It's Not A Campaign.... It's A Movement

This is a position I can both understand and respect. Mind you I can not agree with it as voting for a third party enables the establishment to continue to destroy what we stand for but at least I get it.

Sorry, but he's as phony as they come. He's changed positions on darn near every issue imaginable just to suit his opportunity to run as a Republican. Said he was for the war in Iraq, now lies and says he was always against it. Was pro-choice, now switches to pro-life for this election. Said he will deport all Muslims during the primary, now when it's time to move to the general election says it was "just a suggestion." I could go on and on and on. Also, you think there isn't a reason why he refuses to release his taxes? The guy is a total POS who has spent his entire life looking out only for himself, often times at the expense of regular folks.

Now, don't get me wrong, Hillary is just as bad, which is why I won't vote for either. I will vote third party for the first time in my life.
Hey wait, it was a video. Don't u remember? Her and the Pres both told the Arerican People that's what got the Ambassodor and other great Americans killed.... The Video
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Most Democrats if they are honest are disappointed in some decisions Hillary has made. However, this is how I look at it. She has served her country. Trump has not spent one second serving this country in any capacity unless you include dodging the Now, normally I don't go there because to each his own but you are running for President of the United States. You should serve in some capacity. Community service, State level, Federal? Something! What has he ever done to serve the people before? So, while Hillary has made her mistakes at least she has worked on behalf of the public at large her entire life in some capacity.

Lastly, can someone even tell me if this man has performed his most basic, honorable duty and pay his taxes? Where the hell are his taxes? You expect me to vote for someone that can't even show the American people he wants to lead that he pays taxes at all or his fair share?

Sorry, but not falling for the banana in the tailpipe....and all of you who will vote for him and pay your taxes should be pissed about this.
I think they are saying Trump is a Republican. Which is fine except that is the other thing. HE IS NOT! LMAO....He is just running for president and can't do it as a democrat. This dude was a democrat almost his entire adult life. He has said the economy runs better under democratic policies as early as a year ago. He said he would run republican because they would vote for him anyway...and he is one hundred percent correct there. Simply because republicans think since he is rich, he will protect their wealth or give them some fictional ladder to it by magically enacting their policies that he doesn't even believe in. He is doing and saying anything to get elected and knows the base is okay with that....but here is the thing. The party establishment knows it is bullshit. That is why they don't endorse him. That is why friggin Cha Chi is a key note speaker at the convention. That is why Cruz embarrassed him...and the entire Bush family protested this sh't show. They understand, he is no more a republican than any other democrat. He just needs to use the party for his personal gain and understands how to play them like a fiddle. His plan? TRUST ME. Well, thanks but no thanks.
Cruz only embarrassed himself.
We,ve already spent the millions. Where do you get your information? Even a two-year GOP-led investigation produced no evidence of wrongdoing by Clinton. Where do you find information that the Republican Committee could not?
OJ was found not guilty, too.

Hillary needs to try on these gloves first to prove it to everyone.
Let me put it to you this way and btw, I am not gung ho over Hillary Clinton either. Obviously, the position comes with some executive privileges. He is not resonating because of loosening up of regulations. He is resonating because he is telling people things like he is going to screen muslims. Ummm, no you are not. It isn't constitutional. Ain't happening. He is telling people he is going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it. Ummm, No you aren't and no they aren't. He is going to round up illegals? Ummm, again....where is the money coming from? He is talking about making our NATO allies pay for our protection....Ummm, no you aren't. They will laugh in your face and we will lose allies. Which we need. This stuff is rather silly and people that take this stuff seriously need their head examined if they want this guy with Nuclear codes. A fourth grader can tell you that you don't do anything in this world by yourself. That is maybe the dumbest theme including "Only I can fix this" campaign. Seriously? Its demagoguery is my point and intelligent people understand that. It is dangerous....which is why the GOP is not completely behind him either. The Bush family didn't even show up. Hillary isn't perfect but she knows how things work and Trump doesn't. Government is a necessary evil. There are 320 Million people in this country. You shouldn't run a company with 50 people with no government dude.
Time to end being in Government as an occupation. The Clintons are as crooked as you get.
Most Democrats if they are honest are disappointed in some decisions Hillary has made. However, this is how I look at it. She has served her country. Trump has not spent one second serving this country in any capacity unless you include dodging the Now, normally I don't go there because to each his own but you are running for President of the United States. You should serve in some capacity. Community service, State level, Federal? Something! What has he ever done to serve the people before? So, while Hillary has made her mistakes at least she has worked on behalf of the public at large her entire life in some capacity.

