Cuomo Needs To Step Down

Listen Honeyboy...You need to remember one thing which is Donald J Trumps inaction from early March 2020 until January 20,2021 regarding the pandemic, directly caused over 314,000 unnecessary deaths ....Whether or not Donald J Trump will or can be indicted for these deaths remains to be seen...But this is his legacy along with the insurrection on January 6, 2021 which he is directly responsible..
Listen Honeyboy...You need to remember one thing which is Donald J Trumps inaction from early March 2020 until January 20,2021 regarding the pandemic, directly caused over 314,000 unnecessary deaths ....Whether or not Donald J Trump will or can be indicted for these deaths remains to be seen...But this is his legacy along with the insurrection on January 6, 2021 which he is directly responsible..
Indicted? He's playing golf for 4 years and then winning the Presidency again. Get with the program.

TRUMP/DeSantis 2024

Let me edit this...

IF TRUMP RUNS, it will be DeSantis/Trump. If Trump does NOT run, it will be DeSantis/Christy Noem. Both of those tickets would be difficult for Dems to beat. My personal opinion.

1. Trump is done with Pence.
2. Trump will run again in 2024
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Listen Honeyboy...You need to remember one thing which is Donald J Trumps inaction from early March 2020 until January 20,2021 regarding the pandemic, directly caused over 314,000 unnecessary deaths ....Whether or not Donald J Trump will or can be indicted for these deaths remains to be seen...But this is his legacy along with the insurrection on January 6, 2021 which he is directly responsible..

This shows you’re lying, it even has a timeline for you.

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Listen Honeyboy...You need to remember one thing which is Donald J Trumps inaction from early March 2020 until January 20,2021 regarding the pandemic, directly caused over 314,000 unnecessary deaths ....Whether or not Donald J Trump will or can be indicted for these deaths remains to be seen...But this is his legacy along with the insurrection on January 6, 2021 which he is directly responsible..

Thank G-d for The Joe Biden face mask. To see him wearing one tonight, walking down the hallway, by himself, no one within 50 feet, wearing The Joe Biden face mask. Then taking The Joe Biden credit for the vaccines... almost as good as his college plagiarism. Not only did Trump make these vaccines happen in a ridiculously short period, he also contracted for the hundred's of millions of doses this past summer...before they were even approved.

Joe has yet to take any questions from the media, and what do we hear from them...crickets.

And you Mr mat, are full of it. In early March of 2020 Trump was trying to marshal an interest from Congress re the virus while the Dems pooh-pooh'd it. Remember Pelosi in Chinatown inviting people to ignore the threat. Remember De Blasio in NY acting similarly. Also, fast forward to September of 2020 with Biden warning not to trust the vaccine because Trump was rushing it to save the election!! Mr. mat, you're full of soup.
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Well I haven't gone anywhere. But tax season is a bitch. Stress upon stress upon stress and clients yelling at me and I cannot yell back or tell them what I really think of them because they pay my mortgage.
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The allegations against Trump were from before he ran for president and the country voted him in anyway... no one accused Trump of any of that while in office. And the accusations were old.
Your beloved governor has been accused of this misconduct while in office...
To women he worked with
Me I believe in due process, I don’t think if anyone that’s accused of something that they denied should be fired or quit until it is proven legitimate.
People make a lot of accusations all the time but funny how a lot of their stories change under oath.
Remember the young man with Michael brown that said the hands up don’t shoot that half the nation believes and the entire nba believe that never happened.
His story changed when he was under oath
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The allegations against Trump were from before he ran for president and the country voted him in anyway... no one accused Trump of any of that while in office. And the accusations were old.
Your beloved governor has been accused of this misconduct while in office...
To women he worked with
Me I believe in due process, I don’t think if anyone that’s accused of something that they denied should be fired or quit until it is proven legitimate.
People make a lot of accusations all the time but funny how a lot of their stories change under oath.
Remember the young man with Michael brown that said the hands up don’t shoot that half the nation believes and the entire nba believe that never happened.
His story changed when he was under oath

