Every city, county, State has their own Police force


Gold Member
Jun 2, 2007
Our system is fragmented. In any given State you could have hundreds of precincts doing things right, proper training, run and managed well. In the same state you could have a handful of precincts that aren't run well, not doing proper training. Then within any of these precincts you only need a couple of bad apples and there you have it a complete breakdown. I am sure many of us on here have been pulled over and the cop was a total Dick. When I get pulled over or have to come in contact with a Cop I go into 100% military mode. Yes sir, no sir. Granted I am older white male so it's not the same but I don't take any chances because none of us knows who that Dick is. Very hard to manage every police force in this country when our system is so split apart like this.
Our system is fragmented. In any given State you could have hundreds of precincts doing things right, proper training, run and managed well. In the same state you could have a handful of precincts that aren't run well, not doing proper training. Then within any of these precincts you only need a couple of bad apples and there you have it a complete breakdown. I am sure many of us on here have been pulled over and the cop was a total Dick. When I get pulled over or have to come in contact with a Cop I go into 100% military mode. Yes sir, no sir. Granted I am older white male so it's not the same but I don't take any chances because none of us knows who that Dick is. Very hard to manage every police force in this country when our system is so split apart like this.
True story! Training is mandated across the state but policies aren’t all the same. Some of our small local agencies (cities) have sometimes 3-5 officers lol. Metro Nashville’s policies are very different from ours. Some of these bigger agencies are a mess too.

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