Gov. Kemp was just on the news. He is right.............

They can do much more than vote them out. We can protest. We can boycott legally. no? We are no longer supporting any companies that support this law. The End. Period~
You can stand on your heads and spit nickels who cares.
Cash, As even HJ acknowledges, citizens less likely to vote in each a every election include:

*poorer people
*less educated people
*younger people
*people of color (Blacks and Hispanics)

Any measure that discourages or inhibits active voting by the people listed above lowers the turnout of Democrats and therefor helps Republicans.

The new legislation in Georgia (which is inspiring 20+ states to follow its lead) includes measures that impose new barriers on would be voters:

*less time to request absentee ballots
*mobile voting centers are essentially banned
*counties can limit voting on Sundays, eliminating group voting efforts at Black churches
*prohibts mailing absentee ballots to all voters
*drop boxes are greatly reduced and not made available 24 hours per day
*the legislature has stripped the Sec of State and Election Board of much of its power
*GOP legislators can now suspend county election officials

I am not screaming racism and looking for the fingerprints of the KKK. I am saying that Georgia Republicans were humiliated by their disastrous election results in 2020 and don’t want to experience that again. These measures combine to tilt the playing field against some potential voters.

IT’s all about winning elections.
Well now we are getting somewhere thank you!
Less likely to vote but nothing new and nothing any party has done. It's called apathy and it's not new. Low turnout in the demographics you cite are quite common and these people only show up in numbers on hot elections.

New law in Georgia;
Less time to request is TRUE but still 78 days prior to election you can request or go to elections office and get one. Hardly an impediment
Mobile was banned TRUE
Sunday voting limited FALSE the bill includes at least 2 Sundays of voting
Prohibits mailing absentee ballots to all voters TRUE because that was NEVER Georgia Law. It was ONLY DONE in 2020 because of the pandemic. They have ACTUALLY expanded absentee ballots by request with ID. Much more secure.
Drop boxes reduced TRUE but never in Georgia Law prior to pandemic and a person can easily mail or drop off their ballots at the polling place drop box or other Government Agencies. So less than 2020 but more than any other election prior to 2020
As for the Secretary of State and other election official issues TRUE but that doesn't really effect voters. If the Election officials in a precinct are not following the law or doing a bad job they should be removed. Think Brenda Snipes Broward County a disaster.

As for your final statements It is of course all about winning elections and the Democrats do the same. The Democrats know that if they mass mail ballots to the apathetic groups you mention then there is a greater chance that these lazy azz people MIGHT vote because they surely aren't going to the polling booth. Both sides weigh what works for their side. The disaster in 2020 was brought about by trying to limit in person voting due to the pandemic and yes it blew up in the faces of many States.
This has been purposely ignored, and to the libs in this thread. If your side has to lie about this bill to win, and you still support their argument, what does that say about you?
We always know most are low integrity people.
Well now we are getting somewhere thank you!
Less likely to vote but nothing new and nothing any party has done. It's called apathy and it's not new. Low turnout in the demographics you cite are quite common and these people only show up in numbers on hot elections.

New law in Georgia;
Less time to request is TRUE but still 78 days prior to election you can request or go to elections office and get one. Hardly an impediment
Mobile was banned TRUE
Sunday voting limited FALSE the bill includes at least 2 Sundays of voting
Prohibits mailing absentee ballots to all voters TRUE because that was NEVER Georgia Law. It was ONLY DONE in 2020 because of the pandemic. They have ACTUALLY expanded absentee ballots by request with ID. Much more secure.
Drop boxes reduced TRUE but never in Georgia Law prior to pandemic and a person can easily mail or drop off their ballots at the polling place drop box or other Government Agencies. So less than 2020 but more than any other election prior to 2020
As for the Secretary of State and other election official issues TRUE but that doesn't really effect voters. If the Election officials in a precinct are not following the law or doing a bad job they should be removed. Think Brenda Snipes Broward County a disaster.

