Domestic flight restrictions Florida


Gold Member
Jun 2, 2007
There is talk by Biden administration on restricting inter-state travel to certain states. Florida is on the list. DeSantis is not having it and is threatening suing the Federal Govt. Feels it is attacking States rights. Also feels it is political to attack "red" states that are doing well.
There is talk by Biden administration on restricting inter-state travel to certain states. Florida is on the list. DeSantis is not having it and is threatening suing the Federal Govt. Feels it is attacking States rights. Also feels it is political to attack "red" states that are doing well.

States don't have the right to spread the virus to other states. Bad policy in FL shouldn't be imposed on more responsible states.
States don't have the right to spread the virus to other states. Bad policy in FL shouldn't be imposed on more responsible states.
There is talk by Biden administration on restricting inter-state travel to certain states. Florida is on the list. DeSantis is not having it and is threatening suing the Federal Govt. Feels it is attacking States rights. Also feels it is political to attack "red" states that are doing well.
It absolutely is a way for Biden to try to punish red states that have had success that make their liberal policies look bad. Our economy is open, kids are in school, etc and things aren't any worse, and in most cases better, than the blue states with draconian lockdowns. Raoul, Cems, CD, and the rest of the liberal clowns will cheer this move as they so easily give up their freedom and civil liberties.
It absolutely is a way for Biden to try to punish red states that have had success that make their liberal policies look bad. Our economy is open, kids are in school, etc and things aren't any worse, and in most cases better, than the blue states with draconian lockdowns. Raoul, Cems, CD, and the rest of the liberal clowns will cheer this move as they so easily give up their freedom and civil liberties.

Except that Florida is not a red state. It is a swing state that was won twice by Obama and once by Bill Clinton. In any case, this story is a lie since it has been shot down by people who don't get their info from right wing sources.
There is talk by Biden administration on restricting inter-state travel to certain states. Florida is on the list. DeSantis is not having it and is threatening suing the Federal Govt. Feels it is attacking States rights. Also feels it is political to attack "red" states that are doing well.
California is the hottest Covid spot in the world right now, but let’s focus on Florida. Do you currently wear two masks, one for each face?
It absolutely is a way for Biden to try to punish red states that have had success that make their liberal policies look bad. Our economy is open, kids are in school, etc and things aren't any worse, and in most cases better, than the blue states with draconian lockdowns. Raoul, Cems, CD, and the rest of the liberal clowns will cheer this move as they so easily give up their freedom and civil liberties.
These are sick, radical people
States don't have the right to spread the virus to other states. Bad policy in FL shouldn't be imposed on more responsible states.

Florida has no "bad policies" and is not a hot spot for Covid spiking or for transmission. Masks are being worn in public in most communities and social distancing is practiced in those venues that are open. The issue isn't restricting Floridians from traveling but rather restricting out-of-state visitors to Florida .. especially in the Winter which is the primary season for out-of-state visitors to escape the snow, play golf, etc., a major facet of the Florida economy.
Except that Florida is not a red state. It is a swing state that was won twice by Obama and once by Bill Clinton. In any case, this story is a lie since it has been shot down by people who don't get their info from right wing sources.
At this time and during the pandemic, which is what this conversation is about, Florida is a red state. Voted Trump 2016 and 2020. Governor Ron Disantis-Republican, Senator Marco Rubio-Republican, Senator Rick Scott-Republican, Republicans also hold 16 of the 27 congressional seats. That's as red as it gets. You should be thankful we've had strong conservative leadership instead of the disasters that are the blue states like NY, CA, IL, etc.
At this time and during the pandemic, which is what this conversation is about, Florida is a red state. Voted Trump 2016 and 2020. Governor Ron Disantis-Republican, Senator Marco Rubio-Republican, Senator Rick Scott-Republican, Republicans also hold 16 of the 27 congressional seats. That's as red as it gets. You should be thankful we've had strong conservative leadership instead of the disasters that are the blue states like NY, CA, IL, etc.
At this time and during the pandemic, which is what this conversation is about, Florida is a red state. Voted Trump 2016 and 2020. Governor Ron Disantis-Republican, Senator Marco Rubio-Republican, Senator Rick Scott-Republican, Republicans also hold 16 of the 27 congressional seats. That's as red as it gets. You should be thankful we've had strong conservative leadership instead of the disasters that are the blue states like NY, CA, IL, etc.
Radical Raoul only believes what CNN tells him.
At this time and during the pandemic, which is what this conversation is about, Florida is a red state. Voted Trump 2016 and 2020. Governor Ron Disantis-Republican, Senator Marco Rubio-Republican, Senator Rick Scott-Republican, Republicans also hold 16 of the 27 congressional seats. That's as red as it gets. You should be thankful we've had strong conservative leadership instead of the disasters that are the blue states like NY, CA, IL, etc.

It doesn’t matter who the Senators or Governor are. What matters is what a state's perceived status is considered to be during Presidential cycles, Wyoming, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and other conservative states are considered rubber stamp red states, which is why candidates don't even bother going there. They do however campaign a lot in FL, because it is considered a swing state. Who the current Senators or Governor are doesn't matter. AZ and GA currently have two Dem Senators each and no one considers them blue states.

On the 2nd point, states with higher population densities are obviously going to be affected more by COVID than sparsely populated flyover states, so obviously CA, NY, TX, FL, and PA are going to top 5 in the death count.
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1. States barring travel to other states was stupid when FL wanted to block NY and is dumb if anyone wants to block FL.

2. This blue state red state shit is dumb, Ya'll act like Orange County and LA County are the same. Like the Sonoma Valley and San Fran are the same. It would be like comparing Fort Lauderdale politics to Pensacola politics cuz they are both Florida, ever been to Staten Island or White Plains? Ya'll bugging.

