Jonathan Vilma on Michael Sam

Originally posted by ocean1023:
You just proved you are a Homophobe MORON! You assumed because I shot down Vilma and support the right of a gay person to be in the NFL I am gay. Bigger proof you are a Homophope I could not present!!!!! Did you read my post. I said I would stand there stark naked and ask my new gay teammate if he had any hot female friends he could set me up with. To your STUPID Unisex locker room comment. Men and women don't play in the same arena on the same team genius. Nice try.

All you guys are the biggest closet gay guys of all time!!!!

If a gay teammate acted inappropriately in any way to me I would immediately report that. If a gay teammate was physically inappropriate toward me I would likely punch him in the face.

But if a gay teammate looked at me and acted toward me the same way my straight teammates do explain to me again why I should have a problem?? Please explain that to me again with details PLEASE!!!

The closet gay crew is HILARIOUS!! All the straight men on this site are in a panic and grabbing the pitchforks and torches if a gay teammate takes a too long a glance at your package. LOL!!!! A gay teammate can look at my package all he wants and I still will have no sexual interest or any reaction whatsoever.

It's obvious this site is not filled with Psychology or Psychiatry major! You guys want to deny a gay guy the right to make a living as an NFL football player because the truth is what you are "uncomfortable" with and must avoid at all cost is that knowing the you might get turned on by a gay teammate accidently glancing at your package. HILARIOUS!!!!!! This site is best entertainment ever!!!!
Nah the fact that you're getting so worked up about this.... I'm pretty sure you're gay. It's OK dude, just come out.
Drones are kind of gay right?
Bend and don't break is kind of gay though. I mean the defense.
However I do support gay rights. Maybe not on par with discrimination based on race in the modern era but discrimination against gays is itself kind of gay. JMHO.
Posted from[/URL]
A man piercing his penis in the rectum of another man is wrong... PERIOD!

A man having sex with another man is wrong... Period!

Now, Jon Vilma has the right to feel uncomfortable being naked around a man has who sex with other men. Vilma has not discriminated against this player and nor does he have the right to discriminate, and nor has he, however, have the right to discriminate against a gay person-- THAT IS NOT OKAY! Prejudice has no place in this country; however two men having sex is wrong!

I have lots of crap that I have done in my life that was just wrong. Was I still entitled to my rights in this country? Yes. However, my acts were still wrong. Should people have discriminated against me because of my acts? No, but they did have the right to hold me responsible for my act that were wrong.

Homosexuality is unnatural, however the homosexual has as much right as anyone else in this country.

The act of homosexuality is wrong, but that does not make the homosexual a bad person-- confused to the highest degree, but not a bad person... PERIOD!
Originally posted by wake4law_cane4life:

Originally posted by Azar:

Originally posted by wake4law_cane4life:
Outside of a few posters, I think the total amount of brain cells on this thread is incredibly low. A few quick things:

1) Azar, you are a moron. Black people don't have a monopoly on bad beats in history. Gay people were being burned at the stake in medieval Europe centuries before blacks ever were enslaved. In fact, the term "******" is derived from a particular pile of wood that was used to burn witches and homosexuals alive. So basically, you're an idiot for thinking gay people haven't endured as much hardship in history. You can believe what you want, or you can use facts. Also, the shitt that came from your mouth about being disgusted by it etc is the SAME argument white people used to use for not wanting black people to share their toilets and drink from their fountains- because it disgusted them. So congratulations, you have become the type of intolerant bigot who treated your ancestors like shit. You're a hypocrite and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

2) "you make a choice to sleep with two women but you're born gay" excellent statement. Equating being gay to rape, pedophilia, and bestiality is absurd and only a halfwit would ever do so.

3) for those of you demanding to see the gay gene I ask you when did you choose to become straight and if you never chose it, please direct me to the portion of your genetic code that made you straight (hint: you can't because they haven't found it yet).
First of all, you ignorantly arrogant, white supremacist fool, a few fags being burned at the stakes is fckn joke in comparison, 350 years of enslavement, torture, murder and every crime known to man being committed against a people! It is arrogant clowns like you who have not one bit of knowledge of the suffering of African people nor do you care but choose to make dumbazz statements like this. African scholarly estimates, not make me not look so bad US estimates, of slaves who died during the 100's of miles slaves were trekked across Africa to the shipping ports, during the middle passage, and during the 100's of years of slavery are 20-50 million. Mr. white supremacist minded clown, fags being burned at the stake, really? How many fags were trekked in shackles and put in ships like fckn sardines, sh*tn & pissin, and women's menstrual cycles spilling on each other for 3-4 months at time? How many fags endured this and being fckn starved and dehydrated at the same time? How many fags were simply thrown overboard and fed to sharks as they lost typically 30-40% of the Africans taken. How How many fags were snatched from there lives, taken away from there native lands and stripped culture, language, family, and God concept? How many fckn generations of fags were worked in fckn fields 7 days a week with no pay and beaten and tortured for any reason including not working fast enough? How many fags had their family members constantly being sold of, mothers, daughters, and sons(by fag pedophiles) being raped as young as 8 & 9 years old? When were fags considered 3/5 of a person and fckn property? When were fags denied human right, voting right, experienced fag codes like black codes, not allowed to go to school or killed for reading? When were fags denied service at restaurants, housing, not allowed to vote, denied jobs based, etc. back by fckn government laws? I could go on you arrogantly ignorant coward! The problem is, idiots like you know nothing about anyone's history other than the white lies you've been sold about yourselves. Therefore, you lack any fckn empathy, knowledge or compassion for the people who, in fact, experienced the worst tragedy in history, bar none. I'm not here to compare pain or claim black people are the only people who suffered but best believe when an ignorant azz fool like yourself comes speaking ridiculous sh*t about a fag having suffered anything remotely close to the fckn torture this country exacted upon my people, I'm going to give your azz the business and check your ignorance and disrespect.. Now you jackazz, since you wanna draw a comparison and give me that blacks aren't the only suffers spiel, give me these fag facts about Europe and how they suffered and continue making a fckn fool out of yourself. And while you're at, tell me who or what other people were removed from there fckn homeland by ships and enslaved for hundreds of years. You show all the fckn sensitivity in the world about this fag issue but you same cowards fighting for this will disrespect any black man who speaks about the tragedy of what this country has done to African people. Your fake as morals and ethics are just that, you insensitive disrespectful bastard!
First off, I am not sure why you decided it necessary to go at length to describe the plight of african americans in our nation's history- nobody on here is disputing that the treatment of African Americans has been, and remains to a degree to this day, horrific. I simply stated that this is true of other groups at other points in time throughout history as well. You can google this if you truly are interested in educating yourself on ALL issues, but for one quick example, France enacted laws in 1208 that required anyone found to be engaging in homosexual sex to be castrated on a first offense and be burned alive at the stake on a second offense. The law allowed the government to seize all the property of such a person and not even let their family take any of it. Bad stuff has happened throughout history to a lot of people, I dont think it is very useful for the different groups to try and one up each other and say who had it worse.

