WOWZA...These Hyenas a very Scary! This one is MAD MAD!

add dignity and shame to your lacking list. You can say wetfuw, bigger greater persons than yourself sacrificed and died so that an ingrate like you can have that privilege. I am not denying you that, on the contrary, its a point of pride that I come from a country so Great, that even a hateful, misinformed, ingrate, rabble-rouser, like yourself, can enjoy that. I'm just saying, what You say is self indulgent sh*t lacking of any substance nor virtue, and designed to attract attention to a shallow hateful narcissists'. That's all
Trust me...there is nobody here that can preach to me about what to cherish in this country and vote for Donald J. Trump twice. I am not stupid. People like you trying to tell me out of one side of your mouth how American you are and how you bleed and dignified you are. Then tell me out of the other side of your mouth I should support attacks on our American capital based on an election fraud lie 62 judges debunked. You are telling me that someone with a lack of serious response to Covid that cost half a million people their lives should be supported. You voted twice for someone that told another country to open a fake investigation so he could get re-elected. What you two guys are mistaking as my narcissisms' are just my lack of respect for your opinion.
No one here supported attacks on our Capitol. Delusional
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Remember when the leftist protesters in Seattle and Portland were attacked by Trump? He said in effect “when the lootin‘ starts, the shootin‘ starts.” That won him a lot of fans in his base.

But, it turns out that when the rioting looters are from the right wearing MAGA and Proud Boy gear, where’s all the “lootin/shootin“ talk? I guess that right wing violence designed to undermine our elections is ok. Instead of shooting, Trump said “we love you.”

Hypocrisy at its finest.
Leftist “protestors”! Lmao
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Then quit comparing what our US President does to everyday people. It's stupid.

Lol. You must have an anti American lib talking point cheat sheet. You're all over the place. Just trying to make something stick. Listen...I dont want to make your reality come crashing down. You know and I know your an anti American lib. You can come up with whatever lib talking point or phrases you want. It doesnt change reality. But...your not important enough to keep going back and keep pretending your a "patriot"...whatever. just know...that we all know. So carry on with your constant anti American propaganda. Have fun...and you do you.
No one here supported attacks on our Capitol. Delusional


Have you not seen all the sympathy cards on here for the ‘Unarmed Air Force vet” shot and killed as she assaulted the Capitol? Have you not seen El Cubano’s ongoing assertion that the Proud Boys are Patriots, not terrorists?
Lol. You must have an anti American lib talking point cheat sheet. You're all over the place. Just trying to make something stick. Listen...I dont want to make your reality come crashing down. You know and I know your an anti American lib. You can come up with whatever lib talking point or phrases you want. It doesnt change reality. But...your not important enough to keep going back and keep pretending your a "patriot"...whatever. just know...that we all know. So carry on with your constant anti American propaganda. Have fun...and you do you.
Again....Not sure what it is you don't understand. People like me do not respect your opinion of them and I explained the reasoning. In your mind, our sitting US President shares the same standard of expectations as Kyle Rittenberg. Please miss me with your analysis of your world. It is a world where everything is fake news that you can not exploit. Miss us all with it.
So triggered

Is that you playing with your newest toy?
She was unarmed

Have you not seen the detailed reports on the exact circumstances of her death? It was covered in minute slow motion detail in the MSM. In the RWM (right wing media) I’m not sure.


* she was part of an assault on a particular entrance to the Capitol. She was in the second row behind the 4-5 guys beating on the doors and windows.

* the Capitol Police were aggressively resisting this entry attempt. Some progress was made by the aggressors as they beat on the doors and windows. At that point, a Capitol policeman pulled his fireman and told the aggressors behind the doors to step down. They said “don’t shoot” as he aimed the gun. Many people said “he has a gun.” There were some minutes of pause. Nevertheless, the assault continued.

* the officer did not shoot. Rather, he pointed the gun and ordered them to step down.

* Yet, the assault continued and the upper glass part of the door was shattered. The assaulters continued. To breach that opening, the assaulters lifted the smaller female Air Force vet to the opening to vault her through the opening. As she was shoved through the opening, the officer shot. She was hit, fell back and ultimately died.

* the assault faltered and ultimately failed. That door was never breached.

* the officer was cleared of any wrongdoing. He had stopped the breach

I am very sorry she died. But, to describe her as as unarmed vet shot down by Capitol Police is disingenuous. She was a part of an assault group on our Capitol who was used as a high risk asset. She paid a steep price.
Have you not seen the detailed reports on the exact circumstances of her death? It was covered in minute slow motion detail in the MSM. In the RWM (right wing media) I’m not sure.


