I imagine our Veterans who support Trump here are fine with Trump calling our soldiers....

In 2008 we were in Iraq, Afghanistan by the time Obama was done we were in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya & Syria. Trump went into Syria and didn’t occupy but allowed our men to kick Syrian, , Russian, Al Qaeda and ISIS ass. Then he pulled them out. He has been attempting to reduce troops in Afghanistan & is all but out of Iraq. You may want to recheck your “facts”.

I give u Syria the rest of that is smoke. Obama pulled us out of Iraq and the vacuum created Isis which didn't help our troops.

Pulling out of Syria was a gift to Putin but wtf cares it lesson the stress on soldiers.
says the guy who’s trying to tell me what he thinks I do and don’t know lol. You guys are all the same. If cnn told you the martians were invading earth and it’s trumps fault you’d be marching in front of the White House just like good little sheep. Maintaining our nations military wasnt even a thought during t he Obama admin (mostly because he was too busy kissing all the other foreign leaders ass on his apology tours)and now that Trump has beefed back up our stockpiles and began to properly fund the military, your news outlets have made you believe that it isn’t true. You don’t believe it because you don’t want to believe it.

Kim um Jong wrote me a love letter. Putin has no reason to lie? Quotes from Trump. Who is kissing ass u moron. Did u really say t
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That's it follow the conman!!!! Bomb an empty base and claim victory!!!! That's what shin splints allow you to do!!!
Your President dodge the draft and called those that fought communism stupid. What is really u american and who is the real POS.

As always ur facts are wrong , tell me genius what draft did he avoid ,
And who are the sources that heard this.

I’ll wait for your answer MORON...
Where are we home from and who brought us. Go back and compare the pay raises. Trump has been average in that regard at best. Plus Presidents can't requisite funds Congress has to. So pay raises is a function of Congress. Stop listening to talking points and use your brain.
Dude I'm a Veteran 6 years in the Navy 79-85. Don't know if you served. My 1st year Jimmy Carter Democrat weak, no respect, a shambles. Then Reagan came in January 1980 and yes he gave us raises. The President administration does work on the budget with Congress so you use your head. I don't know one guy I served with that would vote Democrat. I don't know one that would go for this shitting on our Country either. So take a hike.
I give u Syria the rest of that is smoke. Obama pulled us out of Iraq and the vacuum created Isis which didn't help our troops.

Pulling out of Syria was a gift to Putin but wtf cares it lesson the stress on soldiers.
Pulling out of Syria was gift to Putin? Hell we killed over 300 of his soldiers there when they tried to attack one of our SF bases. AC130 rip their asses apart.
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Kim um Jong wrote me a love letter. Putin has no reason to lie? Quotes from Trump. Who is kissing ass u moron. Did u really say t
Nobody said Trump wasn’t a Narcissist. I’ve said numerous times and didn’t even vote for him in the primaries but to not understand the difference between running your mouth and luring bees with honey as opposed to bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia & bashing / reversing our policies which at least kept our chins above water was stupid. Obama is a Marxist. His stepfather raised him that way.
Must not have heard the actual recordings.
Please share a link to the recordings. All I find are headlines that when you read the articles refer to "according to the Atlantic" ... however it comes from unnamed sources.
Ford you've only made yourself into a hypocrite. You stand there calling Trump voters all kinds of things, yet you have NO Condemnation as to your own Party. Pathological liar ? He worked on and completed his policy promises. What do you call the Democrat Party, their tactics, and their Propaganda ? Honest ?You're a soldier, Where is your Anger and Distain for all the politicians and Times Your party leadership promised to end Wars and Bring Back our Troops ? As a Soldier I would think that Mattered, Your guy Didn't do that Trump did. What have your Democrat's done ? Well they have Shown they will LIE to Cover up their Cluster phuk mistakes, they will Create a LIE , Bengasi anyone, and Blame Soldiers, and THEN LEAVE THEM TO DIE. How many Hostages', How many Soldiers, how many American Citizens have been REPATRIATED by President Trump ? Why didn't Biden and the last administration Achieve that ? Thanks for your service, but your a Hack . Still, we wont let this Beautiful and God Blessed Country Fall into Enemy Hands your tour and care is obviously over, you do you, we got this one for you,,,,,,,,, Your Welcome
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Ford you've only made yourself into a hypocrite. You stand there calling Trump voters all kinds of things, yet you have NO Condemnation as to your own Party. Pathological liar ? He worked on and completed his policy promises. What do you call the Democrat Party, their tactics, and their Propaganda ? Honest ?You're a soldier, Where is your Anger and Distain for all the politicians and Times Your party leadership promised to end Wars and Bring Back our Troops ? As a Soldier I would think that Mattered, Your guy Didn't do that Trump did. What have your Democrat's done ? Well they have Shown they will LIE to Cover up their Cluster phuk mistakes, they will Create a LIE , Bengasi anyone, and Blame Soldiers, and THEN LEAVE THEM TO DIE. How many Hostages', How many Soldiers, how many American Citizens have been REPATRIATED by President Trump ? Why didn't Biden and the last administration Achieve that ? Thanks for your service, but your a Hack . Still, we wont let this Beautiful and God Blessed Country Fall into Enemy Hands your tour and care is obviously over, you do you, we got this one for you,,,,,,,,, Your Welcome

