I keep telling people I;m not his friend, not having dinner with him but a lot of what Trump went after has been overlooked for decades at the SOLE expense of the American people and I defy any liberals on here to say otherwise.I had to check a few times to be sure it was actually the Washington Post. Don't believe I have ever seen such a pro-Trump article run in their publication .. sort of amazing. One huge issue for Trump is for voters to get beyond his personality .. which can be grating .. and look at the big picture .. which that article did a nice job of framing.
Thats why I posted it............I had to check a few times to be sure it was actually the Washington Post. Don't believe I have ever seen such a pro-Trump article run in their publication .. sort of amazing. One huge issue for Trump is for voters to get beyond his personality .. which can be grating .. and look at the big picture .. which that article did a nice job of framing.
The guest author is Hugh Hewitt, a conservative journalist and frequent political commentator on NBC. I don’t agree with him but he lays out a rational case for those who support Trump.
I’m proud that the Washington Post, a fierce opponent to Trump, published this opinion piece so contrary to the paper’s position.
Great article I’m sure the liberals will contest his accomplishments keeping their blinders on.
Obama accomplishments where what Obama Care and that was a disaster..
Like Trump or not the man pushes the envelope like not other Potus and his track record is full of wins..
Yhea! Just forget about all the crimes he’s committed while in office, the lies he tell, Russia paying to kill American troops, him being impeach.
You know the saying, a broken clock.So WaPo is not fake news today I take it ? Good to know.
Ya there 99%Negative towards Trump and a lot of Fake News 1% fair. Even a blind squirrel gets a nut occasionally. Do really claim that the Wash Post NY Times cNN MSNBC NBC are not in the tank for the Dems?? There nothing but political activist for the Dems. Does anyone even question that any more??So WaPo is not fake news today I take it ? Good to know.
I have been voting by mail (not absentee) for 15 years. The concept that this form of voting offers more risk is absurd. Hasn’t happened. It’s a hoax. Trump wants fewer voters voting. Pathetic form of suppression to preserve his incumbency.
Just a joke.
Really because in NY right now they can't say who won on an election for 2 Congressman from nearly 6 weeks agoGrb.
I have been voting by mail (not absentee) for 15 years. The concept that this form of voting offers more risk is absurd. Hasn’t happened. It’s a hoax. Trump wants fewer voters voting. Pathetic form of suppression to preserve his incumbency.
Just a joke.
Really because in NY right now they can't say who won on an election for 2 Congressman from nearly 6 weeks ago
Really because in NY right now they can't say who won on an election for 2 Congressman from nearly 6 weeks ago
@cortez55403 Haha you don't know what you're talking about it's going great. Mail is the only way to vote. New York is the leader in all things in this country!
Maybe not.......
"New York City elections officials have refused to release statistics on the number of invalidated votes. But Suraj Patel, a Democrat locked in a close primary race with U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney, said 30% of mail-in ballots received in the Brooklyn part of the congressional district were being rejected."
"Compounding that problem, the state’s attempt to make things easier for voters by giving them postage-paid return envelopes backfired: The U.S. Postal Service doesn’t usually put postmarks on that kind of metered mail, and while its policy is to to add the postmark to mailed ballots, it admits it failed to do so on some envelopes.
Candidates and activists are now claiming in a lawsuit that thousands of properly cast ballots mailed in on time were invalidated because they lacked postmarks."
Sounds like the only ones disenfranchising voters are the Democrats with this ludicrous idea that millions and millions of people can successfully vote by mail.
Your first point is a fake liberal talking point so I won't address it. Your 2nd point about 5 states using exclusive mail in voting is FALSE. Only Oregon is exclusive. The other 4 offer traditional walk up voting options. Your 3rd point operational issues is accurate none more then our home state Florida generally due to incompetent Supervisor of Elections (see Brenda Snipes Broward County) (see Iowa Democratic Caucus) just because we have imperfections should NOT mean that we begin a whole brand new system just a few short months prior to a huge Presidential / National election. No matter who is ahead on Election night in many races someone is going to be crying FOUL. Don't dismiss the Democrats ability to cry and whine. They do it well. Democrats want vote by mail to either a) cheat or b) because they are scared. There is no other way to say it. If you look at the party MOST scared about re-opening business and schools it is the liberals that are crying and scared. Ironically, not scared with protests and riots nightly??HJ
Couple of thoughts:
*Republican strategy way before Trump was to discourage widespread voting. This suppression has a very clear motive: big turnouts favor Democrats. Unfortunately for Dems, poor people and people of color vote at a much lower frequency than middle class white voters. If you can continue and encourage that trend, Republicans prosper.
* 5 states have exclusively used mail in ballots for many years. No voting in person. In those states, there have been no allegations of fraud and no operational issues counting the votes. As you might expect, those states have higher voter participation than states with walk in voting.
* Many states have operational issues counting votes whether voting is by mail or walk in. You rightly cite NY above. Georgia’s recent primary was an operational disaster across the board. Long lines and goofed up mail. Similarly, Wisconsin had a walk in disaster forcing long lines in a cold climate during a pandemic. none of those had fraud.
