Alt Right KKK neo Nazis running amok and rioting in Charlottesville

@honeyiv dying to hear thoughts on anti Semetic slurs hurled by Trump Nazis. They'd string you and your peeps up as quickly as any African American or Hispanic.
WTF were you thinking?
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What is it that is so hard to understand? Everyone who doesn't agree with white supremacy is going to come here and denounce it! Not just blacks. It is a white supremacist rally man. Shouting a nazi chant and the rally is called unite the right and you want to talk about BLM. This isn't their rally.

When BLM has a rally and 26 people are injured and 3 die then we will discuss their rally. But why do you want to blame the left for a KKK rally? Makes no sense to anyone here dude.
He's been on that dog whistle for years. Don't be fooled by contrite occasional statements lol.
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He's been on that dog whistle for years. Don't be fooled by contrite occasional statements lol.
Oh, I am not fooled or distracted and I know what this is about. This is a terrorist group. I don't hear any body that starts all these Muslim terrorist threads here start anything denouncing this.The KKK is a is a terroristic group.
  • Like
Reactions: canesrule21'ships it just me? But....I don't see any Black Lives Matters protesters out there....ROLMAO. WHY ARE WE TALKIN' ABOUT BLM AFTER THE KKK JUST HAD A RALLY?....AND MURDERED SOMEONE?
They were there, actually with a banner in front of the REL statue.
The Media has stoked this fire for years.
The media didn't decide to arm themselves and rally on behalf of a racist general who fought to enslave black people chanting racist terms along the way. Blaming the media for what the KKK decided to do just doesn't cut it.
That statue should Never come down. It's a part of history and doesn't have a damn
thing to do with blacks nether does the confederate flag.
That's not for anyone but who actually pays taxes in that community to decide. If it were i? Take it down. That's what they decided as well. It has everything to do with black people. He fought a war to keep black people enslaved.
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That's not for anyone but who actually pays taxes in that community to decide. If it were i? Take it down. That's what they decided as well. It has everything to do with black people. He fought a war to keep black people enslaved.

That's flat out bs. Someone got to lead, and someone has to follow.
That flag has no bearing on black Americans either.
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That's flat out bs. Someone got to lead, and someone has to follow.
That flag has no bearing on black Americans either.
Black Americans should decide what bearing it has.....and i believe the decision was made. No racist should have a statue on any land i pay taxes for....thats for sure. Agree to disagree...i will never agree to that.
Are you aware it now or still have head up your ass? If you're Hispanic you're living in La La land if you think these racists would welcome a brown skinned person into fold.
LOL what brought that on? Head up my ass, why? Because I woke up, had some breakfast, worked out for about 2 hours between lifting and going for a run, came back and showered , after I got out of the shower I proceeded to sit down with my girlfriend while she was watching "kidnap" and logged on directly on canesport to see what was going on with the scrimmage. Excuse the hell out of me for not having been up to date at that the time I asked for details.

Also, where does that little dig about living in lala land if I think the KKK would embrace me come from? That implies I would want to have anything to do with the KKK, I don't and I'm aware that the KKK is not an organization that embraces Hispanics. Yes, I am Hispanic and even if I was pure Aryan or whatever I wouldn't have anything to do with them. I judge every individual on his or her merits. I dislike many Hispanics and get along great with people of many other ethnicities. Before you call me a self loathing Hispanic I should add that I get along with many, many Hispanics as well, all I was saying is I don't automatically like or dislike a person because of race or ethnicity.

You could have just told me what was going on without the BS comments or ignored my question, no need to be a dick about it.
When Lee lost Jackson he was done, Jackson @ Gettysburg 1st day deploy's the gun's on little round top war over ( hypothetical naturally )
Stonewall Jackson was another amazing military mind. That's a pretty good assessment there, and if the South wins in Gettysburg they win the war right there. They had actually broken through on one of the Union flanks and had they done what you suggested it's doubtful the Union is able to recover on time.
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Stonewall Jackson was another amazing military mind. That's a pretty good assessment there, and if the South wins in Gettysburg they win the war right there. They had actually broken through on one of the Union flanks and had they done what you suggested it's doubtful the Union is able to recover on time.
Patton also was like Jackson keep the pressure on, once the enemy is on the run don't let up
LOL what brought that on? Head up my ass, why? Because I woke up, had some breakfast, worked out for about 2 hours between lifting and going for a run, came back and showered , after I got out of the shower I proceeded to sit down with my girlfriend while she was watching "kidnap" and logged on directly on canesport to see what was going on with the scrimmage. Excuse the hell out of me for not having been up to date at that the time I asked for details.