Lastly, can someone even tell me if this man has performed his most basic, honorable duty and pay his taxes? Where the hell are his taxes? You expect me to vote for someone that can't even show the American people he wants to lead that he pays taxes at all or his fair share?

Sorry, but not falling for the banana in the tailpipe....and all of you who will vote for him and pay your taxes should be pissed about this.
CD you are full of crap as is anyone that would vote for Hillary Clinton. She is the biggest liar and crook that has ever run for office.
The difference between not citing sources because one don't have any and not being allowed to is simple enough for even you to understand. Regardless, Hillary's failures have been documented as well as her lies thereafter. So take your own advice and check the Internet to confirm those facts or don't. Just remember, knowledge is power and blind loyalty to our politicians has brought to where we are in our history.
I.m not a Hillary fan. Don.t like her much. All this started over her role in Benghazi. I told you to read the findings of the Republican Committee which investigated for two years. Obviously, too lazy to do that. Instead of spouting ideology, you need to educate your dumb ass!
Cruz only embarrassed himself.
OMG...and don't get me started on Hey, I can't blame the guy for not supporting a dude that called his wife a whore. But you don't need to go to the convention. That's crazy. Just say you aren't endorsing him and stay home. Work on your next political move because he actually made Trump look better if you ask me.
I'm going with hillary, for the simple fact her hubby won't let her fall flat, and he won't let her commit, boots to foreign countries, he didn't do it. Plus I believe he would help us over come alot of problems not just in the country but the world as well. too many killings both ways we need to find a happy medium so we can all live together, if Trump get into office we are heading for civil war in this country, the shooting in MI, and La. We're tragic for both sides but it will get worse, we need football right now to change the landscape so we can think a little clearer. I'm mad as hell because the cops keep shooting unarmed black men and women, and the first thing the media wants to do is bring up their past, I'm sure cops have a past as well, reprimands and grievances but no one talks about them, my brother was 21 and killed by a cop he was unarmed with a girlfriend and two kids, and working. Oh yeah this $#/=÷! Happen on mother's day so imagine guys, what if it was your mother on the other end of that phone conversation when one of your siblings or yourself was shot by a cop, they said his cell phone was a gun he was holding to his head. I have been holding this in for years. By the way the two cops were dirty as hell but the police union said they were doing their job. I just feel that if any of you guys are cops, thank you, and in the same breath if you fear for your life everytime you stop a black man, then perhaps you are in the wrong field. I applaud the city of North Miami in how they just handle that case in that shooting. Back to football, guys I fear for the coaches of the other teams when they come out and stand on the sideline and look across the field and see CMR ( Arrelius ) in the terminator shades, and the look towards the tunnel and see that the GATES are close and lock and CMR ( Arrelius ) looks at his CANES and say unleash HELL. Let's live together and let's enjoy what time we have here, Trump or Hillary who cares let's just do better as HUMANS, GO CANES
I'm going with hillary, for the simple fact her hubby won't let her fall flat, and he won't let her commit, boots to foreign countries, he didn't do it. Plus I believe he would help us over come alot of problems not just in the country but the world as well. too many killings both ways we need to find a happy medium so we can all live together, if Trump get into office we are heading for civil war in this country, the shooting in MI, and La. We're tragic for both sides but it will get worse, we need football right now to change the landscape so we can think a little clearer. I'm mad as hell because the cops keep shooting unarmed black men and women, and the first thing the media wants to do is bring up their past, I'm sure cops have a past as well, reprimands and grievances but no one talks about them, my brother was 21 and killed by a cop he was unarmed with a girlfriend and two kids, and working. Oh yeah this $#/=÷! Happen on mother's day so imagine guys, what if it was your mother on the other end of that phone conversation when one of your siblings or yourself was shot by a cop, they said his cell phone was a gun he was holding to his head. I have been holding this in for years. By the way the two cops were dirty as hell but the police union said they were doing their job. I just feel that if any of you guys are cops, thank you, and in the same breath if you fear for your life everytime you stop a black man, then perhaps you are in the wrong field. I applaud the city of North Miami in how they just handle that case in that shooting. And I fear for the coaches of the other teams when they come out and stand on the sideline and look across the field and see CMR in the terminator shades, and the look towards the tunnel and see that the GATES are close and lock and CMR ( Arrelius ) looks at his CANES and say unleash HELL. Let's live together and let's enjoy what time we have here, Trump or Hillary who cares let's just do better as HUMANS, GO CANES
I thought about that too. She has a lot of people who want her to succeed that have been there done that. Her husband being the main person. Say what you want about his indiscretions but he had this economy humming when he was in office. Hell he created 21 million jobs on his watch. I don't agree with everything he did. He sold out to conservatives a couple of times and they don't even appreciate it....but overall he is a very good president. He actually left a budget surplus when he left office. He should not have done don't ask don't tell for example. I don't like his crime bill either. Particularly locking up so many non violent crime offenders for so long.

