We have tried to tell you!


Jan 6, 2011
Socialism is a stepping stone. You didn’t listen. Now we have the communist party walking in DC! If you support this you’re a traitor to your country.

Here is their website which is clearly posted on the banner.

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Yha man me too, but I have faith bro. We need to clean up all these fruity teachers get them the hell out, and return to teaching knowledge and values. I've seen some stuff, actually blew my backout on a punt return playing against Forsyth County, Ga back in the late 80's. I imagine you recognize what that town was famous for. They even marched on my school yearly back then, up till my JR year. We had orders to have battalion formations in from of our corresponding barracks, and IF ANY Civi was crazy enough to step 1 toe on our grounds , Deal with them in MASS with Prejudice lol. Needless to say Not 1 more rally EVER after my soph yr. God forgive me, but sometimes I think what would these self righteous snowflakes do today if they encountered THAT kind of REAL inbreed Racism,,,,,,,,, leave yellow and brown streaks all the way to the Uber pick up I suppose Roflmao We dont have a perfect society but our constitution provides us the way and WE as Citizens Have and Will Keep moving toward the light and the right way.
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remma one person ,,,,,,,,,,George Soros ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, merchant of death International political influencer ,,,,,,,,, if you ever heard the Term King Maker he's one ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, dude pays for all of it 💀
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