As for your final statements It is of course all about winning elections and the Democrats do the same. The Democrats know that if they mass mail ballots to the apathetic groups you mention then there is a greater chance that these lazy azz people MIGHT vote because they surely aren't going to the polling booth. Both sides weigh what works for their side. The disaster in 2020 was brought about by trying to limit in person voting due to the pandemic and yes it blew up in the faces of many States.
Drop boxes reduced is not true since it was never a law, only a temporary measure for the pandemic. 0 existed prior to the pandemic
Drop boxes reduced is not true since it was never a law, only a temporary measure for the pandemic. 0 existed prior to the pandemic
As I wrote. It is true there will be less than the 2020 FEAR ELECTION but more than any election before 2020 when there was zero.
Voting and the methods for voting is a STATE RIGHT. Each State gets to decide how they conduct voting.
Business leaders and community leaders were all present working together in the legislature for the writing of this Bill.
The Atlanta Braves did NOT want the All Star game moved. Harming all the low wage workers and small business owners. Many are minorities.
Ballot drop boxes were NEVER in Georgia Law and ONLY USED BECAUSE of the PANDEMIC! This is what TRUMP BITCHED about because it was never in their Laws and no new law was passed.
Now Ballot drop off boxes ARE IN THE LAW but you have to drop it off at the Polling Place. No big deal.
Absentee ballots were expanded but you need ID to use them and ID to vote in person.
The Early Voting sites 9:00- 5:00 is an 8 hour shift. They found too many rural polling places were working part time during elections. ALL ARE FREE to open till 7:00 PM if they choose to.
Sunday Souls to the Polls is the Law now. It was not mandatory to be open on Sundays in the past.

And finally he said the same thing I have POSTED ON HERE; None of the Corporations or people complaining will CITE ONE THING IN THE BILL THAT IS RACIST OR BLOCKS SOMEONE"S ABILITY TO VOTE. Not 1 SPECIFIC at all.

He also said that if California wants to set up their voting in a different manner they are free to do so BECAUSE VOTING AND THE MANNER WE VOTE IS A STATE RIGHT IN THE CONSTITUTION> Set up by STATE LEGISLATIONS

