Crazy How The Libs Are No Longer Posting Covid Stats!

I am dead balls on accurate. You are in denial and you just can't or refuse to accept the truth. You don't even recognize the truth because you partake in the orgy of lies Trump speaks to every single day. Again, it is profane to view older people as expendable because our president is unable to grow into the job of protecting the American people. You have a million excuses for him but "we the people" no longer have any excuses for him. First he was new to the job. He is not a politician....blah blah blah. He isn't getting it done and he retweets people screaming bigoted things in a golf cart. I bet you have an excuse for that too.
Trump Derangement Syndrome on display. Thanks for showing your complete ignorance. I think old people are expendable because I identify a difference between a three your old dying of H1N1 compared to an 80 year old with diabetes Heart disease and stage 4 cancer dying from Covid?? Really that says that old people are expendable?? That is moronic that is how you understand things but is quite revealing into how you shape your ideas from your depraved thought.
2 great things our awesome president did just this past week. Pardon of Jon Ponder & Alice. Yes what a bigot he is. Wake up.
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I am dead balls on accurate. You are in denial and you just can't or refuse to accept the truth. You don't even recognize the truth because you partake in the orgy of lies Trump speaks to every single day. Again, it is profane to view older people as expendable because our president is unable to grow into the job of protecting the American people. You have a million excuses for him but "we the people" no longer have any excuses for him. First he was new to the job. He is not a politician....blah blah blah. He isn't getting it done and he retweets people screaming bigoted things in a golf cart. I bet you have an excuse for that too.
And yet, Cuomo thought the elderly was expendable and is treated like a hero by the left. 60 million Americans infected with H1N1 due to Barry's incompetence compared to just under 6 million infected with Covid under Trump, with a faster spreading virus according to you fear monger types. What exactly did that "pandemic response team" that you keep blabbering on and on about actually do that was helpful in any way? Your effeminate hero and his fancily named group of idiots got 10 times the number of people infected than Trump has.
Trump Derangement Syndrome on display. Thanks for showing your complete ignorance. I think old people are expendable because I identify a difference between a three your old dying of H1N1 compared to an 80 year old with diabetes Heart disease and stage 4 cancer dying from Covid?? Really that says that old people are expendable?? That is moronic that is how you understand things but is quite revealing into how you shape your ideas from your depraved thought.
2 great things our awesome president did just this past week. Pardon of Jon Ponder & Alice. Yes what a bigot he is. Wake up.
He also undid a great injustice when he pardoned the great black boxer, Jack Johnson. I wonder why the great black hope, Obama, and his staunch supporter of blacks VP, Plantation Joe, never got around to seeing justice done when they had 8 years to do something about it?
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