Giuliani admits Trump knew about Stormy


Gold Member
Sep 14, 2004
stunner today: Rudy tells Sean Hannity that Trump knew of payment to Stormy and reimbursed Cohen for making the payment.

Please discuss. Implications?
Admitting to the world what everyone already knew. Trump's lies and quasi-organized crime tactics are finally getting exposed. Someone is going to get hit by a civil penalty or possibly jail time over this.
Admitting to the world what everyone already knew. Trump's lies and quasi-organized crime tactics are finally getting exposed. Someone is going to get hit by a civil penalty or possibly jail time over this.

Jail time for what ? Citizen has sex with whore, she gets paid to keep quiet. Losers of election make this into some quasi crime. Stormy and lawyer sell story she is doing this for truth, wrap her in virtue. Whore has sex gets paid end of story.
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Jail time for what ? Citizen has sex with whore, she gets paid to keep quiet. Losers of election make this into some quasi crime. Stormy and lawyer sell story she is doing this for truth, wrap her in virtue. Whore has sex gets paid end of story.

Willful campaign finance violations.
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Willful campaign finance violations.

Probably not. They are not that dumb to pay her out of campaign money. Will be very tough to prove. Only thing that interview with Rudy proved is that Trump lied yet again. Nothing new. We all know he lies with regularity. His supporters don't care.
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Probably not. They are not that dumb to pay her out of campaign money. Will be very tough to prove. Only thing that interview with Rudy proved is that Trump lied yet again. Nothing new. We all know he lies with regularity. His supporters don't care.

Giuliani admitted it to the world on national tv last night. Cohen paid the money and Trump repaid him by way of keeping him on a fraudulent 35k/mo retainer (plus tax offset) until he was repaid. explained by KellyAnne Conway's husband, is considered a campaign contribution.

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Willful campaign finance violations.

What happened to Russian collusion? The truth is the investigation and follow up is all about finding a way to overturn an election result that the Dems can’t accept. No mention anywhere of Caputo who worked on Trump campaign now 125k in lawyer fees because of BS investigation. The government has been underhanded and probably criminal thru whole thing
Giuliani admitted it to the world on national tv last night. Cohen paid the money and Trump repaid him by way of keeping him on a fraudulent 35k/mo retainer (plus tax offset) until he was repaid. explained by KellyAnne Conway's husband, is considered a campaign contribution.

Understood. I think proving that it was meant to influence the election will be difficult to prove. Either way, what's the worst that will happen to him for violating that law? The house isn't going to impeach him.
What happened to Russian collusion? The truth is the investigation and follow up is all about finding a way to overturn an election result that the Dems can’t accept. No mention anywhere of Caputo who worked on Trump campaign now 125k in lawyer fees because of BS investigation. The government has been underhanded and probably criminal thru whole thing

The same thing that happened in the 90s between the investigation of an Arkansas land deal to the President lying under oath and getting impeached by the House. Its never the original crime that nails people - its the litany of lies, coverups, and attempts to obstruct justice that gets them. Trump will be no different. Next time, elect a less corrupt person who doesn't spend his life attempting to lie his way out of past indiscretions, and you will avoid all of this.
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The same thing that happened in the 90s between the investigation of an Arkansas land deal to the President lying under oath and getting impeached by the House. Its never the original crime that nails people - its the litany of lies, coverups, and attempts to obstruct justice that gets them. Trump will be no different. Next time, elect a less corrupt person who doesn't spend his life attempting to lie his way out of past indiscretions, and you will avoid all of this.

Apples and Oranges
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Both investigated by a special prosecutor. This one is headed in the same direction.

It's similar in that it's a special prosecutor that is investigating beyond the original purpose. But the Donald has yet to lie under oath like Bill did. He lied to the press and the people which is not a crime. His supporters simply do not care that he's a compulsive liar. Sad but true. And notice I said yet. If he actually testifies he will surely lie. It's just who he is.
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So you liberals are backing a whore on something that happened ten years ago ? That is all , got to be real proud of the Dems. You hypocrites let your own party steal millions and it does not even bother all lol.

