Bombs will be exploding next week. Get Ready for 4 more years of Pres DJT

FBI has Hunters hard drives and most recently Hillary's deleted emails on her unauthorized server is still being looked at. The American public just doesn't know the extent of corruption within the FBI so who knows when charges will be brought. Dems are corrupt.

Guy u sound like a gullible fool. All of the stuff u are spewing do not amount to evidence. Trump had a handpicked AG and Senate and they couldn’t find any credible evidence against Clinton or Hunter.

Reality it’s just more sheep food for the gullible Trumpians to regurgitate!
Omar, another POS along with Talib. AOC embarrasses the Democratic Party being so entertaining. Her only redeeming value is that she isn't hard on the eyes but as soon as she opens her mouth, something big enough should be stuffed in it.

This POS should of never been allowed to enter the country...
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The only one who is corrupt is liar trump. Dictator, disgrace and fraud. He is going to JAIL. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hillary wasn't corrupt? Did she get a deposit into the Clinton Foundation from the Russians after she allowed for the sale of Uranium to the Russians when she was Secretary of State? Short memories and short dicks, both are problems eh gdowning? Did you forget about her private server where over 30K emails were deleted? I won't even mention here handling of Bengazi. BTW, where's Hunter? Kind of like, where's Waldo? If you are a Cane, that's worth something in my book however you need to take the course of reality over again. You failed!
Like Giuliani !
Giuliani, attorney and Mayor of N.Y.C. was the only attorney that was successful enough in court to put the heads of the 5 Mafia families in jail at the same time by using the RICO act where prior efforts by law enforcement had failed. Great mayor of the greatest city in the world . I guess that doesn't count! Sidney Powell is a respected attorney even though she is a tarheel. Trump's team is strong but has to present the evidence.
Giuliani, attorney and Mayor of N.Y.C. was the only attorney that was successful enough in court to put the heads of the 5 Mafia families in jail at the same time by using the RICO act where prior efforts by law enforcement had failed. Great mayor of the greatest city in the world . I guess that doesn't count! Sidney Powell is a respected attorney even though she is a tarheel. Trump's team is strong but has to present the evidence.

Sorry Allied. Your pals on the Trump team fired Sidney Powell today.

Chris Christy, total Trump loyalist, said it best. This legal team fighting the election results is a “national embarrassment.”
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Your pos freeloading ass should be exiled. This is America. This ain’t a dictatorship!!!

Hey Dumb-Ass you can’t exile and American Citizen... Nor have I ever taken any kind of a Gov check .

Don’t need to ..!!!! I’m fine and my daughter will never have to work a day in her life thats unless she hooks up with a free loader like you..
But I have taught her about scum like you..

oh yeah I’m crazy lol

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., who is accused of improperly using political campaign funds to reimburse her alleged lover for travel expenses, doesn’t need to worry for now about a complaint filed against her with the Federal Election Commission. Vacancies on the FEC make it impossible for the commission to take any action.”

My post was about your crazy ass. Stop deflecting.
Ed you and I generally think alike so I hope you will indulge my skepticism. We heard Russia / FISA / spying hoax indictments were coming, we then heard Hunter Biden and his Daddy in big trouble, now we are being told this bombshell is coming from Sidney Powell but we have yet to see anything. No indictments, no Hunter, no nothing. So this Republican is a skeptic. Put up or shut up. I guess the swamp is deeper than we ever thought.
These guys don't have jack. Don't waste your time. Here's an update about Trump's lead attorney. She's a nutjob.

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Lmao so you were wrong (again) and are now deflecting from being wrong by saying I’m deflecting. Pretty funny
I'm wrong about what? Surely you're not suggesting Trump's lawyer, Ms Powell, was right about faulty voting machines? Check this out.


Hey Dumb-Ass you can’t exile and American Citizen... Nor have I ever taken any kind of a Gov check .

Don’t need to ..!!!! I’m fine and my daughter will never have to work a day in her life thats unless she hooks up with a free loader like you..
But I have taught her about scum like you..

You don’t get to tell us who should and shouldn’t be entered into this country dumb ass. We have laws. They don’t change because some jackass like you don’t like someone.

Mix in a Constitution.

It’s not the Swamp. It’s that all the indictments and bombshells you and Ed were expecting were “fake news” circulated in the Trump echo chamber. They didn’t exist in the real world.

For the last 2 months, Ed has kept saying that “next week” is gonna be the week. He’s still saying it believing that SCOTUS is gonna save Trump in a miraculous 6-3 vote. These legal Hail Marys thrown by crazy Rudy and friends ain’t working, even a little bit. The clock is running out.

These nutty efforts are hurting the country, however, by undermining confidence in our democracy. This damage is Trump’s last gift to us all.
Lots of things over the last 4 years have hurt this Country including , but not limited to, the fake Russia collusion, the media becoming propaganda, the bitter partisan government, Antifa / BLM , covid, fake impeachment. I could go on.......
Giuliani, attorney and Mayor of N.Y.C. was the only attorney that was successful enough in court to put the heads of the 5 Mafia families in jail at the same time by using the RICO act where prior efforts by law enforcement had failed. Great mayor of the greatest city in the world . I guess that doesn't count! Sidney Powell is a respected attorney even though she is a tarheel. Trump's team is strong but has to present the evidence.

Giuliani WAS a respected mayor and attorney. Now his colleagues believe he he is mentally unbalanced.
Sydney Powell is so respected even the Trump team has dropped her.