*Dems want vote by mail for two reasons: protect voters and precinct volunteers from Covid risk and produce a higher voter turnout.
*Trump hates voting by mail because it promises a higher voter turnout, particularly by the poor and people of color. Bad for his chances. Also, by alleging potential for fraud, he is setting the stage for claiming that he was cheated out of victory by corrupt voting officials.
States need to massively improve their operational ability to process mailed in votes AND walk in votes. This is not an issue of fraud. It is an issue of competence, staffing and expertise.
The reason Democrats have low turnout is young people. They tend to be idealistic when young becoming more conservative as they get older but they rarely show up in numbers to vote.HJ
Couple of thoughts:
*Republican strategy way before Trump was to discourage widespread voting. This suppression has a very clear motive: big turnouts favor Democrats. Unfortunately for Dems, poor people and people of color vote at a much lower frequency than middle class white voters. If you can continue and encourage that trend, Republicans prosper.
* 5 states have exclusively used mail in ballots for many years. No voting in person. In those states, there have been no allegations of fraud and no operational issues counting the votes. As you might expect, those states have higher voter participation than states with walk in voting.
* Many states have operational issues counting votes whether voting is by mail or walk in. You rightly cite NY above. Georgia’s recent primary was an operational disaster across the board. Long lines and goofed up mail. Similarly, Wisconsin had a walk in disaster forcing long lines in a cold climate during a pandemic. none of those had fraud.
*Dems want vote by mail for two reasons: protect voters and precinct volunteers from Covid risk and produce a higher voter turnout.
*Trump hates voting by mail because it promises a higher voter turnout, particularly by the poor and people of color. Bad for his chances. Also, by alleging potential for fraud, he is setting the stage for claiming that he was cheated out of victory by corrupt voting officials.
States need to massively improve their operational ability to process mailed in votes AND walk in votes. This is not an issue of fraud. It is an issue of competence, staffing and expertise.
I have been voting by mail (not absentee) for 15 years. The concept that this form of voting offers more risk is absurd. Hasn’t happened. It’s a hoax. Trump wants fewer voters voting. Pathetic form of suppression to preserve his incumbency.
Just a joke.
Hey Cortez a Judge just threw out over 1000 ballots in NY due to postmark issues. Thats the election from 6 WEEKS AGO! That would be over 1000 disenfranchised voters. In Michigan they are expecting 1.5 million absentee ballots in a Primary for that bitch Rashid . They have NO IDEA when they will be able to open, verify the voter, and count all those ballots.HJ
Couple of thoughts:
*Republican strategy way before Trump was to discourage widespread voting. This suppression has a very clear motive: big turnouts favor Democrats. Unfortunately for Dems, poor people and people of color vote at a much lower frequency than middle class white voters. If you can continue and encourage that trend, Republicans prosper.
* 5 states have exclusively used mail in ballots for many years. No voting in person. In those states, there have been no allegations of fraud and no operational issues counting the votes. As you might expect, those states have higher voter participation than states with walk in voting.
* Many states have operational issues counting votes whether voting is by mail or walk in. You rightly cite NY above. Georgia’s recent primary was an operational disaster across the board. Long lines and goofed up mail. Similarly, Wisconsin had a walk in disaster forcing long lines in a cold climate during a pandemic. none of those had fraud.
*Dems want vote by mail for two reasons: protect voters and precinct volunteers from Covid risk and produce a higher voter turnout.
*Trump hates voting by mail because it promises a higher voter turnout, particularly by the poor and people of color. Bad for his chances. Also, by alleging potential for fraud, he is setting the stage for claiming that he was cheated out of victory by corrupt voting officials.
States need to massively improve their operational ability to process mailed. in votes AND walk in votes. This is not an issue of fraud. It is an issue of competence, staffing and expertise.
Couple of thoughts:
*Republican strategy way before Trump was to discourage widespread voting. This suppression has a very clear motive: big turnouts favor Democrats. Unfortunately for Dems, poor people and people of color vote at a much lower frequency than middle class white voters. If you can continue and encourage that trend, Republicans prosper.
* 5 states have exclusively used mail in ballots for many years. No voting in person. In those states, there have been no allegations of fraud and no operational issues counting the votes. As you might expect, those states have higher voter participation than states with walk in voting.
* Many states have operational issues counting votes whether voting is by mail or walk in. You rightly cite NY above. Georgia’s recent primary was an operational disaster across the board. Long lines and goofed up mail. Similarly, Wisconsin had a walk in disaster forcing long lines in a cold climate during a pandemic. none of those had fraud.
*Dems want vote by mail for two reasons: protect voters and precinct volunteers from Covid risk and produce a higher voter turnout.
*Trump hates voting by mail because it promises a higher voter turnout, particularly by the poor and people of color. Bad for his chances. Also, by alleging potential for fraud, he is setting the stage for claiming that he was cheated out of victory by corrupt voting officials.
States need to massively improve their operational ability to process mailed in votes AND walk in votes. This is not an issue of fraud. It is an issue of competence, staffing and expertise.