So you're backing the guy that screwed the whore when married, paid the whore off, and then lied about it? And now you want to act like you have the moral high ground. A good Christian like yourself is defending this behavior? Phony.
Incorrect... he stated he paid Cohen a retainer fee plus expenses. At least try to get it right lol

Cash, Rudy said Trump paid Cohen back for the payment to Stormy in the form of “retainer fees and expenses.” Not sure what your point is.
Cash, Rudy said Trump paid Cohen back for the payment to Stormy in the form of “retainer fees and expenses.” Not sure what your point is.
yeah these dudes just need to STFU about this. They are making this much much worse. Rudy G just made this so much worse.
Cash, Rudy said Trump paid Cohen back for the payment to Stormy in the form of “retainer fees and expenses.” Not sure what your point is.
That’s not what he said... there are direct quotes from Trump stating he pays Cohen a retainer fee plus expenses, which is common. He then stated he did not know what those expenses were but he had made prior payments.
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Retainer fees are explicitly for for legal matters. It isn't normal. This isn't a legal matter. It is hush money for election purposes.. Let's not get it twisted. The fees were made two weeks before the election. There are campaign finance laws of course but not just those laws. Just a few weeks ago this lawyer was on TV saying he mortgaged his home to make this payment. Their are many stories out there and who knows what to believe? Now we are to believe it was a retainer Trump paid? What they need to do is STFU because with each story there is a credibility issue.

Stormy Daniels lawyer claims to have evidence of the connection to trump. That's why he is going with the retainer story. They know Daniels lawyers can tie Trump to the money. So they switched it up and you would have to be a fool to believe Trump. What the strategy is? I gave my lawyer a retainer but I don't know what it was used for. It's lame and he is getting undressed with this lame bullshit.

This is what happens when you are a lying POS ....your lies eventually catch up to you. The evidence that the Lawyer has also will reveal it was hush money two weeks before the election....also he is claiming he will prove there are campaign finance laws broken. The more Trump and his band of criminals run their mouths talk it only speaks to their lack of credibility. Gigs up! Time to go down Bree Olson style. Bill Cosby style.....and so on.
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CD. I would be kinda cool if you slept with a pornstar and ADMITTED IT! LOL. But you do..and you don't!!!!

Nah, I don't have to. It's called having game....and I definitely wouldn't if i were married. I wouldn't want to bring back the hivy to my wife. These aren't even hot porn stars like Bree
So you're backing the guy that screwed the whore when married, paid the whore off, and then lied about it? And now you want to act like you have the moral high ground. A good Christian like yourself is defending this behavior? Phony.
No not Phony Lou just a realist and not a hypocrite. Not mine ,yours or anyone else's business what President Trump did or did not do with Stormy. He broke no laws. As far as being a Christian goes I also have done things in my life I'm not proud of . That does not make me Phony it makes me forgiving. If you want to talk about my faith and why I'm a Christian I have no problem having a conversation with you in a private forum. Bottom line slimy politicians are destroying this great country and the biggest push is coming from the far Left and the deep state.
No not Phony Lou just a realist and not a hypocrite. Not mine ,yours or anyone else's business what President Trump did or did not do with Stormy. He broke no laws. As far as being a Christian goes I also have done things in my life I'm not proud of . That does not make me Phony it makes me forgiving. If you want to talk about my faith and why I'm a Christian I have no problem having a conversation with you in a private forum. Bottom line slimy politicians are destroying this great country and the biggest push is coming from the far Left and the deep state.
So you're backing the guy that screwed the whore when married, paid the whore off, and then lied about it? And now you want to act like you have the moral high ground. A good Christian like yourself is defending this behavior? Phony.
Lou97 these Evangelicals get upset when you question there Christianity after sleeping with whores and asking for forgiveness. lol
And to set you straight Bobbiejean, this POS President is embarrassing our great country.
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So you're backing the guy that screwed the whore when married, paid the whore off, and then lied about it? And now you want to act like you have the moral high ground. A good Christian like yourself is defending this behavior? Phony.
Yeah, these people are completely full of it! This is a horrible example for any president to set and all this president does is double down too. Yet, people want to make him some kind of victim of the media. His rhetoric is consistent with his actions and yet he gets the backing. It says who people really are. Clearly the president from day 1 has taken all his crap to the people in his base as a victim. When given the opportunity to clear himself in a court of law he would rather NOT because he knows he is a lying POS
Lou97 these Evangelicals get upset when you question there Christianity after sleeping with whores and asking for forgiveness. lol
And to set you straight Bobbiejean, this POS President is embarrassing our great country.
Embarrassing our country how? Because unemployment is low? Because minority unemployment is historically low? Because he is bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula? Because our economy is booming? Because our military is actually being taken care of now?