What I do find interesting is that you did not dispute anything what so ever that I said in my post. I must therefore take your lack of disagreement with it to mean that you begrudgingly accept everything I said as accurate. Unless of course you have recently discovered the "straight" gene and wish to share it with us here?

And by the way, people in this thread are telling me that you are usually a smart and educated guy and I am trying to see it here, but when you resort to calling me a white supremacist without knowing a damn thing about me - you don't even know for sure I am white!!!- even if you saw a picture in my profile who says that is me?). My colleagues here find it humorous that I am being called a white supremacist by you whilst I work diligently on my legal research aimed at improving the disparity between how black men and the rest of society are treated by the police...
And this is my point and why I took the time to drop some specifics on your ignorant azz. It's because people like you who trivialize and marginalize the death and destruction black folks experience because you, like many white america, shun and fear the responsibility of your forefathers in this criminal act. Also, you shun the responsibility of the perpetuation of racism that gone on since. And, you attempt to use some weak azz argument that homos and others went through the same thing in your further attempt to paint a broad brush and marginalize it. Yet, when called to task the only thing you can do is urge me to look up some weak azz example about homo's being castrated. Lmbao! And this is your basis for comparison, right? In your white supremacist mind, slavery was nothing and a few quick examples of the homo's d*ck being cut off is enough for you to draw a parallel. Wow! Maybe you missed the part about black men constantly being castrated during slavery as well. One of your type's favorite deflecting statements, "Ahhh it happened to other people too" as if this somehow justifies or mitigates the damage done. Maybe we can all start saying that when crime is committed, "Ahhh, many women have been raped?" "Ahhh, people get murdered all the time". Let's tell the Jews when they mention the holocaust, Ahhh many people were killed and burned, they burned people at the stakes all the time." Lets see how cool that is, huh? The logic, insensitivity, and racism in the way some of you think is ridiculous.

Now, for the let's address the hypocritical sh*t your currently doing, so if a straight black man speaks about the history of injustice his people have been subjected to in this country, he's whining but when the homo speaks about it then it's, "Awww the poor gay guy". Is this how the sh*t works in your white supremacist mind? Why sure it does because you don't see the black man on the same humanly level, unless another cause such as the gay issue is attached to him, nor do you have any respect for the Black American plight. You're full of bigoted hypocrisy, arrogance, and stupidity. I could give a rats azz about your colleagues and what they think, most negroes in this country have been educated from a Eurocentric perspective and do not see, recognize, or process issues with a conscious African thought process, thus they will never recognize the nuances of white supremacy nor its construct.

P.S. I don't need to see a pic of you, your thought process tells me all I need to know. I happen to be an individual with an uncanny knack for knowing a person isn't black just from listening or reading a few of his thoughts. I'm seldom wrong on this....

This post was edited on 2/11 7:09 PM by Azar
Blacks being enslaved was wrong... it was a dark day in our history...So was genocide of millions of native Americans... So was the Spanish enslaving the south american Indians... The Jews. Were enslaved for a thousand years...I dont hear ANYONE shedding any tears for any of those people.....Racism has been around since the first time one caveman saw he wasn't alone.....Everyone is racist....the ones that continue to blame everyone but themselves are normally the worst ones of all...
Originally posted by Caneship:
Blacks being enslaved was wrong... it was a dark day in our history...So was genocide of millions of native Americans... So was the Spanish enslaving the south american Indians... The Jews. Were enslaved for a thousand years...I dont hear ANYONE shedding any tears for any of those people.....Racism has been around since the first time one caveman saw he wasn't alone.....Everyone is racist....the ones that continue to blame everyone but themselves are normally the worst ones of all...
I was waiting on the Jewish enslavement fairytale to surface. Lol. When and where were "Jews" enslaved? And what thousands of years were they enslaved? Give me some dates, place, etc. Were these Jews black white? Please, don't start with the Egypt fairytale because there's absolutely not one bit a proof of a Jewish enslavement at anytime in history especially not in Northeast Africa (i.e. Kemet), now referred to as Egypt. I was waiting on Salt to claim they built the pyramids as well. I'm sure he was referring to the Pyramids of Giza but what about the other 100+ pyramids in Egypt? What about the pyramids in Nubia? Who built them? Did they sculpt the Heremakhet as well? What about the temples and obelisk, them too? The Giza pyramids are 6000 years old and there are some Nubian pyramids older and still standing. The construction of these pyramids and there relation to the cosmos are an architectural wonder yet some of you are still holding on to the slaves built them lie. Smh. This is the problem when you are sold a bill of goods about your history in order to discredit others. You start sounding ridiculous....
This post was edited on 2/11 8:00 PM by Azar
Azar, you clearly aren't interested in actual facts. You prefer to say wild things that have no basis in reality like I refuse to accept responsibility for the horrific acts of my forefathers. I do accept that fact which is why I do the work I do. You have now repeatedly tried to shift the focus of this debate to one about the plight of black people, which is a classic tactic used by those afraid of an argument to engage in relevant details about that argument. In court when someone does what you are doing here, the judge prevents them on grounds of relevance. If you want to have a discussion about racism in America, start a different thread and I'm sure you and I will end up agreeing about almost everything in that thread, if you want to support your ludicrous bigotry against homosexuals, I urge you to do so. But we both know that your position is indefensible so it's not surprise to see you trying to shift the topic.
Originally posted by wake4law_cane4life:
Azar, you clearly aren't interested in actual facts. You prefer to say wild things that have no basis in reality like I refuse to accept responsibility for the horrific acts of my forefathers. I do accept that fact which is why I do the work I do. You have now repeatedly tried to shift the focus of this debate to one about the plight of black people, which is a classic tactic used by those afraid of an argument to engage in relevant details about that argument. In court when someone does what you are doing here, the judge prevents them on grounds of relevance. If you want to have a discussion about racism in America, start a different thread and I'm sure you and I will end up agreeing about almost everything in that thread, if you want to support your ludicrous bigotry against homosexuals, I urge you to do so. But we both know that your position is indefensible so it's not surprise to see you trying to shift the topic.
Listen, it was you who attacked/addressed me regarding my refusal to allow the homosexual plight to be compared to that of Black Americans. It's was you who attempted to marginalize my history because I refused to accept such a comparison. As Stalone said in the Rambo, it was you who drew first blood. That's your opinion regarding the relevancy, I believe it to be very relevant in making a clear distinction of the history of homosexuality vs the history of slavery and oppression. To compare the two is comparing a school yard brawl to the World Wars, it's that absurd. White homosexuals have been in every aspect of business, government, and every social setting since the beginning of America as we know it. You know why? Because all they had to do is not let on they like guys, imagine that. They were actually able to hide it and just be white. Not one time have a stated that I hate homosexuals, all of my points have been against the promotion and forced morals people like you and the gay movement are forcing on those who do not approve of it. How is that bigotry? How is not liking or not accepting an unnatural act bigotry? Did I say they should be harm or disadvantaged in anyway? Did I say they shouldn't have rights? No, not one time. What I did say from the beginning is the people who simply don't approve are vilified which is exactly what you are doing and exactly the reason I defend my right to stand on my own morals and principles and not let a morally corrupt society dictate my norms. If you don't want to hear about black history, don't attempt baseless comparison such as with this gay movement......Now if what I said still qualifies me under this ridiculous term of homophobe that's been manufactured by the gay mafia, then so be it. I'll be that.....
This post was edited on 2/11 9:26 PM by Azar
"i'm not a bigot, its just that The gay mafia bullied me and I'm ready to stand up for myself and say NO"


