Benjamin Franklin.....................................................

Raoul is correct. It's nonsense and if it weren't nonsense our president wouldn't use mail in ballots. There are states that have this process down to a T and every state could if they had the money. The idea this is some possibility of fraud is absurd. The only problem we see with mail in fraud is the removal of mail boxes and taking down sorting machines for political gain.

Health concerns, GTFOOH! You guys envision some sort of Democrat edge here, that's the only thing capable of getting you in favor of anything. For the good of the people, you (not the you you, the Democrat you) run our cities.
Health concerns, GTFOOH! You guys envision some sort of Democrat edge here, that's the only thing capable of getting you in favor of anything. For the good of the people, you (not the you you, the Democrat you) run our cities.
Huh? WTF are you talking about? First of you know what democracy means? Do you understand why America is the envy of the world? Everyone has an equal opportunity to vote. There is no evidence Mail in favors Democrats in any way so WTF are you even talking about? You are just regurgitating Trump talking points right now. Democrats are just trying to make sure we have access to a vote. Did you know people have been mailing in their vote since the Civil War? Why don't you slowly remove your head out of the rectum of Donald Trump and think for your self just one time in your life. There is no difference between absentee voting and mail in voting. Trump uses this system himself. You sould like a person who is begging to be educated on this topic. Now, we need this system more than ever and Trump doesn't want to give any dollars to it. In fact his guy is removing mailboxes and stopping sorting machines. This is not my opinion. This is happening! So, at what point are you willing to admit this experiment of a reality star as our president has us all fked? When Putin himself arrives at your house to ask for your alliegiance? I can't have an intelligent conversation with you to be honest.
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appointed the first Postmaster General (PMG) in 1775, before America became America. By disrupting our Postal Service's ability to handle mail in ballots for a presidential election during a Pandemic, the current occupant at the White House will place US citizens he was sworn to protect in jeopardy, and will supplant all others as the worst president in our history.
Trump is now placing unqualified friends and donors into the positions of power and will continue to do so as long as he can......Once Biden has made the White House Great again and has removed the most corrupt and crooked members of Trump administration this country can once again return to greatness..Right now the USA is the laughing stock of the world and It’s all Trumps fault..
Trump is now placing unqualified friends and donors into the positions of power and will continue to do so as long as he can......Once Biden has made the White House Great again and has removed the most corrupt and crooked members of Trump administration this country can once again return to greatness..Right now the USA is the laughing stock of the world and It’s all Trumps fault..
Yes, this move by the Trump administration is without question a breach of federal law. He has admitted to the withholding of funds for the USPS is to halt mail in voting. He is tearing down a pillar of our democracy.
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The only laughing stock that the rest of the world sees is the looting burning and violence in the northern major liberal cities across America done by Antifa and BLM groups
What's wrong with making voting more accessible to citizens, especially during a pandemic. Sounds bizarre that Republicans or anyone who wants more civic participation would be against something so logical.
Tell those citizens to stop rioting !!!
Trump is now placing unqualified friends and donors into the positions of power and will continue to do so as long as he can......Once Biden has made the White House Great again and has removed the most corrupt and crooked members of Trump administration this country can once again return to greatness..Right now the USA is the laughing stock of the world and It’s all Trumps fault..
This is a pure spring house cleaning in a house that hasn't been touched for 20 years.
Huh? WTF are you talking about? First of you know what democracy means? Do you understand why America is the envy of the world? Everyone has an equal opportunity to vote. There is no evidence Mail in favors Democrats in any way so WTF are you even talking about? You are just regurgitating Trump talking points right now. Democrats are just trying to make sure we have access to a vote. Did you know people have been mailing in their vote since the Civil War? Why don't you slowly remove your head out of the rectum of Donald Trump and think for your self just one time in your life. There is no difference between absentee voting and mail in voting. Trump uses this system himself. You sould like a person who is begging to be educated on this topic. Now, we need this system more than ever and Trump doesn't want to give any dollars to it. In fact his guy is removing mailboxes and stopping sorting machines. This is not my opinion. This is happening! So, at what point are you willing to admit this experiment of a reality star as our president has us all fked? When Putin himself arrives at your house to ask for your alliegiance? I can't have an intelligent conversation with you to be honest.

