A record haul. Would assume they’re gonna use it all to carpet bomb the battleground states with a pro Dem message.
I wonder how much came from people donating to BLm lol.A record haul. Would assume they’re gonna use it all to carpet bomb the battleground states with a pro Dem message.
What exactly IS the pro Dem message?A record haul. Would assume they’re gonna use it all to carpet bomb the battleground states with a pro Dem message.
Largely from small donations from regular people as well.
That mostly came from China...
That mostly came from China...
Major issues:Dol and El:
‘You May or may not support the various polls that are published on Trump vs Biden. But, there are consistent polls that track which issues most concern Americans this year. The top 3 issues totally dominate:
1. Covid 19. Not a hoax, particularly for the 180K families that have lost a family member to the disease. That’s more deaths than the US suffered In World War I, Korea and Vietnam...combined.
The administration has totally bungled the federal response to the pandemic. One leading academic on Covid said this: imagine that a computer virus infected our national air traffic control system. Would we ask individual states, counties and cities to devise local solutions to the virus? Of course not. That would result in confusion, inconsistency, danger and death. Yet, that’s exactly how our non strategy was pushed by Trump. Deny the risk, decentralize the policy and deny any responsibility. Shameful.
2. Economic effects of the pandemic; without control of the pandemic, there cannot be economic recovery. Yet, Trump denies masks, says for schools to open, play football and get along with life as if the disease doesn’t exist. That’s a strategy of denial, not an economic policy.
3. Racial relations/social upheaval; Rather then seek reconciliation, Trump fans the flames of tension. He appeals directly to angry white guys who are resentful against BLM, women of color and others who threaten their historical position of dominance.
The Dem message is to succeed on these 3 issues. Will it persuade voters? I don’t know. I do know that Trump has no plan on these 3 items. He simply wants to win another 4 years to keep himself and his family in a position of power. His goals are personal, not patriotic.
And still they will lose. Just like that 2billion crooked Hillary spent and still got their ass kicked. Get ready you butt whooping is a comingA record haul. Would assume they’re gonna use it all to carpet bomb the battleground states with a pro Dem message.
And still they will lose. Just like that 2billion crooked Hillary spent and still got their ass kicked. Get ready you butt whooping is a coming
Stock up on ammo for my ARsed,
If Trump loses, what you gonna do?
Good luck with that. Not a good look for Biden that practically every law enforcement agency in America is endorsing TrumpOO,
Agree with you that if the Economy and Urban violence become THE major issues, Trump wins.
Thats a narrative that Biden and Harris must defuse. Joe must be tough on crime just as Harris has been her whole career. If he’s perceived as a wimp, Trump wins. He needs to attack Trump and appear competent on the economy and tough on crime. Empathetic Joe is not enough.
Lol if I had a nickel for every liberal that said they were moving to Canada when Trump won but didn’t go nowhere. I have plenty of female friends my friends wives that abhor DJT as well. God bless the USA.Ok Ed. Will be tense and interesting to see what happens and how people react.
LOL, If Trump wins, my wife wants to move to Vancouver. She hates DJT beyond all recognition. Sadly, our Covid-19 failure as a country prohibits our ability to move to Canada or Europe. Those countries won’t accept us!
Maybe we get lucky and Trump forces them to leave after this election. I would vote for it. What value is having them in this country anyway? 0Lol if I had a nickel for every liberal that said they were moving to Canada when Trump won but didn’t go nowhere. I have plenty of female friends my friends wives that abhor DJT as well. God bless the USA.
Maybe we get lucky and Trump forces them to leave after this election. I would vote for it. What value is having them in this country anyway? 0
Haha. My wife loves Trump as do I. I think the hate is misguided but when you have 95% of media spewing 95%negative BS towards him 24/7 for 4straight years I think it’s understandable. Propaganda works. But thankfully not as much as it used tooed and gch,
Maybe you might listen to your girlfriends once in awhile?
Law and Order. Trump kills Biden on this. Economy Trump wins easily. Covid cases are going down as are deaths and therapeutics and vaccines on the way spells doom for Biden. And tell me how great those polls did in 2016 when they overwhelmingly went for Hillary and were mostly wrong. Trafalgar and Rasmussen were pretty accurate in 2016. Look it up. Right now Rasmussen has Biden Trump tied in PA Trafalgar has them Tied in MN and in FL and Trump up in WI MI. I like Trumps chances and so do the bookies as of late.Dol and El:
‘You May or may not support the various polls that are published on Trump vs Biden. But, there are consistent polls that track which issues most concern Americans this year. The top 3 issues totally dominate:
1. Covid 19. Not a hoax, particularly for the 180K families that have lost a family member to the disease. That’s more deaths than the US suffered In World War I, Korea and Vietnam...combined.
The administration has totally bungled the federal response to the pandemic. One leading academic on Covid said this: imagine that a computer virus infected our national air traffic control system. Would we ask individual states, counties and cities to devise local solutions to the virus? Of course not. That would result in confusion, inconsistency, danger and death. Yet, that’s exactly how our non strategy was pushed by Trump. Deny the risk, decentralize the policy and deny any responsibility. Shameful.
2. Economic effects of the pandemic; without control of the pandemic, there cannot be economic recovery. Yet, Trump denies masks, says for schools to open, play football and get along with life as if the disease doesn’t exist. That’s a strategy of denial, not an economic policy.
3. Racial relations/social upheaval; Rather then seek reconciliation, Trump fans the flames of tension. He appeals directly to angry white guys who are resentful against BLM, women of color and others who threaten their historical position of dominance.
The Dem message is to succeed on these 3 issues. Will it persuade voters? I don’t know. I do know that Trump has no plan on these 3 items. He simply wants to win another 4 years to keep himself and his family in a position of power. His goals are personal, not patriotic.
Haha that’s me at a 4. You should see when I really get amped.Breathless, Ed. Settle down. Take your blood pressure!