Bring it...............................
The tableau of Georgia Gov Kemp signing a new state law said it all: six white legislatures flanking the republican Governor, his pen poised on a gleaming wood table. Behind them, a painting of the white columned Callaway Plantation.
Not shown: the enslaved people who once picked cotton and raised livestock on the 3,000 acre plantation.
Not shown, either: Georgia state legislature Park Cannon, who is African American, arrested by white state troopers after she knocked repeatedly to gain entrance the bill signing. She was wrongfully accused of kicking a white state trooper.
The reality is Repubs have embarked on a mission, a national endeavor to suppress the vote at all costs, hoping the needle moves in the direction they want.
The tableau of Georgia Gov Kemp signing a new state law said it all: six white legislatures flanking the republican Governor, his pen poised on a gleaming wood table. Behind them, a painting of the white columned Callaway Plantation.
Not shown: the enslaved people who once picked cotton and raised livestock on the 3,000 acre plantation.
Not shown, either: Georgia state legislature Park Cannon, who is African American, arrested by white state troopers after she knocked repeatedly to gain entrance the bill signing. She was wrongfully accused of kicking a white state trooper.
The reality is Repubs have embarked on a mission, a national endeavor to suppress the vote at all costs, hoping the needle moves in the direction they want.
You have yet to provide evidence of how this bill suppresses black voters. Your Lemon/Maddow talking points were blown to shreds
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You have yet to provide evidence of how this bill suppresses black voters. Your Lemon/Maddow talking points were blown to shreds
Show us how it doesnt. The GOP continuously tries to curtail voting rights and it wont be the last attempt. The final form wasnt quite as repulsive as initial proposals. Provisions to end early voting on Sundays---which happen to be "souls to the polls" turnout days at Black churches---were dropped. Weekend voting hours were expanded instead.
However, the final product makes it harder to vote, not easier. It increases voter identification requirements for casting absentee ballots. It limits the use of mobile polling places and drop boxes (they cant be located outdoors or available outside regular business hours). It bars state officials from mailing unsolicited absentee ballots to voters and likewise prevents voter mobilization groups from sending absentee ballot applications to voters or returning their completed applications. It compresses the time period before runoff elections and, in doing so, eliminates guaranteed weekend early voting hours in such elections.
Most astonishingly, the new law criminalizes giving food or drink to those waiting in line to vote, on the apparent theory that this could somehow corruptly influence voters. An Idea: make it a crime to force people to wait in long lines to exercise their right to vote.
As a lawsuit filed by voting rights groups tp challenge the Georgia law noted, polling places in majority Black neighborhoods make up just one third of Georgia polling places, but accounted for 2/3 of those that had to stay open late to accommodate long lines in the June primary. According to the suit "the average wait time in Georgia after polls were scheduled to close was six minutes in neighborhoods that were at least 90% white and 51 minutes in places that were at least 90% non white."
Which underscores the point: these restrictions operate to the particular detriment of Black American voters, who tend to have less access to acceptable forms of identification, have jobs that make it harder to get to the polls during business hours and live in neighborhoods with fewer polling places and longer lines.
These restrictions and their discriminatory impact, could be justified if there were a need to impose them. There isn't.
As Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger----now the named defendant in the lawsuit----said in January , the state conducted "safe, secure, honest elections during the 2020 cycle.
This small minded new law is a dangerous cure in search of a non-existent problem---unless the problem is that the more people get to cast their votes, the more Republicans lose.
Show us how it doesnt. The GOP continuously tries to curtail voting rights and it wont be the last attempt. The final form wasnt quite as repulsive as initial proposals. Provisions to end early voting on Sundays---which happen to be "souls to the polls" turnout days at Black churches---were dropped. Weekend voting hours were expanded instead.
However, the final product makes it harder to vote, not easier. It increases voter identification requirements for casting absentee ballots. It limits the use of mobile polling places and drop boxes (they cant be located outdoors or available outside regular business hours). It bars state officials from mailing unsolicited absentee ballots to voters and likewise prevents voter mobilization groups from sending absentee ballot applications to voters or returning their completed applications. It compresses the time period before runoff elections and, in doing so, eliminates guaranteed weekend early voting hours in such elections.