All ad hominem aside, who's talking to you? But, since you asked...

I never read Trump's talking points. I give you common sense, so lacking in all that you offer. If we ARE the envy of the world, why are you and your ilk trying to destroy it? Not that you could, Progressive ideology works nowhere.

We need a better way to vote let's involve the post office they'll surely perform admirably here.

Yes we're the envy of the world and this November we hope to keep it that way.
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All ad hominem aside, who's talking to you? But, since you asked...

I never read Trump's talking points. I give you common sense, so lacking in all that you offer. If we ARE the envy of the world, why are you and your ilk trying to destroy it? Not that you could, Progressive ideology works nowhere.

We need a better way to vote let's involve the post office they'll surely perform admirably here.

Yes we're the envy of the world and this November we hope to keep it that way.
Again...this doesn't explain what you are talking about? Me and my ilk are not having their donor friends run the postal service to remove post boxes that have been in use since the civil war...or stopping sorting machines either. This assault on our postal service is unamerican. I ask again? At what point do you concede this moron who is a reality TV star is woefully unfit to preside over this country. A person dying every 80 seconds. People with food insecurity, no jobs, foreclosure......etc. What point do you realize this experiment is a complete and total cluster fk.
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What's wrong with making voting more accessible to citizens, especially during a pandemic. Sounds bizarre that Republicans or anyone who wants more civic participation would be against something so logical.
Because your lying cheating party cant be trusted. End of story. Did you see the FBI agent who is pleading guilty for changing emails to get the Trump Collusion Delusion going. Oh wait CNN, MSNDC didnt show that.
Because your lying cheating party cant be trusted. End of story. Did you see the FBI agent who is pleading guilty for changing emails to get the Trump Collusion Delusion going. Oh wait CNN, MSNDC didnt show that.
This chart is when in office only 1.8 years. Which one is the criminal party again?
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These people really believe the bullshit they tell people. That's the saddest things. These people have been the biggest criminals going all the way back to Nixon up to Dolt 45 today.

The greatest trick wealthy elites ever pulled off is convincing Republican plebs that Dem policies are holding them back.
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This s
The greatest trick wealthy elites ever pulled off is convincing Republican plebs that Dem policies are holding them back.

The amazing thing about that chart is it didn't even take Trump Administration to get to half of his first term to have 89 Criminal indictments....literally 13 more indictments than their other criminal president Nixon to be the biggest POS president in American history. Yet, they still come here every day to defend Dolt 45 like clockwork.
Again...this doesn't explain what you are talking about? Me and my ilk are not having their donor friends run the postal service to remove post boxes that have been in use since the civil war...or stopping sorting machines either. This assault on our postal service is unamerican. I ask again? At what point do you concede this moron who is a reality TV star is woefully unfit to preside over this country. A person dying every 80 seconds. People with food insecurity, no jobs, foreclosure......etc. What point do you realize this experiment is a complete and total cluster fk.

Assault on the postal system, delusional. I can't cannot address one's understanding or lack thereof of how businesses are run and what they are expected to accomplish. Progressives do not understand basic business models. They expect them to be suppliers of social benefits and profit is secondary. In order for my Progressive brothers to get a hint of reality, benefits arise from businesses being profitable. We don't support a post office, the fukcing post office is supposed to support us.

Revenue - Expenses = Profit. This is capitalism.

Revenue +Other peoples money - Expenses + Excessive benefits = Loss. This is the Democrat Party, Socialism.

It works nowhere else, why not try it here?
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Assault on the postal system, delusional. I can't cannot address one's understanding or lack thereof of how businesses are run and what they are expected to accomplish. Progressives do not understand basic business models. They expect them to be suppliers of social benefits and profit is secondary. In order for my Progressive brothers to get a hint of reality, benefits arise from businesses being profitable. We don't support a post office, the fukcing post office is supposed to support us.

