I consider what he does on and off the court. How he unselfishly represents his community. People love to come here and talk about all the killings in Chicago as a political football. They don't take the time to acknowledge what James does for kids to give them an opportunity. Kids that come from disadvantaged backgrounds.
i remember when people used to Hate Mohomad Ali for not going to fight a BS war while so many african americans were being mistreated right here in their own home. By the time he passed away he was a hero. I am not waiting. james is worth hundreds of Millions of dollars and he could easily keep his mouth shut so he doesn't get taxed. He doesn't. He is fighting for those less fortunate.
i remember when people used to Hate Mohomad Ali for not going to fight a BS war while so many african americans were being mistreated right here in their own home. By the time he passed away he was a hero. I am not waiting. james is worth hundreds of Millions of dollars and he could easily keep his mouth shut so he doesn't get taxed. He doesn't. He is fighting for those less fortunate.

5 Reasons LeBron James Is The Greatest Of All-Time
The case for the greatest NBA player of all-time may never be settled. But LeBron James is making an eloquent argument with each passing year.