Let me get a fuller understanding of the Lib train of thought. My making light of a former colony of people having a formerly untreatable disease gives a sure indication of a deeper seeded hatred of all others who are different. You take further proof of this from my affiliation with the Conservative view.
By your thought process and your written statements, all Conservatives are bigots. You also seem to be implying that all Libs are tolerant of variations in religious opinion or doctrine. This makes you somewhat of a fool. Or, as I stated earlier, a pineapple.
The Lib doctrine has now caused a child crisis on our southern border. You've given many parents hope for something you can't produce. We, even Libs, used to say, ' your mouth outran your ass". This is what you people do, you promise the world in hope that someone else will fulfill the promise. When the promised result does not occur, you take no responsibility for the failure, its always the fault of others. The tragedy on the border, which came about from promises directly made by Ole Joe has caused poor parents to practically throw their children across the border for us to handle. This is not even important enough for either the President or the VP to see the problem for themselves. And they get away with this lack of concern because people like you and your henchmen in the media allow it to happen.
So while you call out bigotry of all kinds you fail to come up with any solution that includes your own action to resolve. My challenge to you and your ilk is to start the corrective action and invite the rest of aboard. Until then, I'll think of you as maybe a decent person who deludes him/herself into dreaming that they are part of the solution without realizing they are part of the excuse.
So Brother Ha, look in the mirror, try to realize what Pogo realized, 'We have met the enemy and he is us'.
Stop being the vehicle for placing blame, stop your finger pointing, do something.