to your creditors on your notes? See...I know what a loan is. I also know what debt is. I know what a deadbeat POS is too. He is no better than a person that doesn't pay his loans. The funny thing is you believe this excuses him because he has the money to pay it back when in reality that is worse to me.
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What difference does that make if you are a deadbeat to your creditors on your notes? See...I know what a loan is. I also know what debt is. I know what a deadbeat POS is too. He is no better than a person that doesn't pay his loans. The funny thing is you believe this excuses him because he has the money to pay it back when in reality that is worse to me.
So in summary, you know yourself well. Good for you, Deadbeat Dad.
What difference does that make if you are a deadbeat to your creditors on your notes? See...I know what a loan is. I also know what debt is. I know what a deadbeat POS is too. He is no better than a person that doesn't pay his loans. The funny thing is you believe this excuses him because he has the money to pay it back when in reality that is worse to me.

I’ve never seen a better example of someone being so opinionated about subjects he knows nothing about.
Neither would be my favorite for president. The difference is one of them belong in jail....and know nothing. The other at least knows what government is supposed to look like. He will have qualified people in the right positions. Not people on trial.....and a vote elsewhere would be a vote for Trump and I wouldn't want Trump in that office again under any circumstances. He is a serial liar and over 400 Million dollars in debt. He can't even manage his own finances. I want him no where near mine.

I am just hoping he gives his hyenas some kind of order so they can all get mowed down. Stand down and stand back? This person is a complete moron to me.
I can't wait for early voting to start here in Florida on Monday. The great state of Florida will be called for Biden by 8:30pm on election night. Then the celebration starts.
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So, because he has a billion dollars it is okay for him to not pay 400 Million dollars to his creditors that helped him get there? That's about the dumbest shit I have ever heard.
Dude you obviously know NOTHING about the concept of leverage.
The dumbest shit is some donkey spewing out criticism on a topic he knows jack shit about .
You ALWAYS look to leverage debt to equity.No one pays it off, it leaves you more cash to buy additional properties.
You truly are the epitome of STUPID!
You continue to embarrass yourself more daily
EVERY Real Estate savvy investor accumulates their wealth using one simple concept OPM. Other People's Money. Same way we buy our homes. CD you buy a home for 400K and you borrow 360K are you over leveraged? Use your head man.
Dude you obviously know NOTHING about the concept of leverage.
The dumbest shit is some donkey spewing out criticism on a topic he knows jack shit about .
You ALWAYS look to leverage debt to equity.No one pays it off, it leaves you more cash to buy additional properties.
You truly are the epitome of STUPID!
You continue to embarrass yourself more daily
Come on cd, admit your stupid analysis.
Wait you can’t!
Your head is far too up your asshole
I respect opposing opinions
I’m disgusted when douchebags speak from ignorance.
Come on Cd, lets discuss real estate, and why I retired at 49!!!!
LEVERAGE you donk ass! GOOGLE IT
PS I’m waiting for your response!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PSS still waiting donkey!
Dude you obviously know NOTHING about the concept of leverage.
The dumbest shit is some donkey spewing out criticism on a topic he knows jack shit about .
You ALWAYS look to leverage debt to equity.No one pays it off, it leaves you more cash to buy additional properties.
You truly are the epitome of STUPID!
You continue to embarrass yourself more daily
Leverage? ROLMFAO.....DUDE.....He is defaulting on loans. Stop acting like your are brilliant. I assure you. You are NOT. HE IS A DEADBEAT! Calling me STUPID because you won't acknowledge a deadbeat doesn't change the fact that he is not repaying his loan. He has shit credit and has left lenders high and dry.
Come on cd, admit your stupid analysis.
Wait you can’t!
Your head is far too up your asshole
I respect opposing opinions
I’m disgusted when douchebags speak from ignorance.
Come on Cd, lets discuss real estate, and why I retired at 49!!!!
LEVERAGE you donk ass! GOOGLE IT
PS I’m waiting for your response!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PSS still waiting donkey!
Take it easy brother breathe my man breathe. No need to go crazy............
Leverage? ROLMFAO.....DUDE.....He is defaulting on loans. Stop acting like your are brilliant. I assure you. You are NOT. HE IS A DEADBEAT! Calling me STUPID because you won't acknowledge a deadbeat doesn't change the fact that he is not repaying his loan. He has shit credit and has left lenders high and dry.
Tough to get all those properties as a deadbeat CD
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Tough to get all those properties as a deadbeat CD
Actually.... getting the properties has nothing to do with being a loan deadbeat! Which is why American banks don't lend him money any longer. Which is why he is a national security threat.
Actually.... getting the properties has nothing to do with being a loan deadbeat! Which is why American banks don't lend him money any longer. Which is why he is a national security threat.
Shut up loser. The only reason anyone replies to you is to amuse themselves and belittle you.
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I can't wait for early voting to start here in Florida on Monday. The great state of Florida will be called for Biden by 8:30pm on election night. Then the celebration starts.
Your tears are going to be extra sweet.
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