Giuliani admits Trump knew about Stormy

I got my facts real straight go back and read your post. Your the one that got into my face . I could care less that your a liberal sames like it bothers you . And guess what President Obama your hero is not President no more. No selective reading just challenges on your opinion. Funny how one line you tell me to get my facts right that i can't label you a liberal then you go of on a rant about how great President Obama is. Your a liberal do not know why your ashamed of that. Really funny how you use the term you right wingers then go crazy over being called a liberal lol. President Trump is going down in history as one of the greats in you life time. liberal globalist government workers that think your above every American are going crazy and all you have is hate. I hope that President Trump will privatize the VA then you and others that work at that incomprehensible VA will have to be held accountable for all the unjust that has been done to our Veterans.
I got my facts real straight go back and read your post. Your the one that got into my face . I could care less that your a liberal sames like it bothers you . And guess what President Obama your hero is not President no more. No selective reading just challenges on your opinion. Funny how one line you tell me to get my facts right that i can't label you a liberal then you go of on a rant about how great President Obama is. Your a liberal do not know why your ashamed of that. Really funny how you use the term you right wingers then go crazy over being called a liberal lol. President Trump is going down in history as one of the greats in you life time. liberal globalist government workers that think your above every American are going crazy and all you have is hate. I hope that President Trump will privatize the VA then you and others that work at that incomprehensible VA will have to be held accountable for all the unjust that has been done to our Veterans.
I didn't get in your face, the only thing that I said that you seemed to take issue with was me referring to you as dude everything else was all facts for which you could not dispute just like this post. I didn't go on a rant and never said Obama or his policies were perfect, I gave you about a one or two line synonymous of his accomplishments, he did alot things that I flat out disagreed with but when I busted you up with more facts about Obama's presidency and things that actually occurred at the VA historically and what do you do? Respond with a non sensical rant about me being a liberal this, liberal that blah, blah, blah. No substance to back up your position whatsoever but I guess that's the right wing nut job playbook. Obviously you either didn't fully read my post or didn't comprehend what I said because I said that I used to work for the Department of Veterans Affairs, I'm not a current employee so I can't be held accountable for things that occur at an agency that I don't work for. Your suggestion of Trump privatizing the VA puts your ignorance and lack of understanding as to how the VA actually works on full display.
LOL You liberals are something else. Hawaiian Cane it is promising that I got you finely using the word Accountability. Please list the definition of accountability as listed in the dictionary. You Liberals can not do it .it exposes all. Watch this answer lol. I'm so glad you Liberals are so smart because stupid people like President Trump and myself could not survive without all LOL
Awesome baby simply awesome.....
LOL You liberals are something else. Hawaiian Cane it is promising that I got you finely using the word Accountability. Please list the definition of accountability as listed in the dictionary. You Liberals can not do it .it exposes all. Watch this answer lol. I'm so glad you Liberals are so smart because stupid people like President Trump and myself could not survive without all LOL
If you have dictionary close by look it up. I presume you're an adult so you should have the capacity to look it up. Be accountable for your self.
I didn't get in your face, the only thing that I said that you seemed to take issue with was me referring to you as dude everything else was all facts for which you could not dispute just like this post. I didn't go on a rant and never said Obama or his policies were perfect, I gave you about a one or two line synonymous of his accomplishments, he did alot things that I flat out disagreed with but when I busted you up with more facts about Obama's presidency and things that actually occurred at the VA historically and what do you do? Respond with a non sensical rant about me being a liberal this, liberal that blah, blah, blah. No substance to back up your position whatsoever but I guess that's the right wing nut job playbook. Obviously you either didn't fully read my post or didn't comprehend what I said because I said that I used to work for the Department of Veterans Affairs, I'm not a current employee so I can't be held accountable for things that occur at an agency that I don't work for. Your suggestion of Trump privatizing the VA puts your ignorance and lack of understanding as to how the VA actually works on full display.
There you go again I'm a right wing nut job but your nota liberal lol.