This is like an SNL episode, not a useful debate.

This post was edited on 2/11 9:47 PM by wake4law_cane4life
Vilma has a right to be uncomfortable with a gay man in the showers with him........That does not mean he is a bigot.

He did not say he was uncomfortable with them on the field or having lunch/ was in the shower.

I can understand that. I would too and I am friendly with gay people and work with them all the time. I am not mean to them, I don't make fun of them and I treat them like I would want to be treated.

I would understand if a woman who was not my wife/girlfriend did not want to share a shower with me. Heck I am uncomfortable sharing a shower with anyone not my wife or girlfriend.
Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by GILL06:

Being gay and black are not comparable Civil Rights issues: Case in point. The gay football player could still get a job back in the 70's or 80's, because for 1. he does not have to disclose his sexual orientation as a homosexual, 2. It does not ask it on his job application.

He disclosed his orientation because he wanted to. He could have simply said that the question has nothing to do with football or how well he will play it.

You are not born gay, you may think people are, but there is no evidence to support it.

CD you suggested that animals are gay, some are also born as albinos, which is a genetic error or mutation, these animals do not live very long in the wild.

Some lions resort to homosexuality in the absence of a female. There is no such thing as a clown fish being born female, the oldest male in a community becomes female when the previous one dies.

I assume in nature homosexuality is out of necessity, it would be hard to pass this "homosexual" trait when it is impossible to reproduce in that manner.

Humans are different, they have the ability to rationalize and they have emotions. Some women get hurt by men consistently, and turn to other females for comfort...thinking they will not be hurt by another woman.

About 6 years ago in an Ebony magazine issue, they talked about how black women on college campuses were having a higher level of homosexual experiences, which was contributed to the lack of Black Men on their college campus and over abundance of Black men in prison.

My brother has been in prison for 20 plus years, he has made 6 kids on the small amount of time he has been out of prison. He is 6ft 3 about 245 pounds. I would be lying to you if I told you he never engaged in homosexual behavior....

My question to you is this?
He loves women, he has 6 kids and a slew of women writing him in prison...How does he satisfy his sexual urges being in a prison for that long? You may say he was born with it. I think he is just a lazy azz bum that wants to do wrong?
I wouldn't assume anything. I never said animals are gay. I said there is homosexuality in every species. That is every species known to it is not out of necessity. It is not a defect because these are all Gods creatures. You are suggesting there is something wrong with his/her creations. It is the circle of life. That is all. A part of nature and it isn't anything to make a big deal out of at all. IT doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever that someone is Gay...or black, or white, or anything.

What you are saying can be turned around into suggesting if something isn't as you think it should be there is a defect. You could say maybe someone is black due to a defect in nature or necessity. To me it is all bullsh't. We are who we are meant to be. We are not meant to be the same. WE are all meant to be different for a reason. This is part of the genius.
so homosexuality and gay are two different things? There is not homosexuality in every animal. The Killer Whale is a monogamous animal, even after the death of its mate it may not mate again with any other mate. Homosexuality in the animal kingdom is mostly out of necessity....there are no gay animals that just happen to like the same sex. In nature an animal's extinct is to procreate...for survival. Man has emotions and a need to fit in. In nature its the survival of the fittest...there is no Civil Rights on the plains of the Sahara Desert.

I appreciate your comments, no one is getting beside themselves with crazy comments. Sure God doesn't make mistakes, but people do. No one has accountability anymore just do what feels good....go figure
Originally posted by SaltwaterCane:

Originally posted by GILL06

Being gay and black are not comparable Civil Rights issues: Case in point. The gay football player could still get a job back in the 70's or 80's, because for 1. he does not have to disclose his sexual orientation as a homosexual, 2. It does not ask it on his job application.

He disclosed his orientation because he wanted to. He could have simply said that the question has nothing to do with football or how well he will play it.

You are not born gay, you may think people are, but there is no evidence to support it.

CD you suggested that animals are gay, some are also born as albinos, which is a genetic error or mutation, these animals do not live very long in the wild.

Some lions resort to homosexuality in the absence of a female. There is no such thing as a clown fish being born female, the oldest male in a community becomes female when the previous one dies.

I assume in nature homosexuality is out of necessity, it would be hard to pass this "homosexual" trait when it is impossible to reproduce in that manner.

Humans are different, they have the ability to rationalize and they have emotions. Some women get hurt by men consistently, and turn to other females for comfort...thinking they will not be hurt by another woman.

About 6 years ago in an Ebony magazine issue, they talked about how black women on college campuses were having a higher level of homosexual experiences, which was contributed to the lack of Black Men on their college campus and over abundance of Black men in prison.

My brother has been in prison for 20 plus years, he has made 6 kids on the small amount of time he has been out of prison. He is 6ft 3 about 245 pounds. I would be lying to you if I told you he never engaged in homosexual behavior....

