I'll ignore most of your soap box liberal fantasies and get factual. Had Clinton not cheated on his wife, lied to the house investigator been impeached(yes he was impeached look it up) and bombed bin Laden when he had the chance we would have never had a 9-11, we had a powerless President because like all Democrats and liberals he was a sexual predator and had to many distractions! So thank the didler in Cheif for our troubles!! Bush had to clean up!!
9-11 was a false flag, an excuse to invade, colonize Iraq. No WMDs present. Saddam was no dummy. He probably knew of the invasion sent his WMDs & best weapons to other arab countries. Contrary to what Trumputin said Obama & Hillary Clinton are not the co founders of ISIS. The invasion of Iraq is the birth of ISIS.
After all coalition forces settled in to Iraq The Bush administration hired foreign fighters. almost a yr had passed & GWB wanted to renew the contract for the foreign fighters. Iraqi officials refused.Bush had to
dismantle the foreign fighters & with no source of income the FF were forced to join up with the extremists. This was the birth of ISIS.
Incidently GWB wasn't the sharpest guy so Dick Cheney did the indecent liberties & Bush just went along for the ride.
As far as sexual predators are concerned look no further than Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, Former Alabama Gov Robert Bentley,
Dennis Hastert, Former Florida senator Artiles, etc. The Obama administration was placed in a difficult situation with Iraq & Afghanistan.
Your facts are alternative facts.