Blue States losing seats in Congress including the biggest


Gold Member
Jun 2, 2007
California and NY for 1st time in history lose seats in the House. Joining them are Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, WV. Red states picking up seats include Texas +2, Florida +1. Repubs are on their way to taking back the House in a BIG way in 2022. Can't wait for Pelosi to be gone.
California and NY for 1st time in history lose seats in the House. Joining them are Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, WV. Red states picking up seats include Texas +2, Florida +1. Repubs are on their way to taking back the House in a BIG way in 2022. Can't wait for Pelosi to be gone.
I would trade them a seat just to see that fossil gone. Buy her a broom so she can fly away. Not soon enough for me!
California and NY for 1st time in history lose seats in the House. Joining them are Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, WV. Red states picking up seats include Texas +2, Florida +1. Repubs are on their way to taking back the House in a BIG way in 2022. Can't wait for Pelosi to be gone.

Ohio and West Virginia are blue states? Do you ever have your facts straight? By the way as the population of Texas continues to grow and become more diverse you won't be celebrating those pickups. You'll instead be crying about election fraud.
California and NY for 1st time in history lose seats in the House. Joining them are Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, WV. Red states picking up seats include Texas +2, Florida +1. Repubs are on their way to taking back the House in a BIG way in 2022. Can't wait for Pelosi to be gone.
Fuk the Cult members. BLM
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Ohio and West Virginia are blue states? Do you ever have your facts straight? By the way as the population of Texas continues to grow and become more diverse you won't be celebrating those pickups. You'll instead be crying about election fraud.
Joe Manchin is a democrat
Joe Manchin is a democrat
West Virginia voted for Trump over Biden by 38% points. Ohio also went strongly for DJT.

The key Republican risk is if Texas, North Carolina and ultimately Florida go Blue. These are growing states where the demographics are changing. Texas and NC are attracting a lot of high tech workers from California, eg Tesla, HP and Apple. Just this week Apple announced the intention to open a 3,000 employee center in the Raleigh area. Florida is making a big pitch to increase high tech jobs in Miami.

Those immigrants will bring their values, culture and politics with them. They are not going to vote like Trumpers just because they moved to a currently Red state. This transformation has happened in Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Nevada and has now extended to Arizona and Georgia.

Look out!
West Virginia voted for Trump over Biden by 38% points. Ohio also went strongly for DJT.

The key Republican risk is if Texas, North Carolina and ultimately Florida go Blue. These are growing states where the demographics are changing. Texas and NC are attracting a lot of high tech workers from California, eg Tesla, HP and Apple. Just this week Apple announced the intention to open a 3,000 employee center in the Raleigh area. Florida is making a big pitch to increase high tech jobs in Miami.

Those immigrants will bring their values, culture and politics with them. They are not going to vote like Trumpers just because they moved to a currently Red state. This transformation has happened in Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Nevada and has now extended to Arizona and Georgia.

Look out!
House goes to Repubs BIGTIME in 22
House goes to Repubs BIGTIME in 22
Maybe. The minority party generally wins seats in the mid term elections. I think this likelihood/possibility is fueling Biden’s aggressive agenda for his first 2 years in office. His maximum legislative power is now!
West Virginia voted for Trump over Biden by 38% points. Ohio also went strongly for DJT.

The key Republican risk is if Texas, North Carolina and ultimately Florida go Blue. These are growing states where the demographics are changing. Texas and NC are attracting a lot of high tech workers from California, eg Tesla, HP and Apple. Just this week Apple announced the intention to open a 3,000 employee center in the Raleigh area. Florida is making a big pitch to increase high tech jobs in Miami.

Those immigrants will bring their values, culture and politics with them. They are not going to vote like Trumpers just because they moved to a currently Red state. This transformation has happened in Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Nevada and has now extended to Arizona and Georgia.

Look out!
Cortez, while we differ politically, I agree with you on this point. With all of the out of state folks moving into FL and TX, many are coming from Blue states. I live in St Petersburg (Tampa Bay). It is concerning....
Maybe. The minority party generally wins seats in the mid term elections. I think this likelihood/possibility is fueling Biden’s aggressive agenda for his first 2 years in office. His maximum legislative power is now!
C'mon Joe you prick, Go Baby!
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Cortez, while we differ politically, I agree with you on this point. With all of the out of state folks moving into FL and TX, many are coming from Blue states. I live in St Petersburg (Tampa Bay). It is concerning....