My question to you is this?
He loves women, he has 6 kids and a slew of women writing him in prison...How does he satisfy his sexual urges being in a prison for that long? You may say he was born with it. I think he is just a lazy azz bum that wants to do wrong?

easy. satisfying his sexual urges is completely separate from sexual orientation. you proved it by stating humans have an intellectual ability despite physical urges. I am straight but I mean I could go have sex with another man, I wouldnt but I know I could if I wanted. does that make me homosexual? it doesnt, it merely means I habe engaged in homosexual acts.

have you never done anything you dont want to? the power of reason and choice is interesting among humans.

Posted from
If you are willing to have sex with another man that does make it a homosexual act making the person gay. I have 3 brothers, neither of the other 3 have a relationship with him, steaming from the fact that he has exhibited homosexual behavior. Its just wrong to me, I would never do the gay thing for any reason...So HELP ME GOD!
Originally posted by andyctree Do you realize that he is becoming a very public figure by going into the NFL, and that the media is going to question his sexuality?

If a reporter asked him if he was gay should he say No? Should he say Yes?

He knew the question was going to come, and did not feel like hiding from it was the correct course for him to take.

I really don't see how people don't realize that his reason for saying it was because it was going to become public, and he preferred to be the one to say it rather than having some Chuckie Robinson expose.
This is 100% correct. Folks in Mizzou have been expecting this because he never really tried to hide it.

It was simply done to beat the media to the punch and be honest with future teammates because he wasn't going to hide his sexuality.

Whether you think it's right, wrong, or your indifferent at least realize this wasn't a "Look at Me" move by Sam. Kid had no choice unless he was going to live a lie for his playing career.

Vilma has a right to say and feel however he chooses. He also has to accept the reaction for making it public, just like Sam.
Only people that would compare the "plight" of homosexuals to slavery should be the ones ashamed of themselves.

If you want to make homosexual lifestyle choices then knock yourself self out pal. You are free to do so. I don't agree and I have a right not to. So with the same vigor you make those lifestyle choices others have a right not to agree and to not follow your lifestyle choices. I also find it hilarious listening to northeastern libs (you know who you are) talk about God's creatures. Were the 55 million fetus' aborted God's kids too lib? This society is toxic and with zero grasp of morality and the fact that we argue these issues is proof. It's truly sad.

Everyone has free will and every man can choose his own path. God made it that way. Make your choice, but don't for a second think this is Russia or Venezuela or Cuba were others can't have a view. Just because someone doesn't share your views however moral or immoral doesn't make them bad let alone wrong. God is judge.

This post was edited on 2/11 11:01 PM by surfstang
A homosexual male should be treated like a female in locker room situations. If that person is on an all male team they should be separated where privacy is a concern. We dont let men in womens locker rooms and women shouldnt be in mens locker rooms during times of undress. Its not fair that VIlma comes under the liberal thought police's scrutiny when we hold separate rules for men in a female locker room than we do for gay men in a man's locker room. All other team functions are normal.This would make things more comfortable for all involvedand is fair.
A biologically aberrant minority shouldnt hold a biologically normal majority hostage. Society wont stand for it and if this is pushed too far the pushback will be destructive.
Originally posted by sabrose:
A homosexual male should be treated like a female in locker room situations. If that person is on an all male team they should be separated where privacy is a concern. We dont let men in womens locker rooms and women shouldnt be in mens locker rooms during times of undress. Its not fair that VIlma comes under the liberal thought police's scrutiny when we hold separate rules for men in a female locker room than we do for gay men in a man's locker room. All other team functions are normal.This would make things more comfortable for all involvedand is fair.
A biologically aberrant minority shouldnt hold a biologically normal majority hostage. Society wont stand for it and if this is pushed too far the pushback will be destructive.
You're a disgrace to my profession.
Originally posted by wake4law_cane4life:

Originally posted by sabrose:
A homosexual male should be treated like a female in locker room situations. If that person is on an all male team they should be separated where privacy is a concern. We dont let men in womens locker rooms and women shouldnt be in mens locker rooms during times of undress. Its not fair that VIlma comes under the liberal thought police's scrutiny when we hold separate rules for men in a female locker room than we do for gay men in a man's locker room. All other team functions are normal.This would make things more comfortable for all involvedand is fair.
A biologically aberrant minority shouldnt hold a biologically normal majority hostage. Society wont stand for it and if this is pushed too far the pushback will be destructive.
You're a disgrace to my profession.
What exactly did he say that makes him a disgrace? He offered a reasonable solution to the problem. Don't even think about replying to compare giving gay men a separate shower/locker area to segregation and Jim Crow laws. The difference that gay men have is a sexual one and showering/changing with a gay guy is EXACTLY the same as if I went in and showered with a women's team. I don't want to bang every single girl but I'll sure as hell be checking them out and will probably want to bang a couple of them.

He is also right about the fact that gay people are a biologically aberrant minority. They can do whatever they want with each other and their lifestyle doesn't hurt anybody else (well, except for the increased health care cost due to the MUCH higher rates of HIV/STDs that need treatment). The fact is that being gay is not "normal" in the same way that somebody born disabled isn't "normal." In both cases there is something different about the person. In the latter case it is physical instead of mental and society tries to help them live a more normal life.

So again, I ask what makes him a disgrace to your profession?
Wow, we have plumbed new depths of ignorance on this Board. Doesn't speak well of our educational system.

There are scientific facts which contrast with superstitious beliefs. Facts are facts (truth) and superstitious beliefs are not facts but are based on ignorance, biases and stereotypes handed down from generation to generation.

That's all I have to say about it. SMDH
Posted from[/URL]
Why does it matter? Why does Sam have to "come out" to the world? I don't schedule a news conference to let the world know I love pussy. And why would a gay guy make anyone uncomfortable? If I'm naked and he checks me out its because I'm a good looking dude. He's not going to rape me. I check women out and besides my wife giving me a dirty look, it's harmless. I don't enjoy showering in locker rooms because I enjoy my privacy. Doesn't matter if there's a gay guy or not. I don't understand why being gay is such a big deal. Or why it enrages people so much that gay/lesbians want to get married. Who gives a shit!?

