White House deputy press secretary T.J. Ducklo

But as Politico noted in a 2009 profile of Biden, the other driver was not charged with drunken driving, or anything else that would indicate fault on his part. Based on evidence and witness accounts, it appeared that Neilia Biden had pulled into the truck driver’s right of way at an intersection with a two-way stop, and the tractor-trailer driver was unable to stop in time to avoid striking her vehicle:

The driver of the truck, Curtis C. Dunn of Pennsylvania, was not charged with drunk driving. He wasn’t charged with anything. The accident was an accident, and though the police file no longer exists, coverage in the newspapers at the time made it clear that fault was not in question. For whatever reason, Neilia Biden, who was holding the baby, ended up in the right of way of Dunn’s truck coming down a long hill.
“She had a stop sign. The truck driver did not,” Jerome Herlihy told me. He’s a retired judge who then was a deputy attorney general and once was a neighbor to Biden and remains friendly. A pal of Biden at the time asked Herlihy “to go out to the state police troop where the driver of the other vehicle was to make sure everything was going all right,” and so he did. “In the end,” Herlihy said, “I concurred in their decision that there was no fault on his part.”
No. I won't bother because you refuse to have an adult conversation today. Lying Joe didn't just lie about his wife's death, he falsely implied that an innocent man was drunk and responsible for her death. I make fun of his crackhead son a bit, but to be fair, Hunter never had a chance in life with a POS like Joey for a father.

Again, you saying it doesn't make it true. Find a list of Joe Biden's lies from a reputable source, then let's compare it to the evidence of Trump's lies to see who comes up on the short end of the stick.
But as Politico noted in a 2009 profile of Biden, the other driver was not charged with drunken driving, or anything else that would indicate fault on his part. Based on evidence and witness accounts, it appeared that Neilia Biden had pulled into the truck driver’s right of way at an intersection with a two-way stop, and the tractor-trailer driver was unable to stop in time to avoid striking her vehicle:
Like I said before, what kind of POS would lie about his own wife's death?
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Again, you saying it doesn't make it true. Find a list of Joe Biden's lies from a reputable source, then let's compare it to the evidence of Trump's lies to see who comes up on the short end of the stick.
C'mon man. Only a dog faced pony soldier would turn a blind eye to what we've all witnessed the last 47 years from Lying Joe. From his graduating at the top of his class, all the way to his wife's death, the only way for sure to know when Joey is not lying is when his lips are not moving. Even then he's probably still thinking of what lie to tell next.
C'mon man. Only a dog faced pony soldier would turn a blind eye to what we've all witnessed the last 47 years from Lying Joe. From his graduating at the top of his class, all the way to his wife's death, the only way for sure to know when Joey is not lying is when his lips are not moving. Even then he's probably still thinking of what lie to tell next.

Quid Pro Joe has been lying through his teeth to the American people for over 47 years for anyone paying attention. He's also made sure that he and his family have profited very handsomely off the government teat.
But as Politico noted in a 2009 profile of Biden, the other driver was not charged with drunken driving, or anything else that would indicate fault on his part. Based on evidence and witness accounts, it appeared that Neilia Biden had pulled into the truck driver’s right of way at an intersection with a two-way stop, and the tractor-trailer driver was unable to stop in time to avoid striking her vehicle:
She was probably still stunned after she found out Biden was cheating on her

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