Thanks JCR. In addition to the demographic changes introduced by Blue State migrants, I’m fascinated by the political influence constantly emerging from the growth of Asian and Hispanic voters across the US.

In Florida, the Hispanic population is incredibly diverse. Cubans and Venezuelans may stay solidly Republican. Puerto Rican’s? I don’t know. Elsewhere in the US, Mexican residents dominate the Hispanic ranks. In my town, for example, 40% of the population has Mexican roots. This group skews toward the Dems but votes at a much lower rate than other citizens.

Asians are a powerful economic force in California and a growing power in Texas. Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Indian etc. Very diverse economically but very upwardly mobile. So far, Republicans have not courted this group. Big mistake. Massive economic potential.

Fun to see these trends evolve.
Thanks JCR. In addition to the demographic changes introduced by Blue State migrants, I’m fascinated by the political influence constantly emerging from the growth of Asian and Hispanic voters across the US.

In Florida, the Hispanic population is incredibly diverse. Cubans and Venezuelans may stay solidly Republican. Puerto Rican’s? I don’t know. Elsewhere in the US, Mexican residents dominate the Hispanic ranks. In my town, for example, 40% of the population has Mexican roots. This group skews toward the Dems but votes at a much lower rate than other citizens.

Asians are a powerful economic force in California and a growing power in Texas. Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Indian etc. Very diverse economically but very upwardly mobile. So far, Republicans have not courted this group. Big mistake. Massive economic potential.

Fun to see these trends evolve.
A great number of Puerto Ricans are settling in Central Florida, specifically Kissimmee. Coming north from PR and south from NYC. Most are Dem. Impacting the I-4 Corridor....
Educate yourself. Adding seats is not a good thing necessarily for republicans in purple states turning blue.
Thanks JCR. In addition to the demographic changes introduced by Blue State migrants, I’m fascinated by the political influence constantly emerging from the growth of Asian and Hispanic voters across the US.

In Florida, the Hispanic population is incredibly diverse. Cubans and Venezuelans may stay solidly Republican. Puerto Rican’s? I don’t know. Elsewhere in the US, Mexican residents dominate the Hispanic ranks. In my town, for example, 40% of the population has Mexican roots. This group skews toward the Dems but votes at a much lower rate than other citizens.

Asians are a powerful economic force in California and a growing power in Texas. Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Indian etc. Very diverse economically but very upwardly mobile. So far, Republicans have not courted this group. Big mistake. Massive economic potential.

Fun to see these trends evolve.
Nonsense widely known Vietnamese vote red. Koreans lean conservative as well.
Ohio and West Virginia are blue states? Do you ever have your facts straight? By the way as the population of Texas continues to grow and become more diverse you won't be celebrating those pickups. You'll instead be crying about election fraud.
When you say more diverse please expand. Does that mean 100,000 illegals (blue votes) a day? Ya let’s not check id’s or even have a border. We know what you’re up to. Let’s get rid of the electoral while we’re at it. One party dictatorship right? Communism. Half the country is subsidized and that’s still not enough for you greedy blood sucking vultures. More, more, more. It’ll never be enough for you commies until we’re a third world country where we can all equally share in the misery with the exception of your “elected” dictators and they’re benefactors.
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When you say more diverse please expand. Does that mean 100,000 illegals (blue votes) a day? Ya let’s not check id’s or even have a border. We know what you’re up to. Let’s get rid of the electoral while we’re at it. One party dictatorship right? Communism. Half the country is subsidized and that’s still not enough for you greedy blood sucking vultures. More, more, more. It’ll never be enough for you commies until we’re a third world country where we can all equally share in the misery with the exception of your “elected” dictators and they’re benefactors.
Easy 6882. Luv ya, bro, but you’ve overreacted here. Why the outburst?

I think “more diverse” simply meant a demographic shift in Texas to include a higher proportion of Hispanics and Asians among the legally voting population. I could be wrong, but I think the Black population in Texas may be shrinking. Very simply, Texas cities are growing and reflect this demographic shift. Rural areas (mostly White) are getting smaller and will inevitably lose political advantage.

That is all. Nothing illegal going on here. No communism. No dictators. Simply: Texas is growing. But the growth is happening in diverse cities, not in White rural areas.
Easy 6882. Luv ya, bro, but you’ve overreacted here. Why the outburst?

