Drip Drip....House intelligence chair Nunes stepping aside from Russia probe


Aug 14, 2007
Lololololol you keep taking about these "drips" your in for a LONG HAUL, Repubs have been talking seats left and right for years and we have the White House. Find your safe space and let the adults do their jobs.
I am a bit more concerned with what you are doing with your seats....and my tax dollars right now. As any reasonable person would be. I don't just sit back and take nonsense. Nothing worth having is not worth fighting for. If a good job is being done that is great. If not then I speak out.
I am a bit more concerned with what you are doing with your seats....and my tax dollars right now. As any reasonable person would be. I don't just sit back and take nonsense. Nothing worth having is not worth fighting for. If a good job is being done that is great. If not then I speak out.
Funny now they are "your tax dollars" yet you'll raid the rich to pay for everyone else! Give me a break!!
Funny now they are "your tax dollars" yet you'll raid the rich to pay for everyone else! Give me a break!!
Who says I am not rich? lmao...How do you know? You don't know anything about me or say you want to.
Not only is Nunes a novice but hes also a Trumputin surrogate. That tells you everything you want to know.
we saw how quickly he exited the building with the reporter asking questions. Nunes' ass is grass. The reporter has the lawn mower.
Not only is Nunes a novice but hes also a Trumputin surrogate. That tells you everything you want to know.
we saw how quickly he exited the building with the reporter asking questions. Nunes' ass is grass. The reporter has the lawn mower.
And as the liberal apologist speak the Wash Post just ran a story how Obama DID request FISA warrants! You pinko'S only respect the law when it suits terrorists and others wanting to harm the US. Total fruits
Never said you were!! Your reading comprehension is AWFUL!! Try an adult reading coarse
And as the liberal apologist speak the Wash Post just ran a story how Obama DID request FISA warrants! You pinko'S only respect the law when it suits terrorists and others wanting to harm the US. Total fruits
Truth is it was too hot in the kitchen for Nunes. Trump is doing the 3 Ds. distract, delay, deflect.
Distract the house & senate investigations. Deflecting the blame on the Russians for their alleged involvement with the chemical weapons. Delaying the inevitable; trumputin surrogates colluding with the Russians.
Truth is it was too hot in the kitchen for Nunes. Trump is doing the 3 Ds. distract, delay, deflect.
Distract the house & senate investigations. Deflecting the blame on the Russians for their alleged involvement with the chemical weapons. Delaying the inevitable; trumputin surrogates colluding with the Russians.
Typical liberal scared of reality talking points! No commment on Obama spying on Americans? Are you people that dishonest? Trump was correct its like Nixon type shit!
Typical liberal scared of reality talking points! No commment on Obama spying on Americans? Are you people that dishonest? Trump was correct its like Nixon type shit!
Typical liberal scared of reality talking points! No commment on Obama spying on Americans? Are you people that dishonest? Trump was correct its like Nixon type shit!
Typical liberal scared of reality talking points! No commment on Obama spying on Americans? Are you people that dishonest? Trump was correct its like Nixon type shit!
I'm all for reality talking points; not the alternative type you prefer.
Never said you were!! Your reading comprehension is AWFUL!! Try an adult reading coarse
No. CD said "My tax dollars. read it again. speaking of tax dollars a report surfaced on KHON, afox news affiliate in Hawaii reported Trumputin has spent nearly every weekend @ Mar A Lago costing the tax payer $30M. At this rate by the end of his 4yr termTrumputin will exceed 8 yrs of Barack Obama going on vacation. We are footing the bill for functions that should be held @ the white house. We are also footing the bill for Melania staying @ Trump Tower> We are also paying for her security personnel.
They take up a whole floor. I don't think you are willing to admit the tax payer is getting raked over the coals. Unscrupulous regime!
Still no evidence of trump colluding with Russia. Enjoy your time in the state with most entitlements.
Then why all the attempts to distract? The investigation is on going. The senate is going to take its time. Also why did Flynn make n offer on the condition of immunity? Immunity isn't guaranteed so hes taking the 5th. Evidence shows he communicated with the Russians during the primary , after the general election & after the inauguration. Tillerson, Ross, Sessions, Paige, Stone. Eric Prince blackwater contracter & the brother of Betsy Devos, secretary of education will probably be required to testify.