I do early voting in Florida generally 10 days out. Never waited longer then 10 minutes.I don't necessarily agree with the first point... because we all saw what happened in 2016 when the Republican base shows up to vote. Hillary was supposed to walk away with the election based on every single poll conducted... because the people who take time to fill out polls are the same people that look at the results of the polls and decide if they actually need to show up or not. Hillary was a double digit winner before a vote was even cast... so the straw pollsters began making their "glass ceiling shattering" celebration plans early instead of actually going to the voting booth.
Middle America and the "fly-over-states" showed up in FORCE in 2016. These are the hard working, blue collared, Salt-of-the-Earth people the Democrats LOVE to ignore and have for decades. These people don't take the time to do poll testing because they are busy making a living for themselves and their families. They don't have the time to waste with a straw poll. They work... which is why the early polls are ALWAYS skewed in favor of the Democrat nominee.
As witnessed in 2016... they dont poll... but they SHOW UP TO VOTE.
Dems own the East and West Coast and have a couple key states locked down but the swing states are always key and they've continued to IGNORE those fly-over swing states for years. There are millions of red-blooded Americans that live between the Coasts which love this country and will turn up to make sure it doesn't disappear before our eyes.
Funny thing is the media and the Dems seems to be following the exact same losing strategy they tried in 2016. Once again, the polls show Biden has a HUGE lead over Trump, and the media continues to do all it can to make him look as bad as possible in every single possible situation. The hope here is to get the Republican base to shrug their shoulders and give up... considering there isnt any hope that Trump can rebound based on "the polls" and the media's daily slanderous campaigns to undermine and degrade The President at every turn. I hope and pray the Dems continue to work that angle... because it is a guaranteed LOSER. The Republican base will show up again in 2020.
Get the liberal tears ready.
Its not a matter of "protection from Covid" because they have everyone mandated to wear masks anyway... and since WEARING MASKS WORKS (right...?) there should be no fear of virus transmission. You can easily set up social distancing guidelines to help space people out and "protect" people. So if wearing masks and social distancing works... as we've been lead to believe it does... there is no reason people cannot show up in the flesh to cast their votes. This isnt to protect people from Covid. This is a foundation for voter fraud.
This is all about protection from FRAUD. Dems don't want people to have to present a valid ID in order to vote. Dems want illegal immigrants to be able to vote. Dems want convicted felons to be able to vote. Dems want deceased people to be able to vote. How much easier would it be for Dems to rig the election if people can just "mail it in"? How can ANYONE be certain that the ballot that was received actually was filled out and completed by the name on the card?
THERE IS NO WAY TO CONFIRM... and there are hundreds of ways to fudge the count. OF course Dems want mail in voting... its the only way they can get enough fraudulent votes to beat Trump.
I do early voting in Florida generally 10 days out. Never waited longer then 10 minutes.
I prefer to cast my ballot in person knowing it arrived safelyI do early voting by mail 4 weeks out. No waiting.
I do early voting by mail 4 weeks out. No waiting.
Which is great for the 20% of people nationwide that utilize that service.
I'm all for those who are disabled or have immune deficiencies to be able to send in their ballots via mail. They can register as disabled/immune deficiency and there won't be any question about their mail in ballots.
For the other 80% of people... if everyone is required to mail in votes than the election will be stolen due to fraud. Democrats have already been caught tampering with ballots... but it was conveniently swept under the rug. Giving them the opportunity to create millions of ballots for unregistered/undocumented/deceased individuals will 100% steal the election and wreck our democracy.
Conspiratorial fantasy that will explain and justify Trump’s defeat. Zero evidence. No support. Right wing echo chamber.
The guest author is Hugh Hewitt, a conservative journalist and frequent political commentator on NBC. I don’t agree with him but he lays out a rational case for those who support Trump.
I’m proud that the Washington Post, a fierce opponent to Trump, published this opinion piece so contrary to the paper’s position.
Which is great for the 20% of people nationwide that utilize that service.
I'm all for those who are disabled or have immune deficiencies to be able to send in their ballots via mail. They can register as disabled/immune deficiency and there won't be any question about their mail in ballots.
For the other 80% of people... if everyone is required to mail in votes than the election will be stolen due to fraud. Democrats have already been caught tampering with ballots... but it was conveniently swept under the rug. Giving them the opportunity to create millions of ballots for unregistered/undocumented/deceased individuals will 100% steal the election and wreck our democracy.
Show me a link for your claim.
about democrats....
Im going to take you way back to this summer. Are you really asking for links on mail in voting fraud, either you don’t want to know, like Biden’s racist past, or your head is in the sand?
Sorry meant to put link for this summer.
They’re more credible than your sources, are you disputing the facts of the story?breitbart??? Lol. Show me s credible source. That is not a mainstream news outlet.
Im going to take you way back to this summer. Are you really asking for links on mail in voting fraud, either you don’t want to know, like Biden’s racist past, or your head is in the sand?
I gave you a link. Did you even look at it. The funny thing About the claim about how corona didn’t hinder Voting in Wisconsin is the exact reason that trump use to claim we should postpone the election. Lol