I think “more diverse” simply meant a demographic shift in Texas to include a higher proportion of Hispanics and Asians among the legally voting population. I could be wrong, but I think the Black population in Texas may be shrinking. Very simply, Texas cities are growing and reflect this demographic shift. Rural areas (mostly White) are getting smaller and will inevitably lose political advantage.

That is all. Nothing illegal going on here. No communism. No dictators. Simply: Texas is growing. But the growth is happening in diverse cities, not in White rural areas.
Because I’ve had a difficult night, that’s why. Sorry for the over reaction. Just ****ing pissed is all. Not even sure what I said made sense. Probably did though, maybe not. Politics not helping as an escape in the stress dept.
Need your sources, HJ, not just your hunches and gut reactions.

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ROLMAO@Republican voters thinking Asian people are going to actually vote for this party because an Asian person spoke at their convention.

You just can't replace this level of tone deafness anywhere else on the web. These are the same people walking around and telling everyone this is not COVID 19. It is the "Chinese Virus" motivating chipped toothed hyenas across the country to bully Asian people. Go look up the number of increased crimes against Asians due to these hyena tactics.....and you people think you earned their vote? Just because Chen Guangcheng spoke at your lame convention?

This is so much worse than when you tell people you aren't racist because you have a black friend. No, you don't. You know a black person. You know who they are....and odds are if they know who you are they aren't your friend when you do completely tone deaf crap like this.

FIX YOUR PARTY FIRST! It's broken and you don't believe it is.
You say that its chipped toothed hyenas (stupid ass term BTW), I'm assuming you mean maga hat Trump supporters?

First of all, there were 122 Asian hate crimes in 2020. Any of them are awful but this is the real world and bad shit happens....but 122 is hardly an epidemic crime wave.

Do you have the statistics on who is committing this Asian hate crimes? Because almost every story I have read it is not a "white man" or even a Maga hat.

I tried to look up the statistics but couldn't find them but I did find a story about the Asian hate crime in NYC. It said of the 20 arrests only 2 people were white. I also know the stint of attacks in San Fran was not maga hats. The douche that shot up massage parlors in GA I dont believe was racially motivated. Maybe it was? But the point remains, trump supporters arent the main culprit here. Seems like scum from all walks of life take part.

So again, you are quite ignorant of reality.
Yep, I have all the statistics and they are very easy to find if that is what people want to do. If you do not want to find them then you won't I am These are hate crimes and this is why the republican party needs to resort to voter suppression and gerrymandering to win elections. The party is tone deaf. Mainly because you think you do not have to take any accountability due to your perceived privileges'. I found everything in about 6 seconds. It's time for accountability. Stop being tone deaf by blaming the media that reports what you don't like and sharing what the alt right sources you enjoy report. It's tone deaf and it's why this alt right wing has taken over this party leaving it with no legitimacy
Yep, I have all the statistics and they are very easy to find if that is what people want to do. If you do not want to find them then you won't I am These are hate crimes and this is why the republican party needs to resort to voter suppression and gerrymandering to win elections. The party is tone deaf. Mainly because you think you do not have to take any accountability due to your perceived privileges'. I found everything in about 6 seconds. It's time for accountability. Stop being tone deaf by blaming the media that reports what you don't like and sharing what the alt right sources you enjoy report. It's tone deaf and it's why this alt right wing has taken over this party leaving it with no legitimacy
More lies from the Clown🤡🤡🤡🤡👍👍👍
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Republican risk post Trump: need to reach out to suburban voters (particularly women) as well as make further inroads with racial minorities, eg Hispanics (often socially conservative) and Asians (increasingly affluent).

Failure to “Broaden the Base” will leave the GOP with the shrinking White populations in rural areas and an over dependence on older voters. That will spell doom, especially in growing states like Texas, North Carolina and Florida. If those 3 states go Blue, it will be very difficult for Republicans to win in the Electoral College.

Will the GOP work hard to broaden the base?
California and NY for 1st time in history lose seats in the House. Joining them are Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, WV. Red states picking up seats include Texas +2, Florida +1. Repubs are on their way to taking back the House in a BIG way in 2022. Can't wait for Pelosi to be gone.

you realize that more than likely those are majority democrats moving out of blue states to red states. Thus could also be changing the landscape of these red states too. Conservatives already saw how they lost Georgia. Texas may not be to far behind. Florida too.

the last thing you want is blue states like NYC and California having their predominantly liberal citize s moving to red states like Texas, Florida, North Carolina, etc and voting blue!

be careful what you wish for!!
you realize that more than likely those are majority democrats moving out of blue states to red states. Thus could also be changing the landscape of these red states too. Conservatives already saw how they lost Georgia. Texas may not be to far behind. Florida too.

the last thing you want is blue states like NYC and California having their predominantly liberal citize s moving to red states like Texas, Florida, North Carolina, etc and voting blue!

be careful what you wish for!!
Like rat infestations
Republican risk post Trump: need to reach out to suburban voters (particularly women) as well as make further inroads with racial minorities, eg Hispanics (often socially conservative) and Asians (increasingly affluent).