Most astonishingly, the new law criminalizes giving food or drink to those waiting in line to vote, on the apparent theory that this could somehow corruptly influence voters. An Idea: make it a crime to force people to wait in long lines to exercise their right to vote.
As a lawsuit filed by voting rights groups tp challenge the Georgia law noted, polling places in majority Black neighborhoods make up just one third of Georgia polling places, but accounted for 2/3 of those that had to stay open late to accommodate long lines in the June primary. According to the suit "the average wait time in Georgia after polls were scheduled to close was six minutes in neighborhoods that were at least 90% white and 51 minutes in places that were at least 90% non white."
Which underscores the point: these restrictions operate to the particular detriment of Black American voters, who tend to have less access to acceptable forms of identification, have jobs that make it harder to get to the polls during business hours and live in neighborhoods with fewer polling places and longer lines.
These restrictions and their discriminatory impact, could be justified if there were a need to impose them. There isn't.
As Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger----now the named defendant in the lawsuit----said in January , the state conducted "safe, secure, honest elections during the 2020 cycle.
This small minded new law is a dangerous cure in search of a non-existent problem---unless the problem is that the more people get to cast their votes, the more Republicans lose.
Once again, it adds more days to early voting, allows it to occur on Sundays, and it increases drop boxes. There were zero drop boxes allowed by law until this new law. You’re misinformed.
Show us how it doesnt. The GOP continuously tries to curtail voting rights and it wont be the last attempt. The final form wasnt quite as repulsive as initial proposals. Provisions to end early voting on Sundays---which happen to be "souls to the polls" turnout days at Black churches---were dropped. Weekend voting hours were expanded instead.
However, the final product makes it harder to vote, not easier. It increases voter identification requirements for casting absentee ballots. It limits the use of mobile polling places and drop boxes (they cant be located outdoors or available outside regular business hours). It bars state officials from mailing unsolicited absentee ballots to voters and likewise prevents voter mobilization groups from sending absentee ballot applications to voters or returning their completed applications. It compresses the time period before runoff elections and, in doing so, eliminates guaranteed weekend early voting hours in such elections.
Most astonishingly, the new law criminalizes giving food or drink to those waiting in line to vote, on the apparent theory that this could somehow corruptly influence voters. An Idea: make it a crime to force people to wait in long lines to exercise their right to vote.
As a lawsuit filed by voting rights groups tp challenge the Georgia law noted, polling places in majority Black neighborhoods make up just one third of Georgia polling places, but accounted for 2/3 of those that had to stay open late to accommodate long lines in the June primary. According to the suit "the average wait time in Georgia after polls were scheduled to close was six minutes in neighborhoods that were at least 90% white and 51 minutes in places that were at least 90% non white."
Which underscores the point: these restrictions operate to the particular detriment of Black American voters, who tend to have less access to acceptable forms of identification, have jobs that make it harder to get to the polls during business hours and live in neighborhoods with fewer polling places and longer lines.
These restrictions and their discriminatory impact, could be justified if there were a need to impose them. There isn't.
As Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger----now the named defendant in the lawsuit----said in January , the state conducted "safe, secure, honest elections during the 2020 cycle.
This small minded new law is a dangerous cure in search of a non-existent problem---unless the problem is that the more people get to cast their votes, the more Republicans lose.
I hope the African Americans on this site read the above by Hawaiin Cane. It should show you all how liberals think of you.
Liberals really believe you CAN"T
Liberals really BELIEVE you can't order your ballot 78 days out
Liberals really BELIEVE you can't or don't have an ID
Liberals really Believe you can't bring a bottle of water with you to vote ( if needed)
Liberals really BELIEVE that you can't go to a polling place to drop off your absentee ballot in a drop box that didn't exist prior to 2020
Liberals can't read the law which most certainly ALLOWS for at least 2 Sundays to vote
Liberals really believe that early voting didn't get extended and Black folks can't get to the poll prior to election day
Liberals really BELIEVE that a 51 minute wait to vote is somehow only limited to Georgia. (every state has long lines on election day)
Liberals REALLY believe that Black folks have "less access to acceptable forms of ID" see above from this clown

