Yes, well in some cultures both sexes shower together. It's a only a big deal when people make it a big deal.
I want to join this culture. I want to shower with the models for a fashion show, not old ladies though.Originally posted by delliscane:
Yes, well in some cultures both sexes shower together. It's a only a big deal when people make it a big deal.
You are spot on, everything you said makes perfect sense. He is not a hero, just another gay man. He should have kept it at that and played football. Now he is making an issue of him being a homosexual. The press loves this crap, imagine the circus of the team that drafts him, it will be like he was the 1st round pick....every game.Originally posted by
I want to join this culture. I want to shower with the models for a fashion show, not old ladies though.Originally posted by delliscane:
Yes, well in some cultures both sexes shower together. It's a only a big deal when people make it a big deal.
As far as what Vilma said, there is nothing wrong with it. He didn't say that he hates gays or that gays should be banned from being with each other. He said that they wouldn't be accepted in the locker room/shower.
I'm just sick of this crap from the media and Hollywood perspective. The way they present things, half the country is gay or lesbian. All of the crap being spewed about how courageous Sam is, how "proud" people are of him or how he is an "inspiration to us all" makes me want to become anti-gay. He isn't courageous. He is "risking" monetary rewards, there is no risk that he is going to be lynched or shot by "coming out."
He sure as hell isn't an "inspiration" to me. He can do whatever he wants in the bedroom but I (and the majority of other people) aren't inspired by him either for what he chooses to do or deciding to tell people about it. To the public figure that made that comment, I am inspired when an inner city kid with a bad family situation becomes a brain surgeon. There is no "pride" involved in having sex. It's not very difficult to do and pretty much everybody can do it.
Exactly!!! This is more of the LGBT's well organized promotional plan. An old hood expression, "F watch you heard!", I could give a rat's azz what Sam is saying about not wanting this to be political or blown up by media, that's exactly what he intended to do in cahoots with the LGBT. This is a calculated and strategic move, and you prhomo-sexual types applauding this sh*t will soon see the effects on the upcoming generation if you don't see it already. So the new definition of hero and courageous is a someone admitting publicly they prefer screwing the same sex? Wow! The sexual confusion this homo promotional tour has created will continue to disrupt the equilibrium of society and this imbalance along with others will ultimate lead to it's destruction. As I said earlier, keep watching, the rabbit hole only gets deeper from here....Originally posted by
I want to join this culture. I want to shower with the models for a fashion show, not old ladies though.Originally posted by delliscane:
Yes, well in some cultures both sexes shower together. It's a only a big deal when people make it a big deal.
As far as what Vilma said, there is nothing wrong with it. He didn't say that he hates gays or that gays should be banned from being with each other. He said that they wouldn't be accepted in the locker room/shower.
I'm just sick of this crap from the media and Hollywood perspective. The way they present things, half the country is gay or lesbian. All of the crap being spewed about how courageous Sam is, how "proud" people are of him or how he is an "inspiration to us all" makes me want to become anti-gay. He isn't courageous. He is "risking" monetary rewards, there is no risk that he is going to be lynched or shot by "coming out."
He sure as hell isn't an "inspiration" to me. He can do whatever he wants in the bedroom but I (and the majority of other people) aren't inspired by him either for what he chooses to do or deciding to tell people about it. To the public figure that made that comment, I am inspired when an inner city kid with a bad family situation becomes a brain surgeon. There is no "pride" involved in having sex. It's not very difficult to do and pretty much everybody can do it.
Originally posted by Umazing561:
Sham on you.
There is nothing wrong with being gay there is a problem however having a problem with someone legitimately feeling uncomfortable about it. To hate on them for feeling a certain way is just as much bigotry as hating on them for being gay. You can disagree, you can feel uncomfortable, without being a homophobe or ignorant.
Where the real shame lies is on people like you who can only see it one way and benefit from it by coming off as the righteous ones just because it sounds "accepting" when really you are shunning others just for disagreeing and really not the "accepting" type at all.
Now if he was saying, I hate him b/c he's gay, or calling him nasty names that's different but what the F is so wrong with disagreeing with it or feeling uncomfortable with it, isn't that their right as much as it is the gay man/woman's right to be openly gay?
Shut your damn mouth.
Finally, how about you use your head instead of coming out there with some flower power.
Wouldn't Vilma's scenario be like allowing a man be in a ladies shower room only to catch the man staring or checking out the women and then asking her to just deal with it or call her a sexist for feeling uncomfortable about it, OR visa versa, a woman in a man's locker room checking them out?