Huh wait....what? So, you are saying as long as you are voted in office regardless of if people knew you committed a crime you should not resign? Makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich. Maybe they wouldn't have voted for him had they been aware no? Make sense? You can't be okay with sexual assault allegations for one person and be offended for another person. That's called being hypocritical. It doesn't matter when it happened. You either want them in office or you do not.
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The accusations against Trump were all over the news and all over your threads before the election.
And if you read what I said I don’t think people should step down or lose their livelihood over accusations if the accusations are proven in court then they should get punishedby the legal system. Who knows that a crime was committed accusations aren’t crimes there accusations and I’m not okay with sexual assault at all .
So by what you just posted cd then you think your beloved joe Biden who has also been accused of sexual assaults should be in office?
Face it cd if anyone is hypocritical on this board it’s you .
You always are accusing people on this board of doing exactly what you do all the time.maybe you should read people’s posts two times before u hurry up and spin everything
This is what I said
“The allegations against Trump were from before he ran for president and the country voted him in anyway...”
Did I say anywhere in there that I thought a person that COMMITTED a crime should be in office.
By the way there’s a bunch of them in dc on both sides of the aisle that have done that.
Maybe one day you’ll figure out that politicians aren’t your friends
So bye I’m done
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The accusations against Trump were all over the news and all over your threads before the election.
And if you read what I said I don’t think people should step down or lose their livelihood over accusations if the accusations are proven in court then they should get punishedby the legal system. Who knows that a crime was committed accusations aren’t crimes there accusations and I’m not okay with sexual assault at all .
So by what you just posted cd then you think your beloved joe Biden who has also been accused of sexual assaults should be in office?
Face it cd if anyone is hypocritical on this board it’s you .
You always are accusing people on this board of doing exactly what you do all the time.maybe you should read people’s posts two times before u hurry up and spin everything
This is what I said
“The allegations against Trump were from before he ran for president and the country voted him in anyway...”
Did I say anywhere in there that I thought a person that COMMITTED a crime should be in office.
By the way there’s a bunch of them in dc on both sides of the aisle that have done that.
Maybe one day you’ll figure out that politicians aren’t your friends
So bye I’m done
No... they were not before the election. He was accused by 26 women and 7 children. Prior to the election all we heard about was himself bragging about grabbing woman by the whoha.

He had already been elected when we first heard he paid a porn star hush money to get elected. A woman he claimed to have never met even though his lawyer produced a signed check.

You are trying to have it both ways. This very hypocritical.

Trump faced sexual assault claim before presidential campaign
June 28, 2019

THE FACTS: Several women stepped forward during the 2016 presidential campaign to publicly claim that Trump had sexually assaulted or harassed them in the past. But one of the women, Jill Harth, had sued him in 1997 over sexual assault allegations. Harth discussed the allegations again in 2016, when Trump ran for office.

So you think having sex with a porn star is a disqualification to run for office and paying hush money is not common all over the world. You do know that the Congress refuses to release the information on all the people that got settlements and signed non disclosures and they go on tv and trash people for the same thing . Why do you let the fools in dc make you turn against your fellow Americans that aren’t any different than you
Get over your hatred my friend all hate does is poison the vessel that it resides in , like you’ve never looked at porn and if you had a chance to have sex with your favorite porn star you wouldn’t.. and if you did and she threatened to go public and you had the money you wouldn’t pay her or him ( not sure how you roll) for their silence.. gtfoh your a dishonest man my friend I’ll bet you’ve never said anything deragotory about a woman ever in your life
You know just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t mean they are always wrong, you know you might be wrong once in a while
I know I am but you and your liberal friends if you can’t defend your policies or disagree with someone instead of having a discussion.. you go to character assignations
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Trump faced sexual assault claim before presidential campaign
June 28, 2019

THE FACTS: Several women stepped forward during the 2016 presidential campaign to publicly claim that Trump had sexually assaulted or harassed them in the past. But one of the women, Jill Harth, had sued him in 1997 over sexual assault allegations. Harth discussed the allegations again in 2016, when Trump ran for office.

Paying hush money is illegal in this country. WTF are you talking about it happens all over the world. That doesn't make this okay. Here it is against the law.

So you think having sex with a porn star is a disqualification to run for office and paying hush money is not common all over the world. You do know that the Congress refuses to release the information on all the people that got settlements and signed non disclosures and they go on tv and trash people for the same thing . Why do you let the fools in dc make you turn against your fellow Americans that aren’t any different than you
Get over your hatred my friend all hate does is poison the vessel that it resides in , like you’ve never looked at porn and if you had a chance to have sex with your favorite porn star you wouldn’t.. and if you did and she threatened to go public and you had the money you wouldn’t pay her or him ( not sure how you roll) for their silence.. gtfoh your a dishonest man my friend I’ll bet you’ve never said anything deragotory about a woman ever in your life
You know just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t mean they are always wrong, you know you might be wrong once in a while
I know I am but you and your liberal friends if you can’t defend your policies or disagree with someone instead of having a discussion.. you go to character assignations

This is a bit disingenuous because of the mere little fact that being the president of the United States and getting accused of a sexual assault crime is not the same as being a governor and being accused.

WTF does me watching porn have to do with breaking the law? It isn't illegal to watch porn. Paying off a porn star however for hush money is. It doesn't matter if it is legal all over the world. It isn't legal here to pay off a porn star. Your logic is not sensible. The president is over our executive branch here in America. WTF are you talking about. He is supposed to follow the law. Not follow it only if you do not care for him....but all the time regardless.

Listen, me hating Trump has nothing to do with the fact that you are being hypocritical. You hold this guy to a different standard. That is very clear. It doesn't matter if you are in office when you are accused. You are still accused and you are okay with Trump being accused and not the Governor. It's hypocritical by definition.
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