I kind of hope....


Aug 23, 2004
That all these idiotic democrats calling for an end to qualified immunity for police officers get there way. I’ll take my 10k a month pension and 675K in combined drop and ICMA accounts, say thanks, move to Canada and watch this country burn to the ground because that is exactly what will happen. It’s shocking to me that anyone thinks that taking away an officers right to qualified immunity in the most litigious country in the world is a smart idea. Mind you we are the country that invented “”. Why do you think doctors pay hundreds of thousand of dollars a year in malpractice insurance? Tons of people in this county are looking for a quick pay day. You take away qualified immunity you will get a mass and I mean MASS exodus of police officers and all that will be left or replaced with officers scared to do anything and crime will skyrocket. Which is pretty scary considering certain cities (all with Dem leadership of course) like St Louis, Detroit, Baton Rouge and New Orleans have violent crime rates in the top 20 in the WORLD. Not the US. In the world.
That all these idiotic democrats calling for an end to qualified immunity for police officers get there way. I’ll take my 10k a month pension and 675K in combined drop and ICMA accounts, say thanks, move to Canada and watch this country burn to the ground because that is exactly what will happen. It’s shocking to me that anyone thinks that taking away an officers right to qualified immunity in the most litigious country in the world is a smart idea. Mind you we are the country that invented “”. Why do you think doctors pay hundreds of thousand of dollars a year in malpractice insurance? Tons of people in this county are looking for a quick pay day. You take away qualified immunity you will get a mass and I mean MASS exodus of police officers and all that will be left or replaced with officers scared to do anything and crime will skyrocket. Which is pretty scary considering certain cities (all with Dem leadership of course) like St Louis, Detroit, Baton Rouge and New Orleans have violent crime rates in the top 20 in the WORLD. Not the US. In the world.

Enjoy your free Canadian health care.
I don’t understand why there have to be such extremes these days. Some left want to defund the police And a country full of liberal babies. the trumpetes want civil war and a country of republicans who hate anything liberal and always think they are right no latter what. Lmao god bless America.
Enjoy your free Canadian health care.
Enjoy waiting in line for months, because EVERYBODY has it. Especially when you need life saving care.
I have a friend who is woth 75M, lives in Montreal, comes to the States for his health care for EXACTLY that reason
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Enjoy waiting in line for months, because EVERYBODY has it. Especially when you need life saving care.
I have a friend who is woth 75M, lives in Montreal, comes to the States for his health care for EXACTLY that reason

Likely, because he's worth 75m and has the luxury of going anywhere he wants. Most normal people don't have this luxury. The Canadians cover all their citizens through a Medicare For All type approach, whereas we have medical bankruptcies and millions who don't bother going to the Dr because they can't afford it.

BTW...Majus. I drove a friend of mine to a medical appointment in Canada last year. No wait and no cost at the point of care.
Likely, because he's worth 75m and has the luxury of going anywhere he wants. Most normal people don't have this luxury. The Canadians cover all their citizens through a Medicare For All type approach, whereas we have medical bankruptcies and millions who don't bother going to the Dr because they can't afford it.

BTW...Majus. I drove a friend of mine to a medical appointment in Canada last year. No wait and no cost at the point of care.
He came to the states specifically due to the wait. I cant believe you think any govt can run a health care program as efficiently as private, and at a lower cost
He came to the states specifically due to the wait. I cant believe you think any govt can run a health care program as efficiently as private, and at a lower cost

And yet that's what most countries do - Cover all of their citizens for less money per head than we do - often for as much as 50% less. We can't even cover all of our citizens and yet somehow still pay twice as much as countries that do. A total scam.

And yet that's what most countries do - Cover all of their citizens for less money per head than we do - often for as much as 50% less. We can't even cover all of our citizens and yet somehow still pay twice as much as countries that do. A total scam.