Guy u are wayyy out of your league on this. You are a Trump slurper and I am A Political. The difference between u and is I can recognize a fraud and u are been led around by one.

I voted for McCain a real American hero. U are supporting a draft dodger that called him a loser.
I could have lived your pathetic life, could you have lived mine.

Trump did something I never did; supported the ****ing Clinton's.

So go take your brainwashed bs somewhere else

The pied piper got u. He is a NY Liberal and convinced u dumb asses that he was Conservative.

I feel sorry for u.

Your lack of critical reasoning has left you dearth of logic.

Do u really think dumbass that I would not condemn anyone that disparaged my comrades.

Strap on some boots u message board pssy.

Stop hanging on the jock strap of a liberal that I could find an 18 year old trooper to run rings around in regards to honor.

Don't speak to me punk if you have not walked in my shoes.

U support the coward because apple and trees stay in close proximity.
Guy u are wayyy out of your league on this. You are a Trump slurper and I am A Political. The difference between u and is I can recognize a fraud and u are been led around by one.

I voted for McCain a real American hero. U are supporting a draft dodger that called him a loser.
I could have lived your pathetic life, could you have lived mine.

Trump did something I never did; supported the ****ing Clinton's.

So go take your brainwashed bs somewhere else

The pied piper got u. He is a NY Liberal and convinced u dumb asses that he was Conservative.

I feel sorry for u.

Your lack of critical reasoning has left you dearth of logic.

Do u really think dumbass that I would not condemn anyone that disparaged my comrades.

Strap on some boots u message board pssy.

Stop hanging on the jock strap of a liberal that I could find an 18 year old trooper to run rings around in regards to honor.

Don't speak to me punk if you have not walked in my shoes.

U support the coward because apple and trees stay in close proximity.
You have issues dude.
McCain may have been an American hero but his life as a senator was the same story as most DC career politicians. He sold out to gain power and stay in office. I voted for him and regretted it later. Voted for Romney and later regretted it. He’s of the same cloth and McCain. Wasn’t crazy about Trump but voted for him and glad I did. I don’t like him particularly and I think a lot of his supporters feel the same way. But he’s done an amazing job battling those sellouts in DC, and dealing with Iran, China, N Korea and Russia. Recent presidents before him avoided the tough stuff. Not to mention getting big businesses to repatriate jobs and money, improving our military by increasing budgets and allowing military leaders to fight the war instead of being told what they can and can’t do by Valerie Jarrett. I could go on...He’s turned out to be a great president in a lot of ways. I wish he had Reagan’s way of dealing with people but not many people do. Is he a great man. I wouldn’t say so but I’m glad he’s tough enough to fight these battles forALL Americans. Too bad the media has brainwashed weak minded people to the point all they see is what they want them to see.
Dude I'm a Veteran 6 years in the Navy 79-85. Don't know if you served. My 1st year Jimmy Carter Democrat weak, no respect, a shambles. Then Reagan came in January 1980 and yes he gave us raises. The President administration does work on the budget with Congress so you use your head. I don't know one guy I served with that would vote Democrat. I don't know one that would go for this shitting on our Country either. So take a hike.

