18 states have now joined Texas Lawsuit headed for SCOTUS

Meanwhile, 106 republican members of the house have thrown their support behind Texas AG Ken Paxton's law suit against the 4 swing states that confirmed Biden's victory. They have all wilted, crumbled to DJT breathing down their necks.
They should all read the 10th amendment of the constitution which defines states rights.
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
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Watch your name calling please. The judge says you do have to prove fraud if you claim it. Also states have been running thier elections and processes for decades. That doesn't change because you lost
What a stupid hypocrite you are little cd. That is why your dislike so much.,You tell Someone to watch name calling like a three year old and I got post after post were your the one with the disgusting name calling. See what you do not understand it does not matter to us your so call name calling. Get off your knees and pull your pants up and become a big boy.
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What a stupid hypocrite you are little cd. That is why your dislike so much.,You tell Someone to watch name calling like a three year old and I got post after post were your the one with the disgusting name calling. See what you do not understand it does not matter to us your so call name calling. Get off your knees and pull your pants up and become a big boy.

I too thought it was hypocritical for CD to whine about name calling. He probably refers to someone in a nasty way 5 times a day. However I guess he gets some leeway in that he must post 250 times a day. He is a legend in his own mind.
I too thought it was hypocritical for CD to whine about name calling. He probably refers to someone in a nasty way 5 times a day. However I guess he gets some leeway in that he must post 250 times a day. He is a legend in his own mind.
They didn’t do it legally. That’s the actual argument and the lawsuit.

Cash let's assume you are correct. You aren't but ill assume you are. The law and the secretary of state's application of the law was challenged in courts pre-election and the challenges failed. So election day comes and the citizens of PA voted in accordance with the law in place. A law passed by the legislature, signed by the governor, and upheld by the courts pre-election.

Here's my question to you. Let's assume based on whatever legal technicality you can think of (there isn't one but you can make it up for this exercise) that the PA law ends of being unconstitutional. What remedy are you looking for? It's a rhetorical question and I already know the answer. You literally want the Supreme Court to find some technicality so that the votes casted by the people of PA are disregarded and the legislature appoints the electors for Trump. This despite the citizens of PA voting in accordance with a law passed by their government and upheld by their courts. Shame on you cash. You should never have the nerve to call anyone anti-American again. Because what you want to happen is as anti-American as it gets. Disgusting that you represent law enforcement.
Cash let's assume you are correct. You aren't but ill assume you are. The law and the secretary of state's application of the law was challenged in courts pre-election and the challenges failed. So election day comes and the citizens of PA voted in accordance with the law in place. A law passed by the legislature, signed by the governor, and upheld by the courts pre-election.

Here's my question to you. Let's assume based on whatever legal technicality you can think of (there isn't one but you can make it up for this exercise) that the PA law ends of being unconstitutional. What remedy are you looking for? It's a rhetorical question and I already know the answer. You literally want the Supreme Court to find some technicality so that the votes casted by the people of PA are disregarded and the legislature appoints the electors for Trump. This despite the citizens of PA voting in accordance with a law passed by their government and upheld by their courts. Shame on you cash. You should never have the nerve to call anyone anti-American again. Because what you want to happen is as anti-American as it gets. Disgusting that you represent law enforcement.
Which court? That’s a Supreme Court issue if governance by the state was unconstitutional. A local court or state court for that matter would be an improper venue.
Which court? That’s a Supreme Court issue if governance by the state was unconstitutional. A local court or state court for that matter would be an improper venue.

The PA Supreme Court. I am glad to see you acknowledge that what you want is to have the vote of the citizens of PA to be thrown out completely on some technicality. You're anti-American and a disgrace to law enforcement.
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This lawsuit is ridiculous.
Don’t you people realize if the lawsuit were to succeed it would the death knell of our government as a union of states.

I am amazed how many Americans fail to realize that this suit has nothing to do with fraud or rigging, but everything to do with the 10th Amendment and the right of states’ power and independence under the Constitution.
But, notwithstanding the above, which would alter our Constitution; what truly amazes me as how many people are so ignorant of history.
Are people so willing to have their own candidate as their leader, that they are willing to go down the path of destroying the United States as a democratic republic ? ( notice the small d in the word democratic republic )
Trump has clearly shown his love of dictators. He has constantly ignored our institutions,norms and conventions. He has β€œjokingly” said he deserves more than 8 years in office. (though people who work with him unanimously say he never jokes).
If Trump were to gain another term by court or legislative fiat, rather than election of electors, this Republic would be destroyed and it would follow its ruin in the same way as the Roman Republic with Caesar,the Weimar Republic with Hitler,and Venezuela with Chavez.
I am appalled that so many Americans would seem to have no problem going down this clearly defined road.
Indeed our Republic is in much weaker than I would have believed!