Or is it because a piece of trash pornstar throws out there she slept with the president 12 years ago? Oh yeah real embarrassing. You guys go fishing looking for whatever you can possibly find and then cry and whine about it as if it just happened.

Oh muh Russia... lmao
Lou97 these Evangelicals get upset when you question there Christianity after sleeping with whores and asking for forgiveness. lol
And to set you straight Bobbiejean, this POS President is embarrassing our great country.
Not a evangelical and not upset at all. Has nothing to do with me about people sleeping with whores because I'm a Christian. Most of my friends are not Christians. You Liberals never give President Trump any credit all you do is hate and it has gotten so bad you do not even believe in people's rights except when it only benefits the far left . Example Hillary crimes no problem. I guess President Trump is embarrassing our country with the work that is going on with North Korea. O by the way you do not have to worry about setting me straight worry about you setting yourself straight.As far as forgiveness funny how liberals preach that you got to forgive folks for stealing ,drug trafficking,killing babies, breaking laws, and give people a chance and nothing wrong with that. But if your a conservative Christian and you do something wrong your a hypocrite for praying for forgiveness? I guess President Trump should not be forgiven for sleeping with a whore but Others that break the law should be even though Trump broke no law. Wow what a double standard and I'm a bad person because I'm a conservative Christian.
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Yeah, these people are completely full of it! This is a horrible example for any president to set and all this president does is double down too. Yet, people want to make him some kind of victim of the media. His rhetoric is consistent with his actions and yet he gets the backing. It says who people really are. Clearly the president from day 1 has taken all his crap to the people in his base as a victim. When given the opportunity to clear himself in a court of law he would rather NOT because he knows he is a lying POS
So sad CD hate runs so deep. Why not just disagree with policy? I know why.They can not because the far left policy exposes them.
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Embarrassing our country how? Because unemployment is low? Because minority unemployment is historically low? Because he is bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula? Because our economy is booming? Because our military is actually being taken care of now?

Or is it because a piece of trash pornstar throws out there she slept with the president 12 years ago? Oh yeah real embarrassing. You guys go fishing looking for whatever you can possibly find and then cry and whine about it as if it just happened.

Oh muh Russia... lmao
Meanwhile, you make it sound as though those employment numbers miraculously got low on Jan 20th, 2017. The military finally being taken care of? Get real. It takes years to either reduce troop levels or increase end strength and weapons systems. It was the Obama administration who authorized and appropriated the funds for the new construction of numerous ships, submarines, aircraft and other weapons systems including 3 Gerald Ford next generation class aircraft carriers at a cost of 12 billion per copy that uses a catapult system called EMALS which allows us to launch more and different types of combat sorties in the same amount of time than Nimitz Class steam catapult carriers. What does the pussy grabber in chief say during a visit to the USS Gerald R. Ford? "Where going back to goddamn steam" because he's to stupid to understand the technology as to how we launch aircraft off the pointy end of the ship. Don't get me started on the VA, they are by far the most fcked up, dysfunctional government agency in the country and has been for decades. While we're on the subject of the VA, what does the draft dodger in chief do? Nominates his Rear Admiral personal physician who was clearly unqualified and reportedly handing out prescription drugs like candy to run one of the largest agencies in the federal government because he said nice things about him. Alot of the shit you listed either happened or was beginning to happen on Obama's watch but you guys can't bring yourselves to give him credit for shit!
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Embarrassing our country how? Because unemployment is low? Because minority unemployment is historically low? Because he is bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula? Because our economy is booming? Because our military is actually being taken care of now?