* she was part of an assault on a particular entrance to the Capitol. She was in the second row behind the 4-5 guys beating on the doors and windows.

* the Capitol Police were aggressively resisting this entry attempt. Some progress was made by the aggressors as they beat on the doors and windows. At that point, a Capitol policeman pulled his fireman and told the aggressors behind the doors to step down. They said “don’t shoot” as he aimed the gun. Many people said “he has a gun.” There were some minutes of pause. Nevertheless, the assault continued.

* the officer did not shoot. Rather, he pointed the gun and ordered them to step down.

* Yet, the assault continued and the upper glass part of the door was shattered. The assaulters continued. To breach that opening, the assaulters lifted the smaller female Air Force vet to the opening to vault her through the opening. As she was shoved through the opening, the officer shot. She was hit, fell back and ultimately died.

* the assault faltered and ultimately failed. That door was never breached.

* the officer was cleared of any wrongdoing. He had stopped the breach

I am very sorry she died. But, to describe her as as unarmed vet shot down by Capitol Police is disingenuous. She was a part of an assault group on our Capitol who was used as a high risk asset. She paid a steep price.
No reason to shoot her. Shooting a random unarmed person is never good. This is the problem. It is in this case and when my unarmed brothers are shot.
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No reason to shoot her. Shooting a random unarmed person is never good. This is the problem. It is in this case and when my unarmed brothers are shot.

Read the facts. She wasn’t a “random” person. She was pushed by her group to be the first to breach the building. They were warned by the armed guard not to enter. They defied that order. She entered via the broken window and was shot. That ended the assault at that entrance.
its a shame your hearts only bleed for what you can monopolize on. I'm sure the Widow of the retired police officer killed in this summers BLM & Antifa insurrectionist riots is deserving of our respect and sympathy instead of being forgotten and used by you and your movement
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its a shame your hearts only bleed for what you can monopolize on. I'm sure the Widow of the retired police officer killed in this summers BLM & Antifa insurrectionist riots is deserving of our respect and sympathy instead of being forgotten and used by you and your movement

Me and my movement? LOL. WTF are you talking about? I’m not aware that I’m a member of some movement.

‘’I do vote and consider myself a Moderate Dem. I voted for Mayor Bloomberg in my state’s primary. Are Bloomberg voters a “movement”?

Have you not seen the detailed reports on the exact circumstances of her death? It was covered in minute slow motion detail in the MSM. In the RWM (right wing media) I’m not sure.


* she was part of an assault on a particular entrance to the Capitol. She was in the second row behind the 4-5 guys beating on the doors and windows.

* the Capitol Police were aggressively resisting this entry attempt. Some progress was made by the aggressors as they beat on the doors and windows. At that point, a Capitol policeman pulled his fireman and told the aggressors behind the doors to step down. They said “don’t shoot” as he aimed the gun. Many people said “he has a gun.” There were some minutes of pause. Nevertheless, the assault continued.

* the officer did not shoot. Rather, he pointed the gun and ordered them to step down.

* Yet, the assault continued and the upper glass part of the door was shattered. The assaulters continued. To breach that opening, the assaulters lifted the smaller female Air Force vet to the opening to vault her through the opening. As she was shoved through the opening, the officer shot. She was hit, fell back and ultimately died.

* the assault faltered and ultimately failed. That door was never breached.

* the officer was cleared of any wrongdoing. He had stopped the breach

I am very sorry she died. But, to describe her as as unarmed vet shot down by Capitol Police is disingenuous. She was a part of an assault group on our Capitol who was used as a high risk asset. She paid a steep price.

Sounds like a typical summer night in LA, Portland, Chicago or Seattle?

And can we ALWAYS end EVERY police shooting discussion
when local authorities come back with:
*the officer was cleared of anywrongdoing .

Cortez, can you honestly say you have always 100% accepted those words and closed the book on further discussion when the shooting victim was potrayed by liberals and progressives as a victim? cause?
Sounds like a typical summer night in LA, Portland, Chicago or Seattle?

And can we ALWAYS end EVERY police shooting discussion
when local authorities come back with:
*the officer was cleared of anywrongdoing .

Cortez, can you honestly say you have always 100% accepted those words and closed the book on further discussion when the shooting victim was potrayed by liberals and progressives as a victim? cause?

‘Sorry, 17, I’m not following you.