Now, I know the whole "just because you are gay doesn't mean you automatically like anyone of the same gender, you would actually have to find them attractive" - the same for heterosexuals right...but does that change the hypothetical? Shouldn't one's feelings of being looked at, stared at, or even glanced at by another of the opposite gender in that kind of setting be taken into account no matter how innocent it may be or not? When did accepting mean you have to give up how you feel, what makes you uncomfortable, ignoring possible and probable issues of sexual misconduct, etc.? Seriously, just use your head.
See the problem is political correctness makes logic sound evil when logic is simply that...logic. Use your brain its not about being homophobic or a bigot you moron. Maybe its people like you that fail in bring all of us to even par...failing to understand it outside the context of hate and ignorance instead of logic and fairness.
In the end, I think its great the guy came out, and he deserves to be whatever he wants to be w/o ridicule but that doesn't mean it doesn't have its own affects and Vilma simply put it out there, whether you applaud it or not.
This post was edited on 2/10 5:07 PM by Umazing561
This post was edited on 2/10 6:07 PM by Umazing561
Makes a lot of sense. Vilma has a right to express that he maybe uncomfortable without being labeled a bigot.
Ocean, no one is going to prevent him from making a living. He will get his "queer" crowd to come support him. But are his team mates really going to rally around that? I was in the military and knew of two guys that were gay. Nice guys, but we had nothing to talk about so my group of friends didn't really include him in anything. To each his own, But don't expect me to be accepting of that type of behavior. I don't want it around my kids and I certainly will not celebrate it. In the showers no one wanted to shower around these guys, but every makes their own choices... I don't think you are anyone else has a right to make it for me. Some people on here think their advice is larger than someone's upbringing, religion, or sense of morality...It is not. In war I fought beside these gay soldiers, but once it was over we went our separate ways. No disrespect...but not acceptance of this behavior either.Originally posted by ocean1023:
If their was coed professional sports you might have an argument. And by the way have you been to a nude beach? The women and men there don't seem to give a sh*t about being around naked people of any sex.
The real points here are:
#1) All of you need to really look deep inside yourselves and ask why a gay teammate NOT acting inappropriately would make you feel uncomfortable. That is a much bigger issue than if the guy is in the locker room or not.
Quick story. Years ago living in Brickell area the closet gym was 2 blocks away. I joined and soon found out it was an old YMCA. Membership about 99% gay men. I changed in locker room like I had any place else. Had those guys spot me on my exercises. Got to know the regulars. They joked with me that they spotted me "straight" from a mile away and therefore would never hit on me. I never felt any different than I did at LA Fitness where I work out now.
#2) How in good conscience would you prevent a gay guy with NFL skills from being able to make a legal living in that sport. The attitude behind that mentality is repulsive and ignorant to say the least.
This post was edited on 2/10 9:41 PM by ocean1023
Hall of Fame post...Originally posted by GILL06:
I detest that homophobic argument, totally devoid of common sense. A phobia is a fear of something. I'm pretty confident that Vilma doesn't fear some gay football player. He stated the obvious, he would be uncomfortable around a male football player that enjoys sex with men. He didn't not say the guy wanted him or would be attracted to him. Can't someone disagree with a behavior that some think is deviant? If Vilma was or is a Christian, then being gay is sinful, does he not have a right to that opinion?
Like it or not, his statement rings of truth, not everybody is going to be accepting of a gay football player, showering and bathing with them.
Please stop comparing this BS to the Civil Rights era or the time period blacks went through. When you are Black you can't really hide that fact, your skin complexion is not a choice. I'm sure some will say your sexual orientation is not either, I disagree, his penis is not being pulled by some supernatural force to another man's anus, that's beside the point though.
He should have just kept his damn mouth shut. There are players that have multiple partners, wife's that allow extra martial affairs and or partners, players with children outside their relationship or marriage. They are not on TMZ broadcasting it.
He is using it to gather fame, and become, "that gay" player. He is just another gay man in America, he should have just kept it to himself, the media should stop airing this type of BS anyway it is not newsworthy anymore.
