Your in Denial still.... It didn't spike because of the Protests most were wearing masks. The spike came when everyone chose not to listen to the professionals and open up to soon, the bars and gathering are what did it. That's why they want to reclose them all.The lack of condemnation by the media of the thousands of "mostly peaceful" protesters and rioters for marching arm and many w/o masks during a pandemic is telling. It reeks of hypocrisy of the first order.
It was predictable that the next goal after the riots quelled was to ratchet up panic regarding this virus again. The median age of those infected has significantly gotten younger over the past month. It is as expected .In Ocala it was age 60 a month ago .It is now 40. The panic about massive increase in deaths is not justified.It has NOT occurred and isn't likely to. The death rate reached a peak of 70 deaths after July 4th in Fla . No 120 deaths did not occur in one day it was added deaths that weren't reported previously . There also has been a dramatic increase in testing numbers.
We have 20 million people in this state . We have had 4300 deaths some of which were probably not due to Covid. Half of them were in Nursing homes. It's time to gain perspective and calm down. Wear a mask when necessary . Stay away from indoor crowds and social distance. But panic -no way.
Not that he needs my endorsement, but Sabrose is an MD who has offered up sane commentary and analysis on this virus.Your in Denial still.... It didn't spike because of the Protests most were wearing masks. The spike came when everyone choice not to listen to the professionals but rather Trump and open up to soon, the bars and gathering are what did it. That's why they want to reclose them all.
Well his analysis on that point was not very sane. Everyone that's not in Denial understands that if we had a Country- wide plan and followed protocol early on we could have avoided our current situation. It's worse now than months ago. I Respect that Mr. Sabrose is a MD if that's the case, then he more than anybody should know reopening to soon, the lack of social distancing, and no mask wearing all are major factors in these resent aggressive spikes.Not that he needs my endorsement, but Sabrose is an MD who has offered up sane commentary and analysis on this virus.
Hmmm New York has more protests than almost anywhere. No spike. Wonder why....The lack of condemnation by the media of the thousands of "mostly peaceful" protesters and rioters for marching arm and many w/o masks during a pandemic is telling. It reeks of hypocrisy of the first order.
It was predictable that the next goal after the riots quelled was to ratchet up panic regarding this virus again. The median age of those infected has significantly gotten younger over the past month. It is as expected .In Ocala it was age 60 a month ago .It is now 40. The panic about massive increase in deaths is not justified.It has NOT occurred and isn't likely to. The death rate reached a peak of 70 deaths after July 4th in Fla . No 120 deaths did not occur in one day it was added deaths that weren't reported previously . There also has been a dramatic increase in testing numbers.
We have 20 million people in this state . We have had 4300 deaths some of which were probably not due to Covid. Half of them were in Nursing homes. It's time to gain perspective and calm down. Wear a mask when necessary . Stay away from indoor crowds and social distance. But panic -no way.
The virus will run it's course and kill people along the way. That's called life. You statistically have a great chance of survival. Stop fretting.
I tell them it's a great time to be a health care worker.
I tell them it's a great time to be a health care worker.
Hmmm New York has more protests than almost anywhere. No spike. Wonder why....
I would be careful about that narrative that the protests (masks or not) did not have an impact in the uptick of positive rates. Again they clearly violated the stay at home orders of these states despite the fact that the elected officials ignored them which is both hypocritical and wrong.
But take a look at California which is going BACK into lockdown mode. And LA had PLENTY of big rallies/protests/violence. And they have seen a big uptick.
Who is their TV deal with?
Hmmm New York has more protests than almost anywhere. No spike. Wonder why....
TRUMP'S Rally in Tulsa had a major impact in Tulsa' s cases. Even his Several of his Staff tested positive.I would be careful about that narrative that the protests (masks or not) did not have an impact in the uptick of positive rates. Again they clearly violated the stay at home orders of these states despite the fact that the elected officials ignored them which is both hypocritical and wrong.
But take a look at California which is going BACK into lockdown mode. And LA had PLENTY of big rallies/protests/violence. And they have seen a big uptick.
Maybe if Cops stop Killing unarmed and in most cases innocent Young Black People in this country there would be no need for That... Question when is the last time you seen a young white person shot down or chocked to death in the streets??Why is this ok, but we shouldn’t open schools?
Why is this ok, but restaurants should close?
Why is this ok, but a beach is a dangerous place?
Why is this ok, but football is not going to happen?
TRUMP'S Rally in Tulsa had a major impact in Tulsa' s cases. Even his Several of his Staff tested positive.
Then as the leader of this Country, WHY DO IT, IT SETS A BAD EXAMPLE. That's why instead of preparing to go back to school safely, as a Country we're in worst shape than we were Months ago. And No Football... Go CANESAn indoor event attended mostly by middle aged and older people who do not wear masks and remain stationary for the duration of the event is one of the highest risk recipes you can cook up for infection. The spread potential simply does not compare to an outdoor event attended mostly by mask wearing young people who are frequently in motion. That said, I would attend neither event.