You do realize that those countries charge up tp 78% INCOME tax,.
Wake up, the money has to come from somewhere!
Country is ****ed up because of mindless masses that accept EVERYTHING they here from lib media.
I don’t understand why there have to be such extremes these days. Some left want to defund the police And a country full of liberal babies. the trumpetes want civil war and a country of republicans who hate anything liberal and always think they are right no latter what. Lmao god bless America.
As someone in the middle, I am not a fan of either extremes. Logic should prevail. American, not political, ideology should prevail.

Also, you thinking “trumpeters” want civil war is a pretty extreme leftist thought. No one wants civil war. People who voted Trump simply want the current laws to be followed equally, like immigration, and, for example, are against Sanctuary cities whose policies are against federal laws, and when US citizens are secondary to illegal criminals, many feel there is a problem. This American ideology has been lost in recent years with this extreme left thinking. Feeling good, no matter the long term consequences, is more important to them than actually doing good.

Data and facts are critical. As an objective person, this is where the “left” has gone off their rocker and proven they are in bed with the media to do their bidding. The once slightly left leaning, but honest, media outlets hate Trump so much, they have be been devoid of facts and even create their own fake narratives, dismissing facts or just plain lying.

We have seen this manipulation time and time again when outlets like the NYT’s headlines about Trump are neutral to non negative and then are changed after the leftists felt they aren’t negative enough. A NYT’s editor was recently fired for publishing an op-Ed by a conservative with the view that the military should only be brought in once protests become violent destructive riots, while recent polls had a 53/47 split agreeing with that opinion. Meanwhile, the same NYT previously published an op-Ed saying pedophilia is not a crime. To logical and rational people, which one of these ideas appears more extreme? As if anyone needs to ask, but radical left NYT employees arent really rational, are they?

Another example is a recent headline from another well known liberal media site pushing panic and hysteria for the Pandemic, stating, “20 states see increases in coronavirus cases.” Hmmm, doing the math, shouldn’t the headline state, “30 states see decreases in coronavirus cases?” Gotta love the negative spin to push the hysteria!

To go further, the media preys on their low IQ sheep with flashy emotional headlines, out of context quotes, and subtle changes in words. Some examples Libs fall prey to...

They subtly recently changed/chose the word “Interference” instead of what their ilk formerly used nonstop, “collusion.” Interesting how their ilk changes words thinking no one pays attention to make themselves look right when it is obvious to anyone with an IQ over 90 they have entirely different meanings. Their ilk and the media do this with other areas to divide the country...

Removing “illegal” from “illegal immigrant” to intentionally give the appearance that the administration is anti immigrant, and not just focused on removing illegals, more specifically illegal criminals.

Adding the word “white” in front of nationalist to intentionally give the appearance that someone who is America first is a racist and hates anyone of color.

Calling “anarchists and criminals” who are rioting, looting and burning down buildings, “peaceful protesters” to make it appear as if the administration is oppressing citizens’ rights to peacefully protest.

When called out for fact checks on this manipulation they quickly deflect and say the president has lied X number of times, not understanding the difference between hyperbolic statements and lies, going so far as classifying, as a lie, a hyperbolic statement from Trump tweets , “millions of people were X” when factually 1,000,001 people were X, to continue to deflect.

Sheep dont or can’t see this, either due to their low IQ or intolerable ideology. Anyone who doesn’t see what is happening is either devoid of rational thought or just too far left to care to pay attention.
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He came to the states specifically due to the wait. I cant believe you think any govt can run a health care program as efficiently as private, and at a lower cost
It has been proven that Raoul makes up lies and strawman to debate, avoiding real data and facts.
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And yet that's what most countries do - Cover all of their citizens for less money per head than we do - often for as much as 50% less. We can't even cover all of our citizens and yet somehow still pay twice as much as countries that do. A total scam.