There are people into some seriously weird shit sexually that are hetero. Being gay/lesbian isn't weird to me. It's different then the norm, sure, but that doesn't make it impossible to deal with. I'm sure in one locker room or the other I've been in there was a gay guy. The fact I had no idea is because it doesn't matter. If he checked me out then I'm glad I'm worth checking out. I'm just sick of it mattering. Who cares if he's gay or straight. Tell people in normal conversation like when I tell people I like blondes with nice tits. Stop with the overreactions and the news conferences.

And to the weird guy that posted liking a woman's ass is the same as liking a man's...WTF?!!! You have some internal issues you need to deal with.
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Originally posted by Canesman511:
Why does it matter? Why does Sam have to "come out" to the world? I don't schedule a news conference to let the world know I love pussy. And why would a gay guy make anyone uncomfortable? If I'm naked and he checks me out its because I'm a good looking dude. He's not going to rape me. I check women out and besides my wife giving me a dirty look, it's harmless. I don't enjoy showering in locker rooms because I enjoy my privacy. Doesn't matter if there's a gay guy or not. I don't understand why being gay is such a big deal. Or why it enrages people so much that gay/lesbians want to get married. Who gives a shit!?

There are people into some seriously weird shit sexually that are hetero. Being gay/lesbian isn't weird to me. It's different then the norm, sure, but that doesn't make it impossible to deal with. I'm sure in one locker room or the other I've been in there was a gay guy. The fact I had no idea is because it doesn't matter. If he checked me out then I'm glad I'm worth checking out. I'm just sick of it mattering. Who cares if he's gay or straight. Tell people in normal conversation like when I tell people I like blondes with nice tits. Stop with the overreactions and the news conferences.

And to the weird guy that posted liking a woman's ass is the same as liking a man's...WTF?!!! You have some internal issues you need to deal with.
It isn't the same for you as it is for a gay person. It is a big deal for a lot of people. That is their opinion. Don't assume because it isn't a big deal for you, everyone feels the same way. Unfortunately, it is a big deal for a lot of people. Where you having sex with someone of the opposite sex is not a big deal. This isn't very difficult to understand.

He feels he needs to come out because he understands it is a big deal for SOME people. He doesn't want his teammates and coaches to be blindsided by it. Lastly, it brings light to the gay community in an effort to establish it not being a big deal.

A lot of people give a sh't. That is why it is all over the news. If they didn't, noody would care and it wouldn't even be a news story.
Well put and you're right there will be a push back, the pendulum always swings back.
Originally posted by sabrose:
A homosexual male should be treated like a female in locker room situations. If that person is on an all male team they should be separated where privacy is a concern. We dont let men in womens locker rooms and women shouldnt be in mens locker rooms during times of undress. Its not fair that VIlma comes under the liberal thought police's scrutiny when we hold separate rules for men in a female locker room than we do for gay men in a man's locker room. All other team functions are normal.This would make things more comfortable for all involvedand is fair.
A biologically aberrant minority shouldnt hold a biologically normal majority hostage. Society wont stand for it and if this is pushed too far the pushback will be destructive.
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Originally posted by wake4law_cane4life:
GILL, where did you get your phd in marine biology? Or did you just stay at a holiday inn express last night?
I am an educator and author, I like to read...LOL, I live in Georgia there is a snow storm so just in the house finishing up school...matter of fact I'm working on my PHD but its not in marine biology.

I must say I enjoy reading the posts in here, especially no one has gotten into any rants or stupidity. So I enjoy the difference of opinion and the ability to debate in a friendly manner.
A news article just came out that Sam's father is having serious issues dealing with Sam's Announcement....His statement

"I couldn't eat no more, so I went to Applebee's to have drinks," said Sam Sr. "I don't want my grandkids raised in that kind of environment...I'm old-school. I'm a man and a woman type of guy."

This coming from his own father, he is an old school type of guy...means he doesn't have to accept any one else's view on homosexuality, including the views of his own son.
Originally posted by GILL06:

Originally posted by wake4law_cane4life:
GILL, where did you get your phd in marine biology? Or did you just stay at a holiday inn express last night?
I am an educator and author, I like to read...LOL, I live in Georgia there is a snow storm so just in the house finishing up school...matter of fact I'm working on my PHD but its not in marine biology.

I must say I enjoy reading the posts in here, especially no one has gotten into any rants or stupidity. So I enjoy the difference of opinion and the ability to debate in a friendly manner.
Good stuff Gill, and your points have been well articulated. I'm also a writer- member of the Florida Writer's Association, and I hope to teach law some day soon after I have logged some years in private practice and earned some experience and requisites for teaching. Stay safe brother- I hear Georgia is currently under a State of Emergency due to the weather...

This post was edited on 2/12 12:53 PM by advarkas
There you have it, thanks for posting it.
Originally posted by GILL06:

A news article just came out that Sam's father is having serious issues dealing with Sam's Announcement....His statement

"I couldn't eat no more, so I went to Applebee's to have drinks," said Sam Sr. "I don't want my grandkids raised in that kind of environment...I'm old-school. I'm a man and a woman type of guy."

This coming from his own father, he is an old school type of guy...means he doesn't have to accept any one else's view on homosexuality, including the views of his own son.
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Originally posted by GILL06:

Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by GILL06:

Being gay and black are not comparable Civil Rights issues: Case in point. The gay football player could still get a job back in the 70's or 80's, because for 1. he does not have to disclose his sexual orientation as a homosexual, 2. It does not ask it on his job application.

He disclosed his orientation because he wanted to. He could have simply said that the question has nothing to do with football or how well he will play it.

You are not born gay, you may think people are, but there is no evidence to support it.

CD you suggested that animals are gay, some are also born as albinos, which is a genetic error or mutation, these animals do not live very long in the wild.

Some lions resort to homosexuality in the absence of a female. There is no such thing as a clown fish being born female, the oldest male in a community becomes female when the previous one dies.

I assume in nature homosexuality is out of necessity, it would be hard to pass this "homosexual" trait when it is impossible to reproduce in that manner.

Humans are different, they have the ability to rationalize and they have emotions. Some women get hurt by men consistently, and turn to other females for comfort...thinking they will not be hurt by another woman.

About 6 years ago in an Ebony magazine issue, they talked about how black women on college campuses were having a higher level of homosexual experiences, which was contributed to the lack of Black Men on their college campus and over abundance of Black men in prison.

My brother has been in prison for 20 plus years, he has made 6 kids on the small amount of time he has been out of prison. He is 6ft 3 about 245 pounds. I would be lying to you if I told you he never engaged in homosexual behavior....