You’re an Daughter works at Jackson she is a nurse . Your a typical scumbag cult republican that only cares about them self and screw everyone else. Hell is waiting for you asshole.I tell them it's a great time to be a health care worker.
Your a doctor man you are grasping for everything.werent you one these fools that said this was a hoaxLol DC -so smart aren"t they. It is also summer and many people leave the DC area for rural areas in their summer houses. How many businesses lost due to longer shut down.? How about increases in crime? With the higher population density there your cases will spike too when you open up. We are a month further ahead of getting our economy back in Florida than you are. The mayor there is a complete dingbat. With a crime rate of 60 per one thousand residents, Washington has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime there is one in 17.
Phil, you need help my friend. You come unglued over that comment?You’re an Daughter works at Jackson she is a nurse . Your a typical scumbag cult republican that only cares about them self and screw everyone else. Hell is waiting for you asshole.
What a Heartless thing to say. Those people have families. What if they just said The He** with this and walked off the job, it would be catastrophic. Those are the REAL HEROES WHO PUT THERE LIFE'S ON THE LINE FOR PEOPLE THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW. And in most cases then go home to there own Families, with a chance of infecting them..I SALUTE THEM... TRUE AMERICAN'SI tell them it's a great time to be a health care worker.
What if it's your family member?The virus will run it's course and kill people along the way. That's called life. You statistically have a great chance of survival. Stop fretting.
You may very well be correct, but at this point it is simply speculation based upon what you have been spoon fed from the media.
I just saw an interview of a leading health expert from FL on CNN. It was quite apparent the responses he provided were not what the newscaster was looking for: the Dr was quite optimistic.
Although you have seen cases spike of late in FL his thoughts were as follows:
In just the last several weeks testing has gone from 10k to 140k on Saturday. More cases will be found including asymptotic. Positivity had been on the rise which was concerning, but in the past week has dropped from over 20% to 11%. Death rates are falling as we’re learning to treat this. And the last point he made when he finally got cut off from the interviewer- don’t believe the media’s portrayal of a shortage of hospital beds.
I tell them it's a great time to be a health care worker.
Maybe if Cops stop Killing unarmed and in most cases innocent Young Black People in this country there would be no need for That... Question when is the last time you seen a young white person shot down or chocked to death in the streets??
I've had 2 Family members die of Pancreatic Cancer. A virus is of no concern to me. My son, who is all over Social Media has bought into this silly concept of him giving it to me and me dying. I've told him to never give that a 2nd thought. If it's my destiny to die from a virus, then so be it. I want him, and all young people, to just live his life and have his freedoms, the same freedoms I've had the luxury of enjoying.What if it's your family member?
How was I disparaging Health Care workers with that post?What a Heartless thing to say. Those people have families. What if they just said The He** with this and walked off the job, it would be catastrophic. Those are the REAL HEROES WHO PUT THERE LIFE'S ON THE LINE FOR PEOPLE THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW. And in most cases then go home to there own Families, with a chance of infecting them..I SALUTE THEM... TRUE AMERICAN'S
WOW Really I guess they just feel the need to publicize all the people of color being Murdered by police. I would love to see your statistics on this subject. Because I beg to differ.Every year, more Caucasians are killed by police than African Americans.
Well if not I apologize... Just seem cold an callus.How was I disparaging Health Care workers with that post?
I agree but smartly .I've had 2 Family members die of Pancreatic Cancer. A virus is of no concern to me. My son, who is all over Social Media has bought into this silly concept of him giving it to me and me dying. I've told him to never give that a 2nd thought. If it's my destiny to die from a virus, then so be it. I want him, and all young people, to just live his life and have his freedoms, the same freedoms I've had the luxury of enjoying.
I appreciate that, but no need as I can see how it could be misconstrued. That's what I hate about posts and texts sometimes as opposed to direct conversation and debate.Well if not I apologize... Just seem cold an callus.
Then as the leader of this Country, WHY DO IT, IT SETS A BAD EXAMPLE. That's why instead of preparing to go back to school safely, as a Country we're in worst shape than we were Months ago. And No Football... Go CANES
Here in D.C., we have gone four days with no COVID-19 deaths and have seen a big curve from the initial surge. Restaurants are just now starting to open up with limit seating and reservations only. You aren't allowed in anywhere without wearing a mask around 90% of people not minding one bit.
The leader's in the states that did not dismiss the severity of the disease have seen significant down swings and then there are folks that have dismissed this disease and did not jump out in front of this, well....
Hmmm New York has more protests than almost anywhere. No spike. Wonder why....
Are you Drunk...go hide under your bed... Stop treading on our freedom..