Ask pharmaceutical companies in bed with liberals why they charge citizens in those other countries only a half to a third of what they charge US citizens for the same drugs, and you will see why those numbers are so heavily skewed.
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Ask pharmaceutical companies in bed with liberals why they charge citizens in those other countries only a half to a third of what they charge US citizens for the same drugs, and you will see why those numbers are so heavily skewed.
Yes you are right about big pharma...just watch who they make big donations too...they are the ones who rule
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As someone in the middle, I am not a fan of either extremes. Logic should prevail. American, not political, ideology should prevail.

Also, you thinking “trumpeters” want civil war is a pretty extreme leftist thought. No one wants civil war. People who voted Trump simply want the current laws to be followed equally, like immigration, and, for example, are against Sanctuary cities whose policies are against federal laws, and when US citizens are secondary to illegal criminals, many feel there is a problem. This American ideology has been lost in recent years with this extreme left thinking. Feeling good, no matter the long term consequences, is more important to them than actually doing good.

As a man of science focusing on research for the last decade, data and facts are critical. As an objective person, this is where the “left” has gone off their rocker and proven they are in bed with the media to do their bidding. The once slightly left leaning, but honest, media outlets hate Trump so much, they have be been devoid of facts and even create their own fake narratives, dismissing facts or just plain lying.

We have seen this manipulation time and time again when outlets like the NYT’s headlines about Trump are neutral to non negative and then are changed after the leftists felt they aren’t negative enough. A NYT’s editor was recently fired for publishing an op-Ed by a conservative with the view that the military should only be brought in once protests become violent destructive riots, while recent polls had a 53/47 split agreeing with that opinion. Meanwhile, the same NYT previously published an op-Ed saying pedophilia is not a crime. To logical and rational people, which one of these ideas appears more extreme? As if anyone needs to ask, but radical left NYT employees arent really rational, are they?

Another example is a recent headline from another well known liberal media site pushing panic and hysteria for the Pandemic, stating, “20 states see increases in coronavirus cases.” Hmmm, doing the math, shouldn’t the headline state, “30 states see decreases in coronavirus cases?” Gotta love the negative spin to push the hysteria!

To go further, the media preys on their low IQ sheep with flashy emotional headlines, out of context quotes, and subtle changes in words. Some examples Libs fall prey to...

They subtly recently changed/chose the word “Interference” instead of what their ilk formerly used nonstop, “collusion.” Interesting how their ilk changes words thinking no one pays attention to make themselves look right when it is obvious to anyone with an IQ over 90 they have entirely different meanings. Their ilk and the media do this with other areas to divide the country...

Removing “illegal” from “illegal immigrant” to intentionally give the appearance that the administration is anti immigrant, and not just focused on removing illegals, more specifically illegal criminals.

Adding the word “white” in front of nationalist to intentionally give the appearance that someone who is America first is a racist and hates anyone of color.

Calling “anarchists and criminals” who are rioting, looting and burning down buildings, “peaceful protesters” to make it appear as if the administration is oppressing citizens’ rights to peacefully protest.

When called out for fact checks on this manipulation they quickly deflect and say the president has lied X number of times, not understanding the difference between hyperbolic statements and lies, going so far as classifying, as a lie, a hyperbolic statement from Trump tweets , “millions of people were X” when factually 1,000,001 people were X, to continue to deflect.

Sheep dont or can’t see this, either due to their low IQ or intolerable ideology. Anyone who doesn’t see what is happening is either devoid of rational thought or just too far left to care to pay attention.

Varkas brought up civil war in another thread (joking I think lol) I was exaggerating to make a point. Everyone going to extremes lately. The truth is on the middle like you said. I’m a true independent and in the middle. I respect everyone’s beliefs and don’t side with any party because they both have their issues I don’t agree with. I vote on candidate not party.

But this day and age there are so many extremes it’s absurd. Now my kid probably can’t see paw patrol because it has a police character in it and there is talk of removing ****ing paw patrol for crying out loud. You can’t make this crap up even if you tried.