C'mon man, just stop it! Stop the Bullsh*t! Here we go with the prhomo-sexual babble and demonizing of people who simply do not agree with it and uncomfortable around it. This is in no way similar to what J.R. or any black athlete faced. The color our skin cannot be changed or hidden and the discrimination we faced was based on irrational hate and illogical. We faced much greater challenges than simply wanting to let everyone know we like azz. Smdh! This equating gay to civil rights is disrespectful to our ancestors who were enslaved, tortured, raped and murdered for over 250 years and denied civil rights another 100 years and down right ignorant as hell, especially coming from a black man. It's negroes like you who've allowed our struggle for equality and justice in this society to be marginalized by this gay movement. Say N*gga and all you have to do is say I'm sorry and all is well. Say ****** and all hell breaks loose, you fined or fired, or you have to give national apologized and work with the LGBT. You blind negroes literally falling for the banana in the tail pipe. And for you, supposedly an educated black man, to equate this gay b.s. to black struggle in any fashion shows how miseducated you really are when it come to our culture history, heritage, and our struggle.Originally posted by canesrule21'ships:
Can't believe I agree with Ocean but right is right. Vilma's comments remind me of what Jackie Robinson faced."Don't hate black people but don't want to use the same shower/toilet/locker room." It's just ignorance and fear. Vilma just diminished the value of my UM diploma.
As to Ocean's point. Homophobia, based in part on fear, probably has some component of people who are or fear they might be locked in a closet. Not saying every homophobe is gay, just maybe 50%.
Vilma does need to STFU.
Posted from
+1... And the Obamas will be out of the White House once and for all in less than two years, so that alone is reason to celebrate...Originally posted by lkantor:
Sam ought to keep his mouth shut. Unbelievable, he even gets praise from Obama's wife!!! Not surprised. What happens if I was a star football player coming out saying I only can have sex with two women at one time .... Would Obama's wife praise me? Man this stuff is personal, keep your own personal shit to yourself.
I don't care if you are gay, a transvestite, transsexual whatever, I do not want know or hear you publicize your personal issues and I certainly don't think Obama's wife has any place to be praising his personal sexual principals.
I have no issues with the above preferences, but they need to be kept pesonal and not publicized.
Lol... "in the face of ignorance"- some people on this Board and their misguided moral authority. What constitutes a different opinion on a particular topic does not always constitute ignorance when that differing opinion is supported by facts coupled with common sense.Originally posted by cdwright40:
Not a slap in the face to Mr. Robinson. I think he would be proud of this young man for his courage in the face of ignorance.
Not exactly the same thing. You make a choice to sleep with two women. You are born gay. That isn't what the first lady was praising. She was praising this young mans courage to stand up because by doing that it brings much needed discussion that may help other gay people.Originally posted by lkantor:
Sam ought to keep his mouth shut. Unbelievable, he even gets praise from Obama's wife!!! Not surprised. What happens if I was a star football player coming out saying I only can have sex with two women at one time .... Would Obama's wife praise me? Man this stuff is personal, keep your own personal shit to yourself.
I don't care if you are gay, a transvestite, transsexual whatever, I do not want know or hear you publicize your personal issues and I certainly don't think Obama's wife has any place to be praising his personal sexual principals.
I have no issues with the above preferences, but they need to be kept pesonal and not publicized.
Sir you are being hypocritical because my opinion happens to be there is ignorance. Based on your comments, you can have your opinion but I can't have my own? What you think is common sense or viewed as a fact isn't necessarily viewed by others that way either. So, before you call someone out for being a moral authority, maybe you should look at the man in the mirror...then ask him to change his ways.Originally posted by advarkas:
Lol... "in the face of ignorance"- some people on this Board and their misguided moral authority. What constitutes a different opinion on a particular topic does not always constitute ignorance when that differing opinion is supported by facts coupled with common sense.Originally posted by cdwright40:
Not a slap in the face to Mr. Robinson. I think he would be proud of this young man for his courage in the face of ignorance.
This post was edited on 2/11 11:44 AM by advarkas
Originally posted by Azar:
C'mon man, just stop it! Stop the Bullsh*t! Here we go with the prhomo-sexual babble and demonizing of people who simply do not agree with it and uncomfortable around it. This is in no way similar to what J.R. or any black athlete faced. The color our skin cannot be changed or hidden and the discrimination we faced was based on irrational hate and illogical. We faced much greater challenges than simply wanting to let everyone know we like azz. Smdh! This equating gay to civil rights is disrespectful to our ancestors who were enslaved, tortured, raped and murdered for over 250 years and denied civil rights another 100 years and down right ignorant as hell, especially coming from a black man. It's negroes like you who've allowed our struggle for equality and justice in this society to be marginalized by this gay movement. Say N*gga and all you have to do is say I'm sorry and all is well. Say ****** and all hell breaks loose, you fined or fired, or you have to give national apologized and work with the LGBT. You blind negroes literally falling for the banana in the tail pipe. And for you, supposedly an educated black man, to equate this gay b.s. to black struggle in any fashion shows how miseducated you really are when it come to our culture history, heritage, and our struggle.Originally posted by canesrule21'ships:
Can't believe I agree with Ocean but right is right. Vilma's comments remind me of what Jackie Robinson faced."Don't hate black people but don't want to use the same shower/toilet/locker room." It's just ignorance and fear. Vilma just diminished the value of my UM diploma.
