Who's paying for the wall again?????

A poor attempt. I see you're still licking your wounds from being called out last week. Just suck it up, own it, and jog on.
Your poor attempt to deflect your racism is obvious. You are a racist through and through. A Liberal Democrat racist. Don't know how to think about it however you need to own your comments.
Your poor attempt to deflect your racism is obvious. You are a racist through and through. A Liberal Democrat racist. Don't know how to think about it however you need to own your comments.

Hilarious watching you desperately twist yourself into a pretzel to gin up a racism claim to deflect from your own comments. As a Trump supporter, you don't have any moral leverage to make any claims about others. The best you can do is go back and review your own moral compass and try to be a better person.
I believe he prefers alternative facts.
Fool, read the Congressional research report. They claim 68% of illegal drugs do not come from legal ports of entry. Google it.
Raoul, apologize to all the non racist people on this site for the disgusting racist profiling comments you made previously. Own it. Don't deflect what you said.
Fool, read the Congressional research report. They claim 68% of illegal drugs do not come from legal ports of entry. Google it.
Raoul, apologize to all the non racist people on this site for the disgusting racist profiling comments you made previously. Own it. Don't deflect what you said.

Wow. You seem to be having a mental breakdown of sorts. Perhaps step away from the internet and get some fresh air.
Fool, you need to apologize for being a racist. For profiling people with sombreros ( assuming you are making reference to Mexicans) . You come off being holier than thou but you showed tour true colors. Man up! Admit your error.
Fool, read the Congressional research report. They claim 68% of illegal drugs do not come from legal ports of entry. Google it.
Raoul, apologize to all the non racist people on this site for the disgusting racist profiling comments you made previously. Own it. Don't deflect what you said.
Correction 65% not 68%, my bad.
Read prior posts.
I’ve gone through this entire thread...Raoul was giving you an example of the racist type of shyt the DonMan/Conman & his minions have been drumming up about Mexican ppl! I don’t even have to bring up any examples because you already know what it is!! Unless it’s on another post, there’s nothing in this thread where I see that you’ve called out DT for the racist that he is!! Is it in another thread or something bruh?
I’ve gone through this entire thread...Raoul was giving you an example of the racist type of shyt the DonMan/Conman & his minions have been drumming up about Mexican ppl! I don’t even have to bring up any examples because you already know what it is!! Unless it’s on another post, there’s nothing in this thread where I see that you’ve called out DT for the racist that he is!! Is it in another thread or something bruh?
You don't have to pick up his pants, it was clearly profiling. I don't like phonies .
You don't have to pick up his pants, it was clearly profiling. I don't like phonies .
But you still haven’t told me where you’ve called out DT for being a racist & a it in this thread that you posted it or another?
But you still haven’t told me where you’ve called out DT for being a racist & a it in this thread that you posted it or another?
Not relative to the racists comments made by Raoul.
Not relative to the racists comments made by Raoul.
But from one canes fan to another (That’s what brought us to this forum)...being that you’ve said Raoul posted something racist, in your opinion, is DT a racist? You have plenty of examples to choose from whether you believe he’s a racist or not! Be 100 to Allied, no phony shyt....
But from one canes fan to another (That’s what brought us to this forum)...being that you’ve said Raoul posted something racist, in your opinion, is DT a racist? You have plenty of examples to choose from whether you believe he’s a racist or not! Be 100 to Allied, no phony shyt....
Again, no deflection. Raoul needs to own his statements and you need not to feebly attempt to change the narrative.
Again, no deflection. Raoul needs to own his statements and you need not to feebly attempt to change the narrative.
Bruh, I’m not Raoul though....I asked you a simple question that you just won’t answer (it’s a free country and it’s your right not to do so) See bruh, I’m neither a Dem nor Rep—there’s bullshyt in both parties but you can bet your last dollar that if that racist piece a shyt ran as a dem, I would’ve been a gop voting MF’er
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Bruh, I’m not Raoul though....I asked you a simple question that you just won’t answer (it’s a free country and it’s your right not to do so) See bruh, I’m neither a Dem nor Rep—there’s bullshyt in both parties but you can bet your last dollar that if that racist piece a shyt ran as a dem, I would’ve been a gop voting MF’er
DT is not a politician. His lack of polish has probably lost him an election in 2020. His comments about McCain were not appropriate. His comments he made about a retarded individual years ago were not appropriate. DT was far from perfect.
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Bruh, I’m not Raoul though....I asked you a simple question that you just won’t answer (it’s a free country and it’s your right not to do so) See bruh, I’m neither a Dem nor Rep—there’s bullshyt in both parties but you can bet your last dollar that if that racist piece a shyt ran as a dem, I would’ve been a gop voting MF’er
Now , when we talk racists, how do you explain sleepy Joe and his four decades of opposing busing? Nothing hidden there..there's a lot of commentary on that subject.
So no Trump supporter or Republican can answer the question. Next time the question comes up what has Trump lied about please refer to this thread.
Now , when we talk racists, how do you explain sleepy Joe and his four decades of opposing busing? Nothing hidden there..there's a lot of commentary on that subject.
As I’ve said, I’m not loyal to NO party.....Joe has sense enough to apologize for that dumb shyt! (Whether he means it or not, I’m not around him to know) but what I DO know is DT doesn’t and hasn’t apologized for SHYT and he WON’T! The list is HELLA long too.....
It just falls flat when people condemn Trump but then defend Biden. If you are gullible enough to fall for the uncle Joe shtick then you clearly lean towards a party. There is no moral high ground when we are discussing these politicians at the highest level....and that's one of the biggest problems.
How can it fall flat when DT is unapologetic about ANYTHING—he’s never at fault! This is far beyond party lines bro! DT has waffled between parties for YEARS! He’s a silver spooned piece of shyt and your statement above says as much without admitting it...I’m excited to see what his future holds after January 20th....Can’t pardon state charges
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The wall was just a racist concept to fire his redneck supporters up to vote. No sane person ever believed a wall would be built, or even more laughably, that Mexico would pay for it. Its a good example of Trump's ability to manipulate the easily led, much as he's doing today with all the fake recount stuff.
We are at 500 miles right now bongo
The wall was just a racist concept to fire his redneck supporters up to vote. No sane person ever believed a wall would be built, or even more laughably, that Mexico would pay for it. Its a good example of Trump's ability to manipulate the easily led, much as he's doing today with all the fake recount stuff.