So I really hope and pray that African Americans OPEN THEIR EYES because 1 party REALLY BELIEVES YOU ARE INFERIOR PEOPLE incapable of doing basic things and White people CAN DO THESE THINGS BETTER THAN YOU
I hope the African Americans on this site read the above by Hawaiin Cane. It should show you all how liberals think of you.
Liberals really believe you CAN"T
Liberals really BELIEVE you can't order your ballot 78 days out
Liberals really BELIEVE you can't or don't have an ID
Liberals really Believe you can't bring a bottle of water with you to vote ( if needed)
Liberals really BELIEVE that you can't go to a polling place to drop off your absentee ballot in a drop box that didn't exist prior to 2020
Liberals can't read the law which most certainly ALLOWS for at least 2 Sundays to vote
Liberals really believe that early voting didn't get extended and Black folks can't get to the poll prior to election day
Liberals really BELIEVE that a 51 minute wait to vote is somehow only limited to Georgia. (every state has long lines on election day)
Liberals REALLY believe that Black folks have "less access to acceptable forms of ID" see above from this clown

So I really hope and pray that African Americans OPEN THEIR EYES because 1 party REALLY BELIEVES YOU ARE INFERIOR PEOPLE incapable of doing basic things and White people CAN DO THESE THINGS BETTER THAN YOU
Bullshit! We have seen republicans act and aren't impressed. Which is why they were voted out. It has turned into a party of alt right racist conspiracy theorist xenophobic self important dochebags that do things like storm our capital while embarrassing our entire country.... while disrespecting our elected officials buy putting thier feet up in thier desk and murdering cops.
Bullshit! We have seen republicans act and aren't impressed. Which is why they were voted out. It has turned into a party of alt right racist conspiracy theorist xenophobic self important dochebags that do things like storm our capital while embarrassing our entire country.... while disrespecting our elected officials buy putting thier feet up in thier desk and murdering cops.
Liberals think you are weak people incapable of doing things for yourselves CD. They tell y'all all the time how you need help, how you are mis-treated, how you CAN"T do this and CAN"T do that if not for them. YOU NEED THEIR HELP TO GET BY! I'm no psychologist but if you tell people over and over again that they CAN"T do things for themselves people tend to start believing that bullshyt. Like you CD you believe it.

I find it sad and disgraceful. We heard the same shyt about minorities not being able to log on and make an appointment for the vaccine. It's pathetic to speak about people like that and very much RACIST
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I hope the African Americans on this site read the above by Hawaiin Cane. It should show you all how liberals think of you.
Liberals really believe you CAN"T
Liberals really BELIEVE you can't order your ballot 78 days out
Liberals really BELIEVE you can't or don't have an ID
Liberals really Believe you can't bring a bottle of water with you to vote ( if needed)
Liberals really BELIEVE that you can't go to a polling place to drop off your absentee ballot in a drop box that didn't exist prior to 2020
Liberals can't read the law which most certainly ALLOWS for at least 2 Sundays to vote
Liberals really believe that early voting didn't get extended and Black folks can't get to the poll prior to election day
Liberals really BELIEVE that a 51 minute wait to vote is somehow only limited to Georgia. (every state has long lines on election day)
Liberals REALLY believe that Black folks have "less access to acceptable forms of ID" see above from this clown

So I really hope and pray that African Americans OPEN THEIR EYES because 1 party REALLY BELIEVES YOU ARE INFERIOR PEOPLE incapable of doing basic things and White people CAN DO THESE THINGS BETTER THAN YOU
Yep. Their Democratic masters continue their overt racism, and they continue to pledge their allegiance. Very tribal.

Many of my friends have left their racist party after finally waking up.
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Yep. Their Democratic masters continue their overt racism, and they continue to pledge their allegiance. Very tribal.

Many of my friends have left their racist party after finally waking up.
It is so MIND BOGGLING how a segment of our citizenry can continue to be told they CAN"T do this or that without the HELP from the Government. It is so DEMEANING and wrong and they slurp it up.
Liberals think you are weak people incapable of doing things for yourselves CD. They tell y'all all the time how you need help, how you are mis-treated, how you CAN"T do this and CAN"T do that if not for them. YOU NEED THEIR HELP TO GET BY! I'm no psychologist but if you tell people over and over again that they CAN"T do things for themselves people tend to start believing that bullshyt. Like you CD you believe it.