They do know this and are doing it anyway. Staying in power and protecting their corrupt overlord is priority number one, even if it means selling out the country in the process.
Hey gdowner should Joe still pick Hunter to be part of the administration? Maybe Joe could give Anthony Weiner a job as well? How about Hillary & Bill where will they fit?? Lol
I put that out to see how you trumpers would respond. Humor. πŸ˜‚
The PA Supreme Court. I am glad to see you acknowledge that what you want is to have the vote of the citizens of PA to be thrown out completely on some technicality. You're anti-American and a disgrace to law enforcement.
I see what angle you’re working here lol. Prove those were all legitimate legal votes and I’ll agree to your premise. This whole thing is a sham and will get decided in SCOTUS. Enjoy the results
I see what angle you’re working here lol. Prove those were all legitimate legal votes and I’ll agree to your premise. This whole thing is a sham and will get decided in SCOTUS. Enjoy the results

SCOTUS? Don’t hold your breath, Cash, Ed et al.

* not clear that one state can sue another state for noncompliance with its own election laws. No standing.
* not clear that SCOTUS is the correct venue for any such lawsuit. Don’t you have to challenge state law in the courts of that state? No jurisdiction.
* the allegations in Texas’ lawsuit are not backed by evidence established in prior legal attempts to overturn the election. Those allegations were dismissed way before any court consideration of evidence. As a result what β€œfacts” or β€œevidence” would you expect SCOTUS to review? There are none.
* SCOTUS is being asked to throw out the entire election results in the battleground states. Is that the correct remedy for the alleged violation of state election laws? Don’t think so.
* why would SCOTUS insert itself in a post election political dispute? Makes no sense. Could undermine the perceived neutrality of the judicial branch and forever smear the reputation of the SCOTUS. Too dangerous a precedent.

The lead AG in this case is the Texas AG. He is under ongoing investigation for corruption. I’m looking forward to that matter after this case is dismissed by SCOTUS.
SCOTUS? Don’t hold your breath, Cash, Ed et al.

* not clear that one state can sue another state for noncompliance with its own election laws. No standing.
* not clear that SCOTUS is the correct venue for any such lawsuit. Don’t you have to challenge state law in the courts of that state? No jurisdiction.
* the allegations in Texas’ lawsuit are not backed by evidence established in prior legal attempts to overturn the election. Those allegations were dismissed way before any court consideration of evidence. As a result what β€œfacts” or β€œevidence” would you expect SCOTUS to review? There are none.
* SCOTUS is being asked to throw out the entire election results in the battleground states. Is that the correct remedy for the alleged violation of state election laws? Don’t think so.
* why would SCOTUS insert itself in a post election political dispute? Makes no sense. Could undermine the perceived neutrality of the judicial branch and forever smear the reputation of the SCOTUS. Too dangerous a precedent.

The lead AG in this case is the Texas AG. He is under ongoing investigation for corruption. I’m looking forward to that matter after this case is dismissed by SCOTUS.
Uhggg it’s not the fact the legislation changed the laws, it’s the fact they unconstitutionally changed the laws.
Supreme Court rejected πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
Based on standing. Alito & Thomas both agreed and stated TX had no standing in the matter, which I agree and disagree but was unsure in how they’d see it.
Hopefully we can all put this mess behind us and go forward. However, unfortunately, this President won’t admit the loss and will order his minions to make a show on the floor of Congress for no other reason for his own selfishness. This is the case as this whole charade clearly harms our republic!
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I see what angle you’re working here lol. Prove those were all legitimate legal votes and I’ll agree to your premise. This whole thing is a sham and will get decided in SCOTUS. Enjoy the results

Thanks. I am enjoying the results you anti-American POS. Take your "brilliant" lawsuit and shove it up your ass. You're a disgrace
I just read the court’s order:

The State of Texas has β€œno standing” to challenge how another state conducts its elections. The motion to file a complaint by the State of Texas is therefor denied. β€œAll other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”