Former President James Buchanan must be smiling in the grave. His reputation as the worse President in the history of the USA is without a doubt been surpassed by the soon to be ex occupant of the White House!
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Lots of things over the last 4 years have hurt this Country including , but not limited to, the fake Russia collusion, the media becoming propaganda, the bitter partisan government, Antifa / BLM , covid, fake impeachment. I could go on.......

You conveniently included all of the Trump conspiracies and omitted the White Supremacy, Police Killings, the Constant lies told by the President and the less than peaceful transition of peer.
You conveniently included all of the Trump conspiracies and omitted the White Supremacy, Police Killings, the Constant lies told by the President and the less than peaceful transition of peer.
White supremacy is a media hoax fed to sheep like you. While it exists there are racist groups of every race, color, religion, creed. That's a fact. Police killings? Not changing anytime soon. Scum bags out there man this ain't nirvana. Lies by politicians? They ALL LIE! NEXT!!!
Hillary wasn't corrupt? Did she get a deposit into the Clinton Foundation from the Russians after she allowed for the sale of Uranium to the Russians when she was Secretary of State? Short memories and short dicks, both are problems eh gdowning? Did you forget about her private server where over 30K emails were deleted? I won't even mention here handling of Bengazi. BTW, where's Hunter? Kind of like, where's Waldo? If you are a Cane, that's worth something in my book however you need to take the course of reality over again. You failed!

Nice try on the insults 🤣. I did not vote for Hilary and honestly she should have not been allowed to run for office. I voted for liar trump the 1st time. Also Hunter did not run for president and until any evidence or wrong doing comes out it’s another bs lie. Jump on the conspiracy theories about Hunter, FBI, and all the other nonsense. I am a Cane and the only one who failed is you and this clown president. Thanks
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White supremacy is a media hoax fed to sheep like you. While it exists there are racist groups of every race, color, religion, creed. That's a fact. Police killings? Not changing anytime soon. Scum bags out there man this ain't nirvana. Lies by politicians? They ALL LIE! NEXT!!!

So those cats bumping around with tiki torches in Nazi suits was a media creation. U are some of the dumbest ppl on earth. Name the racist group that has systematically killed ppl for over a hundred years?

I feel sorry for you ppl!
Nice try on the insults 🤣. I did not vote for Hilary and honestly she should have not been allowed to run for office. I voted for liar trump the 1st time. Also Hunter did not run for president and until any evidence or wrong doing comes out it’s another bs lie. Jump on the conspiracy theories about Hunter, FBI, and all the other nonsense. I am a Cane and the only one who failed is you and this clown president. Thanks
No real effort to insult, however if you believe that crack head Hunter did not do what he did get some popcorn and enjoy the next four years of embarrassment to follow.
So those cats bumping around with tiki torches in Nazi suits was a media creation. U are some of the dumbest ppl on earth. Name the racist group that has systematically killed ppl for over a hundred years?

I feel sorry for you ppl!
They don't need names they are from every color race religion and can be found worldwide...........................the formal name is not the issue.
They don't need names they are from every color race religion and can be found worldwide...........................the formal name is not the issue.
But we are talking about American Exceptionalism...and our racist, the ones who have been systemically racist for 100 of years, are indeed exceptional.
But we are talking about American Exceptionalism...and our racist, the ones who have been systemically racist for 100 of years, are indeed exceptional.
But we are talking about American Exceptionalism...and our racist, the ones who have been systemically racist for 100 of years, are indeed exceptional.
Actually we were talking about things that have hurt this country over the past 4 years.
Was Hillary and staff guilty for dead Americans in Bengazi? Yes. Was Obama guilty of a failed ACA? Yes. Is the Democratic party guilty of supporting hateful Congresswomen such as Omar and Talib?Yes.Did Holder quell the Ferguson riots or incite more violence by virtually doing nothing to help heal race relations between the Police and the community. Yup. Over 8 years of Obama there is a lot more failed policy . These next 4 years will be a wash and repeat of the failed Obama administration.
Was Hillary and staff guilty for dead Americans in Bengazi? Yes. Was Obama guilty of a failed ACA? Yes. Is the Democratic party guilty of supporting hateful Congresswomen such as Omar and Talib?Yes.Did Holder quell the Ferguson riots or incite more violence by virtually doing nothing to help heal race relations between the Police and the community. Yup. Over 8 years of Obama there is a lot more failed policy . These next 4 years will be a wash and repeat of the failed Obama administration.

You sound like an idiot. Bhengazi is a foreign intervention it happens, just like the SF squad that got took out due to lack of support during this regime. Funny how u failed to mention that 250k plus loss their life due to this Presidents willful ignorance.

Obama Care saves lives moron. How does healthcare where there was none kill u.

Why am I debating with an idiot. My bad! U right bro!
You sound like an idiot. Bhengazi is a foreign intervention it happens, just like the SF squad that got took out due to lack of support during this regime. Funny how u failed to mention that 250k plus loss their life due to this Presidents willful ignorance.

Obama Care saves lives moron. How does healthcare where there was none kill u.

Why am I debating with an idiot. My bad! U right bro!
Typical Liberal response when you don't have an answer. Attack personally. Ha,ha...
Typical Liberal response when you don't have an answer. Attack personally. Ha,ha...

They are called facts haha. I am way less liberal socially and economically than the impeached one term President that has u brainwashed.

Of course u result to the liberal card when u can't dispute the facts. Like I said it's pointless to debate a person that doesn't think for themselves.
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They are called facts haha. I am way less liberal socially and economically than the impeached one term President that has u brainwashed.

Of course u result to the liberal card when u can't dispute the facts. Like I said it's pointless to debate a person that doesn't think for themselves.
Admit cannot debate the points I made. Accept them as fact it will be easier for you.

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