Was this for Trump. Maybe I will vote 3 times to get rid of that loser.Keep embarrassing yourself you ignorant lamb!
Was this for Trump. Maybe I will vote 3 times to get rid of that loser.Keep embarrassing yourself you ignorant lamb!
Trump is telling everyone to vote multiple times. Did you send him a similar text?vote 5 times if you like only 1 will be counted ,since you still seem to be mentally deficient in understanding, and if it's proved you knowingly went to defraud the Gov,,,,,, hope you don't get Tiny as a pen pal LOL
If you paid close attention,you would have heard TRUMP say you can vote by mail and then check to see if was registered and if it was not then go to the pole and vote in person .Once you do your mail in ballot will not be countedWe will definitely disagree on those comments. It goes back to being accountable and respecting the office of president. You are held to a higher standard because your the "leader of the free world" like i said make whatever excuses you want and say it was in jest or sarcastically. It's unacceptable from the president of this country. And I will blast Biden on what he's done or hasnt to. I have gripes with Obama too. Ive expressed them too. But stop making excuses for this POS in office. What he suggested was illegal. And last i checked they lock people up for less than encouraging voter fraud. All I'm saying is how can you expect average citizens to be held to higher standards than the man who is the highest in the land? Its not right PERIOD!
Pfffft, you must have heard a statement out of context you donkey.Must not have heard the actual recordings.
This is supposedly from 2018 even Bolton said NEVER happened!I stopped after the term "you take an off the cuff comment'. If you don't get it now you will NEVER get it. Presidents of leading countries don't make off the cuff comments. Do you know how many people follow a US president on social media? There is a good reason presidents don't do this. Millions of people are paying close attention to the president on the the United States. You have got to understand this and stop blatantly just go defend every thing he does. He just can't make off the cuff statements. T-Bone from the barber shop can do it at the local fish fry. A sitting U S president can NOT!
Pfffft, you must have heard a statement out of context you donkey.
Trump has done more for military and Vets than any other President
Bolton wasn't there.This is supposedly from 2018 even Bolton said NEVER happened!
Pretty sure the loser and sucker comment was for you clownshow.Losers and suckers! Have you ever heard the term when you lay down with dogs you are going to get fleas? Trumps attitude towards our servicemen makes me want to throw up in my mouth. There has been great friction between Trump and our military leaders for some time. The things he said about Kellys son was despicable. This guy is defending our country and is being called a "sucker" by our commander in chief. Told kelly "I don't get it. What was in it for him?" further illustrating Trump has absolutely no idea what sacrifice is.
A good friend of mine who happens to be a Trump supporter is a marine. He and I always discuss these things at the bar because we can. We are good friends and don't cross lines. I always tell him that I respect him more than I respect Trump....and that Trump could not care less about him. Yet, he is willing to go out there and defend any and everything related to Trump. He is the last of my Trump supporter friends who hadn't FINALLY seen through his bullshit until now....lmao.
John McCain is a guy I respect. Don't agree with him politically but respect the fact that he was one of the few republicans that never acted cucked out by a party. He spoke his mind. He didn't stand around like a cuck while Trump was screwing the American people.
The new thing with the Marxist liberals after the racist BLM And ANTIFA have failed. Looting and riots . Destroying private property’s. Now they are trying to sing a different tune that the liberals are all for the military and law and order. It is amazing they are that stupid that they think Americans do not see what is happening. As far as little cd military friend story i say it is completely made up. I’m calling him out . Never happen. LoL the New Democratic Party all for law and order and the military hates President Trump. Two scoops of ice cream. Next. LoL . Is it not amazing how bad the NBA is doing. Hope they go broke for supporting Racist BLM AND ANTIFA. ALL LIVES MATTER ALL BLUE LIFES MATTERLosers and suckers! Have you ever heard the term when you lay down with dogs you are going to get fleas? Trumps attitude towards our servicemen makes me want to throw up in my mouth. There has been great friction between Trump and our military leaders for some time. The things he said about Kellys son was despicable. This guy is defending our country and is being called a "sucker" by our commander in chief. Told kelly "I don't get it. What was in it for him?" further illustrating Trump has absolutely no idea what sacrifice is.
A good friend of mine who happens to be a Trump supporter is a marine. He and I always discuss these things at the bar because we can. We are good friends and don't cross lines. I always tell him that I respect him more than I respect Trump....and that Trump could not care less about him. Yet, he is willing to go out there and defend any and everything related to Trump. He is the last of my Trump supporter friends who hadn't FINALLY seen through his bullshit until now....lmao.
John McCain is a guy I respect. Don't agree with him politically but respect the fact that he was one of the few republicans that never acted cucked out by a party. He spoke his mind. He didn't stand around like a cuck while Trump was screwing the American people.
And they will be getting a letter from a very well known lawyer that has just settled with CNN and other for lies.If they provide one named source who was there when this happened I will go to the polls and vote for Biden. They won't however because the story is fake. I have never seen such an onslaught of unsubstantiated stories that pass as news, the NYT for fiction should be the NYT.
