4 Billion $'s for Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras more STUPIDITY


Gold Member
Jun 2, 2007
This is the new moronic plan from Biden Admin. Paying 4 billion dollars of our money so people stop coming. This money will go right in the pockets of the corrupt Governments in those countries and their cronies. Anyone who thinks the people will see even 1 penny of those funds is seriously high on dope. A complete waste of money and it will accomplish a grand total of zero, nothing, nada.

I will continue to post the stupidity of liberals who think the answer to everything is to throw money at it. OUR MONEY!
This is the new moronic plan from Biden Admin. Paying 4 billion dollars of our money so people stop coming. This money will go right in the pockets of the corrupt Governments in those countries and their cronies. Anyone who thinks the people will see even 1 penny of those funds is seriously high on dope. A complete waste of money and it will accomplish a grand total of zero, nothing, nada.

I will continue to post the stupidity of liberals who think the answer to everything is to throw money at it. OUR MONEY!
The money will go south into the hands of Dictators, MS13 and Drug Cartels. The people will continue to come north (more money to the Dictators, MS13 and Drug Cartels) into the US then go on various public assistance programs as well as over running existing resources for schools, law enforcement and public health. Costing the US tax payers more. A significant part of the money flow will be diverted to democrat operatives, democrat campaign contribution (aka money laundering) and swamp rats.

Isn't Biden's America wonderful? Taking deceit and corruption to all new levels.
So much better than paying American companies and American workers good wages to build the Wall.
This is unbelievably naive thinking- throw taxpayer money at a problem in a banana republic and hope it helps a problem. Let's give Venezuela a ton of money and see if it improves life for the masses. Harris has no credibility as a diplomat.
This is the new moronic plan from Biden Admin. Paying 4 billion dollars of our money so people stop coming. This money will go right in the pockets of the corrupt Governments in those countries and their cronies. Anyone who thinks the people will see even 1 penny of those funds is seriously high on dope. A complete waste of money and it will accomplish a grand total of zero, nothing, nada.

I will continue to post the stupidity of liberals who think the answer to everything is to throw money at it. OUR MONEY!

Guatemala is SO corrupt it is inconceivable that ANY US politician could even in jest suggest that "giving the Guatemalan Government money will alleviate the immigration surge because the Guatemalan government will give those funds to people in need". Guatemalan Politicians will buy condos in Key Biscayne, in France, in The Netherlands. They will buy ranches in Guatemala, along with private planes pad investment portfolios. I did a lot of business in Guatemala .. agriculture with multi nationals .. spent a lot of time on the ground in fields and packing facilities. Have a friend who managed a Belgian owned ag company .. their field manager (university educated ag specialist) was murdered .. double tap behind the ear .. over 6 years ago and the Guatemalan police NEVER showed up to even investigate. Yeah sure .. send them $1 billion.
Guatemala is SO corrupt it is inconceivable that ANY US politician could even in jest suggest that "giving the Guatemalan Government money will alleviate the immigration surge because the Guatemalan government will give those funds to people in need". Guatemalan Politicians will buy condos in Key Biscayne, in France, in The Netherlands. They will buy ranches in Guatemala, along with private planes pad investment portfolios. I did a lot of business in Guatemala .. agriculture with multi nationals .. spent a lot of time on the ground in fields and packing facilities. Have a friend who managed a Belgian owned ag company .. their field manager (university educated ag specialist) was murdered .. double tap behind the ear .. over 6 years ago and the Guatemalan police NEVER showed up to even investigate. Yeah sure .. send them $1 billion.
Yet, that's their plan.
This is the new moronic plan from Biden Admin. Paying 4 billion dollars of our money so people stop coming. This money will go right in the pockets of the corrupt Governments in those countries and their cronies. Anyone who thinks the people will see even 1 penny of those funds is seriously high on dope. A complete waste of money and it will accomplish a grand total of zero, nothing, nada.

I will continue to post the stupidity of liberals who think the answer to everything is to throw money at it. OUR MONEY!
No, it’s aid! Been to the bank lately? It’s all fresh unused cash. It’s free! It’s every where. We’re rich!
I hate this guy. Never earned any money in the private sector now handing out our tax dollars everywhere. The whole corrupt Biden clan his loving wife Dr. Jill who lets her early dementia husband be put on display for the whole world to watch. Corrupt brother and crackhead son. Keep telling me how nice a guy Joe is but doesn’t acknowledge his grandson ( proven thru paternity test) to stripper mom. Morally and criminally bankrupt family. Let’s not forget the press who push these grifters on nightly news every night.
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This is the new moronic plan from Biden Admin. Paying 4 billion dollars of our money so people stop coming. This money will go right in the pockets of the corrupt Governments in those countries and their cronies. Anyone who thinks the people will see even 1 penny of those funds is seriously high on dope. A complete waste of money and it will accomplish a grand total of zero, nothing, nada.

I will continue to post the stupidity of liberals who think the answer to everything is to throw money at it. OUR MONEY!
The use of the word "moronic" made me do a little digging. I came across this recent zoom session from the Biden White House. I think Joe is a little confused what country he is in charge of?


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