Or is it because a piece of trash pornstar throws out there she slept with the president 12 years ago? Oh yeah real embarrassing. You guys go fishing looking for whatever you can possibly find and then cry and whine about it as if it just happened.

Oh muh Russia... lmao
I'm certain you would feel the same if Obama had paid off a porn star to keep quiet.
Not a evangelical and not upset at all. Has nothing to do with me about people sleeping with whores because I'm a Christian. Most of my friends are not Christians. You Liberals never give President Trump any credit all you do is hate and it has gotten so bad you do not even believe in people's rights except when it only benefits the far left . Example Hillary crimes no problem. I guess President Trump is embarrassing our country with the work that is going on with North Korea. O by the way you do not have to worry about setting me straight worry about you setting yourself straight.As far as forgiveness funny how liberals preach that you got to forgive folks for stealing ,drug trafficking,killing babies, breaking laws, and give people a chance and nothing wrong with that. But if your a conservative Christian and you do something wrong your a hypocrite for praying for forgiveness? I guess President Trump should not be forgiven for sleeping with a whore but Others that break the law should be even though Trump broke no law. Wow what a double standard and I'm a bad person because I'm a conservative Christian.
What proof do you have of Dems committing crimes?
Not this House.

Even if Dems take over with a very slight majority, they would need almost every single member to get it through. Can't see it happening for the stormy issue. It could be a FEC reporting violation but that's probably going to be difficult to prove. The funny thing is even if it became public he still would have won. His supporters simply don't care about his character flaws.
President Trump is doing a fantastic job and any attempt to give anyone on the left credit , including Barack, is comical. Either way though, success is success and we’re all enjoying the fruits of his labor. Thank you President Trump.
They certainly didn’t care when giving Hillary as the only other option.

Even if Dems take over with a very slight majority, they would need almost every single member to get it through. Can't see it happening for the stormy issue. It could be a FEC reporting violation but that's probably going to be difficult to prove. The funny thing is even if it became public he still would have won. His supporters simply don't care about his character flaws.
Meanwhile, you make it sound as though those employment numbers miraculously got low on Jan 20th, 2017. The military finally being taken care of? Get real. It takes years to either reduce troop levels or increase end strength and weapons systems. It was the Obama administration who authorized and appropriated the funds for the new construction of numerous ships, submarines, aircraft and other weapons systems including 3 Gerald Ford next generation class aircraft carriers at a cost of 12 billion per copy that uses a catapult system called EMALS which allows us to launch more and different types of combat sorties in the same amount of time than Nimitz Class steam catapult carriers. What does the pussy grabber in chief say during a visit to the USS Gerald R. Ford? "Where going back to goddamn steam" because he's to stupid to understand the technology as to how we launch aircraft off the pointy end of the ship. Don't get me started on the VA, they are by far the most fcked up, dysfunctional government agency in the country and has been for decades. While we're on the subject of the VA, what does the draft dodger in chief do? Nominates his Rear Admiral personal physician who was clearly unqualified and reportedly handing out prescription drugs like candy to run one of the largest agencies in the federal government because he said nice things about him. Alot of the shit you listed either happened or was beginning to happen on Obama's watch but you guys can't bring yourselves to give him credit for shit!

Oh boy. Facts. Come on man. You know these guys can't deal in facts. Another interesting fact. More jobs were created in 2016 under Obama than in 2017 under the clown. Yet somehow job creation is 10 times better under Trump. Go figure. We'll see what the economic data looks like at the end of his term when his polices actually have a longer term impact.
They certainly didn’t care when giving Hillary as the only other option.

Lol. Perfect opponent for him. I'm no fan of Hillary either. But couldn't bring myself to vote for a clown to represent our country.
President Trump is doing a fantastic job and any attempt to give anyone on the left credit , including Barack, is comical. Either way though, success is success and we’re all enjoying the fruits of his labor. Thank you President Trump.

You don't think the economy was doing well under Obama? Come on man. You are one of most reasonable people on here. You know it's not true that the economy all of a sudden is great.