You’re being silly. Clearly you haven’t heard yet. The feds have a magic money machine that can print money when ever they need/want it. This country is rich now that we have infinite money. It’s kinda like it’s free because we can just print when ever we want. That being said, we still need to tax the shit out of all those god damn contributors if not for any other reason than contributing. We should probably borrow more money from countries that hate us too just because it’s good policy. Cause ya know, maybe then if we keep doing it, they’ll like us and it’s really important to be popular with the countries that hate us. It’s kind of our fault anyways just for being our own country. We should go on an apology tour AGAIN because even though it didn’t work the last time, we shouldn’t give up on our countries shame.
it’s like this whole Afghan “issue”, I don’t see what all the fuss is about. The terrorists told us they wouldn’t terrorize people and with all the billions in guns, helicopters, drones etc we gifted them, they’ll probably be so appreciative that they’ll like us now and be nice to everyone. In fact we should probably gift several billions of dollars to them just to be safe. Oh wait we already did that. We should probably do it again though just to be really safe. It’s all free money anyways.