900+ political seats lost in the last 8 years at both state and federal level... Glad liberals think all is warm and fuzzy in la-la liberal land. F**king Vermont just put in a Republican Governor in Socialist Bernie Sanders' state.
Chuckie Schumer is a clown and is going to send Senate Democrats in Red States to the political guilotine come midterm elections. Lunatic liberal Elizabeth Warren has horrendously low poll numbers in a deep blue Massachusetts state and may be unseated by Curt Schilling- the rock solid conservative who ESPN fired for his political views.
America is tired of flaming far left coastal liberalism and its continued intolerance, ignorance, and incompetence. ESPN masquerades like a sports network when substantively it has become a bastion of liberal circle jerking, pandering to the very coastal far left liberal audience that the rest of America loathes for its lunatic liberal ideologies.
There's a lot of delusion in this post. If I recall the left still had 3m more votes than the right. Yes, that means squat in the scheme of things but my point is this election wasn't a referendum on liberalism -- Hillary was just the worst candidate possible (which is their own fault for riding with her). The left is growing while the right is shrinking. Look at the electoral map based on millenials....that's the future.....I'm willing to bet the Dems add seats in 2018. Also, Curt Schilling is a moron. Put political views aside for a second, anyone that risks an entire career of earnings into one project must have a serious brain defect.