You may not be able to imagine why anyone would want to move to Florida... but fact is about 1,000 people per day are choosing just that. "Why, oh why would they do that...?" you ask? Freedom is the answer.
#1. This is contributing to America becoming a divided nation, one faction vaccinated and at times masked, the other anti vaccinations and never masked that makes containing the virus nearly impossible. - Whose fault is this really? Democrats and Liberal Governors that are requiring vaccine passports in order to participate in everyday life are responsible for creating 2 separate "classes" of American citizens. Which, ultimately, is the goals of a Socialist society. (See Nazi Germany circa 1933. Jews required to wear a Star of David emblem on their clothing. Ring a bell? 2nd class citizens is how it starts. Gas chambers and concentration camps or gulags is how it ends.)
#2. Masks greatly reduce the spread of the virus. - This is an absolutely false statement. Fauci himself stated that the wearing of masks is way less effective than people think... but it makes people "FEEL" safer. Science, stats and data have proven this. Hand washing and social distancing does reduce spread. Masks do not. Fact.
#3. As for people refusing to wear a mask, yes, its a choice but that is how folks are these days. They feel entitled because of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. - There is no greater entitlement in the world than American's rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. NO GREATER ENTITLEMENT. Consideration has nothing to do with it. I can be considerate of others, but when my civil liberties begin to diminish in the name of "safety for others" thats where I have a problem. Nothing else is or should be entitled. Not money, not health, not a job, not a family, not a career, not a double venti latte, not a goddamn Big Mac or Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is the ultimate entitlement that we have as Americans. I will fight til my death to preserve that Right, which was afforded to me by hundreds of thousands of men and women who have come before and died to protect and provide me with these rights. Any type of speak against this is TREASONOUS. Those who speak against American's right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness should be deported to China so they can see how the other side really lives.
#4. Vaccination rates have been steadily rising in red states that are being battered by the highly contagious Delta Variant. In Arkansas, Gov Asa Hutchinson reversed himself on a law that forbids mask mandates in schools, as hospitals in his state are reeling from the latest surge. - (Off topic, but I'd like to know the amount of illegal immigrants that have been transported and dumped into Arkansas in the last 3 months. Bet this might give us some insight into why there is such a surge) The Arkansas Governor absolutely has the right to change his stance on mask mandates. But DeSantis has given the power and right to choose to his people, the residents of Florida. Choose to wear a mask, or dont. Choose to get vaccinated or dont. Choose to live under a rock and hide, or dont. The choice is OURS as residents of Florida. As an American, WHAT MORE COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT?!? Choice. Plain and simple. Give me the choice.
My wife and I have been going back and forth considering getting the vaccine the past couple of weeks. I was adamantly against it for the last 6 months. Now, we are considering getting it... not because of our desire to "protect" others, because the data shows it wont do that. Our reasons are selfish and only selfish. If we do contract the Delta variant, which we have a 20% chance of right now... our symptoms "SHOULD" or " COULD" be less severe. That's it. Purely SELFISH reasons. Getting vaccinated wont prevent us from getting it or prevent us from spreading it... but it might lessen the severity.
Whether we decide to get vaccinated or not wont matter. Its our choice... and we will not be required to show proof of a vaccination to participate in American Life here in Florida. What more do I need as a man, husband, father and American?