Bubba Wallace = Jussie Smollet. Fake News! Fake Hate Crime!

Stop lying!! The majority of the protesters wore masks. Higher IQ people don't risk their lives and others unlike what we saw in Tulsa and Arizona. These are some dumb people.
Cems cems what I tell you about living a lie. Just admit it them looters running out of stores had no mask on while they were stealing under the name of social injustice. Your better than that . You really look like a dumbass with saying and posting bs .lol lol lol
Cems cems what I tell you about living a lie. Just admit it them looters running out of stores had no mask on while they were stealing under the name of social injustice. Your better than that . You really look like a dumbass with saying and posting bs .lol lol lol
I wasn't fixated on looters. Instead, those protestors wore masks and were peaceful. Check your facts before posting more lies.
Stop lying!! The majority of the protesters wore masks. Higher IQ people don't risk their lives and others unlike what we saw in Tulsa and Arizona. These are some dumb people.
Cems, You respect us Trump supporters the way your queen did. We are Deplorable s remember?
OP. I am still waiting for your post entitled "Actual hate crimes should be prosecuted for hate crimes" seems like you only seem to care about the headlines that make you feel like a man.
He knew it was a phony bullshit claim and he let it run. Get real.

This is silly. He let it run? He doesn't have any power over what is run. Stop being silly. People run anything they want to run...and you don't have any idea of what he knew. He just knows what he was told. They found it and reported it.
This is silly. He let it run? He doesn't have any power over what is run. Stop being silly. People run anything they want to run...and you don't have any idea of what he knew. He just knows what he was told. They found it and reported it.
The FBI and Nascar said it wasn't a noose and had been in that garage since last October. He said that wasn't true. I heard the interview. He tried to keep a fake story alive, unsuccessfully then he backed off. Wake up.
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The FBI and Nascar said it wasn't a noose and had been in that garage since last October. He said that wasn't true. I heard the interview. He tried to keep a fake story alive, unsuccessfully then he backed off. Wake up.
He isn't allowed to give his own opinions unless they are in line with yours? Listen, it was obviously something done to send a message to someone. It doesn't have to be an actual noose certified by the KKK and signed by the grand wizard.

Pretending racism doesn't exist and that people aren't out there that would do such a thing is ridiculous. This sport was honoring a flag and people proud to own African Americans over 140 years ago up until last week. Quit acting so appalled this could be real.
He isn't allowed to give his own opinions unless they are in line with yours? Listen, it was obviously something done to send a message to someone. It doesn't have to be an actual noose certified by the KKK and signed by the grand wizard.

Pretending racism doesn't exist and that people aren't out there that would do such a thing is ridiculous. This sport was honoring a flag and people proud to own African Americans over 140 years ago up until last week. Quit acting so appalled this could be real.
I'm not going to pretend racism doesn't exist when I see plenty of videos each day of black people attacking whites and elderly whites for no reason other than the color of their skin. You're right, we need to put an end to this blatant racism.
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He isn't allowed to give his own opinions unless they are in line with yours? Listen, it was obviously something done to send a message to someone. It doesn't have to be an actual noose certified by the KKK and signed by the grand wizard.

Pretending racism doesn't exist and that people aren't out there that would do such a thing is ridiculous. This sport was honoring a flag and people proud to own African Americans over 140 years ago up until last week. Quit acting so appalled this could be real.
You sound like the people who wrote about the UVa. rape or the Duke lacrosse case-" Well it could have happened'.
Well Bubba Wallace got what HE wanted. I really had never even heard his name before, was totally unaware that he even existed. Now I AM aware that he does exist, and is a guy that will let a fraud go unchallenged as long as it gets him media time and exposure.
NASCAR Marketing home the "New Coke" back in the 80's
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Pretty sure Wallace had zero to do with any of this .... no need to blame him at all
Nothing to do with it? He’s on every cable show possible, thousands supported. And STILL saying was a noose. He’s not naive nor a bystander. He loved the attention
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Stop lying!! The majority of the protesters wore masks. Higher IQ people don't risk their lives and others unlike what we saw in Tulsa and Arizona. These are some dumb people.
This “IQ” defense you use is tired, I’m willing to bet you are not a member of MENSA.
Nothing to do with it? He’s on every cable show possible, thousands supported. And STILL saying was a noose. He’s not naive nor a bystander. He loved the attention
Look at date and time I made that post ... it was pre FBI, dude is making an ass of himself
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It WAS a noose and the only one in any of the garages at Talladega. It was reported to Wallace by NASCAR. What kind of feedback do you think he has been getting from the bubba network since pushing to get the Confederate flag banned? Those of you equating him to Smullet aren’t paying attention.
It WAS a noose and the only one in any of the garages at Talladega. It was reported to Wallace by NASCAR. What kind of feedback do you think he has been getting from the bubba network since pushing to get the Confederate flag banned? Those of you equating him to Smullet aren’t paying attention.

It was there in 2019 .. it simply looks like some bored mechanic was putzing around with time on his hands. Might have been watching an old Clint Eastwood flick "hang em high". This had nothing to do with Wallace .. it was a door pull rope and doubt it was a slip knot. The world has gone crazy with everyone trying to be more "sensitive" or politically correct than the next person.