3. Americans are dying. They were dying in 3/20, they are dying now. We used to come together for a common enemy, now its circular fire.

4. I knew this board was less GOP than MAGA but damn, after all the TDS accusations you would think that Biden wouldnt' be the subject of every post. I've literally started three threads about hot sexy chicks and mofos want to talk about dusty ass old dudes 24/7.

Go get laid fellas, Lounge is for non-sports, not just politics. We can all agree on hot ass, so how bout we do that sometimes? Asking for a friend.
There is talk by Biden administration on restricting inter-state travel to certain states. Florida is on the list. DeSantis is not having it and is threatening suing the Federal Govt. Feels it is attacking States rights. Also feels it is political to attack "red" states that are doing well.
If DeSantis is incapable of controlling the spread of the virus..-Then Biden will have to do it for him..
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It doesn’t matter who the Senators or Governor are. What matters is what a state's perceived status is considered to be during Presidential cycles, Wyoming, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and other conservative states are considered rubber stamp red states, which is why candidates don't even bother going there. They do however campaign a lot in FL, because it is considered a swing state. Who the current Senators or Governor are doesn't matter. AZ and GA currently have two Dem Senators each and no one considers them blue states.

On the 2nd point, states with higher population densities are obviously going to be affected more by COVID than sparsely populated flyover states, so obviously CA, NY, TX, FL, and PA are going to top 5 in the death count.
It doesn't matter who the Governor is LMAO! Wrong again Raoul. You are right about as much as CDwrong. Do you really think FL would be the same if your boy Gillium was elected? .
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It doesn't matter who the Governor is LMAO! Wrong again Raoul. You are right about as much as CDwrong. Do you really think FL would be the same if you boy Gillium was elected? .

We're talking about a very specific issue here, whether FL is considered a red, blue, or swing state.
Cuomo should go down. He killed many elderly grandmothers and grandfathers as well as many veterans. His fate is beyond politics. When he meets his maker, it will be very hot. Another scumbag Democrat. When will the Democrats give their party an enima? What a group of criminals.
1. States barring travel to other states was stupid when FL wanted to block NY and is dumb if anyone wants to block FL.

2. This blue state red state shit is dumb, Ya'll act like Orange County and LA County are the same. Like the Sonoma Valley and San Fran are the same. It would be like comparing Fort Lauderdale politics to Pensacola politics cuz they are both Florida, ever been to Staten Island or White Plains? Ya'll bugging.

3. Americans are dying. They were dying in 3/20, they are dying now. We used to come together for a common enemy, now its circular fire.

4. I knew this board was less GOP than MAGA but damn, after all the TDS accusations you would think that Biden wouldnt' be the subject of every post. I've literally started three threads about hot sexy chicks and mofos want to talk about dusty ass old dudes 24/7.

Go get laid fellas, Lounge is for non-sports, not just politics. We can all agree on hot ass, so how bout we do that sometimes? Asking for a friend.
I’m in
Nothing to see here folks. Fortunately, everyone can make a quick trip to Publix.

Desantis is looking like one of the best governors in a very , very long time during a time where it’s extremely difficult to just look not bad as a governor from any where. I wasn’t a huge fan of his when he was running (thought he put up a really lazy campaign), I’m probably one of his biggest fans now. Best governor this state has had in I can’t even remember how long.
There is talk by Biden administration on restricting inter-state travel to certain states. Florida is on the list. DeSantis is not having it and is threatening suing the Federal Govt. Feels it is attacking States rights. Also feels it is political to attack "red" states that are doing well.
I hear Stacey Abrams is moving to Florida.
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Desantis is looking like one of the best governors in a very , very long time during a time where it’s extremely difficult to just look not bad as a governor from any where. I wasn’t a huge fan of his when he was running (thought he put up a really lazy campaign), I’m probably one of his biggest fans now. Best governor this state has had in I can’t even remember how long.
What has he done?
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States don't have the right to spread the virus to other states. Bad policy in FL shouldn't be imposed on more responsible states.
You are a sheep...stop the bullshit...i have MS and diabetes I signed up to get the shot..have heard nothing..but some college kids with parents as lawyers got it...i don't care I will wait until all the older ppl get it...but you want to talk about privilege...come on
You are a sheep...stop the bullshit...i have MS and diabetes I signed up to get the shot..have heard nothing..but some college kids with parents as lawyers got it...i don't care I will wait until all the older ppl get it...but you want to talk about privilege...come on

What does any of this have to do with my post ?
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It has alot to do with the OP's post. With the kind of ailments he has, you would think the state of Florida would move him higher on the list. But that Little Trump wannabe doesn't have a clue.

Its the same thing with supporting universal healthcare. Some of the people who would benefit the most have been spoonfed so much misinformation over time to where they reflexively recoil and yell "socialism" when presented with something that would radically improve their quality of life.
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It has alot to do with the OP's post. With the kind of ailments he has, you would think the state of Florida would move him higher on the list. But that Little Trump wannabe doesn't have a clue.
Actually Florida already allows high risk under 65 to get vaccinated. My friend survived breast cancer and got the vaccine. My wife’s (59) doctor told her end of February their practice will have the vaccine and she should come get it. It’s happening because our Governor is doing it right.
Actually Florida already allows high risk under 65 to get vaccinated. My friend survived breast cancer and got the vaccine. My wife’s (59) doctor told her end of February their practice will have the vaccine and she should come get it. It’s happening because our Governor is doing it right.
Lets hope our Cane brethren sees your post otherwise NY state makes an exception for people with serious ailments regardless of age.

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