Revenue - Expenses = Profit. This is capitalism.

Revenue +Other peoples money - Expenses + Excessive benefits = Loss. This is the Democrat Party, Socialism.

It works nowhere else, why not try it here?
The Postal Service was created to provide a service not to be a profit making business. It is mandated to be revenue-neutral. It is supposed to break even, not make a profit!
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This chart is when in office only 1.8 years. Which one is the criminal party again?
You know what this chart tells most everyone here besides you left wing NUTJOBS. Our party isnt a bunch of pussy crybabies and deal with it when we lose an election and make the best of it.
The Postal Service was created to provide a service not to be a profit making business. It is mandated to be revenue-neutral. It is supposed to break even, not make a profit!

And how's that worked out so far?
You know what this chart tells most everyone here besides you left wing NUTJOBS. Our party isnt a bunch of pussy crybabies and deal with it when we lose an election and make the best of it. tells me the problem has been a lack of morals. Lack of leadership. Too much greed and no balls.
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#45 is to blame for delays by the postal service. His blatant attempts to impair the US Postal Service, for what clearly is to be Team Trump's desire to suppress voting as his only hope for re-election. It is the actions of the Trump appointed new PMG, Louis DeJoy, a DJT supporter, who has curtailed mail deliveries to cut costs, that is endangering voting by mail. Dejoy is Known own businesses that competes with the US Postal Service.
The USPS is impaired because they are and have been mismanaged for decades. Now you throw in delivering for Amazon at a LOSS and you have a government entity losing 100 billion $'s. This is just the latest nonsense you liberals have come up with.
Raoul is correct. It's nonsense and if it weren't nonsense our president wouldn't use mail in ballots. There are states that have this process down to a T and every state could if they had the money. The idea this is some possibility of fraud is absurd. The only problem we see with mail in fraud is the removal of mail boxes and taking down sorting machines for political gain.
He doesn't use mail in ballot he uses absentee ballot. This is where you request a ballot, prove who you are, signature is verified against the signature on record. That's not the system Liberals want. In fact liberals want NO voter ID whatsoever.
He doesn't use mail in ballot he uses absentee ballot. This is where you request a ballot, prove who you are, signature is verified against the signature on record. That's not the system Liberals want. In fact liberals want NO voter ID whatsoever.
Your information is untrue. Democrats do not want NO voter ID whatsoever. So, you have been listening to a ton of very bad information. Democrats want equal access to the polls. There is a difference. Democrats want a voting holiday. Everyone should have voting rights and everyone should have the day to vote. There should be enough polls available to vote and during a pandemic where we are social distancing we need to be able to vote by mail. YOU and others YOU support make it about a damn signature. It's not about this at all. It really common sense to be honest. We should be social distancing when a person is dying from COVID every 80 seconds. Duh?
Your information is untrue. Democrats do not want NO voter ID whatsoever. So, you have been listening to a ton of very bad information. Democrats want equal access to the polls. There is a difference. Democrats want a voting holiday. Everyone should have voting rights and everyone should have the day to vote. There should be enough polls available to vote and during a pandemic where we are social distancing we need to be able to vote by mail. YOU and others YOU support make it about a damn signature. It's not about this at all. It really common sense to be honest. We should be social distancing when a person is dying from COVID every 80 seconds. Duh?
I do hope you will apologize for being so wrong. It would be a FIRST!

Your information is untrue. Democrats do not want NO voter ID whatsoever. So, you have been listening to a ton of very bad information. Democrats want equal access to the polls. There is a difference. Democrats want a voting holiday. Everyone should have voting rights and everyone should have the day to vote. There should be enough polls available to vote and during a pandemic where we are social distancing we need to be able to vote by mail. YOU and others YOU support make it about a damn signature. It's not about this at all. It really common sense to be honest. We should be social distancing when a person is dying from COVID every 80 seconds. Duh?
Democrats want to cheat and make it so LAZY ASS PEOPLE can vote.
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Democrats want to cheat and make it so LAZY ASS PEOPLE can vote.