Ask a El Salvadoran, Honduran or Nicaguaran how easy it is to get asylum and citizenship in Mexico. Better yet have the intellectual honesty to google it and then post on this board.
Thank you in advance for your desire and commitment to provide written facts to validate your written opinions. I am sure I will be seeing them soon.
Ask a El Salvadoran, Honduran or Nicaguaran how easy it is to get asylum and citizenship in Mexico. Better yet have the intellectual honesty to google it and then post on this board.
Thank you in advance for your desire and commitment to provide written facts to validate your written opinions. I am sure I will be seeing them soon.

Why would they want to go to Mexico when they could come here ? Its obviously better here.
The thing is all politicians lie...this isnt breaking news.

For instance, while forcing Obamacare on people, Obama said...""If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too. The only change you’ll see are falling costs as our reforms take hold."

I think that was touted as the lie of the year.

Playing devils advocates, he did make the comment and pledge that Mexico would pay for it before he was elected. He did "try" and make them pay for it. So technically it might not be a lie, just a promise he couldn't follow thru on. The spin afterwards was worse then the pledge. Just admit you couldnt get them to pay for it...but yeah, he is often full of shit like I said earlier.

I see you're still trying to lighten the blow. This discussion isn't about Obama. I'm not a Obama fan regarding politics. Plain and simple Trump lied and it's been spewed by his slurpees that he hasn't told a lie. Or deflect and bring up Obama. I'm not mad at Trump tho. I truly believe his antics will be a catalyst for some positive change.

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