I find it sad and disgraceful. We heard the same shyt about minorities not being able to log on and make an appointment for the vaccine. It's pathetic to speak about people like that and very much RACIST
"We heard the same shyt about minorities not being able to log on and make an appointment to the vaccine"? Where exactly did "we" hear this? I have never heard it. Please feel free to share your source or a link... because when people phrase things like "people are saying" or " we hear" it is usually baby back bullshit! I am minority. I never had a problem and neither has any other Minorities I know. If I did I would just pick up the I am not sure why you would desire to even post anything like this about minorities.
"We heard the same shyt about minorities not being able to log on and make an appointment to the vaccine"? Where exactly did "we" hear this? I have never heard it. Please feel free to share your source or a link... because when people phrase things like "people are saying" or " we hear" it is usually baby back bullshit! I am minority. I never had a problem and neither has any other Minorities I know. If I did I would just pick up the I am not sure why you would desire to even post anything like this about minorities.
Rachel Maddow? Lololol
"We heard the same shyt about minorities not being able to log on and make an appointment to the vaccine"? Where exactly did "we" hear this? I have never heard it. Please feel free to share your source or a link... because when people phrase things like "people are saying" or " we hear" it is usually baby back bullshit! I am minority. I never had a problem and neither has any other Minorities I know. If I did I would just pick up the I am not sure why you would desire to even post anything like this about minorities.
Yes we were told that from the media CD. Perhaps you choose not to rem,ember that we were told that "under represented communities of color were not getting equal access to the vaccine BECAUSE many don't have wifi and access at computers." Total BS but it is just an example of the LARGER problem which is everything we have to do in this country the Liberals find a way to say that people of color NEED HELP in doing it. It is so good to be white everything just comes so easily to us including our poor and elderly. Dumb as F thing I ever heard.
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I hope the African Americans on this site read the above by Hawaiin Cane. It should show you all how liberals think of you.
Liberals really believe you CAN"T
Liberals really BELIEVE you can't order your ballot 78 days out
Liberals really BELIEVE you can't or don't have an ID
Liberals really Believe you can't bring a bottle of water with you to vote ( if needed)
Liberals really BELIEVE that you can't go to a polling place to drop off your absentee ballot in a drop box that didn't exist prior to 2020
Liberals can't read the law which most certainly ALLOWS for at least 2 Sundays to vote
Liberals really believe that early voting didn't get extended and Black folks can't get to the poll prior to election day
Liberals really BELIEVE that a 51 minute wait to vote is somehow only limited to Georgia. (every state has long lines on election day)
Liberals REALLY believe that Black folks have "less access to acceptable forms of ID" see above from this clown