My question to you is this?
He loves women, he has 6 kids and a slew of women writing him in prison...How does he satisfy his sexual urges being in a prison for that long? You may say he was born with it. I think he is just a lazy azz bum that wants to do wrong?
I wouldn't assume anything. I never said animals are gay. I said there is homosexuality in every species. That is every species known to it is not out of necessity. It is not a defect because these are all Gods creatures. You are suggesting there is something wrong with his/her creations. It is the circle of life. That is all. A part of nature and it isn't anything to make a big deal out of at all. IT doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever that someone is Gay...or black, or white, or anything.

What you are saying can be turned around into suggesting if something isn't as you think it should be there is a defect. You could say maybe someone is black due to a defect in nature or necessity. To me it is all bullsh't. We are who we are meant to be. We are not meant to be the same. WE are all meant to be different for a reason. This is part of the genius.
so homosexuality and gay are two different things? There is not homosexuality in every animal. The Killer Whale is a monogamous animal, even after the death of its mate it may not mate again with any other mate. Homosexuality in the animal kingdom is mostly out of necessity....there are no gay animals that just happen to like the same sex. In nature an animal's extinct is to procreate...for survival. Man has emotions and a need to fit in. In nature its the survival of the fittest...there is no Civil Rights on the plains of the Sahara Desert.

I appreciate your comments, no one is getting beside themselves with crazy comments. Sure God doesn't make mistakes, but people do. No one has accountability anymore just do what feels good....go figure
Okay, this what you are saying is not true. The killer whale is not a monogamous animal. There are males and females and the females reproduce.
Why would you check out a guy's dick while he is pissing next to you? That is not normal behavior , I'm surprised "Roger" didn't mind you staring at his cock.

Originally posted by TexasCane4Ever:

Originally posted by theguv:
If a teammate in a locker room checked him out, it wouldn't matter if he was gay or not, it would be an issue.
True but a straight guy wouldn't be checking out another man.


I was pissing before a hs game when roger, our star rb who is black walked up beside me to whizz. I looked at him, then down. Looked back on mine, then checked his out again and said "dam roger, how big is your dick!

Envyous....not lust. lol. That is 100% true!

LOL. Dude, your insecurities just get the best of you. My last post was to lighten things up a bit. Are you an edgucated man or a man born with common sense? I'm the latter. Your quickly getting on my personal dumbass circle of idiots I've seen here in the past year....stop!
What does them reproducing and being male and female have to do with the point Gill made?Monogamous means they stick to only one sexual partner.
Originally posted by cdwright40:
Originally posted by GILL06:

Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by GILL06:

Being gay and black are not comparable Civil Rights issues: Case in point. The gay football player could still get a job back in the 70's or 80's, because for 1. he does not have to disclose his sexual orientation as a homosexual, 2. It does not ask it on his job application.

He disclosed his orientation because he wanted to. He could have simply said that the question has nothing to do with football or how well he will play it.

You are not born gay, you may think people are, but there is no evidence to support it.

CD you suggested that animals are gay, some are also born as albinos, which is a genetic error or mutation, these animals do not live very long in the wild.

Some lions resort to homosexuality in the absence of a female. There is no such thing as a clown fish being born female, the oldest male in a community becomes female when the previous one dies.

I assume in nature homosexuality is out of necessity, it would be hard to pass this "homosexual" trait when it is impossible to reproduce in that manner.

Humans are different, they have the ability to rationalize and they have emotions. Some women get hurt by men consistently, and turn to other females for comfort...thinking they will not be hurt by another woman.

About 6 years ago in an Ebony magazine issue, they talked about how black women on college campuses were having a higher level of homosexual experiences, which was contributed to the lack of Black Men on their college campus and over abundance of Black men in prison.

My brother has been in prison for 20 plus years, he has made 6 kids on the small amount of time he has been out of prison. He is 6ft 3 about 245 pounds. I would be lying to you if I told you he never engaged in homosexual behavior....

My question to you is this?
He loves women, he has 6 kids and a slew of women writing him in prison...How does he satisfy his sexual urges being in a prison for that long? You may say he was born with it. I think he is just a lazy azz bum that wants to do wrong?
I wouldn't assume anything. I never said animals are gay. I said there is homosexuality in every species. That is every species known to it is not out of necessity. It is not a defect because these are all Gods creatures. You are suggesting there is something wrong with his/her creations. It is the circle of life. That is all. A part of nature and it isn't anything to make a big deal out of at all. IT doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever that someone is Gay...or black, or white, or anything.

What you are saying can be turned around into suggesting if something isn't as you think it should be there is a defect. You could say maybe someone is black due to a defect in nature or necessity. To me it is all bullsh't. We are who we are meant to be. We are not meant to be the same. WE are all meant to be different for a reason. This is part of the genius.
so homosexuality and gay are two different things? There is not homosexuality in every animal. The Killer Whale is a monogamous animal, even after the death of its mate it may not mate again with any other mate. Homosexuality in the animal kingdom is mostly out of necessity....there are no gay animals that just happen to like the same sex. In nature an animal's extinct is to procreate...for survival. Man has emotions and a need to fit in. In nature its the survival of the fittest...there is no Civil Rights on the plains of the Sahara Desert.

I appreciate your comments, no one is getting beside themselves with crazy comments. Sure God doesn't make mistakes, but people do. No one has accountability anymore just do what feels good....go figure
Okay, this what you are saying is not true. The killer whale is not a monogamous animal. There are males and females and the females reproduce.
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The father comments are his opinion as all of ours are our opinion. Everyone is entitled to them...but he should never be telling the NY Times this. It is more important to support your own kid publicly than express your own feelings. That is just sad. You have to defend your son in public no matter what. Too bad.
LMFAO, what the fk will I ever do if I get in the guy who likes to look at guy's dicks circle of idiots?...Heaven forbid. LMAO at you asking if I'm an "edgucated" man.
Originally posted by TexasCane4Ever:

Why would you check out a guy's dick while he is pissing next to you? That is not normal behavior , I'm surprised "Roger" didn't mind you staring at his cock.

Originally posted by TexasCane4Ever:

Originally posted by theguv:
If a teammate in a locker room checked him out, it wouldn't matter if he was gay or not, it would be an issue.
True but a straight guy wouldn't be checking out another man.


I was pissing before a hs game when roger, our star rb who is black walked up beside me to whizz. I looked at him, then down. Looked back on mine, then checked his out again and said "dam roger, how big is your dick!

Envyous....not lust. lol. That is 100% true!