Then why all the attempts to distract? The investigation is on going. The senate is going to take its time. Also why did Flynn make n offer on the condition of immunity? Immunity isn't guaranteed so hes taking the 5th. Evidence shows he communicated with the Russians during the primary , after the general election & after the inauguration. Tillerson, Ross, Sessions, Paige, Stone. Eric Prince blackwater contracter & the brother of Betsy Devos, secretary of education will probably be required to testify.
You are high
You are high
You cant face facts. You are delusional, frustrated, disappointed in the direction the GOP caucus is headed for: disaster. In 2018 there will be elections in numerous states. with the way things are going with the current adminisran we will likely see a huge change in the # of seats the GOP will lose. Add to that Bill O'Reillys situation. Alabama Gov Robert Bentley resigning rather than face impeachment for his involvement in a sex scandal involving his relationship with a staff member. When you turn the pages back to mid December 2016. In a Gubernatorial race in North Carolina the incumbent Pat McCrory (R) lost to a democrat. The outcome wasn't decided till mid December due McCrorys numerous requests for recounts. When the democrat was announced as the winner McCrory forced legislation to limit the powers of the new Governor. He then appointed his wife to lead the state ethics commission. Hows that for being petty, reprehensible, Condescending. The party of NO. The party that puts themselves before country. Obstructionists, traitors, anti americans. So you see Ozona; youre pathetic, hopeless, undermined.
You cant face facts. You are delusional, frustrated, disappointed in the direction the GOP caucus is headed for: disaster. In 2018 there will be elections in numerous states. with the way things are going with the current adminisran we will likely see a huge change in the # of seats the GOP will lose. Add to that Bill O'Reillys situation. Alabama Gov Robert Bentley resigning rather than face impeachment for his involvement in a sex scandal involving his relationship with a staff member. When you turn the pages back to mid December 2016. In a Gubernatorial race in North Carolina the incumbent Pat McCrory (R) lost to a democrat. The outcome wasn't decided till mid December due McCrorys numerous requests for recounts. When the democrat was announced as the winner McCrory forced legislation to limit the powers of the new Governor. He then appointed his wife to lead the state ethics commission. Hows that for being petty, reprehensible, Condescending. The party of NO. The party that puts themselves before country. Obstructionists, traitors, anti americans. So you see Ozona; youre pathetic, hopeless, undermined.
Wow you go right into the angel dust!! So your saying the guy punch losing the election and losing over 1000 seats last several years will go away? We're winning the vacated Kansas seat as we speak! So your post like your party is pure fantasy!! Your green haired freaks out in the cold!! Plus now all the Obama tarnished legacy getting worse with domestic spying, Obamacare failing! Dems are done!! Stick a fork in the bong and get on the free money train quick before Trump stops it!
You are high
Wow you go right into the angel dust!! So your saying the guy punch losing the election and losing over 1000 seats last several years will go away? We're winning the vacated Kansas seat as we speak! So your post like your party is pure fantasy!! Your green haired freaks out in the cold!! Plus now all the Obama tarnished legacy getting worse with domestic spying, Obamacare failing! Dems are done!! Stick a fork in the bong and get on the free money train quick before Trump stops it!
Oh so you know about angel dust???!!!! you mustve fell into It numerous times. Obamacare isn't failing contrary to what Paul Ryan & his constituents are saying. Increases in health care are inevitable. The so called increases in the AHCA could be offset with tax subsidies. But Ryan doesn't say a word about it. Ryan with held over $26B from the AHCA Obamacare for republicans.
Obama's tarnished legacy???!!!! His final approval rating on 01/19/17 was 60%+. His favorability rating 57%. Trumputins is near/hovering @ 35% and it isn't near the 1st 100 days. Obama did the right thing when he expelled all Russian operatives in the US. He did the right thing by abstaining from the UN resolution. Last week 265 members of congress, all republicans voted unanimously to lift Obama's order on ISP from sharing info on their subscribers. so much for privacy. prior to that it was republicans lifting Obama's ban on selling firearms to the mentally ill. without question its the NRA applying the pressure to the GOP caucus.
Back in late august 2016 US intel called for an emergency meeting with democratic & republican leaders on the likelihood of Russia meddling in the elections. Intel officials urged members of both parties the American people have a right to know. The dems wanted to. some GOP members wanted to but Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell felt the public didn't need to know. A violation of a constitutional right; The freedom of Information Act. Traitor. Anti American. A coward for covering for Trumputin.. Theres also a strong indication of discord, disharmony in the GOP caucus. The Koch Brothers are going to bank roll the campaigns for GOP members who are willing to oppose the rejuvenation of the American Health Care Act AKA Trumpcare.