She has some warts but Trump has I am not getting anywhere near him.
You can not and will not convince me or the masses of her innocence. The best you can do is try to marginalize her involvement but there too you will fail. So my recommendation to you is to never speak of it again, accept the lumps from the beatings you will incur from her repeated failures, and hope the nation is naive enough to ignore her ineptness and self serving interest to win the election.

I.m not a Hillary fan. Don.t like her much. All this started over her role in Benghazi. I told you to read the findings of the Republican Committee which investigated for two years. Obviously, too lazy to do that. Instead of spouting ideology, you need to educate your dumb ass!
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The guy's a buffoon! He mouths off before he thinks. You actually want someone who's filed for bankruptcy four times to run the country? I.m no Hillary fan but the GOP needs to find more suitable candidates than a Cruz or Trump. He'll self-destruct before the election anyway!

Huh? Let me repeat myself, huh?

Bring on the next looser. apparently Trump qualifies.

George Washington lost more battles than he won.

He had not won before he won the Battle of Trenton. He lost 5 major battles before that.

In 1831, Abraham Lincoln failed in business.

In 1832, Abraham Lincoln was defeated for state legislator.

In 1833, Abraham Lincoln tried a new business, and failed.

In 1836, Abraham Lincoln had a nervous breakdown.

In 1843, Abraham Lincoln ran for congress and was defeated.

In 1848, Lincoln ran again, and was defeated. Again.

In 1855, Lincoln ran for the Senate, and lost.

In 1856, Lincoln ran for Vice President, and lost.

In 1859, Lincoln ran again for the Senate. He was defeated.

no way we could survive another one like those two!!!!!!!
I thought about that too. She has a lot of people who want her to succeed that have been there done that. Her husband being the main person. Say what you want about his indiscretions but he had this economy humming when he was in office. Hell he created 21 million jobs on his watch. I don't agree with everything he did. He sold out to conservatives a couple of times and they don't even appreciate it....but overall he is a very good president. He actually left a budget surplus when he left office. He should not have done don't ask don't tell for example. I don't like his crime bill either. Particularly locking up so many non violent crime offenders for so long.

She has some warts but Trump has I am not getting anywhere near him.