LOL. Dude, your insecurities just get the best of you. My last post was to lighten things up a bit. Are you an edgucated man or a man born with common sense? I'm the latter. Your quickly getting on my personal dumbass circle of idiots I've seen here in the past year....stop!
  • Like
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Originally posted by LoveTHUGU:
What does them reproducing and being male and female have to do with the point Gill made?Monogamous means they stick to only one sexual partner.

Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by GILL06:

Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by GILL06:

Being gay and black are not comparable Civil Rights issues: Case in point. The gay football player could still get a job back in the 70's or 80's, because for 1. he does not have to disclose his sexual orientation as a homosexual, 2. It does not ask it on his job application.

He disclosed his orientation because he wanted to. He could have simply said that the question has nothing to do with football or how well he will play it.

You are not born gay, you may think people are, but there is no evidence to support it.

CD you suggested that animals are gay, some are also born as albinos, which is a genetic error or mutation, these animals do not live very long in the wild.

Some lions resort to homosexuality in the absence of a female. There is no such thing as a clown fish being born female, the oldest male in a community becomes female when the previous one dies.

I assume in nature homosexuality is out of necessity, it would be hard to pass this "homosexual" trait when it is impossible to reproduce in that manner.

Humans are different, they have the ability to rationalize and they have emotions. Some women get hurt by men consistently, and turn to other females for comfort...thinking they will not be hurt by another woman.

About 6 years ago in an Ebony magazine issue, they talked about how black women on college campuses were having a higher level of homosexual experiences, which was contributed to the lack of Black Men on their college campus and over abundance of Black men in prison.

My brother has been in prison for 20 plus years, he has made 6 kids on the small amount of time he has been out of prison. He is 6ft 3 about 245 pounds. I would be lying to you if I told you he never engaged in homosexual behavior....

My question to you is this?
He loves women, he has 6 kids and a slew of women writing him in prison...How does he satisfy his sexual urges being in a prison for that long? You may say he was born with it. I think he is just a lazy azz bum that wants to do wrong?
I wouldn't assume anything. I never said animals are gay. I said there is homosexuality in every species. That is every species known to it is not out of necessity. It is not a defect because these are all Gods creatures. You are suggesting there is something wrong with his/her creations. It is the circle of life. That is all. A part of nature and it isn't anything to make a big deal out of at all. IT doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever that someone is Gay...or black, or white, or anything.

What you are saying can be turned around into suggesting if something isn't as you think it should be there is a defect. You could say maybe someone is black due to a defect in nature or necessity. To me it is all bullsh't. We are who we are meant to be. We are not meant to be the same. WE are all meant to be different for a reason. This is part of the genius.
so homosexuality and gay are two different things? There is not homosexuality in every animal. The Killer Whale is a monogamous animal, even after the death of its mate it may not mate again with any other mate. Homosexuality in the animal kingdom is mostly out of necessity....there are no gay animals that just happen to like the same sex. In nature an animal's extinct is to procreate...for survival. Man has emotions and a need to fit in. In nature its the survival of the fittest...there is no Civil Rights on the plains of the Sahara Desert.

I appreciate your comments, no one is getting beside themselves with crazy comments. Sure God doesn't make mistakes, but people do. No one has accountability anymore just do what feels good....go figure
Okay, this what you are saying is not true. The killer whale is not a monogamous animal. There are males and females and the females reproduce.
What does sticking with one sexual partner have to do with being gay? Being Gay doesn't imply you have multi partners at all.
Thats his opionion, he's entitled to it. Freedom of speech, we still have that right don't we? or does it only count if we agree with what the left leaning media says.
CD, don't start with the deflecting bull. I have kept it civil with you and simply asked a question, even though I admit it was obvious you thought monogamous meant asexual. I'm not going to play the little game with you and go into your tangent. Just thank me for teaching you something today and move on.
Originally posted by cdwright40:
Originally posted by LoveTHUGU:
What does them reproducing and being male and female have to do with the point Gill made?Monogamous means they stick to only one sexual partner.

Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by GILL06:

Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by GILL06:

Being gay and black are not comparable Civil Rights issues: Case in point. The gay football player could still get a job back in the 70's or 80's, because for 1. he does not have to disclose his sexual orientation as a homosexual, 2. It does not ask it on his job application.

He disclosed his orientation because he wanted to. He could have simply said that the question has nothing to do with football or how well he will play it.

You are not born gay, you may think people are, but there is no evidence to support it.

CD you suggested that animals are gay, some are also born as albinos, which is a genetic error or mutation, these animals do not live very long in the wild.

Some lions resort to homosexuality in the absence of a female. There is no such thing as a clown fish being born female, the oldest male in a community becomes female when the previous one dies.

I assume in nature homosexuality is out of necessity, it would be hard to pass this "homosexual" trait when it is impossible to reproduce in that manner.

Humans are different, they have the ability to rationalize and they have emotions. Some women get hurt by men consistently, and turn to other females for comfort...thinking they will not be hurt by another woman.

About 6 years ago in an Ebony magazine issue, they talked about how black women on college campuses were having a higher level of homosexual experiences, which was contributed to the lack of Black Men on their college campus and over abundance of Black men in prison.

My brother has been in prison for 20 plus years, he has made 6 kids on the small amount of time he has been out of prison. He is 6ft 3 about 245 pounds. I would be lying to you if I told you he never engaged in homosexual behavior....

My question to you is this?
He loves women, he has 6 kids and a slew of women writing him in prison...How does he satisfy his sexual urges being in a prison for that long? You may say he was born with it. I think he is just a lazy azz bum that wants to do wrong?
I wouldn't assume anything. I never said animals are gay. I said there is homosexuality in every species. That is every species known to it is not out of necessity. It is not a defect because these are all Gods creatures. You are suggesting there is something wrong with his/her creations. It is the circle of life. That is all. A part of nature and it isn't anything to make a big deal out of at all. IT doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever that someone is Gay...or black, or white, or anything.

What you are saying can be turned around into suggesting if something isn't as you think it should be there is a defect. You could say maybe someone is black due to a defect in nature or necessity. To me it is all bullsh't. We are who we are meant to be. We are not meant to be the same. WE are all meant to be different for a reason. This is part of the genius.
so homosexuality and gay are two different things? There is not homosexuality in every animal. The Killer Whale is a monogamous animal, even after the death of its mate it may not mate again with any other mate. Homosexuality in the animal kingdom is mostly out of necessity....there are no gay animals that just happen to like the same sex. In nature an animal's extinct is to procreate...for survival. Man has emotions and a need to fit in. In nature its the survival of the fittest...there is no Civil Rights on the plains of the Sahara Desert.