So I really hope and pray that African Americans OPEN THEIR EYES because 1 party REALLY BELIEVES YOU ARE INFERIOR PEOPLE incapable of doing basic things and White people CAN DO THESE THINGS BETTER THAN YOU
One important fact is very clear and glaringly obvious. Repubs dont know and dont care about doing things the right and legal way.
A prime example is the case of former FL senator Frank Artiles (R). In a district 37 senatorial race in 2020, he had in his possession paper work and campaign documents of two spoiler no party candidates who ran in separate competitive Miami-Dade state senate races in 2020, according to a 38 page search warrant obtained by the Miami Herald.
Artiles, 47, is facing multiple felony campaign charges in connection with paying and recruiting a spoiler candidate to sway a senate race for the district 37 race in 2020.
Another Miami-Dade senate race featured a spoiler candidate--Celso Alfonso--who ran in the highly contentious district 39 race that pitted two state house members against each other to replace term limited Anitere Flores.
The search warrants inventory has electronic equipment, hand written notes and financial documents shows Artiles kept a manila folder with documents related to Alfonso. There was also a manila folder related to non party candidate Alexis Rodriguez in senate district 37. Rodriguez, an auto parts dealer, is also facing similar campaign finance charges. Artiles is said to be guilty of recruiting and paying $50,000 to Rodriguez. Interestingly enough, both Alfonso and Rodriguez shared similarities in their candidacies.
Both candidates email addresses had Gmail accounts with identical patterns: first initial, last name, district number and "2020".
Identical finance records, both reporting $2,000 loans to themselves, using the money to pay for the $1,187.88 filing fee for the required NPA (Non Party Affiliate) filing fee.
Both Rodriguez and Alfonso registered as Republicans when they voted in the 2018 mid terms.
Both Rodriguez and Alfonso qualified for the 2020 elections on the same day, with hand delivered checks in Tallahasee and time stamped within minutes of each other.
Further investigation revealed Rodriguez lied about his adress when he filed his official campaign documents.
To top off Artiles' resume is what took place a couple of years ago in the Florida Senate chamber when he used racial slurs in the senate chamber and while senate members of color were present.
The following day Artiles offered "heart felt" apologies and asked for forgiveness. One wrong leads to another.
Rachel Maddow? Lololol
CNN town hall, out of Biden's own mouth.
President Biden said during a CNN town hall Tuesday night that Black and Hispanic Americans are getting vaccinated for the coronavirus at a slower rate than other demographics due, in part, to the fact that “not everybody” in those communities “know how to get online.”
One important fact is very clear and glaringly obvious. Repubs dont know and dont care about doing things the right and legal way.
A prime example is the case of former FL senator Frank Artiles (R). In a district 37 senatorial race in 2020, he had in his possession paper work and campaign documents of two spoiler no party candidates who ran in separate competitive Miami-Dade state senate races in 2020, according to a 38 page search warrant obtained by the Miami Herald.
Artiles, 47, is facing multiple felony campaign charges in connection with paying and recruiting a spoiler candidate to sway a senate race for the district 37 race in 2020.
Another Miami-Dade senate race featured a spoiler candidate--Celso Alfonso--who ran in the highly contentious district 39 race that pitted two state house members against each other to replace term limited Anitere Flores.
The search warrants inventory has electronic equipment, hand written notes and financial documents shows Artiles kept a manila folder with documents related to Alfonso. There was also a manila folder related to non party candidate Alexis Rodriguez in senate district 37. Rodriguez, an auto parts dealer, is also facing similar campaign finance charges. Artiles is said to be guilty of recruiting and paying $50,000 to Rodriguez. Interestingly enough, both Alfonso and Rodriguez shared similarities in their candidacies.
Both candidates email addresses had Gmail accounts with identical patterns: first initial, last name, district number and "2020".
Identical finance records, both reporting $2,000 loans to themselves, using the money to pay for the $1,187.88 filing fee for the required NPA (Non Party Affiliate) filing fee.
Both Rodriguez and Alfonso registered as Republicans when they voted in the 2018 mid terms.
Both Rodriguez and Alfonso qualified for the 2020 elections on the same day, with hand delivered checks in Tallahasee and time stamped within minutes of each other.
Further investigation revealed Rodriguez lied about his adress when he filed his official campaign documents.
To top off Artiles' resume is what took place a couple of years ago in the Florida Senate chamber when he used racial slurs in the senate chamber and while senate members of color were present.
The following day Artiles offered "heart felt" apologies and asked for forgiveness. One wrong leads to another.
dude stay on topic, now go look up democrat crooks
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CNN town hall, out of Biden's own mouth.
President Biden said during a CNN town hall Tuesday night that Black and Hispanic Americans are getting vaccinated for the coronavirus at a slower rate than other demographics due, in part, to the fact that “not everybody” in those communities “know how to get online.”
dude stay on topic, now go look up democrat crooks
HJ, on a previous post you said Liberals believe in cant. What Artiles did isnt legal. Which means he CANT do that. I know the 2020 elections for all districts in Florida have been certified so both Rodriguez and Alonso will keep their seats. In case you didnt know the topic on this thread is voting laws. Democrat crooks??? Deflection, deflection, deflection.
HJ, on a previous post you said Liberals believe in cant. What Artiles did isnt legal. Which means he CANT do that. I know the 2020 elections for all districts in Florida have been certified so both Rodriguez and Alonso will keep their seats. In case you didnt know the topic on this thread is voting laws. Democrat crooks??? Deflection, deflection, deflection.
Can't as it applies to abilities of minorities. Reading comprehension it's fun damental.
CNN town hall, out of Biden's own mouth.
President Biden said during a CNN town hall Tuesday night that Black and Hispanic Americans are getting vaccinated for the coronavirus at a slower rate than other demographics due, in part, to the fact that “not everybody” in those communities “know how to get online.”
Oh wow. They support this overt racist like he’s their daddy
Getting to the point where I’m starting to take the pc approach and just turn a blind eye to what ever happens in these ****ed up communities. If people in places like Baltimore want to get rid of cops, keep teachers out of work, put a state funded abortion clinic on every block, burn their city to the ground and keep electing the same politician’s that lead to all this... have at it, just don’t bring your policies to where I live and I won’t put another moments thought into it.

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