Government doesn't create jobs. It may provide an atmosphere where businesses can create jobs but government only gives our money away. It creates diddly squat. You've stated in most general terms, what Trump can't do. Be specific or be Hillary.
Huh? Let me repeat myself, huh?

Bring on the next looser. apparently Trump qualifies.

George Washington lost more battles than he won.

He had not won before he won the Battle of Trenton. He lost 5 major battles before that.

In 1831, Abraham Lincoln failed in business.

In 1832, Abraham Lincoln was defeated for state legislator.

In 1833, Abraham Lincoln tried a new business, and failed.

In 1836, Abraham Lincoln had a nervous breakdown.

In 1843, Abraham Lincoln ran for congress and was defeated.

In 1848, Lincoln ran again, and was defeated. Again.

In 1855, Lincoln ran for the Senate, and lost.

In 1856, Lincoln ran for Vice President, and lost.

In 1859, Lincoln ran again for the Senate. He was defeated.

no way we could survive another one like those two!!!!!!!

So, here we're comparing Trump to Abraham Lincoln? Right....
Government doesn't create jobs. It may provide an atmosphere where businesses can create jobs but government only gives our money away. It creates diddly squat. You've stated in most general terms, what Trump can't do. Be specific or be Hillary.
Yes government can create job with the policies and investment. So, that isn't true. It can cost us jobs too...but trust me, you don't want me getting into that. We were losing over 700,000 jobs a month at one point under Bush. If it were true nobody would have been asking Obama where are the jobs for the first 2 and a half years of his presidency. For example, you invest in infrastructure and put people to work doing the jobs that need to be done anyway. We all use the roads dude. Build our roads and bridges and upgrade our electronic grids and transportation systems. Those are jobs. You can create jobs by investing in the auto industry instead of allowing it to fail. It is an American institution. An American industry and by investing billions of dollars to restructure how it is done creates jobs for many many people. When the Dow reaches all time highs for month after month companies are doing well so they will need to expand and hire people. The president appoints the chairman that sets rates that affect how we do business. So, this narrative that conservatives have that the government doesn't create jobs is something they don't even don't buy into that. They would never ask where are the jobs if that were true.

Lastly, it isn't our money. It is the cost of running the country. So, when you need services like the police, fire department, clean water, clean food, and roads to travel on and investment in things like the internet you will have them. So, quit that narrative of you were born in a log cabin you built yourself that so many conservatives have too. We don't do things by ourselves. We rely on things our tax dollars invest in for everyone. So, it isn't our money.

Be Specific about what exactly?
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Lol. Good news Donald Trump wants to rebuild our infrastructure and support business. He will appreciate your vote.

Yes government can create job with the policies and investment. So, that isn't true. If it were true nobody would have been asking Obama where are the jobs for the first 2 and a half years of his presidency. For example, you invest in infrastructure and put people to work doing the jobs that need to be done anyway. Build our roads and bridges and upgrade our electronic grids and transportation systems. Those are jobs. You can create jobs by investing in the auto industry instead of allowing it to fail. It is an American institution. An American industry and by investing billions of dollars to restructure how it is done creates jobs for many many people. When the Dow reaches all time highs for month after month companies are doing well so they will need to expand and hire people. The president appoints the chairman that sets rates that affect how we do business. So, this narrative that conservatives have that the government doesn't create jobs is something they don't even don't buy into that. They would never ask where are the jobs if that were true.

Lastly, it isn't our money. It is the cost of running the country. So, when you need services like the police, fire department, clean water, clean food, and roads to travel on and investment in things like the internet you will have them. So, quit that narrative of you were born in a log cabin you built yourself that so many conservatives have too. We don't do things by ourselves. We rely on things our tax dollars invest in for everyone. So, it isn't our money.

Be Specific about what exactly?
Lol. Good news Donald Trump wants to rebuild our infrastructure and support business. He will appreciate your vote.
Ummmm, nope...lmao. Sorry, but I don't call putting your name on a building doing much for me. He hasn't literally build anything in quite some time. Oh and when he did btw he didn't pay his creditors and filed for bankruptcy.
And Hillary never built a thing. Never the less, this is not the appropriate forum for this discussion so I will quit here.

