Why did the Israel Prime Minister?

The poll said he was going to lose too. They mean nothing. Nice try though
He won with Russian assistance. She won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. What we are now hearing what Mike Flynn did is the tip of the iceberg. Others will fall. Carter Paige, Roger Stone, Wilbur Ross, Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions & last but not least Trumputin. He insisted he has never met Putin; only talked to him briefly. Back in 2013 He co sponsored a Beauty Pageant in Russia. It would be extremely difficult to not cross paths with Putin considering there was lots of money changing hands in Russia.
This is MONEY................An Abstain was essentially a NO ( Coward ) vote and Trump was sickened by it........Israel is one of if not our most important allies.....
vivijane, I am not insulting Jews. I'm saying we as americans could face more extremists attacks if we keep sending $$$$ to Israel.
Your a conservative deflecting; an outstanding characteristic. If we somehow got into a crisis with DPRK Israel will NOT help us .
As I said on another post Israel has tons of $$$$; they control so many fronts. The diamond market, the media, the entertainment industry.
It always amazes me how hypocritical the fringe left is. I specifically refer to the fringe here. Notice how they are the Champions of tolerance unless you don't agree with them or you're Jewish ? Fuk them.
The members of the GOP caucus in the house & senate are always saying "we have to get govt off of our backs. Americans need to realize we have a right to do what we please. We want small govt." These same individuals who are continually trying to undermine women that they shouldn't have a right to make decisions concerning their bodies. HYPOCRITICAL!!!!!!
This is MONEY................An Abstain was essentially a NO ( Coward ) vote and Trump was sickened by it........Israel is one of if not our most important allies.....
You mean COWARD Mitch McConnell???!!!! Who had the nerve to urge Democrats to work with GOP members to confirm Neil Gorsuch. 7 months prior to the general election republicans refused to hold hearings for then POTUS Obama's nominee Merrick Garland for SCOTUS. HYPOCRITES.
He won with Russian assistance. She won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. What we are now hearing what Mike Flynn did is the tip of the iceberg. Others will fall. Carter Paige, Roger Stone, Wilbur Ross, Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions & last but not least Trumputin. He insisted he has never met Putin; only talked to him briefly. Back in 2013 He co sponsored a Beauty Pageant in Russia. It would be extremely difficult to not cross paths with Putin considering there was lots of money changing hands in Russia.
Carter Paige said on National television " I only talked to him while I was in Cleveland (RNC) referring to his conversation with the Russian ambassador." Out side of that I have never spoken with him." Wether that's true or not Paige has lived in Russia off & on.
When you have $$$$ which Paige has its impossible to avoid the Russian govt. As we all know Russian govt officials are under the thumb of the Russian Oligarchy.
Carter Paige said on National television " I only talked to him while I was in Cleveland (RNC) referring to his conversation with the Russian ambassador." Out side of that I have never spoken with him." Wether that's true or not Paige has lived in Russia off & on.
When you have $$$$ which Paige has its impossible to avoid the Russian govt. As we all know Russian govt officials are under the thumb of the Russian Oligarchy.
You mean COWARD Mitch McConnell???!!!! Who had the nerve to urge Democrats to work with GOP members to confirm Neil Gorsuch. 7 months prior to the general election republicans refused to hold hearings for then POTUS Obama's nominee Merrick Garland for SCOTUS. HYPOCRITES.

Democrats did the same thing years before and even set the bar. Why vote when he would never get passed. It was a waste of time for Garlyn. Repubs had control and he would have never got in.
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Democrats did the same thing years before and even set the bar. Why vote when he would never get passed. It was a waste of time for Garlyn. Repubs had control and he would have never got in.
The GOP caucus violated our constitutional right by preventing Americans from a fair trial by jury. Whats more the GOP caucus wanted all costs to get a conservative as the new SCOTUS so they could force their agendas thru & when it came time to vote on it they could look the other way. Obstructionists to the hilt.
Hawaii stop your childlike behavior and take your skirt off. Weirdo
takes a weirdo to know another wierdo. You don't like child like behavior???!!!! then stay away from from adolescents, 9 y/o girls
trailer parks, kiddies. Demanding to remove skirts is proof of your deviance. Is that a habit you developed carousing with 9 y/o

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