If you paid close attention,you would have heard TRUMP say you can vote by mail and then check to see if was registered and if it was not then go to the pole and vote in person .Once you do your mail in ballot will not be counted
Agree... defending shit this is silly too. Just as incredibly stupid. Just say he screwed up and move onI don't understand how you can say it wasn't incredibly stupid of him to say that. Whether illegal or not it could be misconstrued and lead to someone getting jailed for voting fraud. It just made no sense.
Bolton wasn't there.
Wrong again.What a surprise.Bolton wasn't there.
Keep embarrassing yourself you ignorant lamb!
I stopped after the term "you take an off the cuff comment'. If you don't get it now you will NEVER get it. Presidents of leading countries don't make off the cuff comments. Do you know how many people follow a US president on social media? There is a good reason presidents don't do this. Millions of people are paying close attention to the president on the the United States. You have got to understand this and stop blatantly just go defend every thing he does. He just can't make off the cuff statements. T-Bone from the barber shop can do it at the local fish fry. A sitting U S president can NOT!
Trump has done more for soldiers in 3 years than obama did in 8
Getting desperate eh cd?
Except even John Bolton, who was fired by Trump and hates Trump says it wasn’t true. More fake news.Was this for Trump. Maybe I will vote 3 times to get rid of that loser.
What Trump has done is stopped the decline in our ability to maintain & stockpile our equipment and funded more research. That is 100% fact. The rest is subjective and I agree with you.He says it and sheeple repeats it. That's not true. Do research and stop blindly following a pathological liar.y
I spent 26 years in this uniform and served under every President since Bush 1. A tenure that sent me to 3 combat zones and being forced to bid several of my comrades fairwell
Trump has not did more for the military than any of them. He just states it and his sheeple repeat it.
The real suckers are u idiots that believe a man that had
Trump Steaks
The Biggest Best Brain Ever
Is really anything but a draft dodging coward that has no respect for those that served.
He is a fraud.
And anyone that hasn't figured that out at is an idiot.
GO ARMY!!!!!!
What Trump has done is stopped the decline in our ability to maintain & stockpile our equipment and funded more research. That is 100% fact. The rest is subjective and I agree with you.
you know what Trump said. What does that say about YOU? To defend this.CD I pray for anyone that could rely on your judgment. I know what Trump said LOL Question is, how is you can't read nor listen ? Your not willfully Lying are you ? Naw that would make you a monumental Libtard Liar.
Ford how do you feel about what happened with Bengasi? I mention it because as an event of the last Presidency, one where Biden was the VP. was that handled well in your opinion ? As a military solder can you tell us what you saw from Biden that benefitted our armed troops home and over seas ?
Not even going to continue further conversation as you are spouting fake. News. Don’t use your service as a shield because you’re liberal. And by the way that equipment wasn’t being maintained when Trump took office. My Uncle is now a retired Lt Col.I am going to send u a link to show u requisitions and research as it pertains to the Military. Trump has not improved the Military statistically. He has spent more relative to other Presidents. The readiness grade is average under Trump and he has politicized it.
Not since the McCarthur was recalled from Korea have we had Presidential berating of Military members of this nature.
I voted for Bush 1 and 2 because of I thought they were the better candidates for the Military. Trump is not. He does little and promotes a lot.
Really? How do you ignore his restructoring ot the VA???? , allowing Private physicians, he has spent untold $$$$$$$ rebuilding our hardware that Dems let slide, as Russia China,and others have increasedHe says it and sheeple repeats it. That's not true. Do research and stop blindly following a pathological liar.y
I spent 26 years in this uniform and served under every President since Bush 1. A tenure that sent me to 3 combat zones and being forced to bid several of my comrades fairwell
Trump has not did more for the military than any of them. He just states it and his sheeple repeat it.
The real suckers are u idiots that believe a man that had
Trump Steaks
The Biggest Best Brain Ever
Is really anything but a draft dodging coward that has no respect for those that served.
He is a fraud.
And anyone that hasn't figured that out at is an idiot.
GO ARMY!!!!!!
And pay raises and VA accountability and BRINGING THEM HOME FROM PLACES WE DON'T BELONGWhat Trump has done is stopped the decline in our ability to maintain & stockpile our equipment and funded more research. That is 100% fact. The rest is subjective and I agree with you.
Not even going to continue further conversation as you are spouting fake. News. Don’t use your service as a shield because you’re liberal. And by the way that equipment wasn’t being maintained when Trump took office. My Uncle is now a retired Lt Col.
And pay raises and VA accountability and BRINGING THEM HOME FROM PLACES WE DON'T BELONG
First of all sir u are spouting the words of your master. U never used the term "fake news" until your sheepherder taught it to u
I am neither Liberal nor Conservative. I don't need to shield myself with my with my service it's a part of who I am and I am proud of it.
Your response is indicative of a person who got caught arguing a "fake
In 2008 we were in Iraq, Afghanistan by the time Obama was done we were in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya & Syria. Trump went into Syria and didn’t occupy but allowed our men to kick Syrian, , Russian, Al Qaeda and ISIS ass. Then he pulled them out. He has been attempting to reduce troops in Afghanistan & is all but out of Iraq. You may want to recheck your “facts”.Where are we home from and who brought us. Go back and compare the pay raises. Trump has been average in that regard at best. Plus Presidents can't requisite funds Congress has to. So pay raises is a function of Congress. Stop listening to talking points and use your brain.