I appreciate your comments, no one is getting beside themselves with crazy comments. Sure God doesn't make mistakes, but people do. No one has accountability anymore just do what feels good....go figure
Okay, this what you are saying is not true. The killer whale is not a monogamous animal. There are males and females and the females reproduce.
What does sticking with one sexual partner have to do with being gay? Being Gay doesn't imply you have multi partners at all.
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Originally posted by LoveTHUGU:
CD, don't start with the deflecting bull. I have kept it civil with you and simply asked a question, even though I admit it was obvious you thought monogamous meant asexual. I'm not going to play the little game with you and go into your tangent. Just thank me for teaching you something today and move on.

Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by LoveTHUGU:
What does them reproducing and being male and female have to do with the point Gill made?Monogamous means they stick to only one sexual partner.

Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by GILL06:

Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by GILL06:

Being gay and black are not comparable Civil Rights issues: Case in point. The gay football player could still get a job back in the 70's or 80's, because for 1. he does not have to disclose his sexual orientation as a homosexual, 2. It does not ask it on his job application.

He disclosed his orientation because he wanted to. He could have simply said that the question has nothing to do with football or how well he will play it.

You are not born gay, you may think people are, but there is no evidence to support it.

CD you suggested that animals are gay, some are also born as albinos, which is a genetic error or mutation, these animals do not live very long in the wild.

Some lions resort to homosexuality in the absence of a female. There is no such thing as a clown fish being born female, the oldest male in a community becomes female when the previous one dies.

I assume in nature homosexuality is out of necessity, it would be hard to pass this "homosexual" trait when it is impossible to reproduce in that manner.

Humans are different, they have the ability to rationalize and they have emotions. Some women get hurt by men consistently, and turn to other females for comfort...thinking they will not be hurt by another woman.

About 6 years ago in an Ebony magazine issue, they talked about how black women on college campuses were having a higher level of homosexual experiences, which was contributed to the lack of Black Men on their college campus and over abundance of Black men in prison.

My brother has been in prison for 20 plus years, he has made 6 kids on the small amount of time he has been out of prison. He is 6ft 3 about 245 pounds. I would be lying to you if I told you he never engaged in homosexual behavior....

My question to you is this?
He loves women, he has 6 kids and a slew of women writing him in prison...How does he satisfy his sexual urges being in a prison for that long? You may say he was born with it. I think he is just a lazy azz bum that wants to do wrong?
I wouldn't assume anything. I never said animals are gay. I said there is homosexuality in every species. That is every species known to it is not out of necessity. It is not a defect because these are all Gods creatures. You are suggesting there is something wrong with his/her creations. It is the circle of life. That is all. A part of nature and it isn't anything to make a big deal out of at all. IT doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever that someone is Gay...or black, or white, or anything.

What you are saying can be turned around into suggesting if something isn't as you think it should be there is a defect. You could say maybe someone is black due to a defect in nature or necessity. To me it is all bullsh't. We are who we are meant to be. We are not meant to be the same. WE are all meant to be different for a reason. This is part of the genius.
so homosexuality and gay are two different things? There is not homosexuality in every animal. The Killer Whale is a monogamous animal, even after the death of its mate it may not mate again with any other mate. Homosexuality in the animal kingdom is mostly out of necessity....there are no gay animals that just happen to like the same sex. In nature an animal's extinct is to procreate...for survival. Man has emotions and a need to fit in. In nature its the survival of the fittest...there is no Civil Rights on the plains of the Sahara Desert.

I appreciate your comments, no one is getting beside themselves with crazy comments. Sure God doesn't make mistakes, but people do. No one has accountability anymore just do what feels good....go figure
Okay, this what you are saying is not true. The killer whale is not a monogamous animal. There are males and females and the females reproduce.
What does sticking with one sexual partner have to do with being gay? Being Gay doesn't imply you have multi partners at all.
Hey man you don't have to keep anything civil with me. You asked me a question and I answered it. If you don't like the answer then so be it.
Originally posted by BAMA CANE.:

Thats his opionion, he's entitled to it. Freedom of speech, we still have that right don't we? or does it only count if we agree with what the left leaning media says.
Shout all the stupid homophobic crap you want. No one is going to stop you. No one is going to throw you in jail. No one is going to take your ability to seek recourse in the courts away, or prevent you from voting. Or worship in the church of your choice. You will remain a citizen. What may happen is that a growing number of people will think you're a homophobic bigot. Maybe they're wrong. Doesn't matter because your rights in a free society are protected. What's not protected are your feelings.
Jonathan Vilma on Michael Sam. Get real!

To all the doctors saying being gay/attracted to men is a "lifestyle choice": Hey geniuses since the first day I got "excited" at a woman I never sat down pondered the pros and cons of sex with women and men then officially made the "decision" for my penis to get hard when seeing women, but remain disinterested when seeing men. Or was my penis born with a 2nd advanced brain that was making those "choices"? I think I missed that part of biology/science class!

Vilma is telling the honest truth of what he would feel if a gay teammate shared the locker room. I think Vilma is an insecure ignorant moron, but he is telling the truth on how he would feel. However any man saying being gay is a choice is apparently very conveniently having amnesia about the moment in early life where all our one eyed trouser snakes awoke for the first time due to a female crossing our path.

Please explain to me how with the knowledge that all of us (non gay people) as very young boys never made a conscience choice for who or what got us sexually turned on; knowing that from your own life how do you all scream being gay is absolutely a choice? Please explain in detail that (mental and physical) process of choosing.

Also explain how all of you magically had your penis cease to be excited by a man again since you are apparently clearly stating as boys all of you got wood from being around men then made that "choice" to be straight the rest of your life and never get wood for men again. Because by saying being sexually attracted to men is a choice you therefore are stating you had to un-choose it in order to be only attracted to women. Logic and intelligence are a Bitch!

Please enlighten me because all I remember as a boy was instant wood at finding my step dad's playboys and never once to this day, never getting wood from seeing any men showing their bodies. Never once from birth, never pondering a "choice" then my penis following only after I made a "choice". Please clear up for me how I made that "choice"?

Being uncomfortable of an unknown situation is one thing, but the "it is a choice" crowd shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that fear and hate absolutely cause people to lose all reason and rational behavior! Get real!

This post was edited on 2/12 7:47 PM by ocean1023

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