I saw the CNN special on him and learned alot. Didn't know his presidency was as productive as it was.Grant was a military genius. Respected military historians hold him in awe:
* he simultaneously led 3 huge armies over a massive war theatre from Texas to Pennsylvania. No one had ever done that.
* he was the first to use the Telegraph to coordinate these armies on land, sea, river and via railroad. No one had ever done that.
* he understood that he didn’t have to capture and hold territory. Rather, he had to destroy the ability of the South to wage war. He had to cut off food and fuel and then destroy the rebel armies. He did that, relentlessly.
His thinking and strategies still inform US Army doctrine of bringing overwhelming force against your enemy. See the first Gulf War. Colin Powell cited Grant in his prep for that campaign.
good jobI don’t know, never met him, nor has anyone else on this board. So the only opinion one could make is based upon what someone else wrote and we can’t say what bias that author may have had. My momma taught me not to speak poorly of the dead.
Interesting that such an astute and educated person such as yourself labels millions of young Americans that way.He fought the traitors that wanted to destroy the United States of America. He beat those treasonous sorry pieces of shit that killed real Americans. I honor him and everyone who served as members of the United States military and I stand against all enemies foreign and domestic, with special revulsion for those that tried to destroy the UNITED States of America from within.
good job
Thats an ignorant statement. His autobiography is in his own words. He was a kind and empathetic person who took charge and made difficult decisions to save the Union.I don’t know, never met him, nor has anyone else on this board. So the only opinion one could make is based upon what someone else wrote and we can’t say what bias that author may have had. My momma taught me not to speak poorly of the dead.
My great grandpa's father was a Confederate soldier. I'm literally a son of the confederacy. His tombstone, on which my last name exists, is there now.Interesting that such an astute and educated person such as yourself labels millions of young Americans that way.
I know you understand that many of those fighting in the south had no choice and probably 90% Had no participation in owning people. IF you were an 18 year old in Georgia at the time and everyone told you that you were going to war you would go. Now was the leadership and the slave owners pieces of Sht??? Damn right those Treasonous bastards were!!!!! But dont lump millions of people throughout history that way when they where only doing what they were forced to do.
Grant was the right person at the right time to bring the South to its knees. I just read his autobiography, Much of the North was willing to let the south be its own country so as not to lose anymore of their sons.
Thank God he was there.
History is written by those that won it.
So it’s hard to know with that being said. The guy stopped at nothing. Burning church sanctuaries down. Murdered women and children. Looked the other way as teenage girls were raped as towns were literally and truley pillaged. The message was sent with a loud and clear message that if you go against the union that you were free game. A lot of historians will tell you that a big reason that the south lost was because they weren’t willing to go that far. Church’s for example were off limits. If it were up to a lot of the people on this board no one in the south would be alive today. I can understand people of opposing views saying he won so it’s hard to fault any of his moves but i have a hard time believing that these same people on here taking this stance would feel the sane way if were at war with any other country today. The same people calling these confederate soldiers traitors and all names unholy felt no different than the british did in the revolutionary war towards our forefathers. Even then a lot of historians will tell you that we fought dirty in the revolutionary war and won because we went further than the british were willing to go. It’s all in how it’s written.
If you go to any decent museum it’s erie and sareal when you see this stuff. Even in our worst days we’ve come a long way. It’s almost like you want to think that it happened hundreds of years before it really did so that we don’t actually have to be nearly as associated with it but there it is right in front of you and unfortunately it really wasn’t relatively speaking that long ago. Scary shit. It’s very real to me as most history is and it creeps me out. Not a good time but if we don’t face our past we’re doomed to repeat it. I truly believe that there’s good and evil in all of us and that it’s up to us to decide how we cope with it and up to the big man up stairs to judge us on that challenge. Kinda makes it hard to judge other people or impossible if you will which is why I try not to including the very guy this topic is about.
Stallin although a Mass murderer was the leader of a country that was attacked and lost 50 million people as a result of hitler. Good luck holding back any army that has lost 50 million citizensMy great grandpa's father was a Confederate soldier. I'm literally a son of the confederacy. His tombstone, on which my last name exists, is there now.
If you want to give them the benefit of some modern day innocence feel free. I'm holding them to the standard of their time. I can see what happened after Reconstruction and through Jim Crow. If you believe them to be unwilling conscripts, that's a unique perspective. I've no sympathy for Pol Pot's army, Idi Amin's infantry, the tan tan macoot (sp) of Poppa Doc, Castro's cubans nor Che's militia, you can't get sympathy for Nazi's from me or Stalin's murderous red machine, and I won't make excuses for men who killed American soldiers as a whole, especially given the history of the regions after. We can agree, folks like Lee, educated in the North, who made the choice to destroy his country are scum.
So I'll take the agreement where it is found and as for my last name, the woman who bore my great grandfather was a fantastic human, my great great grandfather, was a traitor.
Yeah, completely off point, nothing to do with what I was saying and if you're making excuses for the b*llshit, subhuman piece of shit that pinko, godless, commie did, have at it.Stallin although a Mass murderer was the leader of a country that was attacked and lost 50 million people as a result of hitler. Good luck holding back any army that has lost 50 million citizens
I wasnt, you didnt read it. Im sure you would have liked your great great great grandfather. He was no different than most other people.Yeah, completely off point, nothing to do with what I was saying and if you're making excuses for the b*llshit, subhuman piece of shit that pinko, godless, commie did, have at it.
was just great great grandfather, naa, I don't think I would have liked him at all. I have proof I would not have but that's besides the point.I wasnt, you didnt read it. Im sure you would have liked your great great great grandfather. He was no different than most other people.