Also, where does that little dig about living in lala land if I think the KKK would embrace me come from? That implies I would want to have anything to do with the KKK, I don't and I'm aware that the KKK is not an organization that embraces Hispanics. Yes, I am Hispanic and even if I was pure Aryan or whatever I wouldn't have anything to do with them. I judge every individual on his or her merits. I dislike many Hispanics and get along great with people of many other ethnicities. Before you call me a self loathing Hispanic I should add that I get along with many, many Hispanics as well, all I was saying is I don't automatically like or dislike a person because of race or ethnicity.

You could have just told me what was going on without the BS comments or ignored my question, no need to be a dick about it.

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Oh, I am not fooled or distracted and I know what this is about. This is a terrorist group. I don't hear any body that starts all these Muslim terrorist threads here start anything denouncing this.The KKK is a is a terroristic group.

I don't hear you denouncing either black lives matter calling for the killing of cops or Muslim refugees raping/sexual assaulting white people in Europe Record numbers since the mid evil era. spare us your miss mis-vested moral authority and start following your own lysol can of liberal spraying diarrhea.

too many blacks on this board take the "do as I say not as I do approach" with respect to discussions on race, race related topics, and racism in general- in conjunction with not even understanding what constitutes racism in the first place.

we should all collectively condemn both racism and extremism in general in all of its forms
That's flat out bs. Someone got to lead, and someone has to follow.
That flag has no bearing on black Americans either.
How do you feel about this person burning the American flag?

Media has nothing to do with it. Agree. Rascist extremists exist because they of their own immoral values. Such is the case for both the Ku Klux Klan and Black Lives Matter. It is a an absolute shame you can't see it.
Here's the thing AD...while there are some rotten apples in BLM that have done some DUMB/unacceptable shyt, that group is made up or more than black lives to highlight the fact that BLM too. (If you get a chance, ask some black Miami football players if they're more concerned about Russia or North Korea bombing us verses getting shot by some rogue cop or wanna be cop like Zimmerman) Just like civil rights movement included more than black ppl. BLM was founded a few years ago too (I think 4) This KKK bullshyt has been going on for generations and they don't want black ppl anywhere near them. So even going back before 2013 when BLM started, the KKK, Alt right, White Supremicist/Nationalist, Nazi's etc have hate in their heart towards black ppl and others who don't fit into their agenda..
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I don't hear you denouncing either black lives matter calling for the killing of cops or Muslim refugees raping/sexual assaulting white people in Europe Record numbers since the mid evil era. spare us your miss mis-vested moral authority and start following your own lysol can of liberal spraying diarrhea.

too many blacks on this board take the "do as I say not as I do approach" with respect to discussions on race, race related topics, and racism in general- in conjunction with not even understanding what constitutes racism in the first place.

we should all collectively condemn both racism and extremism in general in all of its forms
Black lives matters isn't preaching black supremacy. They protest cops killing blacks. Nice try...
Because this is the USA and freedom of speech is allowed for anyone.
Within the 1st 200 days of Trump's presidency there were other rallies, demonstrations that had violence. If any out there believes that when you have a trio of the KKK, white nationals, Neo Nazis & hoping there wont be counter protesters is a recipe for disaster. Trump needs to be pro active; this isn't the 1st incident.
Because this is the USA and freedom of speech is allowed for anyone.
So freedom of speech is followed by a 20 y/o nut job from Ohio driving his vehicle into a crowd' killing one, injuring several others. Does freedom of speech give a person the right to go off the deep end???
This says it all about YOU AND PEOPLE who claim BINGO....when the KKK hold a rally called "UNITE THE RIGHT" and you blame the left.....Ummmmmm, the name of the rally is Unite The Right. It is YOUR rally dude.

Surprise surprise, you're off base again and putting words in my mouth. I have admitted racism is a problem still in this country (see my exchanges with Azar) and do not share the same viewpoints as KKK or Nazis. I do support their right to exercise their freedom of speech though, just as I support BLMs right to voice their views. However - at the end of the day, I think they're both borderline terrorists groups.
Any specifics? You seem to assume everyone is aware of everything the Klan does. I honestly have no clue what they are or aren't doing.
By 2 pm when you posted this the Nazis had marched through campus of uVA carrying torches carrying Nazi and confederate flags had attacked peaceful counter protesters and yelled racist anti Semetic slurs. You'd have to have been living in a cocoon or with head up your ass to not know this by 2 yesterday afternoon. Or better yet if you weren't aware why not flip on CNN or MSNBC to inform yourself instead of stating at 2 pm in afternoon you needed more information about what the fascists were up to? The denial and turning a blind eye is as bad as the actions of the dimwits of the Nazi right.
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