Are you saying people who you think are lazy shouldn't be able to vote ? Sounds like you may prefer an authoritarian dictatorship.
Are you saying people who you think are lazy shouldn't be able to vote ? Sounds like you may prefer an authoritarian dictatorship.
No he's saying get off their lazy asses and go to the poll. WEAR A MASK! They work right?
No he's saying get off their lazy asses and go to the poll. WEAR A MASK! They work right?

Mail in / Absentee voting has already been used for years, so why try to force people to only vote one way ?
And how's that worked out so far?
The Postal Service is losing money because in 2006, the Republican-led Congress passed a law forcing it to prepay its pension for 75 yrs., which no other corporation does. This was meant to bankrupt it so it's business could be privatized for profit. Without this, the USPS would be turning a profit.
Democrats want to cheat and make it so LAZY ASS PEOPLE can vote.
Voting is not an occupation. It's not meant to be a job. Nor should it be. I already have a job. It's our constitutional right. It was never intended to provide an obstacle course or any monetary requirement. This idea is asinine.
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The Postal Service is losing money because in 2006, the Republican-led Congress passed a law forcing it to prepay its pension for 75 yrs., which no other corporation does. This was meant to bankrupt it so it's business could be privatized for profit. Without this, the USPS would be turning a profit.

The PO is failing because it is over-staffed and inefficient. They're getting the same or higher rates than the private carriers and are failing miserably. When in college, I worked for the PO as a summer replacement. The regular carriers would call us route busters when we delivered the route as fast or faster than they would. UPS and Fedex kick their ass productivity-wise.
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The PO is failing because it is over-staffed and inefficient. They're getting the same or higher rates than the private carriers and are failing miserably. When in college, I worked for the PO as a summer replacement. The regular carriers would call us route busters when we delivered the route as fast or faster than they would. UPS and Fedex kick their ass productivity-wise.
I just explained to you that the USPS would be operating at a profit if not for the prepaying of its pension fund, which no other corporation was forced to do. What don't you understand about that? So you come in as a young college student and run the routes and management expects the regular carriers to maintain that pace until they're 55 or older and you expect them to embrace you? UPS and Fedex are not mandated to provide universal service. If they have an out of the way delivery, they either deny to do so or charge higher prices. The USPS cannot do that. Also their safety rules, which I'm sure you didn;t follow. are time consuming. If you're in a vehicle, you are supposed to stop at the mailbox, put the vehicle in park and set the handbrake before making the delivery. When repeated at every stop, this is time consuming. They enforce this vigorously through street observation and if you don't follow procedures properly at each stop, you are written up. I know all this because I spent a couple years working there after I returned from Nam. The USMC was a piece of cake compared to working for those people. It was a terrible place to work but I will defend them against bogus accusations.
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Mail in / Absentee voting has already been used for years, so why try to force people to only vote one way ?
Get off the couch get your azz to the polling place or request an absentee ballot or go to early voting. Lots of choices. Get out of the corner crying and sucking your thumb. Do you have any idea what puzzies you liberals sound like. Weakest batch of people ever. PATHETIC
Get off the couch get your azz to the polling place or request an absentee ballot or go to early voting. Lots of choices. Get out of the corner crying and sucking your thumb. Do you have any idea what puzzies you liberals sound like. Weakest batch of people ever. PATHETIC

Nice rant but it doesn’t answer the question. Why would you not want people to vote by mail when they’ve been doing it for years in past elections and the fraud rate is next to zero?
Nice rant but it doesn’t answer the question. Why would you not want people to vote by mail when they’ve been doing it for years in past elections and the fraud rate is next to zero?
Because Dear Leader told them it would result in fraud because he knows many more Dems vote by mail than Repugs!

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