As to Ocean's point. Homophobia, based in part on fear, probably has some component of people who are or fear they might be locked in a closet. Not saying every homophobe is gay, just maybe 50%.
Vilma does need to STFU.
Posted from
Secondly, the term homophobia makes no sense, believing something is immoral or unnatural does not equal fearing it. Are you a pedo-phobe, are war-aphobe, republi-phobe? Is this how we describe sh*t we don't agree with now, it being tabbed as a phobia? This is got to be the dumbest sh*t, and one of the best Jedi-mind tricks pulled on a society and you jackazzes are falling for it hook, line, and sinker.
Lastly, you think that just because society has been proselytized and reconditioned by the gay mafia into believing homosexuality is now normal that it should also change a natural and instinctive reaction? I and any real man finds it repulsive to see to men kissing or to even think about two men having sex. Just because "society" says it's o.k., it's not suppose to make me feel that way anymore? If society one day says its o.k. to screw kids, screw animals, eat cockroaches, and bathe in sh*t, will these things all of a sudden not disgust you anymore because most people agree with it? You'd all of a sudden be able to look at someone screw an animal or bathe in sh*t and not have a visceral reaction to it, right? You prhomos make no sense at all, and you gotta be semi-gay if this sh*t doesn't bother you in anyway. If your a man talking about its ok for you child to gay then you've been converted to semi-gay! Vilma is absolutely correct and has every right not to be comfortable or accept that BS. Thinking that a homosexual male might find another male attractive in a locker room full of elite athletes is neither irrational or impossible. Equating skin melanin, a biologically normal and unchangeable condition of the human body for a people commonly known as black people, is irrational and irresponsible.
This post was edited on 2/11 10:33 AM by Azar
Originally posted by lkantor:
Sam ought to keep his mouth shut. Unbelievable, he even gets praise from Obama's wife!!! Not surprised. What happens if I was a star football player coming out saying I only can have sex with two women at one time .... Would Obama's wife praise me? Man this stuff is personal, keep your own personal shit to yourself.
I don't care if you are gay, a transvestite, transsexual whatever, I do not want know or hear you publicize your personal issues and I certainly don't think Obama's wife has any place to be praising his personal sexual principals.
I have no issues with the above preferences, but they need to be kept pesonal and not publicized.
According to Ocean,CD,rerun and andyctree yes. Now normal people would not praise abhorrent, unnatural behavior, and thank God the vast majority on the board are not morally bankrupt and or brainwashed.Originally posted by Tim1977:
Should we praise rapists and child molesters because they're born that way? Would anyone actually choose to be a rapist or child molester? It's just how they were born.
Can you offer scientific prove that a person is born gay? So why are there so many gay males who marry and later divorce and become homosexual? Are bisexual people born gay and heterosexual or are they just greedy and want it both?Originally posted by cdwright40:
Not exactly the same thing. You make a choice to sleep with two women. You are born gay. That isn't what the first lady was praising. She was praising this young mans courage to stand up because by doing that it brings much needed discussion that may help other gay people.Originally posted by lkantor:
Sam ought to keep his mouth shut. Unbelievable, he even gets praise from Obama's wife!!! Not surprised. What happens if I was a star football player coming out saying I only can have sex with two women at one time .... Would Obama's wife praise me? Man this stuff is personal, keep your own personal shit to yourself.
I don't care if you are gay, a transvestite, transsexual whatever, I do not want know or hear you publicize your personal issues and I certainly don't think Obama's wife has any place to be praising his personal sexual principals.
I have no issues with the above preferences, but they need to be kept pesonal and not publicized.
The first ladys place is anywhere she wants it to be. She is the first lady. She decides what she speaks on. Not anyone of us.
How do you know that people aren't born to sleep with 2 women? There is the same scientific evidence to support that as there is to being born gay.Originally posted by cdwright40:
Not exactly the same thing. You make a choice to sleep with two women. You are born gay. That isn't what the first lady was praising. She was praising this young mans courage to stand up because by doing that it brings much needed discussion that may help other gay people.
The first ladys place is anywhere she wants it to be. She is the first lady. She decides what she speaks on. Not anyone of us.
No, I am calling people ignorant that feel he should not be allowed to openly discuss being gay especially when the media is starting to harass him about itOriginally posted by NCTopgoon:
So Andy, he has the right to chug cock, but everyone else has no right to be repulsed by it?
You're calling everyone "ignorant" who doesn't support the gay lifestyle.
Wow, this is a great thread. We're finding out who the gays are. Cool