Trump’s legal door to overturn the election results has been slammed shut by SCOTUS. Period. Over.
Lost another
Lost means it was found against them. They found there was No standing for TX. It can be refilled in the state court
Thanks. I am enjoying the results you anti-American POS. Take your "brilliant" lawsuit and shove it up your ass. You're a disgrace
Wow Angry Lou is back! You ****s steal an election & are perfectly ok with it so your child sniffing, China owned dementiated crustacean can carry your Marxist ideals! You call me anti-American, eat shit! I hope your old ass strokes out!
I just read the court’s order:

The State of Texas has β€œno standing” to challenge how another state conducts its elections. The motion to file a complaint by the State of Texas is therefor denied. β€œAll other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”

Trump’s legal door to overturn the election results has been slammed shut by SCOTUS. Period. Over.
I wouldn’t say slammed shut but each state will have to do their own work
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Not sure what you you mean when you say that β€œstates will have to do their own work.”

Can you elaborate? I do not understand your legal thoughts/strategy as to where Trump goes from here.

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Based on standing. Alito & Thomas both agreed and stated TX had no standing in the matter, which I agree and disagree but was unsure in how they’d see it.

Not sure what you you mean when you say that β€œstates will have to do their own work.”

Can you elaborate? I do not understand your legal thoughts/strategy as to where Trump goes from here.

zero evidence and liar in office is trying to save his ass from going to prison. Facts are facts. Trump was trying to twist anything he could way before election to protect himself as always. He presented a bs idea and the sheep followed and still follow. This was planed and presented before the election to keep the dictator out of jail. The answer will be FAILURE. Lock him up πŸ˜‚
Lost means it was found against them. They found there was No standing for TX. It can be refilled in the state court

Wow Angry Lou is back! You ****s steal an election & are perfectly ok with it so your child sniffing, China owned dementiated crustacean can carry your Marxist ideals! You call me anti-American, eat shit! I hope your old ass strokes out!

You sound angry cash. Lol. I love it. You're a disgrace to your profession
zero evidence and liar in office is trying to save his ass from going to prison. Facts are facts. Trump was trying to twist anything he could way before election to protect himself as always. He presented a bs idea and the sheep followed and still follow. This was planed and presented before the election to keep the dictator out of jail. The answer will be FAILURE. Lock him up πŸ˜‚ a nut shell this is pretty much the case.....LOL. He will resign in a few weeks so Pence can pardon him but that AG in New York closed any loop hole that would save him from state prosecution. He is in deep doo.
With 17 republican State Attorneys General claiming fraud they crapped on Americans who stood in line for hours to cast their votes and more importantly risked their health in doing so. No further proof is needed to show republicans advocate voter suppression and are the party of autocracy.

Respectfully disagree. Why should my honest vote be nullified by a vote of a dead person, illegal alien or someone that does have a legal right to vote? That my friend is the definition of voter suppression. a nut shell this is pretty much the case.....LOL. He will resign in a few weeks so Pence can pardon him but that AG in New York closed any loop hole that would save him from state prosecution. He is in deep doo.

I am sure you will post again when your hair brained conspiracy theory is proven false? NOT!!!

CD, will you make a Gary/Rivals approved and backied agreement. If your post comes true i.e. (Trump resignation/Pence Pardon of Trump) , I will never post again on the Lounge. If your post does not come true, you will never again post on the Lounge ? Are you ready to put your money where your mouth is?
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I am sure you will post again when your hair brained conspiracy theory is proven false? NOT!!!

CD, will you make a Gary/Rivals approved and backied agreement. If your post comes true i.e. (Trump resignation/Pence Pardon of Trump) , I will never post again on the Lounge. If your post does not come true, you will never again post on the Lounge ? Are you ready to put your money where your mouth is?
This is stupid...but I am not surprised. It's my opinion. You have your opinion. I say a lot of things here that are correct and a lot of things that end up being wrong. I post my opinion every day here for about 15 years. I said the supreme court would n't hear Trumps completely unamerican attempt to have an election handed to him dictator style and I was right (even though you know me. I never like to say I am right). SCOTUS wouldn't even hear that crap. It's stupid like everything Trump does. So, the only chance for Trump not to do this is his ego and the fact that it wouldn't matter. NY state is gonna show him how we give it up and that pardon wouldn't help anyway.
Respectfully disagree. Why should my honest vote be nullified by a vote of a dead person, illegal alien or someone that does have a legal right to vote? That my friend is the definition of voter suppression.

All of which are nonexistent. Why didn't they win in any court in the country with these allegations? Not one court, including some republican appointed judges, found sufficient evidence existed to throw out one vote due to fraud. Why do you think that is?

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