Ummmm, nope...lmao. Sorry, but I don't call putting your name on a building doing much for me. He hasn't literally build anything in quite some time.
And Hillary never built a thing. Never the less, this is not the appropriate forum for this discussion so I will quit here.
She has served the public...Trump hasn't. He served himself...and didn't pay his creditors in the process.
Ummmm, nope...lmao. Sorry, but I don't call putting your name on a building doing much for me. He hasn't literally build anything in quite some time. Oh and when he did btw he didn't pay his creditors and filed for bankruptcy.
You know he owns 500 companies right? Tell me what Hillary has done? She's literally failed at everything she's done.
No we are comparing Hillary to Pinocchio.

I'm not a Hillary defender. She's a lot of things, but I think she's pretty clearly the lesser of two evils. I'll take dishonest career politician over the dishonest, narcissistic bigot.
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Yes government can create job with the policies and investment. So, that isn't true. It can cost us jobs too...but trust me, you don't want me getting into that. We were losing over 700,000 jobs a month at one point under Bush. If it were true nobody would have been asking Obama where are the jobs for the first 2 and a half years of his presidency. For example, you invest in infrastructure and put people to work doing the jobs that need to be done anyway. We all use the roads dude. Build our roads and bridges and upgrade our electronic grids and transportation systems. Those are jobs. You can create jobs by investing in the auto industry instead of allowing it to fail. It is an American institution. An American industry and by investing billions of dollars to restructure how it is done creates jobs for many many people. When the Dow reaches all time highs for month after month companies are doing well so they will need to expand and hire people. The president appoints the chairman that sets rates that affect how we do business. So, this narrative that conservatives have that the government doesn't create jobs is something they don't even don't buy into that. They would never ask where are the jobs if that were true.

Lastly, it isn't our money. It is the cost of running the country. So, when you need services like the police, fire department, clean water, clean food, and roads to travel on and investment in things like the internet you will have them. So, quit that narrative of you were born in a log cabin you built yourself that so many conservatives have too. We don't do things by ourselves. We rely on things our tax dollars invest in for everyone. So, it isn't our money.

Be Specific about what exactly?

I love, 'don't get me started', like we're about to hear from some world class authority on the subject. Do we take ourselves a bit seriously? Friend, you know no more then me and I know no more than you. Step down from the soapbox and speak as an equal. You have your opinions and I mine. You think government spends wisely and I say no.

Have of you heard of road taxes. Have you seen the truck inspection stations on the borders of all of our states? That so that the trucking industry pays for the commercial use our roads, at least they would be if it weren't for the government waste.

They were asking this President where the jobs were because his OBcare was costing jobs because of medical cost overruns. Where are the savings in medical costs that this President promised us.

Hey 'Cane public accountants tell him about how medical costs have killed jobs.

If you choose to answer this, don't expect a retort. I'll sit back and watch this Liberal convention as it falls apart. Imagine, you call us conservatives bigots!! Look what your officials said about Bernie's religion!!! What hypocrisy.

Let the free market reign. I choose a free marketer, Trump.
I would actually vote for a third party guy this time around. But nobody has announced yet. How about a Honey-CD ticket?
hillary is a lying skank... as crooked as they come... like Billy boy, getting sucked off off in the Oval Office and repeatedly lied about it..

what a world we live in
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I would actually vote for a third party guy this time around. But nobody has announced yet. How about a Honey-CD ticket?

I knew if I waited long enough a rational idea would come forth. If I were Honey I'd hold out until G-d came up for reelection.
hillary is a lying skank... as crooked as they come... like Billy boy, getting sucked off off in the Oval Office and repeatedly lied about it..

what a world we live in

Really Shel, I wouldn't, it admit it either, nor should you. Rule 342, always deny , 'Honest dear, that was not my Johnson in her...'