Failure to “Broaden the Base” will leave the GOP with the shrinking White populations in rural areas and an over dependence on older voters. That will spell doom, especially in growing states like Texas, North Carolina and Florida. If those 3 states go Blue, it will be very difficult for Republicans to win in the Electoral College.

Will the GOP work hard to broaden the base?

I hate to tell you Trump expanded the base like no one before him, if you think Biden actually won the election I’d to sell you @CashvilleCane1’s swamp land.
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I hate to tell you Trump expanded the base like no one before him, if you think Biden actually won the election I’d to sell you @CashvilleCane1’s swamp land.
Trump did generate a great turnout in 2020. But, Biden turned out 7 million more voters. To deny Biden’s victory is conspiratorial self delusion of the highest order.

Trump and his crazy, incompetent lawyers lost 70+ cases trying to overturn the election. Pitiful actions by desperate, defeated people.
People walking around thinking someone who lost by more than 7 million votes won are about as tone deaf as you could possibly get. He lost and he lost big. You backed a con artist nobody cares about. Deal with it.
you realize that more than likely those are majority democrats moving out of blue states to red states. Thus could also be changing the landscape of these red states too. Conservatives already saw how they lost Georgia. Texas may not be to far behind. Florida too.

the last thing you want is blue states like NYC and California having their predominantly liberal citize s moving to red states like Texas, Florida, North Carolina, etc and voting blue!

be careful what you wish for!!
I hear what you’re saying but I think you have to keep in mind that some places like blue new york state, where new york city (is truly going to shit)alone has more people than a lot of states, are moving to places like fl, north carolina, texas in droves use to be democrats might have a change of heart in their political beliefs otherwise why wouldn’t they just stay where they are if they were so happy with their previous liberal policies? I just don’t buy that all these carpet baggers are going to bring their liberal votes with them. We are seeing exodus from democrat strongholds for a reason.
I hear what you’re saying but I think you have to keep in mind that some places like blue new york state, where new york city (is truly going to shit)alone has more people than a lot of states, are moving to places like fl, north carolina, texas in droves use to be democrats might have a change of heart in their political beliefs otherwise why wouldn’t they just stay where they are if they were so happy with their previous liberal policies? I just don’t buy that all these carpet baggers are going to bring their liberal votes with them. We are seeing exodus from democrat strongholds for a reason.
Can’t agree 6882.

People leave Blue States like California for job opportunities, lower real estate prices, lower taxes and shorter commutes. I believe it’s a mistake to assume that they won’t bring their values, beliefs, lifestyles and voting records with them.

If I was much younger building up a career, I might decide to leave Cali also. I did leave when I was 29 but came back at 53. I wanted adventure and career opportunities. Did that and then moved back.

My values, beliefs, lifestyle and politics never changed through eight moves of my family to different locations. These traits are hard to change.

In contrast, friends of mine who are moving to Reddish states are afraid of their cultural fit in their new states. A close neighbor is moving to a Phoenix suburb where his new home costs 40% of the home he just sold. He is excited but concerned: he votes Dem, hates guns and doesn’t wear cowboy boots. Will he regret the move?
Trump did generate a great turnout in 2020. But, Biden turned out 7 million more voters. To deny Biden’s victory is conspiratorial self delusion of the highest order.

Trump and his crazy, incompetent lawyers lost 70+ cases trying to overturn the election. Pitiful actions by desperate, defeated people.
No matter what happened or didn't happen properly in 2020 election, Trump got 75 MILLION voters. In the old days when things were proper the Federal Gov't recognized when they did not get a full mandate for their policies. In 2020 Senate 50/50, the House the Repubs gained seats and narrowed the Dems advantage, and for President 75 MILLION voted Trump. The right way to Govern in this scenario is to work together and recognize that a lot of citizens have differing ideas then you do. But not today. In today's world the Dems / Biden are choosing to jam progressive liberal policies down the throats. It's wrong. It will backfire.