Go read your civics bro. Congress has the power if purse strings not the President.

Trump had a Republican House and Senate, show me the raise compared to other Presidents.

Than u for your service trooper.
Where are we home from and who brought us. Go back and compare the pay raises. Trump has been average in that regard at best. Plus Presidents can't requisite funds Congress has to. So pay raises is a function of Congress. Stop listening to talking points and use your brain.
Stop trying to justify your donk ass vote for higher taxes, more regulations, open borders, immediate attorneys and health ins for ILLEGAL immigrants, healthcare for all, and that’s just for starters.
One thing is for certain Trump has been good for the military
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Ford your a Political ? LOL Your a fraud and a Hack ,,,,,, where's your dissertation on current politics, where have you written of political manipulation by media, Where have you said ANYTHING critical of the Democrat party, Where is your editorial on how McCain made that bs dossier and then disseminated it to Hillary like a coward putting his country at odds, where is your condemnation on BLM for not only taking advantage of the pain Black Americans feel and using and manipulating that to divide the Country, Where have you said anything about BLM's Marxist leaders or their mission statement ? You rationalize and assume alot , but I dont see that critical eye of yours turned on yourself or your interests. What I see is a guy looking for entertainment enjoying trying feebly to get a rise out of people . You say YOU could of lived my Pathetic Life,,,,, you know 💩 about me, you know nothing of what I've done, who I am much less the sacrifices I've made gladly. I measure my worth by the smiles I see every day, the lives I've impacted, as well as the ones I've saved. No I wasn't commissioned, but I had and still have the Option. I chose a different path from the brothers I grewup and trained with. You don't know me. But you do Support and Defend The Clinton's Party make no mistake about that,,,,, I'm just shocked a savant badass like yourself can be fooled so bad he thinks he doesn't. The only cowardly punk I see is you ,,,, hope you put your hate away,,,,,,,,, and regardless of our differences Thank You for your Service
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Stop trying to justify your donk ass vote for higher taxes, more regulations, open borders, immediate attorneys and health ins for ILLEGAL immigrants, healthcare for all, and that’s just for starters.
One thing is for certain Trump has been good for the military

U say that because your bitch ass hasn't served.
You have issues dude.
McCain may have been an American hero but his life as a senator was the same story as most DC career politicians. He sold out to gain power and stay in office. I voted for him and regretted it later. Voted for Romney and later regretted it. He’s of the same cloth and McCain. Wasn’t crazy about Trump but voted for him and glad I did. I don’t like him particularly and I think a lot of his supporters feel the same way. But he’s done an amazing job battling those sellouts in DC, and dealing with Iran, China, N Korea and Russia. Recent presidents before him avoided the tough stuff. Not to mention getting big businesses to repatriate jobs and money, improving our military by increasing budgets and allowing military leaders to fight the war instead of being told what they can and can’t do by Valerie Jarrett. I could go on...He’s turned out to be a great president in a lot of ways. I wish he had Reagan’s way of dealing with people but not many people do. Is he a great man. I wouldn’t say so but I’m glad he’s tough enough to fight these battles forALL Americans. Too bad the media has brainwashed weak minded people to the point all they see is what they want them to see.

So are u saying that a damn draft dodger is more of a Patriot than a POW. You punks wouldn't last 24 hrs at the Hanoi hilton neither would Trump bitch ass.
Nobody said Trump wasn’t a Narcissist. I’ve said numerous times and didn’t even vote for him in the primaries but to not understand the difference between running your mouth and luring bees with honey as opposed to bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia & bashing / reversing our policies which at least kept our chins above water was stupid. Obama is a Marxist. His stepfather raised him that way.