In Portland and Seattle, did the police shoot anybody? I thought Trump and the Right wanted the police to take more dramatic action to take on the violence of the protesters. I agree with jailing all violent protesters. Period.
LOL classic , but it proves a very dispassionate point. The only people that matter are the ones that agree and goose step to your (dem/lib/socialist/communist) ideals (movement). sad for you all
cortez guess you missed it, but it was You all that did the looting, shooting and killing, but the end justifies the means for your lot doesn't it. No one matters but those that agree with you. Glad you don't discriminate by color, just don't forget to hide any shades that don't goose step to the beat of your drums, you don't want t risk being seen as disingenuous 🤪
cortez guess you missed it, but it was You all that did the looting, shooting and killing, but the end justifies the means for your lot doesn't it. No one matters but those that agree with you. Glad you don't discriminate by color, just don't forget to hide any shades that don't goose step to the beat of your drums, you don't want t risk being seen as disingenuous 🤪

Its interesting to see the libs analyze facts about a shooting and try to come to a logical conclusion. So funny, because when its something they can take advantage of those analytical skills go out the window and they condemn anyone who wants to look at a situation in a factual matter instead just what race is the victim.
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Its interesting to see the libs analyze facts about a shooting and try to come to a logical conclusion. So funny, because when its something they can take advantage of those analytical skills go out the window and they condemn anyone who wants to look at a situation in a factual matter instead just what race is the victim.

mungo and mahb:

You’ve both jumped off the rails. Who the hell is talking about race? Not me. We are talking about the white female Air Force vet killed at the Capitol. And who the hell is talking about “You all that did the looting”? Are you calling me a looter now?

Crazy, illogical stuff you’re offering up.
‘Sorry, 17, I’m not following you.

In Portland and Seattle, did the police shoot anybody? I thought Trump and the Right wanted the police to take more dramatic action to take on the violence of the protesters. I agree with jailing all violent protesters. Period.

No, the rioters attacked the police in those cities. Remember it was Capitol Police storm troopers that have been found to be incompetant by both sides. But what do you expect from anything Bowser touches.

And I'll repeat the separate question as I sense you are attempting to avoid answering it?

And can we ALWAYS end EVERY police shooting discussion when local authorities come back with:
*the officer was cleared of anywrongdoing .

Cortez, can you honestly say you have always 100% accepted those words and closed the book on further discussion when the shooting victim were portrayed by liberals and progressives as a victim?
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‘Sorry, 17, I’m not following you.

In Portland and Seattle, did the police shoot anybody? I thought Trump and the Right wanted the police to take more dramatic action to take on the violence of the protesters. I agree with jailing all violent protesters. Period.
No, they didn’t shoot anyone when the
Minneapolis PD HQ was stormed because they were not supposed to! Just like unarmed mostly peaceful protestors at the Capitol!
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mungo and mahb:

You’ve both jumped off the rails. Who the hell is talking about race? Not me. We are talking about the white female Air Force vet killed at the Capitol. And who the hell is talking about “You all that did the looting”? Are you calling me a looter now?

Crazy, illogical stuff you’re offering up.

I know exactly what you are saying and I even agree with you. If the Air Force Vet was not in The Capital that day trying to force her way thru a window she would still be alive today. Her death is unfortunate, as all needless deaths are.

I was juxtaposing the way the left reacts to this shooting compared to other shootings. For the instance involving the AF vet the libs are very analytical and factual. You looked at the reason the shooting occurred, the facts, and came to a sensible conclusion. That's not how the left reacts to any shooting by the police except this one.
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I know exactly what you are saying and I even agree with you. If the Air Force Vet was not in The Capital that day trying to force her way thru a window she would still be alive today. Her death is unfortunate, as all needless deaths are.

I was juxtaposing the way the left reacts to this shooting compared to other shootings. For the instance involving the AF vet the libs are very analytical and factual. You looked at the reason the shooting occurred, the facts, and came to a sensible conclusion. That's not how the left reacts to any shooting by the police except this one.

Thanks. I now get the logic and your point. I appreciate your clarification.

As to the “left”, I don’t identify with that broad definition of non-conservative. It’s a big and diverse group. There certainly are police haters on the extreme left who automatically blame the police anytime someone is shot. Thats not my squad.

Me? I’m the son of an Irish Catholic policemen. It’s an ethnic stereotype that happens to be true in my case. He spent his policing career in Oakland, CA, a very tough town, then and now. Home of the Hells Angels, Black Panthers, student protesters and Vietnam War resisters. I feared for him and didn’t want him killed. He wasn’t. Indeed, he was very proud that he never discharged his gun during 27 years on the force.

Each assault on and by the police is its own unique set of facts in my mind. I have no pre judgment. Just the facts.


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