Some corrective action.....Republicans underfunded the Obama administration all of his 2 terms. Underfunded the military, NSA, Obamacare. Many repubs said he succumbed to the mind of George Soros. Lets not forget Soros also funded republicans.They/we blamed Obama while doing the corrective action. You don't remember the left being critical for all that Trump was changing?
Your and other Libs being critical of questioning where Obama was born is plain stupid and a Lib attempt to invalidate a legitimate concern. The law requires birth in America as a requirement for the Presidency. Obama's mother was married to two non-citizens and raised her son for many years in a foreign country. So yes, we/I wanted to see proof of where he was born. That was provided and my question answered. What's wrong with that?
Rather than address the rest of your uninformed non-sense I'll this question your way. Did you see the speech last night? How did you like Ole Joe's proposed border know, kids in squalor, set by their parents because Ole Joe made some promises, Texas being flooded with illegals?
You didn't see that! You didn't see that because he never mentioned it. The most immediate human crisis in immigration i recent history and he continued to ignore it. He totally fukced it up and is closing his eyes in hope of it disappearing.
What Ole Joe has is people like you who ignore real problems and blame everything but the real cause...and do nothing to correct.
You're like those rich Lib kids in our best universities who blame white privilege for all that ails minorities. White privilege is bullshit, but if they feel otherwise why aren't they doing anything about it. They aren't and neither are the rest of you Libs, point the finger...the other guy must change/pay/fix/start/stop.
Speaking of uniformed nonsense It wasnt because Biden made promises. The border situation has been going on for years. You have folks crossing the Rio Grande 24/7 365, according to my neighbor who is from ElPaso and is half Mexican, 1/8 Native Hawaiian, and the rest Caucasian. #45 allowed the mass of humanity at the border, on purpose to sell his half baked lie, the wall. Attempted to use military funds to complete it. #45 was heavily funded by owners of privatized prisons and defense contractors when he threw his hat into the 2016 presidential race. He reciprocated by allowing them to build holding facilities and gave them full right to
"maintain "them, or the lack of. Not enough PPEs issued to those being held and it posed health risks to ICE and USCBP personnel.
BTW Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, at Kapiolani Medical Center For Women & Children. You probably accepted it after # 45, at one of his rallies said "Barack Obama was born in the United States", A week earlier he claimed Obama was born in a foreign country."
You can go ahead and target Rich Lib kids that are in our countries best colleges but they are in college to get a degree and make something of themselves and be out of there in 4 to 5 years max. They havent got time to be concerned about white students thinking they are superior.
White priviledge isnt bull shit. Look at all the assaults on Asian Americans. Blacks had had to face indignations and oppressions for many years. Its still happening. The insurrectionists that stormed the capital grounds were white, predominantly. If the insurrectionists were black they wouldve been gunned down, no questions asked. We dont hear a word from right wing law makers.