You are full of shvt. You are literally trying to justify Trump literally sucking Marxist ass with some ridiculous claim about Obama.

Trying to lure bees with honey is called kissing asz dummy.

Kim is a Marxist that called Trump Dotard and in response Trump kissed his asz out of fear.

You can't spend that dude. Just like other than letting it leak out of your grill can you provide a spread of truth that Obama is a Marxist.

To you are just spewing bullshit.
Its pretty obvious what this was. Trump in anger for getting stabbed in the back by McCain lashed out at him, The Dems have used those comments to create a completely false narrative. Trump attacks back when you slander him and what McCain did with the Steele Dossier and voting against Obamacare repeal was underhanded and unbecoming of a Senator.
DO you realize CD that you have been swindled? How are these news outlets like the NYT, Wash Post ,Huff Post still in business after the constant disinformation they put out.? I guess its because people like CD are their useful idiots. They have you so invested in Trump hatred ,they know they can get ratings by making everything up ,knowing you will swallow it all hook line and sinker.
Trump is an outsider. He is not on the take,. He donates his salary back to the government. He is changing Washington for the better. He is more anti war than any President in the last 50 years. He has done more for blacks than Barack Obama ever did. That you could support Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi is even more remarkable.
Go read your civics bro. Congress has the power if purse strings not the President.

Trump had a Republican House and Senate, show me the raise compared to other Presidents.

Than u for your service trooper.

3% and make a note that the article also states more money for housing, food allowances. Article also states that from 2011-2016 raises never exceeded 1.7% that would be under Obama.

3% and make a note that the article also states more money for housing, food allowances. Article also states that from 2011-2016 raises never exceeded 1.7% that would be under Obama.
And don’t forget this - Biden claims now that Trump , if elected will cut Social Security and Medicare - yet the only 3 times in our history that Seniors have never gotten a Social Security raise was under Obama/Biden
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And don’t forget this - Biden claims now that Trump , if elected will cut Social Security and Medicare - yet the only 3 times in our history that Seniors have never gotten a Social Security raise was under Obama/Biden
That is the usual Democrat election year spin, along with abortion will be outlawed YAWN. Lets cause fear to our seniors......................
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I give u Syria the rest of that is smoke. Obama pulled us out of Iraq and the vacuum created Isis which didn't help our troops.

Pulling out of Syria was a gift to Putin but wtf cares it lesson the stress on soldiers.
A gift to Putin? Tell us what strategic interest we have amidst a civil war in Syria? Are we able to hammer them any time we want without being there? Of course we can.........Russia Russia Russia you FOOLS
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You are full of shvt. You are literally trying to justify Trump literally sucking Marxist ass with some ridiculous claim about Obama.

Trying to lure bees with honey is called kissing asz dummy.

Kim is a Marxist that called Trump Dotard and in response Trump kissed his asz out of fear.

You can't spend that dude. Just like other than letting it leak out of your grill can you provide a spread of truth that Obama is a Marxist.

To you are just spewing bullshit.
Start with this:

Obama believed in class based economics hence his plans for wealth redribution which is textbook Marxism. Davis was a communist in an era where communism was actually frowned upon.

Davis was Obama’s mentor but his stepfather played a role in his development too. His father was involved in war To free Indonesia from the Dutch. Add to the fact he was an imam in shi’ite sect of Islam, although his stepfather may have actually been involved in a more controversial subset of Islam because they purposely avoid mentioning it.

Obama attended a madrassas in Indonesia and where his attendance to a School that teaches Islam isn’t a flag at face value, the teaching values are Marxist in Islamic schools.

Obama’s childhood was actually pretty messed up. Born to a father who didn’t want him, a mother who passed him off so she could get multiple degrees and ties to known communists. Obama literally suffered & observed actual child abuse by his real father as a child.

if you still don’t see the roadmap you need look no further than his relationship to Saul Alinsky (Weather Underground) and his policies enacted while president over 8 years. It’s all right there before your eyes.
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Start with this:

Obama believed in class based economics hence his plans for wealth redribution which is textbook Marxism. Davis was a communist in an era where communism was actually frowned upon.

Davis was Obama’s mentor but his stepfather played a role in his development too. His father was involved in war To free Indonesia from the Dutch. Add to the fact he was an imam in shi’ite sect of Islam, although his stepfather may have actually been involved in a more controversial subset of Islam because they purposely avoid mentioning it.

Obama attended a madrassas in Indonesia and where his attendance to a School that teaches Islam isn’t a flag at face value, the teaching values are Marxist in Islamic schools.

Obama’s childhood was actually pretty messed up. Born to a father who didn’t want him, a mother who passed him off so she could get multiple degrees and ties to known communists. Obama literally suffered & observed actual child abuse by his real father as a child.

mans if you still don’t see the roadmap you need look no further than his relationship to Saul Alinsky (Weather Underground) and his policies enacted while president over 8 years. It’s all right there before your eyes.
CASH, ignore fordji05, another ignorant dummine that spouts nothingness
Ignorance at its finest
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So are u saying that a damn draft dodger is more of a Patriot than a POW. You punks wouldn't last 24 hrs at the Hanoi hilton neither would Trump bitch ass.
You need to learn some tact
Start with this:

Obama believed in class based economics hence his plans for wealth redribution which is textbook Marxism. Davis was a communist in an era where communism was actually frowned upon.

Davis was Obama’s mentor but his stepfather played a role in his development too. His father was involved in war To free Indonesia from the Dutch. Add to the fact he was an imam in shi’ite sect of Islam, although his stepfather may have actually been involved in a more controversial subset of Islam because they purposely avoid mentioning it.

Obama attended a madrassas in Indonesia and where his attendance to a School that teaches Islam isn’t a flag at face value, the teaching values are Marxist in Islamic schools.

Obama’s childhood was actually pretty messed up. Born to a father who didn’t want him, a mother who passed him off so she could get multiple degrees and ties to known communists. Obama literally suffered & observed actual child abuse by his real father as a child.

mans if you still don’t see the roadmap you need look no further than his relationship to Saul Alinsky (Weather Underground) and his policies enacted while president over 8 years. It’s all right there before your eyes.
Good points. I read both his books and couldn’t help thinking that he had a severely messed up childhood. I’ll add that his stepfather in Indonesia started working with Americans and seemed to like capitalism. So get this - his mother sent him back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents and get away from his step dad’s new capitalist influence. His grandfather thought he needed a black role model and hooked him up with Davis.
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Losers and suckers! Have you ever heard the term when you lay down with dogs you are going to get fleas? Trumps attitude towards our servicemen makes me want to throw up in my mouth. There has been great friction between Trump and our military leaders for some time. The things he said about Kellys son was despicable. This guy is defending our country and is being called a "sucker" by our commander in chief. Told kelly "I don't get it. What was in it for him?" further illustrating Trump has absolutely no idea what sacrifice is.

A good friend of mine who happens to be a Trump supporter is a marine. He and I always discuss these things at the bar because we can. We are good friends and don't cross lines. I always tell him that I respect him more than I respect Trump....and that Trump could not care less about him. Yet, he is willing to go out there and defend any and everything related to Trump. He is the last of my Trump supporter friends who hadn't FINALLY seen through his bullshit until now....lmao.

John McCain is a guy I respect. Don't agree with him politically but respect the fact that he was one of the few republicans that never acted cucked out by a party. He spoke his mind. He didn't stand around like a cuck while Trump was screwing the American people.
Trump is not only a “corrupt and despicable “ President he is also a “corrupt and despicable “ human being....Every single American should be outraged over the words used by Trump to describe American servicemen...

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